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Number 2

The ARRL Experimenters' Exchange

In this second issue, Qex welcomes Mark There has been an explosion of video
Forbes, KC9C as a regular columnist to keep equipment on the market for home video re-
us abreast of new components of interest to cording as well as some reasonably priced
Amateur Radio experimenters . As a research gear sold for plant and office security .
and development engineer, Mark sees most of While realizing that most ATV hardware will
the new components as they are introduced . be homebrew or used/surplus variety, some
If you become aware of a new component that of these new gadgets on the market should
Mark hasn't covered, you might drop him a have an impact on some of the more sophis-
line and give him what information you can ticated ATV systems . An example of an ex-
dig up . citing new product is Hitachi's VK-Cl000
tubless color video camera priced under
I'm seeing some good manuscripts on a $2000 .
variety of subjects, as you can tell from
those in this issue . I'd like to try to A quick scan of past Amateur Radio lit-
stimulate prospective authors by tossing erature on direction finding might lead one
out a few ideas for articles for QEx . to conclude that the state of the art in-
volves wiring up discarded broom handles for
Can someone write an article on designing 2-meter DF antennas . A good article on
power supplies with 3-terminal regulators? fixed and portable DF systems would be most
What types are available? What are the heat welcome .
sinking requirements? Does anyone have ex-
perience with the new Intersil ICL7663/7664 Many of the ICs on the market today have
CMOS Programmable Micropower Voltage Regu- hidden attributes that you could pass along
lators? to your fellow experimenter in an article .
As an example, it is possible that a stage
Not too much has appeared in amateur in an analog IC designed as an audio oscil-
literature concerning surface acoustic wave lator might work in the rf region as well .
(SAW) filters . A practical design article Digital chips also have unadvertised fea-
on SAW filters would be useful . tures (and flaws) that could be documented
in Qex by someone in the know .
There are a number of analog ICs that
are approaching a complete receiver in one The design of an uninterruptible power
chip . An article examining these chips and supply (UPS) for a repeater or home station
their possible amateur applications would would be a good topic for an article .
seem to be a good one .
Packet radio is ripe for numerous arti-
Similarly, there are chips that are al- cles . Local area network and internet pro-
most complete transr :itters . An example is tocols are now in the formative stages .
the Motorola MC1374 TV Modulator Circuit Many of us could use a down-to-earth (non-
which was designed to generate a TV signal math) article on error-correcting codes and
with sound for various TV games . how they might be applied to Amateur Radio
hf and vhf packet links . A good, cheap,
RFI is a particularly sore subject these easily reproduced Bell 202-compatible modem
days . Those experimenters who have tried to is very much needed . This list could go on
integrate a computer into their ham shacks and on .
are aware of the hash generated by digital
equipment due to the fast rise times . What I probably missed some of the obvious
are the effective and economical precautions experimental subjects of interest . Start
and remedies? How does one go about metal your own list of needed projects and art-
coating plastic cases, and is it effective? cles . Half of the battle is thinking of a
A good article on this subject would make a topic and writing the first few words . The
worthwhile contribution about now . rest is down hill . - W4RI
Algorithmic State Machine
for Remote Receiver Link
System Controller
By Eric Smitt, K9ES*

As trustee for a repeater in central Mas- up-down counters which are used to address
sachusetts, I was asked to design a remote the control program stored in PROM . The
receiver link and a controller for all the counter can be preset to a new number, or
hardware . Many ideas were researched . The the present count can be increased by 1 to
least expensive and possibly the most reli- provide a new address . The decision whether
able system proved to be an "Algorithmic to enter a new value or just increase the
State Machine," or ASM for short . present value by 1 is a function of the al-
gorithm and logic . The logic actually tests
The task of a controller is to take spe- conditions and makes judgments on the re-
cific control signals from the remote re- sults of the test .
ceiver and control the operation of a remote
link transmitter . Many FCC rules governing The control program is written into a
this operation can be written into a flow- special memory, called a PROM . I selected a
chart form of a computer program . This flow PROM with a field of 32 locations with 8
chart, or algorithm, dictates when to turn bits per location (32 x 8) . The IC actually
the link transmitter on and when to shut it contains an array of 256 fusible links .
off . It generates identification at the Each link can be blown by a programming de-
proper time and controls the various audio vice . There are 5 input lines and 8 data
paths within the link system . It keeps time output lines in each PROM, with a chip en-
on the transmitter, and in the case of a able line . The input lines are called an
time out, turns the transmitter off . Final- address, and the output lines are the con-
ly, it can be remotely controlled for master tents of the address . I used 2 PROMs for a
override (presently only by local control at 16-bit-wide control store and used 16 of the
the remote receiver site) . 32 possible addresses .

A controller for this task could be ap- The next portion of the algorithmic state
proached from many angles - all the way from machine is the register which stores the
analog timers and TTL gates to a micropro- data from the PROMs . This storage is ne-
cessor such as a 6802 . But I decided that a cessary because the data will be changing
micro would be overkill, because no math was during the period that the address lines
required, and the algorithmic state machine change and when the output signals might
would serve us best . The unit described is glitch . The register stores the data once
our actual one which is in service on the the PROM output is stable and holds the data
Data General Radio Club repeater on 145 .270 stable during the period that the PROM ad-
MHz . The unit is made from 74LS and 74S TTL dress lines are changing . The register is
and consists of 26 integrated circuts for also designed to drive the many control
the actual controller and a pair of dual op lines within the logic . I selected 74LS374
amps and analog CMOS switches for the audio and 74S374 ICs as the 16-bit register . The
circuitry . The PROMs are low cost 82S23 or upper 8 bits from the PROM go to the
6330 devices . The total cost is much lower 74S374, and this register drives all the
than a microprocessor, and the timing ac- control lines . The lower 8 bits go to a
curacy is magnitudes better than monostables 74LS374 register, with 3 bits feeding the
or 555 timers . test multiplexer (MUX), and 5 bits feeding
the data input of the 74LS193 sequencers .
Block Diagram
The final portion of the algorithmic
The algorithmic state machine is broken state machine is the logic for the clock
into basic units (see Fig . 1) . The control generation (see Fig . 2) . Sixty-Hz ac is fed
sequencer is a pair of 74LS193 presettable from the power transformer into a 7404 buf-
fer and network . The output is a squared-
off signal, high for 9 .16 ms and low for
9 .16 ms . This is fed into the clock inputs
of a 7476 dual J-K flip flop . With the ad-
dition of a 7410 IC, a dual-phase clock is
produced, with a frequency of 15 Hz . CLK-A
*Data General Amateur Radio Club, Data feeds the sequencer, and CLK-B feeds the re-
General Corp ., 4400 Computer Drive, gister . Additional hardware for the algo-
Westboro, MA 01581 rithmic state machine provides two timers

