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International Journal of Integrated Care – Vol. 3, 18 March 2003 – ISSN 1568-4156 – http://www.ijic.


PRISMA: a new model of integrated service delivery for the

frail older people in Canada
Réjean Hébert, MD Mphil, Scientific Director, Institute of Aging, 1036 Belvédère Sud,Sherbrooke, Québec, J1H 4C4,
Pierre J. Durand, MD MSc, Institute of Aging, 1036 Belvédère Sud, Sherbrooke, Québec, J1H 4C4, Canada
Nicole Dubuc, PhD, Institute of Aging, 1036 Belvédère Sud, Sherbrooke, Québec, J1H 4C4, Canada
André Tourigny, MD, Institute of Aging, 1036 Belvédère Sud, Sherbrooke, Québec, J1H 4C4, Canada
The PRISMA Group, Institute of Aging, 1036 Belvédère Sud, Sherbrooke, Québec, J1H 4C4, Canada

Correspondence to: Réjean Hébert, MD Mphil, Scientific Director, Institute of Aging, 1036 Belvédère Sud, Sherbrooke,
Québec, J1H 4C4, Canada, E-mail: rhebert@courrier.usherb.ca

Purpose: PRISMA is an innovative co-ordination-type Integrated Service Delivery System developed to improve continuity and
increase the efficacy and efficiency of services, especially for older and disabled populations.
Description: The mechanisms and tools developed and implemented by PRISMA include: (1) co-ordination between decision-makers
and managers, (2) a single entry point, (3) a case management process, (4) individualised service plans, (5) a single assessment
instrument based on the clients’ functional autonomy, and (6) a computerised clinical chart for communicating between institutions
for client monitoring purposes.
Preliminary results: The efficacy of this model has been tested in a pilot project that showed a decreased incidence of functional
decline, a decreased burden for caregivers and a smaller proportion of older people wishing to be institutionalised.
Conclusion: The on-going implementation and effectiveness study will show evidence of its real value and its impact on clienteles
and cost.

health services for the aged, integrated service delivery systems, frail elderly, programme evaluation

Although the problem of continuity applies to and is services involving numerous practitioners and partners
significant for all health care and services, it is partic- have been developed over the past twenty years to
ularly acute at the present time in regard to the frail try to meet these needs. However, continuity-related
elderly. Many factors—demographic (accelerated age- problems compromise both service accessibility and
ing of the population), social (break-up of families, the efficiency of health care services. For example:
children moving away to find work), economic (low multiple entry points, service delivery which is influ-
income women living alone), health (increased life enced by the resource contacted rather than the user’s
expectancy, high incidence of disabilities) and finan- need, numerous redundant evaluations of clienteles
cial (reduced health care budgets)—are putting strong not using standardised tools, inappropriate use of
pressure on both the demand for and the supply of costly resources (e.g. hospitals, emergency services),
services for this clientele. Functional decline generates waiting time for services, inadequate transmission of
an increased need, for both the dependent individuals information, and the piecemeal response to needs w2–
and their families, for evaluation, treatment, rehabili- 4x. In a situation where resources are scarce and the
tation, psychological and social support, help to demand for services is increasing, it is essential to
remain at home, and temporary or permanent long- ensure that the services meet the users’ needs, with-
term care facilities w1x. These multiple needs can also out duplication and as efficiently as possible. There-
change quickly over time due to the biological, psy- fore, there is an urgent need to provide managers and
chological and social vulnerability of this frail clientele. decision-makers with reliable data on the process and
In terms of supply, a wide range of resources and impact of mechanisms and tools designed to improve

