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CASE N-504-1 ‘CASES OF ASME HOILER AND FRESSURE VESSEL.CODE: vero Dae: gun 9803 ‘Sextet epton Case N04 Alternative Rules for Repair of Class 1,2, and 3 ‘Austenitic Stiles Steel Piping Seeton XI, Division 1 Inquiry: Under he rats of WB.4120, [WC-4120, IWD-4120, in Etons op to and inching the 1986 Eton wih te 1987 Addenda in WA-#300 i ote Bitons aed Addenda, « defect may be reticed io 4 aw ofaczpable size by either mechanical or thermal reas. AS an allemative, sit permissible to establish the aceptbliy of defect ie accordance with IN. ‘3640 by increasing te pipe wall hikes by depston ‘of weld infrcement mater on th uti surface of the pie? Reply: is the opiaon of the Commits tha, i ew ofthe reguiemeats of IWE-4120, 1WC-4120, or IWD: 4120 in Eos up to and including the 1986 Fiton with he 1987 Addenda, end in TWA-H200 in eter Ea ions and Addenda, the acceptability ofa defect in aus ‘eit snes ste! piping may be established in ac cordance with IWB-3640 by. deposition of weld reinforcement (weld overly) on the ouside surface of the pipe, provided the following requremeas ate met “a) The repair sal be pefonned in accordance with «Repair Program’ satishng the ruirement of 1WA- 4000 in the Eton and Addenda of Section app able tothe plant in-service inspection pogo er ion and Addenda, (b) Reinforcement veld metal sll below cabon (0.035 ati aes sel applied 460 deg. ‘round te cicumfernce oft pipe, and sal be de posted in accordance with 2 quaibed welding proce- hore speciation det inthe Repair Program, [e) Proto deposition of the wel enforcement, the surface tobe oaiel shal bo examined by the guid "Yen apg Cat ian Aon er a i159 Btn, essa Rp Ppa ad sap Pn. ons pensrast meth, Indications greater than "ein. are lunceeplable and shal be prepared for weld reinforce renin acordance with (1) oF (2) blow () Unaceepable indication shall be excavated 0 the extent necessary Yo create a cavity that can be re ‘re using guid welding pocedars, (2) One or more lajem of weld overlay sll be pple to seal naceepabeindationsinthe are to Be ‘pire withou excavation. The thickness of tee a= shall not be included in meting weld reinforcement ‘ssge thickness maureen (4) I te prepartion of (2X1) oF @) above is r= quite, the ara where the weld riforcement io be epost, inluding any teal repais o iil weld ‘overlay lier, shal be examined by the uid pentane ‘eth, apd sll contain inctions reser than "igi Bort applcton ofthe struct Iyer ofthe wold over. (0) "The well infernal oie mini mur of two weld njors having ar deposted dla fer ‘He coment of at leas 7.3 FN The fist layer of weld ‘metal wih delta fete coment of at last 7.3 FN shall conta the fist layer ofthe Weld reinforcement de Signthickness.Altemately, fest ayers of at east FN ‘maybe acepable based on evaluation (1) Design ofthe weld reinforcement shall provide for acess forthe examinations required by (0) and) below, an al be in acsordene with (1), (2). or 8) below (i) For cicumtereially oriented Mes seater fon 10% of the pipe circumference, axial fs greater than 15 in in Tenth, oF more than 5 axial Maw of any length, the weld reinforcement stl pro- vide the acessary wall thicktes (0 satis the fy craustion procedures of IWB-3640 from the 1983 Boon sith the Winter 1985 Addenda, or ltr El tions and Adena, The flaw shall be assumed to be 100% trough the oxgisl pie wal thickness for he cate creumforece of te pipe, The axial length and end slope ofthe reinorezmant shall be seffcent to provide for oud wedistrbuton fom the pipe into the deposited weld meta and back imo the pipe with- fut wating appiable ses its of Sexton I for pimary local and Bending siesses and secondary ‘CASE (continued) N-504-1 ‘CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE, peak steases, (These requirements will usually be {tified if the ovtiay full thickness Iength extends ‘aly at least .75VRE beyond each end of the ob- served flaws, where R and are the outer rads and ‘nominal wall thickness of the pipe, prior to deposit ing the weld overlay, and the end slope is no steeper than 45 dep) (@) Whea thre ate fower than fve axial faws, ‘ach los than LS in. in length, and shor cireumfer- ‘ati Naw, the combined Iength of which does not ‘exceed 10% ofthe pipe circumference, an alternative ‘weld reinforcement thickness may be used In deter ining the combined length of cteurferenil vs for comparison with this nt, multiple laws shall be tteated