QEX February 1982

and a cw generator . The first timer takes Bit 2 CW Enables cw sequence when link
the 60-Hz clock and divides by 21,600 . The is present
second timer divides the 60 Hz by 72,000 . Bit 3 Vt Feeds CTCSS encoder audio to
Each timer is under direct control from bits 450 transmitter
in the algorithmic state machine, and each Bit 4 ACT Allows 3-minute timeout
timer feeds a D-type flip flop which gene- counter to count
rates a signal to feed the algorithmic state Bit 5 CALF Resets timeout flag
machine test multiplexer . Each flip flop Bit 6 IZA`T Allows 10-minute i-d required
(flag) can be cleared by the control bits of counter to count
the algorithmic state machine . Bit 7 CIACf Resets cw time flag
Bits 8 - 10 Test condition select
Cw Generator Sequencer Bits 11 - 15 New address if test result is
The cw generator is synchonous with the
ASM because it is clocked by a phase-related The test-condition-select MUX receives 7
clock of CLK-A . An 8-bit up counter, simi- states from the logic of the ASM and the
lar to the counter in the sequencer of the control bits for the selection . If ASM con-
algorithmic state machine, addresses both a trol program output lines 8, 9 and 10 have
PROM and a MUX, similar to the test MUX in logic states 1, 1 and 0 respectively, the
the ASM . Because cw information is serial MUX selects input 6 and feeds the binary
in nature and because the PROM puts out 8 state of input 6 to the true and the reverse
bits per addressed word, the MUX cycles of input 6 to the false output . If input 6
through the output data from the PROM and has a logic 1 on it, the true output will
provides a parallel-to-serial conversion . have logic 1, and the false output will
The output of the MUX drives a CMOS analog have logic 0 . If the input 6 were logic 0,
switch which places a sine-wave audio tone the false output would be logic 1, and the
on the main audio line in the transmitter . true output would be logic 0 . Thus, a logic
The cw circuit gets enabled by a bit of the 0 input on a selected line will produce a
ASM and then gets triggered to start by the false signal, and a logic 1 input on a se-
bit which places the transmitter on the air . lected line will produce a true signal . If
Upon completion of the identification, a the true signal is present, when CLK-A goes
signal called CWDONE can be tested by the high, the control sequencer will increment
ASM . The completion signal comes from the its count . If the false signal is present,
up counters reaching a given state . This the control sequencer will be set to the
signal "M" resets the 2 flags which stop count present on the new address field when
the sequence clock to the cw generator and CLK-A is high .
generates CWDONE . Cw time is set at 15 Hz,
which, works out to about 12 wpm . COR and Squelch-Tall Circuitry (Fig . 4)

Basic: Timing of the ASM The COR circuit uses a 74LS122 retrigger-
able monostable flip flop to generate a
The algorithmic state machine is clocked squelch tail upon loss for receiver COR . A
at 15 Hz . When CLK-A goes high, the control variable length delay of 0 .5 to 3 seconds
sequencer will either increment or load a allows the link to remain on the air for
new address . This will take a few hundred periods of time after the receiver has lost
nanoseconds, and the new address will appear a signal . The link will pass the open-
on the address lines to the PROMs . In less squelch noise during this short period, and
than 100 ns, the output of the PROMs will be the voter at the local repeater site can
stable data . 36 .3 ms later, the register determine that the signal-to-noise ratio is
gets clocked, and the data will remain until 1 .0 and not to select the link audio for re-
the next CLK-B signal . The control sequenc- peating . The 74LS122 has 4 different in-
er COUNT UP input is affected only by the puts, and CLK-A retriggers the flip flop .
high-to- low transition of CLK-A AD 1UE, The CTCSS decoder can feed a true input if
but the LOAD input is affected by the entire PL is to be required at the remote receiver .
period that CLK-A AND FALSE is low . The re- The selection of this requirement will pre-
gister is affected only by the low-to-high sently be done by a front-panel switch, but
edge of CLK-B . upon completion of a bi-directional link to
the site, it will be done by the main re-
ASM Control-Bit Assignment peater micro setting parameters in the link
ASM . This is planned for the future, as one
The following symbols are labels which remote receiver is located at the repeater
describe the actual signals used in the cir- site of the Amherst, NH 145 .490 group . Se-
cuit . A label XXX indicates that the true veral other ideas will be studied, including
state will be logic 1 . A label RXX indi- repeater link up and 10-meter fm diversity
cates that the true state will be logic 0 . reception .
This was not done to cause confusion but to
save hardware . Logic 1 in TTL is any level Timers (Fig . 5)
between 4 and 5 volts, and logic 0 is any
level below 1 volt . The following will des- The two timers are straight-forward di-
cribe the machine language of the program : viders using 74LS92, 74LS90 and 74LS390 ICs .
I designed a time out to occur if the link
Bit 0 LINK Enables PTT of 4S0 transmiter transmitter is on the air for longer than 3
Bit :1 21 Feeds 2-meter audio to 450 minutes . The cw i-d time is designed to oc-
transmitter cur at least every 10 minutes . Because the

