Identity College Essay

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Running Head: 8 Years In The Making Kaz

8 Years In The Making

Evan S. Kaczmarczyk

Coronado High School

8 years in private catholic school in Mobile, Alabama. 8 years seeing the same faces

and wearing the same white, plain school uniforms. 8 years without discovering my personality.

8 years with rules on how to act and what to do. 8 years of me not being myself. But when those

8 years finally ended, high school was an opportunity for a fresh start in a new state, it was time

to find my identity. Moving to Las Vegas was an opportunity to find myself and find out who I

wanted to be. Though it took some time for me to finally realize who I am today. Right when I

moved into my apartment that my family and I would be making accustomed to, my freshman

year of high school began. At school, not knowing anyone and basically being a mannequin, I

acted very shy and not normal. I dressed with clothes that clashed and didn’t look right. I had a

faceless face that spoke only what I knew what to say for the past 8 years that numbed my true

self today. Being no one at a new school was hard, but eventually I started to become someone

overtime. But it wasn’t friends or family that made me become no one. It was the new struggles I

had to deal with that peeked my identity. You see, my parents were having financial problems
Running Head: 8 Years In The Making Kaz
that affected our family. They were struggling with finding jobs, getting a decent pay, paying the

bills and insurance on time, being able to pay for school, and having the chance to buy food so

we could have meals everyday. Because of all of these financial problems too, my parents would

fight constantly. Tears would be shed, things would be said that were meaningless, and things

were thrown. As a thirteen year old child with no identity, it was hard to not deal with these

problems. Yet that’s when my identity started to show. Because of all the negativity, I would try

to be positive. That was one of the many traits I found out about myself. Around the same time I

discovered Youtube. Financial issues were still a problem, and I found out that Youtubers could

make money on the platform by posting videos. Putting my positive skill to use, I figured that I

should post Youtube videos and make money to financially support my parents. That was the day

I discovered another perk of my identity, which was kindness. With these two traits that I

discovered with my identity, I used them to socialize and make friends. Overtime, the more

Youtube videos I watched and posted, the more I would make friends and discover my true

identity. During this time, I met my idol who influenced Youtube for me, gone through many

videos, host a foreign exchange student, and become TikTok famous. Now, almost 4 years after

being no one, I have finally found my true identity, which is to be someone. That someone today

is stronger than ever and is waiting for the future to come. The moral is, no one can become

anyone, if you find yourself along through the journey.

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