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Holzforschung, Vol. 59, pp. 669–674, 2005 • Copyright  by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/HF.2005.


Comparison of morphological and chemical properties

between juvenile wood and compression wood of loblolly

Ting-Feng Yeh1, Barry Goldfarb2, Hou-min formed near the stem center (Zobel and Sprague 1998).
Chang1,*, Ilona Peszlen1, Jennifer L. Braun3 and Generally, a 15-year-old loblolly pine contains as much
John F. Kadla3,* as 85% juvenile wood by volume, whereas a 40-year-old
tree contains only 20% juvenile wood by volume (Zobel
Department of Wood and Paper Science, North
1975). Compared to mature wood, juvenile wood has dif-
Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
ferent properties, such as lower wood density, shorter
Department of Wood Sciences, North Carolina State
fiber length, higher lignin content, and higher compres-
University, Raleigh, NC, USA
sion wood content (Zobel 1981; Timell 1986).
Forest Science Center, University of British Columbia, Due to environmental disturbances, such as prevailing
Vancouver, BC, Canada winds or gravitational responses, compression wood is
*Corresponding authors. formed under leaning stems and branches and manifests
Department of Wood and Paper Science, North Carolina State its effect by slowly ‘‘pushing’’ the stems or branches
University, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA back to the original orientation (Scurfield 1973). For juve-
4034 Forest Science Center, University of British Columbia, nile pine, the percentage of compression wood is on
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada average approximately 18% (Bendtsen 1978), but can be
as high as 44% (Zobel and McElwee 1958). Compression
wood is generally considered to be inferior for both pulp
and solid wood products.
Abstract When compared to mature normal wood, both juvenile
In conifers, juvenile wood (JW) is always associated with and compression wood have higher lignin content and
compression wood (CW). Due to their similar properties, lower cellulose content, resulting in higher chemical con-
there is a common belief that JW is the same as CW. To sumption during pulping and lower pulp yield. Subse-
resolve whether JW is identical to CW, 24 rooted cuttings quently, it is generally considered that juvenile wood is
of one loblolly pine clone were planted in growth cham- the same as compression wood (Lee 1961; Watanabe
bers under normal, artificial bending, and windy environ- et al. 1963; Zobel 1984; Zobel and Sprague 1998). As a
ments. The results show that the morphology of JW is result, the increased use of juvenile wood (compression
significantly different from CW. Furthermore, chemical wood) from fast-growing plantation forests can signifi-
analyses revealed that JW and CW are significantly dif- cantly impact industrial production costs and product
ferent in chemical composition. Our results indicate that quality. However, systematic comparisons of the similar-
JW is different from CW, and the wood formed under a ity between juvenile wood and compression wood in
controlled windy environment is a mild type of compres- conifers are limited. Our objective in this research was to
sion wood. identify whether juvenile wood is identical to compres-
sion wood in loblolly pine.
Keywords: C9 formula; compression wood; fiber quality
analysis (FQA); juvenile wood; light microscopy; loblolly
pine (Pinus taeda); nitrobenzene oxidation; ozonation; Materials and methods
sugar analysis.

Introduction A total of 24 rooted cuttings of one loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)

clone were transplanted from Ray Leach Supercells (164 ml) into
In the southeast US the demand for timber and pulp- 9-l pots. After conditioning inside a greenhouse for 4 weeks,
wood has increased greatly. However, due to environ- they were moved into growth chambers (Phytotron, North Car-
mental concerns, the land available for wood production olina State University) for a 9-month growth period. The cham-
ber photoperiod and temperature were 18 h at 288C under
has decreased. To meet future wood demand in the US,
incandescent light, and 6 h at 208C in the dark. The trees were
more wood with target characteristics must be produced
randomly assigned to three environmental conditions, i.e., con-
from the limited forestland by intensive management
trol, bent, and augmented wind.
practices and genetic improvements (Bendtsen 1978; The control and bent trees (eight trees each) were in a reduced
Zobel and Van Buijtenen 1989). Forest product manufac- wind chamber; the average wind speed was 0.26 m sy1. The
turing is shifting raw materials from mature trees to short- eight augmented-wind trees were in a growth chamber with two
rotation plantation or juvenile stock. oscillating fans, and an average wind speed of 1.43 m sy1 (range
Juvenile wood, sometimes referred to as core wood, 0.5–4.0 m sy1). The tree sway frequency was approximately 5
is formed by a young vascular cambium, and is the wood times miny1.
670 T.-F. Yeh et al.

The bent trees were rendered at 458 to the perpendicular

stems. When the new growth stem reached approximately
30 cm, another bend was applied. The trees were bent a total
of three or four times during the 9-month period. The initial aver-
age height of the trees was ;20 cm, and reached ;150 cm
(control and augmented wind trees) or ;100 cm (bent trees) at
harvest. All wood samples were collected from the same relative
height of each stem. By visual inspection, they were separated
into five groups: juvenile control normal wood (NW); bent oppo-
site wood (BOW); bent compression wood (BCW); wind opposite
wood (WOW); and wind compression wood (WCW).
The extractive-free wood sawdust (y35q60 mesh) was milled
in a planetary micro mill (Pulverisette 7, Fritsch, Germany) fol-
lowed by dioxane (96%, v/v) extraction. Milled wood lignin
(MWL) was prepared according to the method of Bjorkman
(1956). The yield of purified MWL was approximately 20% based
on the total lignin weight in the OD wood. The MWLs were acet-
ylated according to Adler et al. (1987).