QEX February 1982 3

control bits from the ASM feed the timer, I the IC is a buffer stage for the mixer, and
decided to use the reset inputs as enables . the other half is the audio mixer . Between
If the bit is high, the counter is reset to the input stages of the mixer and their
zero . When the bit goes low, the counter is sources are the CMOS analog switches . They
enabled, and in the case of the 3-minute provide high isolation when open but add
counter, after 10,800 input counts, the out- only 50 ohms resistance to the closed path .
put will go high . This is fed into the A logic low on the control line will close
clock input of a 74LS74 counter . The D in- the switch, and a logic high will open the
put is held low . Upon the rising edge of switch . The closing and opening time is
the output of the counter string, the Q out- less than 50 ns . The audio mixer is a
put of the 74LS74 will go high . This state straight-forward analog adder, providing an
will remain until the ASM outputs a random output equal to the sum of the inputs . The
control signal called CACT, which will reset total gain of one input versus the output is
thetime-out flag . The Q output is called one, and the output impedance is 10 kO . Le-
TIMEOUT and feeds input 6 of the test MUX . vel adjustment for the cw level, the 2-meter
The ASM can then test the state of the time- audio level and the output feed to the 450
out flip flop as well as reset the flag . mike line is provided . The high-frequency
3-dB roll off of this circuit is near 45
The second timer determines i-d time and kHz, as measured in the lab .
is a chain which divides the 60-Hz input by
36,000 counts as well as setting the CW TIME Power Supply arid Link Construction (Figs .7$8)
flag, . This is also a 74LS74, and the i7 out-
put is called CW TIME and gets fedto input The power supply requirements are simpli-
5 of the test MUX . The signal t1ACT from fied by use of 3-terminal regulators
the ASM resets this flag . wherever possible . A 7812 provides +12 V
for the analog at up to 1 A . A 7912 pro-
Audio Path Circuitry (Fig . 7) vides -12 V for the CMOS analog switches,
and a 323 provides +5 V at 3 A for all TTL
The audio circuitry uses two dual op amps circuitry . Derived from the +12 is a +8-V
(747) in a single-voltage supply and a pair regulator (7808) for the Communications
of Harris HI-200 CMOS analog switches to Specialist CTCSS logic . I selected the
control the audio path within the unit . It IC-701 microcircuit from Comm Spec and built
was determined that we would transmit a it into the logic to provide CTCSS encoding
CTCSS tone on the 450 transmitter whenever and decoding . I feel that this unit is the
the audio being passed over the link should best value for CTCSS work (Communications
be :Fed into the voting system and shut off Specialist, 426 W Taft Ave ., Orange, CA
the PL during periods when the link was 92667) . A separate power supply for +13 .8
identifying in cw . I use the CMOS analog V at 10 A is designed around the LM350 re-
switches to select audio feeds to a 3-input gulator and a pair of 2N3055 pass transis-
mixer which drives the mike line of the 450 tors . This feeds the 2-meter receiver and
transmitter . 450 transmitter . I chose Spectrum Communi-
cations gear for both the link 2-meter re-
ceiver and the link transmitter . The total
It was determined that the audio on the
cw link would come from a sine-wave source . package is housed in an aluminum chassis
This would prevent excessive sideband pro- measuring 17 x 13 x 4 inches . A piece of
ducts from being generated by the 450 G-10 epoxy board is placed on the chassis
transmitter . The 2-meter receiver audio bottom, and the 3 units are housed in indi-
de-emphasis was removed, and the 450 trans- vidual boxes made from the G-10 . All heat
mitter pre-emphasis was removed so that generation is conducted through heat sinks
our voting system could look at unprocessed to have forced-air cooling provided by fans .
audio . To put a square-wave cw source on The power suppply regulators are all mounted
would definitely over-deviate the trans- on a large heat sink external to the box .
mitter . A 555 oscillator was out of the The ac input for the unit has EMI filtering
question . One of the dual op amps is used provided by a Corcom EMI filter and a low-
as a twin-T oscillator . This puts out a pass vhf filter made by ferrite beads and
sine wave with less than 4% total harmonic bypass capacitors .
distortion . The frequency of the audio is a
function of both resistor and capacitor All connections for control and power go
values in the feedback loop between U-27 through feed-through capacitors, and all in-
pins 1 and 12 . I selected mylar capacitors ternal rf connections go through BNC jacks .
as they do not seem to drift with tempera- Audio lines go through RCA audio jacks .
ture . I measured a dozen values at 0 .0047
pF with a digital capacitance meter and se- Wherever possible, shielding is used .
lected two values which were closest to Where air flow is required, copper screen is
each other and half the value of a 0 .01-uF soldered to the G-10 epoxy . Rf integrity
capacitor measured with the same meter . is mandatory, because this location will
This work reduces total distortion on the have high rf fields present . I did not
sine-wave output . Resistors should be 5% dwell on construction for the logic . This
tolerance or better . The frequency of the is because I used a general-purpose wire-
-1 ..lil . -k -J11c uui ai 950 Hz . wrap board to construct the ASM . The layout
which I used in the wire-wrap version is
The second half of the op amp is used to shown in Figs . 9 and 10 . At some later
establish output level for the audio mixer . date, if there is sufficient interest, an
U-28 is another 747 dual op amp . Half of etched-circuit board will be made .

4 QEX February 1982

But, for a single project, wire wrap is the Summary
best method . I soldered resistors and capa-
citors to the board but put sockets in for The algorithmic state machine can provide
all the ICs . a lot of power for a simple or complex con-
trol project . All things considered, the
algorithmic state machine is the best choice
for this application and can be easily ex-
Troubleshooting panded for future applications . An addi-
tional PROM can provide 8 more control func-
Refer to the microsequencer program for tions or allow another test MUX to be selec-
the next step in troubleshooting . The num- ted . A page-select function can expand the
bers referred to are the octal addresses for addressing capabilities by banking the pro-
the control sequencer . You can monitor the gram in pages of 32 instructions and using a
address with a logic analyzer or set of LEDs select MUX to choose which page of PROMs
connected to the address . If you use LEDs, will be selected . The real power is almost
do not overload the address lines . Use a unlimited, and the construction is simple .
74LS04 buffer to drive the LED from +5 V,
limiting LED current with a 1-ko resistor . Determine from your needs whether the ASM
Bench testing the algorithmic state machine is a better solution than a 6802, 8085 or
could prove interesting . Pressing the re- other micro . If you do not need the heavy
set switch and holding it down should stop arithmetic power of a micro, the ASM may be
the clock and place all zeros on the address for you . Steps to use for the design of the
lines to the ASM PROMs . ASM are easily understood .
When the switch is removed, the address 1 . Write down all control signals
should loop from 1 to 5 to 1 . If nothing is (inputs and outputs) to the hardware that
done, it will remain in this loop for 10 you wish to control .
minutes and then jump from 5 to 6, set the
cw flag and jump back to 1 . It will contin- 2 . Prepare a simple flow chart re-
ue to do this loop forever, waiting for a
presenting the steps that you want to use
signal called COR . Then it should jump to control the hardware . Include any tests
from 1 to 2 . It will now start a cw mes- which are to be carried out on various con-
sage and go from 2 to 3 to 15 . It will loop ditions within the hardware . Label each
from 15 to 16 and stay in 16 until the cw major step (a step is a unit of time wherein
message is done . Then it will go from 16 all of the control functions are carried out
to 17 to 4 . At address 4, it will loop back at the exact time or at the same clock
to 2 to 3 to 4 and back to 2 then continue tick) .
this loop until 3 minutes are up . It will
jump from 2 to 7, turn on the cw i-d, jump 3 . Fill in the jumping addresses from
to 13 and stay at 13 until the cw i-d is the test results .
done . Once it is completed, it will go from
14 to 11, turn off the link transmitter and 4 . Label all the control signals out
stay in 11 until the COR signal has cleared . and assign a bit position for each control
This is the completion of the time-out se- signal in the control word .
quence . When the COR has dropped, the ad-
dress will go to 12, enable the cw i-d and 5 . Make a truth table of all the bits
jump to 1 waiting for a COR to occur in the for each word .
first loop described . After timing out, it
will i-d immediately upon receiving the COR 6 . Program the PROMs, construct the
signal . ASM and have fun! 0 Program and Figs . -*

plus postage and handling from Prentice-

Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 .

IEEE Computer Society Tutorials Southeast Computer Group Net

On March 22-26, 1982 the Orlando Marriott W4NNO is net control for this net which
Inn in Orlando, Florida will be the site of meets at 1300 Eastern time on Saturdays and
a solid week of tutorials on a variety of Sundays on 7230 kHz, and 2000 Wednesdays on
subjects . They include VLSI design, micro- 3905 kHz . For a sample newsletter, send an
processor interfacing techniques, graphis s .a .s .e . to Don Johnson, WA4ZMR, Rt . 1, Box
and data communications . Inquire Tutorial 74, Thonotosassa, FL 33592 .
Week East 82, P .O . Box 639, Silver Spr :~ng,
MD 20901, 301-589-3386 . Epson Printer Newsletter

Encyclopedia of Integrated Circuits Epson Information Exchange is published

by Frank Barden for users of the popular
That's the title of a handbook of refer- MX-series printers . It's $12 .00 p ,:~r year
ence data by Walter Buchsbaum . It is $19 .95 from 136 Candlewick Dr ., Wendell, NC 27609 .