This article is published in a peer reviewed section of the International Journal of Integrated Care 1
International Journal of Integrated Care – Vol. 3, 18 March 2003 – ISSN 1568-4156 – http://www.ijic.org/

the continuity of care and services and to establish a members of the multidisciplinary team who evaluate
monitoring system so that it is possible to adapt and treat the clients are based. Clients are selected
quickly and effectively to changes in the demand for according to relatively strict inclusion (degree of dis-
services. Last but not least, these mechanisms and ability compatible with admission to a nursing home)
tools could subsequently be adapted to care and and exclusion (e.g. behavioural problems) criteria.
services for other clienteles that also present conti- These systems usually function in parallel with the
nuity problems (e.g. mental health, young people with socio-health structures in place. Services are delivered
physical andyor intellectual disabilities). by structures operated by the system or by external
Continuity refers to the organised, co-ordinated and structures linked through contracts (hospitals, speci-
steady passage of individuals through the various alised medical care, long-term care institutions). An
elements in a system of care and services w5x. It evaluation of these programmes in the USA w12x
comprises two aspects: the short-term aspect (syn- showed that they have an impact on the number and
chronic) relates to the application of an intervention duration of short-term hospitalisations, the number of
and concerted, co-ordinated service plan over a given admissions to long-term institutions, drug use, mortal-
period; the long-term aspect (diachronic) relates to ity and the cost of services. However, this study did
monitoring and harmonising intervention and service not include any specific control groups and the data
plans over a protracted period. This later aspect has from the PACE projects were only compared to nation-
also been called ‘‘longitudinality’’ by Starfield w6x. al statistics for groups whose comparability is ques-
Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) programmes have tionable. In Northern Italy, Barnabei et al. w13x showed
been developed to improve continuity and increase with a randomised controlled trial that a programme
the efficacy and efficiency of services, especially for of integrated social and medical care and case man-
older and disabled populations. Kodner and Kyriacou agement is effective in reducing admission to institu-
define integrated care as ‘‘a discrete set of techniques tions and functional decline in older people living in
and organisational models designed to create connec- the community.
tivity, alignment and collaboration within and between The Social HMO in the United States w14x and the
the cure and care sectors at the funding, administra- SIPA (‘‘Systàme de services intégrés pour personnes
tive andyor provider levels’’ w7x. According to Leutz, âgées en perte d’autonomie’’) project in Montreal are
there are three levels of integration: (1) linkage; (2) also integrated services but do not include a Day
co-ordination; and (3) full integration w8x. Centre w15x. However, home care services are provid-
ed by personnel hired by or under contract with the
organisation. All these fully integrated models are
The three levels of integrated nested in the usual health and social services in a
service delivery particular area but are run in parallel to them. They
do not involve significant changes to the structure or
At the linkage level, organisations may develop pro- processes of existing services, except for the negoti-
tocols to facilitate referral or collaboration to deal with ation of protocols for referring clients to ISD and the
patients’ needs. However, the organisations continue provision of some services not covered by ISD. Cap-
to function within their respective jurisdictions, respon- itation budgeting is usually a key component of these
sibility and operational rules. In Canada, since the programmes.
health care system is universal and mainly publicly The other level of integrated care, co-ordination,
funded, there are already many initiatives and pro- involves the development and implementation of
grammes in the health care system that integrate defined structures and mechanisms to manage the
services at the linkage level. complex and evolving needs of patients in a co-
ordinated fashion. Every organisation keeps its own
At the other end of the spectrum, the full integration
structure but agrees to participate in an ‘‘umbrella’’
level, the integrated organisation is responsible for all
system and to adapt its operations and resources to
services, either under one structure or by contracting
the agreed requirements and processes. At this level,
some services with other organisations. Many exam-
the ISD system is not only nested in the health care
ples of this level of ISD programmes have been
and social service system but is embedded within it.
developed. In the United States, the California On Lok Figure 1 and Table 1 compare the co-ordination model
project w9x gave rise to the PACE (Program of All with the full integration model.
inclusive Care for the Elderly) projects w10x. In Cana-
da, the CHOICE (Comprehensive Home Option of Systems
Integrated Care for the Elderly) project in Edmonton
is an adaptation of the PACE projects w11x. These (Continuous-lined boxes means that the organisations
programmes are built around Day Centres where the are fully independent in their structure and man-

This article is published in a peer reviewed section of the International Journal of Integrated Care 2
International Journal of Integrated Care – Vol. 3, 18 March 2003 – ISSN 1568-4156 – http://www.ijic.org/

Figure 1. Comparison of two models of Integrated Service Delivery.