Microscopic analysis

Wood blocks, collected from the same relative height of each

stem, were softened in water and sliced in the radial direction
Figure 1 Cross-sections of loblolly pine wood from different
using a microtome (Spencer Lens Co., Buffalo, NY, USA). The
groups: (a) control normal wood; (b) bent opposite wood; (c)
thickness was 10 mm. Microtome slices were stained with 1%
bent compression wood; (d) wind compression wood; and (e)
aqueous Safranin O, dried, and fixed on microscope slides with
wind opposite wood.
Permount (Fisher Science). A Nikon light microscope (Eclipse
E200) was used to photograph (40=10) the anatomical struc-
tent analyses were performed according to the procedure of
tures of the wood slices.
Goto et al. (2001).

Wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD)

Quantitative 13C-NMR spectroscopy
Wide-angle X-ray diffraction profiles were recorded at the Uni-
All NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker Avance 300-MHz
versity of British Columbia on a Bruker D8 Discover X-ray dif-
spectrometer at 300 K using DMSO-d6 as the solvent. The con-
fractometer with an area detector. Scans were collected from
centration of lignin was approximately 20%, and chromium(III)
wood samples at 40 kV and 20 mA in the range 48-2u-408
acetylacetonate (0.01 M) was added to lignin solutions as the
using CuKa radiation. The spectra were corrected for incoherent
relaxation agent (Capanema et al. 2004). A total of 20 000 scans
scattering (Krassig 1993) and then the crystallinity fraction was
were collected. A pulse width of 908, acquisition time of 1.2 s
calculated using the method of Vonk (1973).
and relaxation delay of 1.7 s were used (Capanema et al. 2004).

Basic chemical composition and fiber analysis

Wood extractives were removed according to Tappi standard Results and discussion
T264 om-88. The total lignin content was determined by the Kla-
son lignin method (Dence 1992; Yeh et al. 2005), combining the Compression wood has long been noted for its distinct
Klason lignin and acid-soluble lignin. Holocellulose content was morphological structures (Wardrop and Davies 1964;
determined according to Yokoyama et al. (2002) and used for Shelbourne and Ritchie 1968; Scurfield 1973; Timell
fiber quality analysis (FQA). Fiber length, width, coarseness, kink 1986; Kwon et al. 2001). For example, compression
and curl indexes were recorded using a fiber quality analyzer
wood tracheid lengths are approximately 10–40% short-
(FQA; Op Test Equipment, Hawkesbury, ON, Canada) (Yokoya-
er than normal wood tracheids (Shelbourne and Ritchie
ma et al. 2002).
1968). They are rounder in shape, with thicker walls and
larger intercellular spaces, and they lack the S3 layer
Monomeric carbohydrate determination
(Scurfield 1973). The simplest comparison of juvenile
Monomeric sugar analysis was carried out according to the pro- wood and compression wood tracheids can be made
cedures of Coimbra et al. (1996). using light microscopy.

Nitrobenzene oxidation and ozonation Tracheid morphology and fiber qualities

Nitrobenzene oxidation was performed according to the method The tracheid morphology of the five different loblolly pine
of Chen (1992). The stereochemistry (erythro and threo forms) wood samples is shown in Figure 1. Tracheids of the bent
of the arylglycerol-b-aryl ether linkages of the lignin was deter- compression wood (BCW, Figure 1c) were round in shape
mined by ozonation analysis according to the method of Akiya-
with thick cell walls and large intercellular spaces, where-
ma et al. (2002).
as those of the juvenile control normal wood (NW, Figure
1a) were rectangular in shape without any intercellular
Element and methoxy content analyses
space. The bent opposite wood (BOW, Figure 1b) and
Elemental analyses (C, H, and N) were performed by Complete wind opposite wood (WOW, Figure 1e) showed similar
Analysis Laboratories, Inc., Parsippany, NJ, USA. Methoxy con- characteristics to those of the normal wood. Tracheids of
Comparison of juvenile wood and compression wood 671

Table 1 Fiber properties of the various wood specimens.

Group Length Width Coarseness Curl Kink Crystallinity

(mm) (mm) (mg my1) index index fraction

Normal wood 1.221 A 29.1 A 0.128 A 0.0179 A 0.03 A 0.58 A

Wind opposite wood 1.317 A 29.8 A 0.142 A 0.0195 B 0.04 A 0.58 A
Wind compression wood 1.043 B 24.8 B 0.210 B 0.0283 C 0.28 B 0.59 A
Bent opposite wood 1.088 B 23.5 B 0.134 A 0.0183 BC 0.03 A 0.57 A
Bent compression wood 0.852 C 19.4 C 0.200 B 0.0276 C 0.35 C 0.54 A
Values are expressed as means and length is given as weighted length. The letters (A,B,C) indicate significant differences using the
Tukey-Kramer HSD test at as0.05.