OEX February 1982 5

Remote Link Microseauencer Pro4rer


Loc Uctal Her Random Field Test New Address

01 056500 50 45 TUT COR 05
PROM 0, 9-.5 p,
02 102707 85 C7 LlNK,24A,PL,ACT,IACT TIMEOUT 07

03 102615 85 80 L1NK,2"'A,PL,AC1,1ACT CWDONE 15 6 7

04 102542 85 62 LINK,2'1A,FL,ACT,1AL1 ER 02 NwaY6
Is A4 3 M s B

ll Av O 4to D,
05 054641 59 A1 IACT,CAC7 CWTIME 01 01
. 2
At Ce 3 17 0.
06 067041 6E 21 C4,CIACT FALSE 01 If It 7N
11, P, = D.
Cw00NE ~y De 1 13
07 175213 FA 88 LINK,CH,CACT,CIACT 13 BD --J
at -, E e
10 155213 DA 08 LINK,CACT,CT~CT CwDONE 13
al9LSI a s 4I .

11 055151 S4 69 CACT,CIACT CUR 11 X- C-Lwb

12 077441 7F 21 Cw FALSE 01

13 155213 DA 89 LINK,CALF,CIACT CWDONE 13 r,

14 057451 5F 29 FALSE 11

16 153216 06 8E LINK,ACT,CIACT CWDONE 1b

17 102444 85 24 L1Nh,214,PL,ACT .IACT FALSE 04

+ . ;-# + 4 e 4 . . .f
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 1 3 14 151
4 Y . . .v v k . . .f f . ..,

I L 2 C P A C 1 C I T I N E W I
I I M 1 L C A A I I E I I
I N A 7 C C A I S I A D D R E S S I

I K T T C 1 TI I

1 T 1 1 I
f f f A


5 CW 11 uL CONTINUE IF ID TIME REWUIREO Fig . 1 . Algorithmic
State Machine

3 M



Fig . 2 . Basic Clock Generation

Fig . 3 . Cw Generator Sequencer

QEX February 1982

+t 20K

+ IK
214 cDC °
' ; •160
fRU:r _


Fig . 4 . COR and Squelch-Tail Circuitry

6O N-L


N / I +- • •- - I '•1 2 Meter
essseee :e ; l-1 PSC 1 I nual ?I,A111h 11 \ Duple>er
C\ 1 1 2-I I-I Oenaoess Pre .mo I-I as ass>C Receiver
0 .- . . .---I-I Splits 1 , 40 ii V ., 1144 iF I 1 / o Connection
n 1 I+- + 1 n
n I I I n
1 +

1 • t
I 1 1
I I Soectru- Communications 1
? Meter Input I SCR-100 2 Meter Rcvr
I . 13 .5 V
1 Audio So .COR I
............. ............. ...... .
+ e v I 1
12 V
I . 12 V
1 I i I I I .---- • 5 +
I • -+ + ----------- • . -+
+-1 1 1 2 M Aug ?- COI I
1 Co . . I I I Status Lights
1 ee 1 1 A170rethm4C 11 .40 II .Chine I
I So
1 IC- 1 1 Audi . Control I •- • •' .latter Reset
1 loT I I 1
1 I 1 Link Audio I
• •
1 1 1 1

? M . PL R,Qu$red 1 I

1 PtT "$I.e input 1

+ 43 .44 V
I 1
1 Spectrum Communications PF IY4C
I 3CT- •1 0 lransa4tter Vut1--- •
1 1
1 I 1
1 1 1 1 Ft
• 1 R,-5e
N --------------------------------- 1 +-- + 13 .5 V
I I I •- + 5 V
Fig . 7 . Power Supply to ASM C\
1 Soectru* Communications I I 11 +- . 12 V

0 > - . . .I PA-40 Amplifier Inl--- . I I I + . - I? V

n/ I I 44C 1 I I 1
n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . I I I I I
1 1 1 1 1
.-+ 13 .+ 'J +
1 1
, 110 VCC-+-1 P~IVEk' SUPPLY I
I t+u+lin Fans I I

Fig .
. 8 . Total Remote Receiver Link
OEX February 1982 7

,"--, , ---t
I U 1 :HI I
1 2 1 12001
1 9 1 I 1

, t-^t ---t
: - u-- : :_ U__ I I 1 I' I
1 2 1 1 2 1 17471 17071
1 9 1 1 7 1

1 3 I 12001
1 0 1 I

C w
, . . ., , . . .,
t- . ., t " . ., t--_,
,•. , . . ., , .- .t , .--, ILS I 19 I ILS I ILS I ILO I
I U I I U I -, I U I I U I I l1 I 11911 I U I 1741 1 921 1 021
I I I 11 1 1 1 1 I l l I I I I I I MI I I I 1 I 1
1 0 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 7 1 1 8 1
,-' -t t- .-, ,---, t . . .t t . ._t
t---, ,--" I - ' -, , . . .t t--- t - -
t _ t
I U I I U I I U I I U I I U I I U I 11221 111131 11511 1 921 1921 1 921
1 2 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I
I b 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 9 1
t ---, ,---, t-- .t ,---, ,'--, 4-__t

,--- t t---, t
---, ,---, ,- .-t ,---,
IL5 1 ILS I IR I I I ;LS 1 IL5 1
1 U I 1 U I 1 I I U I 1 1 11511 11931 I n l 1 5 1 1741 13901
1 7 1 1 6 1 1 3 1 I U I 1 2 1 1 2 1 I I I I I MI 13791 1 1 1 I
1 I I I 1 I 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 3 1
0 1 I 1
1 1
,---, ,---, t -- ' , 1-- - , 1711 1 113 I ILS I
I U I I U I I U I 1001 1 761 1101
1 14 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 I I I 1 I 1
I 1 1 6 1 1 4 1
ILS I 10 1 I I
I U I I U I I I -
•- t 11031 1 0 1 IL5 I t---, ,---,
t---t 1 2 1 1 4 1 I U 174 1 I 1 I 'I 13701 ILS I IL^, I
I U I I I I I 1 6 1 1 U 1 1 3 1 1041 t---, t .- ., I I 1 101 13901
1 9 1 t---, t---, I I 1 1 1 1 2 1 I I M 2 I I I I I I
i I I 1 1 4 1 1 0 1
,_ .-, ,--- t ,---, ,-- "

Fig . 9. Layout of ASM Showing IC Numbers

Fig . 10 . Layout of ASM Showing IC Types

DaiRa' U
nL F'~~ oN, Conducted by
David W . Borden, K8MMO*

the Line Interface Program (LIP) is works with the circular line buffer (also
the heart of the software running on the called the receive buffer), taking in data
VADCG Terminal Node Controller (TNC) . This from the modem (and rf receiver) and
program is 2k in length, fitting in two putting it in the buffer for the Termiaal
2708 PROMs . It does the work of making Interface Program (TIP) to process . It
packets, feeding the 9273 Protocol handles all the protocol on the link,
Controller Chip as required . Written by recovers from detected errors, times out
Doug Lockhart, VE7APU, it is usec where required and deals with addressing
throughout Canada and the United States by (both for terminal-to-terminal and repeater
packeteers . This month we will begin t. operations) needs . Tailored to the needs of
examine this program and how it works . ThEL Amateur Radio, it controls the link in
analysis is quite lengthy and will continue half-duplex (also called two-way alternate)
in the next column as required . node by switching between transmit and
receive when necessary . It does not change
The LIP works with two buffers which unless bugs are detected or a major
will be examined closely later . The program protocol change is required (for instance,
works with the circular terminal buffer a change of the addressing scheme) . Every
(also called the transmit buffer), removing end user employs the same LIP software .
outgoing data from it and transmitting it
out the modem (and rf transmitter) . It It should first be noted that in the
VADCG system, two features of the 8273 chip
are used which affect the end result
*1<oute 2, Box 233b, Sterling, VA 22170,
703-450-5284 . (continued on page 16)