as one faw of length equal tothe sum of the lengths ofthe individual flaws characterized in ac- cordance with IWA-S300, Te fa shal be assumed to be 100% throw the orginal pipe wal thickness with ckeumferensal length equal to the combined ‘ireumferentil length of the fas. Following appli- Cation of weld reinforcement, the assumed flaw shall meet the flaw acceptance evtra of TWB-3640 from {he 1983 Eddon with the Winter 1985 Addenda or later Eons and Addenda. The axial length and fend slope requirements shall mect the criteria of (1) above. (3) For weldments with four or fewer ana avs, each less than 15 in. in Jeng, and no cireumfer- ental flaws, the weld reinforcement shall have suf- Telentthekness to stay the roqutements of (e) above. No additonal structural enforcement re- (uired. The ail length ofthe weld overay shall ‘over the weldment and the heat affected zone on ‘ach side ofthe weldment, wk a minionum overlap ‘of non each end of he observed favs. The end ‘slope shall mect the erteria of (1) above (a) An evaluation of the repaired weldment, as well as ber welés and components in the stem alfleced by the weld reinforcement, shall be per formed in accordance with (1 through (3) below. (1) The Owner shall comply with 1WA-1400(9) ‘om the 1989 Edin with the 1990 Addenda (2) For repaired weds the evalation shall eon sider residual stresses produced by the weld overisy With other applied lads onthe system. The etfs ‘of water backing on the repair weld shall be consi fered. The evaluation shall demonstrate thet the re ‘uiremens of IWE.3610 from the 1983 Editon with the Winter 1985 Addenda, or Inter aitions and Ad: ends are satisfied for the design life of th ropa, consiering potential flaw growth duc to fatigue and ‘the mechanism believed to have caused the fav. The fay grovth evaluation sal be performed in accord- ance with Appendix C. When stuctural ereitis fen for SAW of SMAW weld metal inthe orginal pipe weldment or the weld very, the evaluation ‘eguicements of Tables IWB-36415 and IWB-3541- 6 shal be applied, {@) The crluaton of other welds snd compo nont nth stem shall consider potential inveases in loading, including shrinkage effects, due to al ‘weld oeriys in the system, and shall ently and record the magnitude and location of the maximum Shrinkage sues develope. These welds and com nents shall meet the applicable sires limits ofthe CConstuction Code. Shrinkage stresses shall be ia- ‘ude with other applied loads onthe syetm in ay 1TWB.3640 flaw evaluations required forthe system, In addition, the effet of shrinkage from weld over- Jayson the affected portion ofthe system restraints, supports, nd snubbers shall be evaluated to deter. imine whether design tolerances ae exceeded. (i) The completed repair shall be pressure tested ‘in accordance with IWA:S000 Tf the Maw penetrated the exiginal presure boundaty porto welding, oF i any evidence of the Maw penetrating the presure boundary i observed during the welding operation, ‘system hydrostatic text shall be performed in a cordance with LWA-SOUD, If the system presure ‘boundary has not been penetrated a system leakage, inservice, or fonetional test shall be performed in ‘accordaice with TWA-SO0. i Preserie examination of the completed re par shall be performed in accordance with IWB- 220. For all lasses of components, liquid penetrant and ultasonic examination ofthe completed weld ‘pale stall be performed. Examination procedures shall be spesfed in the Repair Program Tae ac- ceptance standards of Table 1WB-3514-2 shall apply Ultrasonic exertions shall verify the iategsity of ‘he newly applied weld reinforcment Fuaminations Shall also be pexformed to idntiy the original Baws fn the outer 259 of the underlying pipe wall at « benchmart for subsequent examinations ofthe ov clay. Grizding and machining of the as-velded ot clay surface may te used to improve the surface finish fr such examinations, wiva the overay thick ests not reduced below design requirements, () Nondestructive examinations shall include the ‘wed and volume identified in () above {@) After competion of al repair activities thea {ected restrain, supports, and suber shall be VT- 3 visually examined to determine if design tolerances (0 All other applicable sequiremente of TWA 4000 and TWB-400,IWC-00, or IWD-4000 shall be met (rm) Use of tis Case shall be documeated on an NIS2 form, CASE (continued) N-504-1

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