Mindframe Persuasion Part 2

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The more you listen to what I say, the more you can discover your excitment at discovering your
excitment in what it is I have to say

=>it's giving them a self image to live up to

It's presupposing that h=the more they believe what i say, the more they are as a learner. And then, the
more they resist what I say =, the worst they are as a learner
Therefore, to believe what I say and get excited about it is proof of how smart they are
==>it implies it without saying it

Whereas If I said
i just want to let you know that the more you agree with what i say the smarter it proves that you are.
It wouldn't work

getting excited about something

=>it means you have to step out of it _ to be excited about it

excited is a state
getting excited is a process
eager is a state
growing eager is a process

If I said "as you discover yourself getting more excited about what i have to say in a minute from now,
it's not necessary to find yourself growing truly eager to learn more
==>that sets the time to one minute and then you're done with it
By not saying when it makes it an ongoing process that never stops
Non specified through time = affirmation about the present + prediction of the future

I'm not good at cooking = non specified through time

You can also point out how people are binding their mind and you can get set them free by getting
specific in time
=>If someone tells me "I'm not good at meeting women"
I like to point out to them that the truth is up until this moment you are not being good at meeting
That way it paces their reality but it opens the possibility of unbinding that from the present and the
false presumptions of ignorance
==>it sets up a chain of suggestions and it dissipates resistance
the opposite= Look I know what's good for you, I'm gonna tell what's gonna happen

I don't know, as you continue to listen carefully just excited you'll grow at discovering of how amazing
learning this stuff is as that's happening

in dating
I don't knwow, , where you'll be when you get this message, or what you'll be doing when you get it, or
when you'll get this message. But I do know you look the fun we had talking. and I'm looking forward to
talk you again. So here is my number, why don' t you see if you can catch me

I don't knwow, what you be doig as you get this message

=>they have to imagine in their mind what they are doing, which creates an hipnotic dissociation
or when you'll get this messsage
=>and they have to think "oh it's 10:30"
or what you be doing as you get this message
=>they're getting the message

So it's pacing the reality

it shows that i am a totally humble guy, I don't know
but I do now that you can remember how much fun we had talking and look forward to talk you again
(embedded command)
I'm no sure / I don't know =>humble guy /you can't argue with me
The first phrases is saying I don't know but I do know that you'll be somewhere, doing something and
that you'll get it at a certain time==>it feels like I'm here with her

As you follow along in this exploration today, I'm not sure which one of these breakthroughs you'll find
yorurself really enjoying and embracing, but I think that as you imagine that, you'll feel this is really

As you/while you =pacing word

before, after, prior, when, once , now = presuppositions of time

presuppositions of time are powerful

and before you find yourself using them, I just wanna say that after that hhappens, you can look back on
this moment as having being the start of it
==>what did I do with your sense of time?
I flipped it all over the place
I put you here, I put you later, then I put you back over there. This is another principles which is you can
sudo orient your audience or you listeners or your prospects in time.
=> so they are here, then before, then they are after looking back on now.

with women
"you know, when you fall in love with someone, and you feel that incredible connection, sometimes it's
almost as if you can stop and imagine a time in the future 6 months from now looking back on this
moment of loving, as being the start of all of that."
womenn not on ly fractionate back and forth between emotions, they fractionate back and forth through

presupositions of awareness

"as you recognize the value of what it is you continue to grow exciting about learning, you do need to
realize that's happening any faster than you notice how much sense it makes to feel that for yourself"
==>extremly vague

"before you'll notice how powerful this information is, it's not necessary to realize that after that's
happenned, you can become aware of how grateful you are to yourself, for opening up your mind to me
right now"

Adverbs/adjectives of presuppositions

"As you naturally discover your own reasons to agree with every word I say, before you rapidly discover
just how much you enjoy learning with me tonight
it's not necessary to swifly conclude for all your own right reasons that there is something else you still
want to learn
but as that's happening I just want to say that's the process of growing even more curious about how
fantastic body of information, that you want for yourself"

Won't it be great, after you picked up the phone and ordered your course today, then you can just smile
that big smile of satisfaction siding to yourself and think this is the freatest decision I had ever made



FEEL X (excited , aroused, open...)

The distinction between command and suggestions

the suggestion tells the person's mind how to interpret the fact that they are feeling all these things
it's telling the uncouscious mind that the fact these are commands are happening means this/ means
you should either feel this way about it ir take action towards it

"Just because you're feeling excited today about this opportunity doesn't mean it's on/ it's time to take

if you take someone past and you take away some of his future==>then everything becomes a present
and the moral behaviour drops away

in reality minutes, inches doesn't exits=> they are form of measurements

but when you buy into that you see everythingthrough that filter
so once you see the matrix you can never go back to never use it



when you're vague

==>it creates a blank in the other person's consciousness
and they have to fill out that blank
the felt sense when you' re filling the blank==>it is your own idea
you will see in the workshop how I direct people when to be vague, and when to be specific