8 QEX February 1982

Computer Simulation of
a Half •W ave Filter
By Bill K . Imamura, JA6GW*

When evaluating the harmonic suppression Effect of Reactive Load

capability of a filter network, in almost
all cases, the attenuation characteristic of An FT 901 transceiver here was tuned on
the network when terminated into a pure re- ten meters and connected to a Mosley CL 203
sistive impedance with the value of unity twenty-meter beam . The indication of the
(normalized) is considered . It can be mis- SWR meter was around 5 :1 . A load which
leading, if not incorrect . shows an SWR of 5 :1 should be dealt with
first .
The input impedance of an actual load,
such a= an antenna, can be 52 ohms on the Here is a program for the computation of
fundamental frequency . On the harmonics, the insertion loss of a half-wave filter .
however, i.t is almost impractical to expect It is straight forward, and simple FORTRAN
that the antenna shows the same unity im- is used . I don't think that any explanation
pedance . A twenty-meter bear can hardly is necessary .
show an SWR of 1 :1 on ten meters, and yet
the second harmonic of a twenty-meter wave Data for the SWR of S :1 were put into a
is on ten meters . computer . Results for the second harmonic
are plotted as shown in Fig . 3 .
It has been brought to my attention that
the effect of a non-resistive or a reactive It is well known that the theoretical
load should be contemplated . This article attenuation or the attenuation when termi-
pros,-nts the results of my study on the in- nated into unity load is 58 dB . A notice-
sertion loss of a half-wave filter terminat- able dip appeared on the curve for the SWR
ed with a non-resistive load on harmonic of 5 :1 . The worst-case insertion loss is
frequencies . only 36 dB . Good harmonic suppression of
68 dB, however, can be expected when the
Input Impedance of Transmission Line transmission line length is optimum or at
on Harmonic Frequency point 4-5 on the circle .
The impedanc- ; of an antenna on harmonic In Fig . 4 is the plot for the SWR of 2 :1 .
frequencies can hardly be unity ; that is, The suppression tends to be uniform at lower
the transmission line is not flat, and some SWR . If the SWR were to increase to 10 :1,
amount of SWR will result . the worst-case suppression would be as low
as 24 dB .
Fig . 1 illustrates the impedance circle
for an SVIR of 2 :1 on a Smith chart . The
circle intersects the real axis at R=2 .0 Source Impedance
and it is the vector locus of the input im- The computation was executed on the basis
pedance of the transmission line . The co- that the source impedance is purely resis-
ordinate at a certain point located on • the
tive and that the value is unity .
circle gives the complex impedance at the
corresponding point along the line . I have, however, no definite idea on the
exact value of output impedance of the sig-
Mr . K . Kajii, JA1FG, wrote concerning nal source which is the FT 901 on the second
how to calculate values of impedance on an
harmonic frequency . A vacuum tube final
SWR circle in his excellent article . 1
with a H tank circuit seems to have low out-
Data for the study here was, in large part, put impedance on harmonic frequencies be-
derived from his article . Results of com-
cause it has a shunt capacitor at its out-
puter calculation showing the complex im- put port .
pedance at the typical twelve points on the
SWR circle are in Fig . 2 . Fig . 5 shows the results of computation
for zero source impedance . Much more dis-
torted curves were plotted .

Final Comments

1 Ham journal (published in Japan), spring It should be pointed out that the harmon-
issue . ic suppression of a half-wave filter is the
function of the transmission line length .
*2-2-37 Hikari-ga-oka, Fukuoka City, Ten to 20 dB of harmonic suppression is
Japan 816 gained or lost depending on line length . 0
QEX February 1982 9

1'ANAFACMM DMOS/I) tOU6 FMRTRA14 VU1/LUR -700101- . 81 .09 .21 PAGE 0001



3 DIMENSION UQ(4) . R(12) . X(12) . DEG(12)
4 UA(A QW/1 . .2 . .4 . .1U ./
5 U0 40 M=1 .o
6 RE AU(9 .110) SWR
7 110 FORMAT (1-3 .0)
b REAU(9 .120) (DEU(K) .K=1 .12)
9 120 FORMAT(12(I4 .1X))
10 READ(9 .130) (R(K) .K=1 .12)
11 130 FMRMAT(6(F7 .3 .1X))
12 READ(9 .140) (X(X) .K=1 .12)
13 14U rORMAT(6(F1 .3 .1X))
14 4MITE(6 .150) SWH .(R(MM) .MM=1 .12) . (X(NN) .NN=1 .12)
15 150 FORMAT(1H .10X .'LOAU IMVEUANCE' .1O)( .'SWK='E5 .1//
1 1X .'K' .5X .12F9 .3/11x .'X' .5X .12r9 .3///)
16 1)010 1=1 .4
17 Q=00(1)
19 XL=W
2n IRITE(o .IOU) SwR . W
21 70U 1OKMAT(1H .15X .'SwK=' .F3 .U .1UX .'Q=' .F3 .U/)
22 WAIIE(6 .5U0) XC- XL . W
23 500 FMRMAT(1H .1OX .3HXC= .F5 .2 .15X .3HXL- .F5 .2 .15X,2HU- .F4 .1/)
24 WPITE(6 .100)
25 100 FMRMAT(1H .10X .IHN .15X .4HLOAO .26x .'Z-IN (IST STAUE)',12X .
+'Z-IN (2 N0 STAOE)' .12X .'INSERTI(IN Lm sS'/)
26 UO 2U J=1 .12
29 600 FORFIAT(1H0 .15X .IA .' DEG')
30 Ro=w(j)
31 XO=X(J)
34 UM 30 N=1 .5
35 XL-W
38 XC=(1 .+W**2)/U/2 .
40 xXC=CMPLX(0 . .-XC)
43 LZ3=LZ2+XXL
44 LZ4=LL3+XRL
45 LLD=(ZL4*XXC)/(ZZ4+XXC)
41 Z1N=CAHa(ZZ1N)



50 N1=K0/((1 . •R 0)*s2+X0s+2)
51 M2=K(N/((1,*PIN)**2 •X IN**2)
52 OH=10 .*ALOG(V2/N1)
53 WRITE(5 .200) N . ZZOUT . ZZ3 . ZZIN . U K
54 200 FOXMAT(15 .IOX .I1 .1Ox .3(2F10 .3 .10x),r10 .3)
57 .RITE(6 .400)
58 40U rORMAT(1H
59 10 CONTINUt
6U WRITE(b .9UO)
61 900 FORMAT(151)
64 EN I)