agement; dotted-lined boxes means that part of the nicians for client monitoring purposes. These tools not
autonomy of the organisations is transferred to the only facilitate the delivery of services adapted to the
integrated structure.) (Figure 1). clients’ needs but can also continuously monitor the
resources and manage the supply of services effec-
The PRISMA (Program of Research to Integrate the tively and efficiently. Since this model of co-ordinated
Services for the Maintenance of Autonomy) project in system was developed to fit in a publicly funded health
the Province of Quebec is an example of this type of care system, capitation budgeting is not an essential
integrated care w16x. This article will describe in more component and funding of the system can be included
detail the integrated care mechanisms and tools devel- as part of the agreement between organisations.
oped and implemented by PRISMA. The mechanisms
refer to (1) co-ordination between decision-makers
and managers at the regional and local level, and the Description of the PRISMA model
use of (2) a single entry point, (3) a case management
process and (4) individualised service plans. The tools Co-ordination between institutions is at the core of
refer to (5) a single assessment instrument coupled the PRISMA model. Co-ordination must be established
with a management system based on the clients’ at every level of the organisations. First, at the stra-
functional autonomy, and (6) a computerised clinical tegic level (governance), by creating a Joint Govern-
chart for communicating between institutions and cli- ing Board (‘‘Table de concertation’’) of all health care

Table 1.

Elements of Integrated Care Co-ordination Model Full Integration Model


Link with the health care system Embedded within Nested in

Co-ordination Essential at all levels Essential for clinical work only

(governance, management,

Case manager Essential (works with existing Essential (with a

teams in services) multidisciplinary team)

Single entry Essential Not essential (referral

procedure only)

Individualised service plan Essential Essential

Unique assessment tool Essential for all partners and Essential for internal purposes
services only
Computerised clinical chart Essential for all partners and For internal use only

Budgeting Negotiation between partners Capitation essential plus

(capitation not essential) contract with external services

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International Journal of Integrated Care – Vol. 3, 18 March 2003 – ISSN 1568-4156 – http://www.ijic.org/

Table 2. Admission criteria to an Integrated Service Delivery System

● To be over 65 years ol

● To present moderate to severe disabilities (SMAF score G out of 87)

● To show good potential for staying at home

● To need two of more health care or social services

and social services organisations and community institutions or services. Family physicians should be
agencies where the decision-makers agree on the one of the case manager’s primary collaborators
policies and orientations and what resources to allo- because, in addition to being the main medical prac-
cate to the integrated system. Second, at the tactical titioner, they are pivotal in regard to access to and co-
level (management), a Service Co-ordination Com- ordination of specialised medical services. On the
mittee, mandated by the Board and comprising public other hand, the case manager relieves family physi-
and community service representatives together with cians of some of their burden by facilitating access to
older people, monitors the service co-ordination mech- and co-ordinating the rest of the social and health
anism and facilitates adaptation of the service con- interventions. Figure 2 illustrates the case manager’s
tinuum. Finally, at the operational level (clinical), a place in the network.
multidisciplinary team of practitioners surrounding the
case manager evaluates clients’ needs and delivers The individualised service plan results from the
the required care. overall assessment of the client and summarises the
prescribed services and target objectives. It must be
The single entry point is the mechanism for access- led by the case manager and established at a meeting
ing the services of all the health care institutions and of the multidisciplinary team including all the main
community organisations in the area for the frail se- practitioners involved in caring for the older person. In
nior with complex needs. It is a unique gate which services or programmes where multidisciplinary meet-
older people, family caregivers and professionals can ing processes are already in place, the case manager
access by telephone or written referral. A link is estab- joins this process without duplication. The individuali-
lished with the Health Info Line available to the general sed service plan includes the intervention plans of
population in Quebec seven days a week, 24 hours a each of the practitioners and must be reviewed
day. Clients are referred to the ISD system after a periodically.
brief needs assessment wtriagex to ensure they meet
the eligibility criteria for the integrated system (Table The single assessment instrument is an essential
2). Otherwise, they are referred to the relevant service. element in this ISD model. It must allow for evaluating
ISD eligible clients are then referred to a case man- the needs of clients either at home or in institutions.
ager. From previous work w17x, we have developed a The instrument must measure the clients’ disabilities,
quick 7-question screening instrument (PRISMA-7) to resources and handicaps. The SMAF (Systeme de
be used by professionals and nonprofessionals mesure de l’autonomie fonctionnelle—Functional
to identify clients who should present moderate to Autonomy Measurement System) is a 29-item scale
severe functional decline and be eligible for ISD. This developed according to the WHO classification of
screening tool is used for triage either at the single- disabilities w19x. It measures functional ability in five
entry point or in volunteer agencies, and health and areas: activities of daily living (ADL) (7 items), mobility
social services (emergency rooms, physicians’ offices, (6 items), communication (3 items), mental functions
home care services, etc.). (5 items) and instrumental activities of daily living
(IADL) (8 items). For each item, the disability is
The case manager is responsible for doing a thor- scored on a 5-point scale: 0 (independent), y0.5
ough evaluation of the client’s needs, planning the (with difficulty), y1 (needs supervision), y2 (needs
required services, arranging to admit the client to help), y3 (dependent). The resources available to
these services, organising and co-ordinating support, compensate for the disability are also evaluated and
directing the multidisciplinary team of practitioners a handicap score is deducted. The stability of the
involved in the case, and monitoring and re-evaluating resources is also assessed. A disability score (out of
the client. In a randomised trial, Eggert et al. w18x y87) can be calculated, together with subscores for
showed that case management is more effective, if each dimension. The SMAF must be administered by
the case manager is not just a service broker but is a health professional who scores the subject after
also actively and directly involved in delivering the obtaining the information either by questioning the
services to the client in hisyher area of expertise. The subject and proxies, or by observing and even testing
case manager should be legitimised to intervene in all the subject. This instrument has been submitted to a