Oftentimes in persuasion one of the big problems is people are being too specific, too often, too soon, or
too intensely.
prior to establishing their authority in the person's worls, prior to giving the people a sense that they are
deeply understood
one of the purpose of being vague is to give the perception that you have a deep understanding of the
other person's world
people will only perveive you in an authority in where they should go, what they should if they first
perceive that you are an authority in what they are at
=>one of the huge tool for doing that is being vague

another tool for that is pacing the other person ongoing, reality (sense of who they are, what's
important to them)

diffrerent ways of establishing authority in a person's world

--use vague language
--pace their ongoing behaviour that you can observe
=>exemple: "Florian, as you sit there, writing notes and listening to me, and being very aware of the fact
that you're paying attention"
I'm making true statements about what I can observe about him. He is sitting here so it takes the form
of "as you" and you describe what you see.
so any kind of pacing, generally speaking starts with as you, you're making an observation about their
ongoing behaviours so you can pace their on going behaviour.
--you can also start with 3 statements that are in obvious pacing of their external reality and then you
can add in a suggestion
"as you sit there, and look at me, and listen to what I say, I'm not sure just how intrigued you find
yourself becoming.
--you can pace people feels, fears, fails, failures and frustrations, by describing them
you can also pace their dreams, desires, wants, needs, hopes, wishes, fantasies
Let me give you where this is useful and how you do it

sales letter (speed seduction)

"Doesn' t it really suck when you here "Let's just be friends" or you have to settle with women that you
accidently get, not the ones that you really want? I know good buddy, I've been there.
In fact, let me tell you a story about Nina. Nina was this girl who I looponed after, I used to dream about
that beautiful ass and time and again she would complain to me about the guy she was really really
attracted to and she would always end by saying i appreciate what a good friend you are" Damn, I'm
sure you been there.

So here is the idea, if you can accurately describe the person's problem of fear or failure or frustration,
they will assume that you've got the solution.
It must have the solution because he described the problem (like a doctor)

Sometimes you don't wanna go there, you wanna lead with a description of their desire, their dreams,
their fantasies.
So I'll say
"Imagine this, you wake up, and there next to you, she's still sleeping , that absolute stunning beauty
who just enjoyed a night with you. A night of passion where she gave everything she had crying out with
pleasure at all the things you enjoyed with her. But you side to yourself as you realize it's not the first
and the only. This is just many similary beautiful experiences that you've has over the last 6 months of
mastering this material.

You can also do it on the truism

"Ladies and gentleman of the jury, we all long for a fair world, we long for a world in which we see justice
done (self point=point to yourself as you describe common truism)

What is some common truisms?=universalism

what most men wants? = control and predictability in terms of women. even though they may not want
many women, they wanna know that of they want a woman they can get it wuthout guess work
One of the fundamentals of speed seduction, whether you believe it or not = it takes the guess work and
the begging out of it
so you can pace people's fear fantasies an frustrations either by describing them accuartely or you can
use a metaphor.(or common anguage)l

I'd say for many men dating is a form of gambling => instantly you would understand what I mean
you 're rolling the dice hoping that you get lucky
=> so you can come up with metaphors
metaphor is very powerful, goes straight to the unconscious mind and creates almost like a canape of

i'm still specific enough to identify the fantasy but general enough so they fill in the details of the fantasy

here is my audience, what's the fear or failure or frustration? How canI identify it, so they know what I'm
talking about and perceive that I know what I' talking about
But not so specicific that i use details that doesn't match
Then, throw in metaphor
What are the common metaphors of a ethnic group or demographic group

You wanna pull people toward something and at the same time away from something
You need to do BOTH in particuly if you don't meet them face to face
There is one more way of establishing authority==>steal/borrow it from others
endorsment=people take the adoration they got for Kobe bryant and they transfer it to the shoes.==>
you take the authority of a celebrity and you borrow it into the product

you can steal the body language, posture, inflection of the person who is already in charge. you're
stealing the emblematic gestures
steal the anchors
the rhythms of someone considered an authority by your demographics


some phrases that you can use to start things off
=> to be artfully vague
exemple= I want to give people a chain of commands
=> 2 of my favourite frases
_ it's not important/ it doesn't matter
_I don't know

"you know guys, and girls, if you sit there while looking at me and become aware of the fact that there is
something you really wanna learn today .
It's not important that you go inside and find out a way that feels absolutely natural, powerful and
compelling to you.
And it's equally not important whether you feel yourself pulled forward by an incredible desire or
pushed ahead by a driving need.
What's really important is that you recognise that that's the process of motivating yourself to move into
action to something you really want for yourself"

=> did I say anything?

If it's not important you cannot resist it ( as opposed to "we need to talk")
also it's not important according to whom? and to whom is it not important? in what way or ways ?
=> it's not important whether you X or whether you W or whether you Z
X, W and Z represent the 3 internal processes and flows of thoughts you want them to engage in .
"It's not important whether you go inside and tune into how excited you are abouit what you're learning
or whether you find yourself visualizing all the benefits you gonna get from learning this, or whether you
can recognize rapidly how excited you are to be learning this in a way that makes sense to you "
you can have them recognize the value of something,
realize the excitment about recognizing it,
and then what conclusion they reach from that
exemple with cream
"as you're rubbing this cream on yourselfc(7:00)

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