QEX February 19f •2


H 0 .500 0 .526 0 .615 0 .800 1 .143 1 .665 2 .000 1 .665 1 .143 0 .800 0 .615 0 .526
-1-- - 0 .000 0 .197 -0 .400 -- -0 .600 -0 .742 -0 .625 0 .000 0 .625 0 .742 0 .600 0 .400 - - 0 .197

SWN= 2. 0= 1 .
- xc= 1 :00 *L= 1 .00 U= 1 .0


-180 OEG
1 0 .500 0 .000 2 .000 0 .000 0 .500 0 .000 - 0 .000
2 0 .500 0 .000 0 .050 1 .350 O .U02 1 .412 -60 .707
3 0 .500 0 .000 O .OU8 2 .626 0 .000 2 .646 -109 .919
4 0 .500 0 .000 0 .002 3 .734 0 .000 3 .742 -161 .288
5 0 .500 0 .000 0 .000 4 .792 0 .000 4 .796 -164 .747
-150 nEG
1 0 .526 -0 .191 1 .o67 U .o24 0 .52o -0 .197 -0 .000
2 0 .526 -0 .197 0 .067 1 .335 0 .002 1 .412 -57 .735
3 0 .526 -0 .197 0 .009 2 .624 0 .000 2 .646 -107 .963
4 0 .526 -0 .197 0 .003 3 .733 0 .000 3 .742 -139 .739
5 0 .526 -0 .197 0 .001 4 .791 0 .000 4 .796 -163 .421
-120 UEU
1 0 .615 -0 .400 1 .143 0 .743 0 .515 -0 .400 0 .000
2 0 .615 -0 .400 0 .097 1 .327 O .J03 1 .412
3 -53 .947
0 .615 -0 .400 0 .012 2 .621 0 .000 2 .646 -104 .940
4 0 .615 -0 .400 0 .003 3 .732 0 .000 3 .742 -137 .111
5 O .o15 -0 .400 0 .001 4 .791 0 .000 4 .796 -161 .018
-90 PEG
1 0 .800 -0 .000 0 .800 0 .000 0 .800 -0 .000 0 .000
2 0 .800 -0 .600 0 .138 1 .345 0 .004 -50 .562
3 1 .412
0 .800 -0 .600 0 .018 2 .620 U .000 2 .646 -101 .148
4 0 .800 -0 .600 O .OU5 3 .731 0 .000 3 .742 -133 .544
5 0 .800 -0 .600 0 .002 4 .791 0 .000 4 .796 -157 .623
1 1 .143 -0 .742 0 .616 0 .400 1 .143 -0 .742
2 1 .143 -0 .000
-0 .742 0 .152 1 .399 0 .005 1 .414 -49 .998
3 1 .103 -0 .742 0 .025 2 .624 0 .000 2 .646 -97 .797
4 1 .143 -0 .762 0 .007 3 .732 0 .000 3 .762 -129 .780
5 1 .143 -0 .142 0 .003 4 .791 0 .000 4 .796 -153 .775
-30 nEc,
1 1 .665 -0 .025 0 .020 U .198 1 .-i65 -0 .o2S 0 .000
2 1 .665 -0 .625 0 .118 1 .438 0 .003 1 .415 -52 .810
3 1 .665 -0 .625 0 .027 2 .634 0 .000 2 .646 -97 .330
4 1 .6o5 -U .625 U .0U8 3 .734 0 .000 3 .742 - 127 .937
5 1 .665 -0 .625 0 .003 4 .792 0 .000 4 .796 -151 .295
1 . 2 .000 0 .000 0 .500 0 .000 2 .000 0 .000 0 .000
2 2 .000 0 .000 O .J60 1 .440 0 .002 1 .415 -50 .b64
3 2 .000 0 .000 U .020 2 .640 0 .000 2 .646 - 100 .226
4 2 .000 0 .000 0 .007 3 .737 0 .000 3 .762 -129 .762
5 2 .000 0 .000 0 .UU3 4 .193 0 .000 4 ./96 -152 .379

I 1 .ob5 U .) . U .Jfv -U .i9a I .' 4 , u .oto 0 .000

2 1 .6o5 0 .625 0 .057 1 .427 0 .002 1 .415 -59 .934
3 1 .665 0 .625 0 .014 2 .o40 0 .000 2 .046 -104 .084
4 1 .bob 0 .625 0 .005 3 .733 0 .000 3 .742 -133 .528
5 1 .665 0 .525 0 .002 4 .793 0 .000 6 .796 -155 .961
00 DE(,
1 1 .143 0 .742 0 .616 -0 .400 1 .143 0 .742 0 .000
2 1 .143 0 .742 0 .045 1 .411 O .U01 1 .414 -62 .171
3 1 .143 0 .702 0 .010 2 .657 0 .000 2 .646 -107 .324
4 1 .143 0 .742 0 .003 3 .737 0 .000 3 .742 -137 .093
5 1 .143 0 .142 U .J01 6 .793 0 .000 4 .796 -159 .666
9n nEG
1 0 .bo0 0 .o00 0 .000 -U .oOu 0 .8ou 0 .000 0 .000
2 0 .800 0 .600 0 .040 1 .396 0 .001 1 .414 -63 .368
3 0 .800 0 .600 0 .008 2 .635 0 .000 2 .646 -109 .540
4 0 .800 0 .600 0 .003 3 .736 0 .000 3 .742 - 139 .720
5 0 .800 0 .600 0 .001 4 .793 0 .000 4 .796 -162 .514
120 UEU
1 0 .615 0 .400 1 .143 -0 .743 0 .615 0 .400 0 .000
2 0 .615 0 .400 0 .039 1 .381 0 .001 1 .413 -63 .52o
3 0 .615 0 .400 0 .007 2 .632 0 .000 2 .646 -110 .711
4 0 .615 0 .400 0 .002 3 .735 0 .000 3 .762 -141 .288
5 O .b15 U .4U0 0 .000 4 .792 U .000 4 .796 -1b4 .308
150 nEG
1 0 .526 0 .191 1 .o67 -O .o26 0 .x20 0 .197 -0 .000
2 0 .526 0 .197 0 .042 1 .366 0 .001 1 .413 -62 .641
3 0 .526 0 .197 0 .007 2 .629 0 .000 2 .646 -110 .832
4 0 .526 0 .197 O .OU2 3 .734 0 .000 3 .742 -141 .806
5 0 .526 0 .197 0 .000 4 .792 0 .000 4 .796 -165 .045

QEX February 1982





Fig 1 . Twelve Points on Smith Chart

Point SWR - 2 .0 5W11 - 5 .0 SwR

- 10.0

1 0 .5000 +3 0 .0000 0 .2000 +30 .0000 0.1000 +30.0000

2 0 .5264 -J0.1974 0 .2137 -30 .2565 0.1071 -30.2651
3 0 .6154 -30.3997 0 .2632 -JO .5470 0 .1329 -30.5697
4 0 .0000 -30.6000 0.3846 -30 .9230 0.1980 _30.9801

