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Juan Antonio Limo


Code-Switching Online 14/04


Part 2 Directions
How could you use code-switching online to communicate effectively, build community, or
collaborate with a particular audience?

Think about all the audiences you interact with online or through devices, or audiences that you
want to interact with but haven't yet. This could include friends, specific groups of friends, family
members, classmates, teachers, a particular online community (YouTubers, gamers, foodies), etc.
Once you have chosen your intended audience, answer the reflection questions below.

What audience do you Surfers


1. What would you communicate with this audience? What might your posts or messages be

What I would communicate would be aspects related to this sport, such as the size of the waves or
the sea conditions throughout the week, since they are aspects that we always talk about and for
which we always keep in touch in order to know where to go surfing (what beach) and when to go
surfing (what time), in order to catch the best possible waves and that are suitable for all members
of the group. In addition, on those aspects would be my posts or messages, as well as tips with
which they can improve their surfing levels, which is the objective that everyone has.

2. How would you communicate with this audience? What specific words, slang, emojis, etc., would
you use to communicate effectively, build community, or collaborate?

To this particular audience I would communicate with a rather colloquial language because they
are all my friends and we have a common interest, which is surfing. Also, I would communicate in a
very cool way, since most of them are teenagers, I would not communicate in such a serious way
to avoid getting bored and not seeing my posts. Regarding specific questions, I would use the 1
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Juan Antonio Limo


Code-Switching Online 14/04


following words: surfing, waves, peak, swell, forecast, carving, turn, rolller, wipeout, etc; and the
surfing and wave emojis.

3. Draft a post or message. Use the space below to show how you would use code-switching to
communicate effectively, build community, or collaborate with a particular audience. If your post
or message would include video or photos, include a description of what they would show.

Henyy my Ganggg, today´s forecast is showing incrediblee results, you know… The peak of the
waves all over Lima can reach up to 4 meters, soo… ARE YOU READY FOR THE BOMB-
CHASING? Also, the swell conditions are amazingg, as the northern current is alomost here, which
means only one thing… TUBES! So, anyone who would like to go for amazing waves justt give me a
call. ALOHA! 2
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