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International Journal of Integrated Care – Vol. 3, 18 March 2003 – ISSN 1568-4156 – http://www.ijic.org/

Figure 2. The PRISMA model of Integrated Service Delivery System.

number of validity and reliability studies w20, 21x. can inform the other clinicians of the client’s progress
Correspondence of the SMAF score with the required and changes in the intervention plan. The CCC is part
nursing-care time and the cost of long-term care, of the management system and thus provides an
either at home or in different institutional settings, has interface between the clinical information and the
also been established w22x. management information. A CCC called the SIGG
(‘‘Système d’information géronto-gériatrique’’) has
A case-mix classification system based on the SMAF been developed and implemented in a pilot project in
has also been developed w23, 24x. Fourteen ISO- Victoriaville (Quebec, Canada). This shareable, clin-
SMAF profiles were generated using cluster analysis ical chart is common to all the professionals in the
techniques in order to define groups that are homo- service continuum for the older person. It uses the
geneous in regard to their profiles, but heterogeneous Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services Internet
in other respects. These analyses were carried out network and Lotus Notes.
with the data from a provincial study done by our team
on nearly 2000 subjects living at home or in different
types of residential facilities w22x. By linking the eval- On-going studies on PRISMA
uation of the ISO-SMAF autonomy profile of an older
person to the amount and cost of the resources that model
person requires, based on hisyher living situation
(community-living, institutionalised, etc.), it is a quick The PRISMA group has implemented this model in
and easy task to monitor the clinical, administrative two CLSC (‘‘Centre local de services communautai-
and research data. These profiles are used to estab- res’’) territories in the Victoriaville region (the Bois-
lish the admission criteria to the different institutions Francs project). The purpose of this pilot project was
and to calculate the required budget of the institutions, to evaluate, using a quasi-experimental design, the
given the autonomy of their clientele w25x. In a health implementation and impact of this model for commu-
care system with multiple sources of funding, this nity-living clienteles w26x. Two cohorts of subjects in
system could be used as a basis for capitation the study (ns272) and control (ns210) areas were
budgeting. followed and evaluated annually over a three-year
period (1997 to 2000). One of the main outcomes of
In addition, implementation of an integrated system the study, functional decline, was defined as either
like this requires the deployment of a continuous death, institutionalisation and significant increase in
information system and the use of computerised disabilities (difference of 5 points or more on the
tools to facilitate communications and ensure the SMAF scale). In the study, there were fewer people
continuity of services. Through a computerised clinical who experienced a functional decline in the study
chart (CCC), all the practitioners have quick access group for those with moderate to severe disability at
to complete, continuously updated information and entry but not for the ones with mild disability. This