5 1 .1429 -30 .7423 0.7143 -J1 .4846 0 .3883 -31 .6648

6 1 .6653 -30.6245 1 .9174 -32.3009 1 .3103 -33 .2430
7 2 .0000 +30.0000 5.0000 +30.0000 10 .0000 +30.0000
8 1 .6653 +30 .6245 1 .9174 +32.3009 1 .3103 +33 .2430
9 1 .1429 +30 .7423 0.7143 +31 .4846 0 .3883 +31/6640
10 0 .8000 +30.6000 0.3846 +30 .9230 0 .1980 +30 .9801
11 0 .6154 +30.3997 0.2632 +30.5470 0 .1329 +30.5697
12 0 .5264 +30 .1974 0.2137 +30.2565 0 .1071 +jO .2651

Fig . 2. Impedances on SWR Circle

12 QEX February 1982


Fig . S . Effect of Source Impedance - T Network

QEX February 1982 13

Conducted by Mark Forbes, KC9C*

C7 (a r pa Rar~s

The purpose of this column is to keep the pin ceramic DIP . For further information
ask for the application note from : Silicon
experimenter aware of new components that
have been recently introduced . I am a de- Systems Inc ., 14351 Myford Rd ., Tustin, CA
velopment engineer in the research and de- 92680, 714-731-7110 .
velopment department of Duncan Electric Com-
pany . My job includes the design of both I have one of the chips, so if you have
digital and analog circuits, as well as any questions or problems, get. n touch .
some software development . Because of this,
articles and data sheets of many new pro-
ducts cross my desk that the average experi-
menter would not see for quite some time if
ever . Through this column, I hope to be
able to keep fellow experimenters posted . NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR LM396 10-A REGULATOR
If you have any questions about a particular National introduced the LM396, which
component, its availability or pricing, or should be of interest to amateurs' last sum-
anything regarding this column, feel free to mer . The "Moose," as National calls it, is
drop me a line (s .a .s .e . please) or phone a self-contained, TO-3 packaged, adjustable
me . My phone number is : 317-447-4272, and voltage regulator . With proper heat sink-
you can call between 2300Z and 0230Z or ing, this part is capable of regulating up
weekends until 0230Z (please don't call la- to 10 amperes of current at an output volt-
ter) . The first two items are not "hot off age from -1 .25 to 15 V .
the press," but are new enough that there
has been no publicity in the Amateur Radio Those specs make this a perfect part for
press . a 13 .8-Vdc power supply for even the high-
power mobile 2-meter rigs . Other applica-
SILICON SYSTEMS SSI 201 DTMF DECODER tions include a high-current 5-volt supply,
or an adjustable high-current lab supply .
DTMF decoding for autopatch or control Regardless of the application, National re-
use has come a long way in the last decade . commends an ample heat sink . In addition,
Ten years ago every DTMF decoder for amateur liberal application of thermal compound is
use was designed using the 567 tone decoder . required . This device will dissipate up to
These systems had two big problems, how- 70 watts (remember that the power dissipa-
ever : 1) it took an awful lot of 567s to tion is the input voltage minus the output
make a full 16-digit decoder, and 2) because voltage times the output current) ; so don't
the frequency was dependent on capacitors, use too high of an input voltage .
it drifted with temperature . When Mostek
introduced their DTMF decoder a couple years National recommends using 2000 pF per
ago that only required an outboard filter ampere of load current . Fortunately, ham-
for high group and low group, a limiter and fests are good sources of large capacitors .
a squarer, I thought that it would be only a The high-temperature-rated capacitors will
matter of time before a single-chip decoder give a longer service life .
was introduced .
The Moose sells for about $10 in single
Silicon Systems has done exactly that
quantities . More information on the LM396
with the SSI 201 . This is a single chip National Semiconduc-
that requires only a 3 .579545 MHz color can be obtained from :
burst crystal and two 0 .01 pF bypass capa- tor corp ., 2900 Semiconductor Dr ., Santa
Clara, CA 95051, 408-737-5000 .
citors for operation . The chip operates
from a single 12-Vdc supply and contains all
the analog and digital circuitry to convert
DTMF audio into BCD digital signals . The
circuit works extremely well and has an in- VARIAN CTC TO-220 RF TRANSISTORS
credible dynamic range of 32 .5 dB :
Varian (aka Eimac) has just introduced a
Although the SSI 201 is not exactly cheap high-power, uhf power transistor in a plas-
(about $85 .00 in single quantity) it is very tic TO-220 package . The plastic transistors
economical in the long run when compared to are quoted to have higher gain than metal-
a 567 system . The part is housed in an 18- ceramic type transistors and cost only about
half to package . These transistors are cap-
able of up to 30 watts at frequencies up to
500 MHz . These look very interesting! For
*1000 Shenandoah Dr ., Lafayette, IN 47905, more information : Communications Transistor
317-447-4272 2300-0230Z weekdays, until Corporation, Varian Associates, 301 Indus-
0230Z weekends . trial Way, San Carlos, CA 94070 .

14 QEX February 1982



Fiber Optics Dr Charles Kao 1 :05
This is a new book by Roy D . Rosner, ITT
K4YV on packet switching as applied to
ccmputer networks, voice, video, graphics Sio-Effects of Dr Robert Cleveland 1 :03
and other forms of communications . It Non-Ionizing Geo-Met
contains info on techniques, equipment, Radiation
standards, commercial services and use of
packet switching with satellites, cable and Digital Speech LTC Duane Adams 1 :19
radio broadcasting . Price is $34 .00 from DARPA
the publisher, Lifetime Learning
Pi .blications, 10 Davis Dr, Belmont, CA Precipitation Dr Arno Penzias 1 :06
94002, 415-595-2350 . Effects on Bell Labs
Surface Acoustic Dr Ernest Stern 0 :27
Modern Active Filter Design is the name Wave Devices Lincoln Labs
of a new book edited by Rolf Schaumann, et
al . Contents include design info on second- An Overview of Dr Vinton Cerf 1 :08
order, high-order, monolithic continuous Computer DARPA
analog and monolithic switched-capacitor Communications
filters -- a total of 42 reprinted papers . Protocols
Ordering info :
Fundamental Dr Aaron Wyner 1 :13
Order No . binding Nonmember Member Limits of Bell Labs
PCO1420 Cloth $30 .95 $23 .30 Information
P1 1 01438 Paper - $15 .45 Theory

This and other IEEE books are available New Technology Dr Lee Davenport 1 :15
from IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Ln, and Depreciation formerly GTE
Piscataway, NY 08854 . Policy

