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Letter to Self

From an early age, while attending the Cedros Government Primary School, I knew that I

wanted to become a teacher. I am grateful to those teachers who made me feel accomplished in

my learning and developing life skills. Back then, in what was referred to as “The Country”, the

teacher was the sole bearer of information. The methodology was simple and from this recipe,

knowledge was imparted.

I highly valued my teachers as educators and the impact that they had on our lives as

students. They took care and pride in shaping us, the future of our society through those learning

experiences. I desperately wanted to be part of that change to the lives of others, through this

noble profession. After completing secondary level education, I knew that teaching was indeed

my calling. I volunteered to be part of a teacher assistance program in my former primary school,

which was a stone’s throw away from my home.

However, it was only when I became a student of the Valsayn Teachers’ College that my

eyes were opened to the field of Physical Education and Sport. Then I knew that becoming a

Physical Education Teacher at the Secondary Level was indeed my true calling.

I began teaching Physical Education at Vishnu Boys’ Hindu College in 2010 after

approximately nine years of teaching at the primary level. Over time, as I developed, I tweaked

my methods to accommodate the curriculum as well as my students’ needs. Each year that went

by, I yearned for betterment and took the initiative to be part of any course offered in my

curricular field and in the field of teaching. Initially, resources were a sore point at my school,

especially equipment and infrastructure, but we managed just fine.

The Post Graduate Diploma in Education Program caught my interest, as it was herald as

an academic stepping-stone to achieve professional development. This was my fifth attempt at


signing up to be part of the program. I am both grateful and excited to be included this year as I

look forward to the wealth of knowledge that awaits.

God will indeed have to grant me the will in managing my time and obligations,

especially with my responsibilities to my wife and two children, my job and other ongoing

commitments. I intend to work diligently, to keep abreast with the requirements while

assimilating the wealth of knowledge that I so yearn for.

With God, my wife and my kids at my side, I know and believe that I can power through

all diversities and accomplish what I set my mind and heart to achieve. Deep within me, I know

that this program will afford me the most modern teaching tools and methods, along with the

technological aids to assist my teaching methods in becoming a most prolific individual and

master teacher. I eagerly look forward to absorbing it all and building it into my uniqueness as a

quality teacher of the twenty-first century.


My Formal Self

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