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Running head:E-cigarettes and its’ Impact on Millenials 1

E-cigarettes and its’ Impact on Millenials

Evan S. Kaczmarczyk

Nevada State College

E-cigarettes and its’ Impact on Millenials 2

E-cigarettes and its’ Impact on Millenials

Do millenials want to die at age 25? Do they want lung cancer? Do they want to be

responsible for killing the next generation? Many possible outcomes can occur when a

millennial chooses to use e-cigarettes. Yet why do millenials make the choice to use

e-cigarettes in the first place? How do e-cigarettes affect them? What long term problems

can e-cigarettes cause? In this research, we will discover how e-cigarettes today impact

millennials by its’ popularity influence, its’ damages on their body now, and the long term

effects in the future.


Students all around the globe are envious with the idea of popularity. Because of

popularity, millenial’s are influenced to partake in bad decisions, which can be associated with

using e-cigarettes, causing problems to arise to “become popular”.

How Popularity Influences the Use of E-cigarettes

Popularity, which is the state of being liked or admired, is a disease that students today

think is what they need in life to make friends, become successful in life, and gain admiration

from others. Unfortunately, e-cigarettes are a part of this disease in the millennial generation and

influence them to use them due to popularity.

​It makes millenials think they are “cool”. ​Because so many teens today, otherwise

known as millennials, are often afraid of the judgement of others, they try to seek ways on how
E-cigarettes and its’ Impact on Millenials 3

people can like them. Yet sometimes, they tend to draw the attention of the wrong types of

people. Instead of making friends with the positive, safe millennials, some might get along with

negative teens who commit acts that can harm themselves or others. In relation to negative teens,

sometimes other millennials are influenced try substances in their body that they try to make

themselves admired by others. Although it is a common occurance to millennials today,

millennials are influenced by becoming “popular” all the time. Yet only millennials have the

desire to become popular and commit acts that can harm themselves based on the people they

hang around with. Although the discussion is all millennials in today’s generation, there is a

difference on how e-cigarettes being used through positive and negative students. According to

Raychelle Cassada Lohmann in the article “The Vaping Trend”​, ​millennials seem to do whatever

the “new trend” is during that time. She explains how since the new trend is vaping, which is a

form of e-cigarettes, the millennials during that time also vape due to them thinking since they

are pursuing the new trend, they could become “popular”.

Millennials could be judged negatively if they don’t use e-cigarettes. ​Often in society,

specifically the millennial generation, image is a huge thing and how they are being perceived.

Meaning, as discussed in “E-cigarettes Spark Interest Among Millenials”, Anne Marie Kelly

discusses how because of millenials image in trends today through social media and the

community, the increase in e-cigarettes has been drastic due to people’s judgement of whether or

not they use e-cigarettes. In the past year, about forty percent of adults and teens who smoked or

used e-cigarettes were millennials. This is because of the trend of e-cigarettes, millennials tend to

think if they don’t continue or grow the trend, their life could be judged and affect how their life

would be.
E-cigarettes and its’ Impact on Millenials 4

How e-cigarettes can harm millennials in the present.

Due to the trend of e-cigarettes, many different ways of harm can affect millennials

because of the numbness the nicotine of the e-cigarette gives them. Because of this, many

internal and external problems can occur to them due to the harm being done without them even

realizing that it’s happening.

It can cause internal health problems. ​According to the Center for Tobacco Control

Research and Education, when millennials inhale the contents within an e-cigarette, they can

already have a high risk of getting heart attacks at a young age more than the regular contents in

a regular cigarette. Not only can millennials receive diseases by using e-cigarettes, they can also

receive damage to their immune system, causing damage to them. According the Forbes, one

e-cigarette is equal to 20 regular cigarettes, causing more damage than intended.

It can harm their education in school. ​The Deutsche Welle states that millenials can

obtain depression during the use of e-cigarettes, due to the fumes traveling to the inhabitants

brain and messing with their mental state. Since e-cigarettes cause a sort of “high”, making a

numb feeling comes across the brain, it can damage one’s brain. Yet because millennials are so

young and their brain is not fully developed into an adult’s brain yet, many problems can occur,

and the use of e-cigarettes do no support the developing of that brain. With millennials today

handling their stressful hours from work or school, depression is a major factor of their mental

state, so if millennials use e-cigarettes, it only hurts them instead of curing them, as stated from

the U.S. Surgeon General.

Their social life could be in danger. ​Millennials today are always distracted on the task

that is at hand or the trend that is growing at that time. So if e-cigarettes are always the focus on
E-cigarettes and its’ Impact on Millenials 5

millenials mind, as stated by marketing specialist, Heike Young from the “Salesforce Blog”,

millenials are more focused on experience. So if millennials have more experience with

e-cigarettes, they would not be focused on anything else but that e-cigarette. This can cause

millennials social life to suffer due to all of their time being used to smoke an e-cigarette or be

on a “high” from the intake of the vape.

How e-cigarettes can harm millennials in the future.

The future is important to the lives of millenials, yet it can be affected by the early-on

usage of e-cigarettes. Because of the use of e-cigarettes as teens from ages 13-17 as a millenial,

the long term damage that comes with it is brutal, and can cause problems that are too hard to

recover from, or expensive to fix, due to the difficult cure of diseases and the financial downfall

a millennial could gain due to using their money on e-cigarettes due to habit.

Diseases can arise. ​Although diseases can occur during a millennial uses an e-cigarette,

the constant use of the vape can cause long term effects due to the ingredients within it. Because

of the nicotine within the e-cigarette, it takes longer to deplete or go away. So whenever it is in a

millenials body, it can cause the systems within it to become unstable and cause diseases to

occur. If the e-cigarette has caused damage to any internal system, a millenial could receive

cardiovascular disease overtime due to the deterioration of the body. Also, in terms of the

inhalation of the deadly chemicals within the e-cigarette from when a millennial inhales it, it can

cause lung disease. Because of these many diseases, the body inside overtime starts to not

function properly all because a millennial wanted to feel the “high” of an e-cigarette from when

they were younger. Because of the e-cigarette trend in millenials, at least 1 out of 5 millenials

use e-cigarettes according to Yasmin Tayag, meaning that one out of five can be a reason for
E-cigarettes and its’ Impact on Millenials 6

why it gained the diseases it had and the decrease in the millennial generation during that time

period. The worst possible thing that has happened due to e-cigarette use other than disease is


Money could become tight. ​When a millennial starts an addiction, or to be more specific,

an e-cigarette addiction, they tend to learn habits. If a millennial learns the habit of going out and

buying an e-cigarette, they will also get in the habit of spending $6 each on one e-cigarette. If

one could add up the money, if a millennial buys 2-cigarettes and uses both of them each day for

the whole year, the millenial has wasted at least $4,500. Now depending on what age level the

millennial is at, that money could have been used for better purchases, such as buying gas,

saving money for the future, or paying off college tuition. Yet because the millennial got in a

habit of buying e-cigarettes and using them because the were influenced to do so when they were

young, they wouldn’t be able to pay off loans or any activity that involves money due to the fact

that they spent all of their money all year on e-cigarettes, causing problems for their social life to

not work out as they hoped it would.

Conclusions and Future Study

​E-cigarettes today are a danger to millennials and proves that many disadvantages

harm their present and future. Due to the many ways e-cigarettes can be a disadvantage to

millenials, we need to stop e-cigarettes growth before it decreases the human population

today, and in the future. Without e-cigarettes, the millennial generation would be safe from

harm in society.
E-cigarettes and its’ Impact on Millenials 7


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E-cigarettes and its’ Impact on Millenials 8

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