This article is published in a peer reviewed section of the International Journal of Integrated Care 5
International Journal of Integrated Care – Vol. 3, 18 March 2003 – ISSN 1568-4156 – http://www.ijic.org/

effect was significant at 12 months (49.1% vs. 31.3 system. Although it requires a larger sample size, this
ps0.002) and tended to remain at 24 months (35.9 strategy will enable us to measure the real population-
vs. 25.9 ps0.066). Desire to be institutionalised al effectiveness and to estimate the system penetra-
showed a significant decrease in the experimental tion rate (accessibility). Using a list from the Quebec
group at 12 and 24 months. Caregivers’ burden was Health Insurance Board, a sample of people over 75
significantly lower in the study group than in the control were selected and sent a postal questionnaire al-
group at 12 and 24 months. Although the utilisation ready developed and validated by our team w28x. The
pattern of acute care hospitals was similar, the risk of responses to this questionnaire or the fact of not
returning to the emergency room within 10 days after returning it establish a risk of presenting a significant
a first visit or after discharge from an acute care functional decline over the next year. Since the annual
hospital was significantly greater in the control group. incidence of functional decline in this group is esti-
The risk of being institutionalised tended to be greater mated to be 48% w28x, it is probable that the great
in the control group (RRs1.44; ps0.06). majority of subjects selected in this way will contact
the socio-health network during the two years of the
Based on these preliminary results, the group is now study. After being informed of the study and agreeing
extending this model to CLSC territories in other to participate, the subjects were evaluated at pretest
regions in the Eastern Townships that present different (T0) and will be reassessed annually over a two-year
environments: presence of multiple and university period (T1, T2). The variables measured are: func-
institutions, urban versus rural, presence or absence tional autonomy (SMAF), satisfaction in regard to the
of an acute care hospital. The evaluation of the imple- services received, client empowerment, caregivers’
mentation focuses on the process of implementing the burden, utilisation of health services and social serv-
mechanisms and tools and how they function. The ices, and drug use. An economic analysis is also
objective is to explain the variations observed between being performed.
the different implementation settings using a case
study approach developed by Yin w27x. The questions
that are documented try to define the extent to which Conclusion
the clientele using the services corresponds to the
clientele initially targeted; if the services delivered PRISMA is an innovative co-ordination type ISD mod-
correspond to those planned; and if the delivery pro- el. Since it is embedded within the usual health care
cedure corresponds to the one initially defined. Other and social services system, this model could be more
questions focus on evaluating the process itself and appropriate to the Canadian universal and publicly
identifying its strengths and weaknesses in order to funded health care system than the fully integrated
reinforce or correct some of the elements comprising models tested so far. However, it requires a shift from
the new mechanisms and tools. The unit of analysis the traditional institution-based approach to a client-
wcasex is each of the selected CLSC territories centred approach and tremendous efforts in co-ordi-
involved in the study. The main variables and dimen- nation at all levels of the organisations. The on-going
sions studied are: involvement of the decision-makers studies will show if the model could be generalised to
in the implementation; whether the main users have other areas with different characteristics and show
the same understanding of the mechanisms or tools; data on its impact on clienteles and cost. Other studies
the population reached, productivity achieved, delays are planned to focus on specific aspects of the model:
encountered, sources of references, time breakdown an evaluation of the CCC to describe its perceived
in relation to the mechanism functions, clinician-client usefulness by the older people and the clinicians and
interactions, problems identified, facilitating factors, its real use; a socio-political analysis of the different
etc. Data are collected from the policy-makers, man- roles played by the provincial, regional and local levels
agers, clinicians, as well as clients and informal care- to facilitate or constrain the implementation of inte-
givers using different methods (interviews, focus grated care; and the development of a conceptual
groups, surveys). framework to assess quality of health care and social
services in an integrated care model.
Effectiveness is being evaluated using a quasi-exper-
imental design (pre-test, multiple post-tests with con- The next step will be to test the model elsewhere in
trol group). As opposed to the Bois-Francs pilot project Canada and in other countries. In other health system
where efficacy was measured using service users as contexts, the mechanisms and tools will probably have
subjects, this study measures the effectiveness by to be adapted. For example, in multi-payer systems,
selecting a sample of older individuals ‘‘at risk’’ of the management tool (ISO-SMAF profiles) could be
using the services. It employs a different sampling used for funding or in the capitation payment cal-
strategy from that used to recruit the users in the culation.

