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1305 N.

Martin Avenue
P.O. Box 210203
Tucson, AZ 85721-0203
Tel: (520) 626-6154
Fax: (520) 626-4062

February 13, 2020

To Whom It May Concern:

Madelynn Buckman: How to describe this unique "new-on-the healthcare-market" person?

Have you ever met a smart young person full of vitality, but also seems like somewhere inside,
there is a wise, old soul? That's Maddy! She is a critical thinker with an incredible ability to
quick size-up a healthcare situation, make a plan, and execute it with alacrity. Others want to
come along too, because Maddy is so stimulating and inspiring to be around. Come on guys,
let's go help this patient! Having grown up in a small town which, as she describes it, is like a
microcosm of human existence, Maddy possesses mature insight beyond that of her peers. All
of this is why you should want to interview her - hopefully in person as soon as possible. (After
you review her remarkable resume).

Madelynn Buckman was my student during her 10 week psychiatric/mental health nursing
clinical rotation last semester. As a clinical instructor/lecturer with fifty years experience in
various psych nursing areas, I have a unique opportunity to become acquainted with my
students as individuals. Since they're learning to use their own personalities as a therapeutic
tool, I try to help them get to know themselves more in depth and as members of a team on our
four unit inpatient facility. During our psych rotation, they also experience working with older
adults, pediatric therapy services, and intensive adult outpatient services. My goal for them is to
practice interpersonal relationship skills that can be generalized and applied to any nursing
endeavor they choose.

Now the usual (but true) description of the strengths and attributes that Maddy will bring to your
organization: 1) a broad and in depth nursing knowledge base; 2) highly developed
technical/technology abilities; 3) excellent verbal/written communication skills and finally; 4) an
appreciation of the value of the continued application of evidenced-based nursing practice.

Becoming a high quality, caring, and compassionate nurse is for Maddy a vocation - a calling in
the tradition of her mother and father in their community. If all this is beginning to feel a little too
"warm and fuzzy", we're talking about an RN-to-be who has maintained a 4.0 GPA and a
Wildcat Excellence Scholarship throughout her University of Arizona College of Nursing BSN
education. No mean task! Because of Maddy's pleasantly assertive demeanor, she definitely
has the potential for being an outstanding nurse leader in the future of your healthcare
organization. You'll have to get her on board early to make that happen!


Susan Markovich, RN, MSN

Clinical Instructor

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