FCC TUTORIAL VIDEO TAPES Spread Spectrum Mr Walter Scales 1 :15

Techniques in MITRE
.oininunication `ommissioni Non-Governmental
The Federal
Office of Science and Technology _CO/OST) Applications
conducts a series of tutorials for the
Coding Theory and Dr Elwyn Berlekamp 1 :02
benefit of FCC persou>>1 = . :i Luc interested
public . They are normally held in the Near-Term Cyclotomics
Commission ^'aeting Room (Room 856) at 1919 Applications
M St ., NW, Washington, DC .
Future of LSIs in Mr Martin Cooper 1 :30
For those who are unable to attend, the 90s et al, Motorola
video tapes of these tutorials are
by sending Transparent Dr Donald Halford 0 :55
available (free of charge)
a blank VIIS-120 cassette or U-Matic Metrology of Noisy NBS
cassette (one-hour tape per hour or Digital Signals
fraction of running time) to :
Modulation and Dr Andrew J Viterbi 1 :15
Audio-Visual Duplicator Coding for Linkabit Corp
Consumer Assistance Information Division Efficient Digital
Room 258, FCC Communications
Washington, DC 20554
Communications Dr Pier Bargellini 1 :15
Their telephone number is 202-632-7000 . Satellites --
.y and their Trends, and
iierc~ a list of tutorials
running times : Projections

QEX February 1982 15

for connection, the establishment of flow
Deta Communications (cont'd from page 8) contol between two packet stations .
transmitted bits . Bit stuffing is used to
avoid the occurrence of the flag bit Supervisory Frame : Used for window and
pattern in the middle of a frame . The flow control, these frames have receive
output is constantly checked for the sequence count (NR) but no send sequence
occurrence of five one bits . If five one count (NS) . A typical supervisory frame
bits are detected, a zero bit is inserted . appears like this :
The receiving station always checks the
incoming stream for five consecutive one FLAG ADDR CNTL FCS1 FCS2 FLAG
bits and examines the next bit for zero . If
a zero is found, it is deleted . The other The address is the address of the sending
feature chosen to be implemented is non- station, the control field takes the form
return-to-zero inverted (NRZI) encoding . of either of two of the three defined
This encoding scheme is chosen to ensure control commands and responses . Receive
bit synchronization regardless of the Ready (RR) confirms sequenced frames of
length of the message . The combination of value NR-1 and indicates the orginating
bit stuffing and NRZI encoding ensures a station is ready to receive . Receive Not
polarity change at least every six bits . If Ready (RNR) indicates a temporary busy
any brave experimenter attempts to generate condition as buffer is full and no more
this scheme in software using some other frames can be accepted for a short time .
input/output device, these features should RNR gives confirmation of sequenced frames
be taken into account . It should be easily of value NR-1 .
seen that usinj in 3273 (or 1933) is the
best answer to implementation of this Information Frame : These frames
scheme . optionally contain information ( text ) and
contain both received sequence count (NR)
To begin, we must examine the protocol and send sequence count (NS) . A typical
that we are using to communicate data information frame appears like this :
between computers (or whatever the end user
device is) . It is a subset of the High FLAG ADDR CNTL . . . . TEXT . . . .FCS1 FCS2 FLAG
Level Data Link Control (HDLC) standard
protocol . It is closely related to both The address is the address of the sending
I3M's Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) station . The control field contains the
and the Advanced Data Communications sequence number of the next expected I-
Control Procedure (ADCCP) protocols . The frame (NR) and the sequence count of this
basic unit of information is the frame . The frame (NS) . The text field is currently
frame is composed of a link header, usually limited to 128 bytes and could be shorter
some information (called text) and a link or nil . It consists of ASCII-coded data
trailer . Each frame has as a minimum, a (remembering the NRZI encoding and bit
flag byte (01111110'), an address byte (more stuffing applied to the entire finished
than one is authorized by HDLC), a control frame by the 8273 Protocol Encoder chip) .
byte, two bytes of frame check sequence
(C RC 15) and a closing flag byte . The The addressing scheme used in the
information n,i be inserted between the currently single byte packet address is the
control byte and the frame check sequence subject of much discussion . Currently, by
as desired . There are three types of convention, address OOH is reserved for no
frames : operation . In the Lockhart Station Node
scheme, all users appear on the Station
Unnumbered ( also called Non-Sequenced) Node with address 0011 and are assigned an
Information Frame : These frames have no address by the Station Node . Current United
sequence number at all and are used for States users have chosen to hard code this
setting operating modes such as connect and address, assigning it by local area . The
disconnect . A typical NSI frame appears address 0011 is still reserved in the U .S .
like this : scheme . For Magnuski style repeater
operation, address 80H is reserved,
FLAG ADDR CNTL FMCALL TOCALL ECS1 FCS2 FLAG addresses 8111-SFH are repeater input
channel addresses, address COH is reserved,
The address above is the address of the addresses C1H-FEH are repeater output
.:ailing station (currently assigned by an addresses . Address FFH is traditionally
area coordinator) . The control field can be reserved for broadcast operation (all
17H for a connect request, 07H for a packeteers addressed . Both the ISO standard
connect acknowledge, 53H for a disconnect (HDLC) and the ANSI draft standard (ADCCP)
request or 43H for a disconnect allow for extension of this address field .
acknowledge . The Poll/Final (P/F) bit, 10H, Design work in this area is underway by
is used to force a response from the Terry Fox, %84JFI of AMRAD, but the current
receiving station . It demands a response LIP software does not allow it .
and is also used in the other frame types
for this purpose . The FMCALL is the call of Both the TIP and LIP software must
1„ . station orginating the frame and peal with two circular buffers . They are
consists of six characters (left justified, circular in that only a fixed memory space
blank filled) . The TOCALL is the intended is allowed for each and then they wrap . The
recipient of the frame in the six character
format . This callsign sequence is required (continued on page 17)

QEX February 1982


Data Communications (cont'd from page l -~)

first is the Line Buffer (also called the

receive buffer) . The buffer is used for CTBIE - The current terminal buffer input
modem input and CRT output . It has the entry is the beginning of a packet being
following assigned pointers that must he constructed from characters incoming from
studied : the keyboard .

OLBE - The oldest line buffer entry . This TRIP - The terminal buffer input pointer
:~s the starting point of the oldest indicates the actual place the incoming
received packet . byte from the keyboard is going now .

L,hPE - The 1_ine buffer processing Entry . CTBOE - The current terminal buffer output
'.this point is the beginning of the frame entry is the beginning point to transmit
being processed now . packets .

LBOP - The line buffer output pointer that TROP - The terminal buffer output pointer
is the current byte being sent to the CRT indicates the actual byte being sent out
11ow . the modem now .

CLBE - The current line buffer entry LT30E - The last terminal buffer output
points to the beginning of the frame entry is the point to stop transmitting
receiving bytes from the outside world now . packets (up to seven may be assembled for
transmission with HDLC) .
L3 IP - The line buffer input pointer is
the actual place bytes incoming from the Thus we have begun our study of the
outside world (modem) are going into . LIP by defining a lot of terms required to
look at the code . Thanks go to flank
The second circular buffer is the Magnuski, KAiNI and Terry ['ox, wB4JFI who
terminal Buffer (also called the transmit provided information for this analysis . A
ouffer) . This is the buffer concerned with good text to further study HDLC/SDLC/ADCCP
modem output and keyboard input . Tile is "Communications Architecture for
following pointers are maintained for it : histributed Systems" by R . J . Cypser
(Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1978) .
O'1'SE - The oldest terminal buffer entry is In the next column, actual routines will be
the wrap point for this buffer . A1 .1. c~ .tries examined using the terms and pointers
started here . outline ir1 this column .

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QEX February 1982 17

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