This article is published in a peer reviewed section of the International Journal of Integrated Care 6
International Journal of Integrated Care – Vol. 3, 18 March 2003 – ISSN 1568-4156 – http://www.ijic.org/

Finally, the PRISMA group is also a unique partnership research teams wResearch Centre on Aging in Sherbrooke
experience between researchers, managers and poli- and Laval University Geriatric Research Team in Quebec
cy-makers. Representatives of the managers and Cityx and several health organisations in the Province of
decision-makers form an integral part of the research Quebec: Ministry of Health and Social Services, five Region-
team and are participating at every stage in the al Health and Social Services Boards wEstrie, Mauricie-
Centre-du-Québec, Laval, Montérégie, Quebec Cityx, and
studies, i.e. developing the protocol, finding funding,
the Sherbrooke Geriatric University Institute. PRISMA is
conducting the studies and analysing and presenting
funded by the Canadian Health Services Research Foun-
the results. This exceptional partnership is possible dation, the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec
because of the close links developed over the last few wFRSQx, and the partnering organisations. Many projects
years between the researchers, managers and deci- run by the PRISMA group are also funded by the Canadian
sion-makers. These productive experiences are proof Institutes of Health Research.The PRISMA Group includes
of the value of the links between these different the following members:Réjean Hébert, MD MPhil; Nicole
groups. In addition to periodical general meetings Dubuc, PhD; Danièle Blanchette, PhD; Gina Bravo, PhD;
where all the projects are discussed, the researchers Martin Buteau, DSc; Johanne Desrosiers, OT PhD; Marie-
and managers are divided into mixed project teams France Dubois, PhD; Maxime Gagnon, MSc; Linda Millette,
to develop and conduct the various studies. Repre- MD MScwcx; Pascale Morin, RD PhD; Michel Raıche, MSc;
sentatives of the managers and decision-makers and Michel Tousignant, pht PhD; Anne Veil, MSW; Alain Ville-
members of the research team also participate in neuve, DBA wResearch Centre on Aging, Sherbrookex;
discussions with the Regional Health and Social Serv- Pierre J. Durand, MD MSc; André Tourigny, MD MBA; Any
ices Boards involved in implementing the mechanisms Bussière, MPs; Diane Morin, RN, PhD; Daniel Pelletier,
and tools used in the research programme. Seminars MPs; Line Robichaud OT PhD; Louis Rochette, MSc; Mich-
and colloquia are organized to present and discuss èle St-Pierre, PhD; Aline Vézina, PhD wGeriatric Research
Team, Quebec Cityx; Louis Demers, PhD; Michèle Houpert,
the results of the studies or to review methodological
MScwcx; Judith Lavoie, MSc wTélé-Université, Quebec Cityx;
questions. This partnership ensures the relevancy of
Pierre Bergeron, MD PhD; Philippe De Wals, MD PhD
the research projects and fosters the quick translation wNational Public Health Institute, Quebecx; Anne Lemay,
of research findings into better interventions, services PhD wCHUMyMontreal University Health Centre, Montrealx;
and policies. Lysette Trahan, PhD wQuebec Ministry of Health and Social
Servicesx; Michèle Paradis, MSc wQuebec Regional Boardx;
Linda Dieleman wEstrie Regional Boardx; Irma Clapperton;
Vitae Jocelyn Lavallée; Éliane Lafleur, MBA wLaval Regional
Boardx; Line Beauchesne, MSc; Lucie Bonin, MD MSc;
Danièle Laurin, PhD; Hélaine-Annie Roy, MSW; wMauricie-
PRISMA wProgram of Research to Integrate the Services for Centre-du-Québec Regional Boardx; Hung Nguyen wMontér-
the Maintenance of Autonomyx is a partnership between two égie Regional Boardx.

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This article is published in a peer reviewed section of the International Journal of Integrated Care 8

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