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Discussion: Environmental

Movements enacted Positive

The pandemic that is evolving COVID-19 has unquestionable human and economic
implications. To date, more than 119,000 deaths have been reported, millions of work cuts
and product markets have been replaced worldwide. This pandemic reminds us of our
unhealthy nature friendship. The existing economic structure has imposed tremendous
pressure on natural environments, and the emerging pandemic throws a light on the domino
effect induced by the destabilization of one factor in this linked framework.

This coronavirus epidemic revealed the fundamental sensitivity to shocks in our socio-
economic environment. When industries decide how to recover from this crisis and
governments formulate strategies for the rebuilding of the economy, these behaviors must be
carefully described. Decisions to encourage development and react to the COVID-19
pandemic must influence citizens and the planet's potential safety, well-being and stability.
This coronavirus epidemic revealed the fundamental sensitivity to shocks in our socio-
economic environment. When industries decide how to recover from this crisis and
governments formulate strategies for the rebuilding of the economy, these behaviors must be
carefully described. Decisions to encourage development and react to the COVID-19
pandemic must influence citizens and the planet's potential safety, well-being and stability.

Governments and businesses should take this chance to balance business structures and our
environmental borders in dealing with the possible business implications of the crisis by
tackling some of the unsustainability of globalization. For starters, maintaining sufficient
biodiversity in our calorie mix and prioritizing local organic goods may improve our
resilience significantly. The shift to green energies will also raising the carbon footprint of
industrial operation by tapping into local wind and solar reserves. While this crisis is a
devastating illustration, it showed the power of politics and collective action, and how
quickly nature will recover if we enable it to happen. It is on the momentum the we will draw
on to improve structures that avoid or better withstand potential shocks.
We are at a crucial stage in preparing strategies to resolve and tackle economic shocks in this
global health crisis. But it remains to be decided exactly what it appears like. No return to
business as normal is necessary. In addition to ensuring long-term survival of livelihoods and
commercial practices, the creation of natural stimulation packages may be necessary to avoid
potential outbreaks. The rural economy, which must ensure potential supplies for healthy
food and services, is one of the main beneficiaries of the move in demand and expenditure in
natural resources.

Such initiatives would involve clear leadership from government, industry, and local players
in civil society as well as coordination at rates not seen since this pandemic. This needs
urgent and efficient intervention to sustain stable and prosperous human communities not just
for the environment, but also for the planet's long-term potential.

Coronavirus-prompted developments indicate what concerted steps might be taken to combat

human activity-led global heating rapidly and lift the main question already: to what degree
is green recovery? A more prosperous way of life has the potential to improvement for the
better. In the rescue of industries, particularly those which pollute fuel, governments should
be aware that there are other forms of rescuing US auto industry after the 2009 crash, he
believes, now that automobiles have become more fuel friendly.

One smart idea during a lethal virus global epidemic is to screen citizens who fear they could
catch it. In addition to offering valuable details to those affected by the disease, large-scale
monitoring helps policymakers to monitor and adapt to the spread of the disease. After the
early COVID-19 epidemic, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong both worked rapidly to
classify disease vectors and the effort led to an effective control policy. Testing, though, took
place at fatal slowness in the United States.

The coronavirus was early infected in Hong Kong and Singapore. Nonetheless, there are only
less than 200 incidents, while France, Germany and Spain both have more than 10 times as
many as they have been struck late. Italy just had three reports three weeks ago. It's reached
over 10,000 today. These drastic variations illustrate how governments respond to the virus.
There is ample indication that a concerted government-led strategy using all available
strategies and components appears to be able to cure this epidemic.
However, the Italian history seems to have revealed two aspects of this situation. Firstly,
despite the rapid development of the virus, there is little room to lose. Second, a successful
strategy towards Covid-19 would require deployment of battle, both in terms of the human
and economic capital to deliver as well as in terms of the intense cooperation required
between the different sections of a health system (testing centers, clinics, primary care
practitioners, etc.), between numerous public and private organizations.

This addition, the necessity for immediate action and rapid mobilization imply that a
decision-making process far from business as normal will demand an aggressive reaction to
the crisis. When policymakers wish the battle against Covid-19 to be fought, structural steps
to be implemented, testing prioritized and positive experiments should be quickly accelerated
and unsuccessful ones found and stopped. Wow, that's a massive order especially in the face
of such a huge crisis. Nonetheless, it must be achieved considering the stakes.

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