the wind compression wood (WCW, Figure 1d) showed The results of wood cellulose crystallinity are also listed
a similar pattern to the bent compression wood (Figure in Table 1. Although the average crystallinity value of the
1c). The compression wood content of each of the trees bent compression wood was lower than that of normal
was estimated microscopically. It was found that the bent or bent opposite wood, however due to the large error
trees and wind trees had approximately 50% and 30% associated with separating the crystalline and amor-
(by volume) compression wood, respectively, whereas phous moieties there is no statistical difference. These
the control trees on average had less than 5% compres- results are in line with those reported by Tanaka et al.
sion wood. (1981), who reported that the degree of crystallinity in
The mean values obtained from the fiber quality anal- compression wood cellulose (45–50%) was lower than
yses are listed in Table 1. The mean tracheid length of that in normal wood (approx. 50%) and in opposite wood
the bent compression wood (0.852 mm) was approxi- (50–60%).
mately 40% shorter than that of control normal wood
(1.221 mm). The mean tracheid length of wind compres- Basic chemical properties
sion wood (1.043 mm) was also significantly shorter than
normal wood (1.221 mm) or wind opposite wood The lignin and sugar contents of the five different groups
(1.317 mm). Both the bent and wind compression wood of wood samples are presented in Table 2. The cell wall
had a smaller tracheid width compared to opposite or of compression wood had lower glucose, mannose,
normal wood. xylose and arabinose contents, and higher galactose and
The coarseness of the compression wood (;0.2 lignin than normal wood. The lignin content of normal
mg my1) was significantly higher than that of the oppo- wood (NW) was 29.4% and was similar in magnitude to
site or normal wood (;0.13 mg my1). Since compression that of opposite wood (BOW and WOW), at 29.1% and
wood had a smaller mean tracheid width than the oppo- 28.9%, respectively. However, the lignin content in the
site wood and normal wood, the higher coarseness is compression wood specimens (BCW and WCW) was
obviously due to thicker cell walls in the compression rather high at ;36%. Furthermore, sugar analysis shows
woods (Figure 1). These results are consistent with data that compression wood had significant amounts of
reported by others (Shelbourne and Ritchie 1968; Timell galactose and relatively low amounts of the other sugar
1986) concerning the higher density and shorter fiber units (Table 2). Thus, the juvenile normal wood was quite
length of compression wood. different from the juvenile compression wood in basic
Fiber curl and kink are important fiber characteristics chemical composition, but similar to opposite wood.
known to impact paper properties. An increase in fiber These results are in agreement with other reports in the
curl and kink (all other factors held constant) has a pos- literature (Bland 1958; Timell 1986; Lohrasebi et al. 1999).
itive impact on out-of-plane tear, bulk, wet web strength,
etc., and a negative impact on tensile strength, burst, Lignin heterogeneity
and bending stiffness. The compression wood samples
(BCW and WCW) showed a higher tendency to curl and Compression wood is reported to be rich in p-hydroxy-
kink in comparison with the opposite and normal wood. phenylpropane (H-type) lignin (Yasuda and Sakakibara
Obviously, compression wood is different from juvenile 1975; Timell 1986; Fukushima et al. 1997; Önnerud and
normal wood in tracheid fiber morphology and Gellerstedt 2003). As shown in Figure 2, the nitrobenzene
properties. oxidation products obtained from the different wood

Table 2 Lignin content and carbohydrate composition of different samples.

Group Mean composition (%)

Lignin Arabinose Xylose Mannose Galactose Glucose

Normal wood 29.4 A 4.0 A 14.4 A 16.2 A 3.3 A 62.1 A

Wind opposite wood 28.9 A 3.9 A 14.0 A 16.1 A 3.4 A 62.5 A
Wind compression wood 36.0 B 3.1 B 11.1 B 12.9 B 16.6 B 56.2 B
Bent opposite wood 29.1 A 4.0 A 13.8 A 16.4 C 3.5 A 62.3 A
Bent compression wood 36.6 B 2.8 B 10.2 B 11.4 D 21.1 C 54.5 C
Percentage composition is based on OD wood weight for lignin or total carbohydrates for the individual carbohydrates. The letters
(A,B,C) indicate significant differences using the Tukey-Kramer HSD test at as0.05.
672 T.-F. Yeh et al.

Figure 2 Nitrobenzene oxidation products from different

groups: NW, normal wood; WOW, wind opposite wood; WCW,
Figure 3 Erythro/threo (E/T) ratios and total yield (EqT) of dif-
wind compression wood; BOW, bent opposite wood; BCW, bent
ferent wood samples: NW, normal wood; WOW, wind opposite
compression wood; H, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde; V, vanillin; and
wood; WCW, wind compression wood; BOW, bent opposite
VA, vanillic acid.
wood; and BCW, bent compression wood.

specimens indicate that the bent and wind compression

wood samples had relatively high amounts of p-hydroxy- seems that the erythro isomer is predominant in reaction
benzaldehyde units compared to the control or opposite wood lignin.
wood (BOW and WOW). Nitrobenzene oxidation yields The empirical C9 formulas of the different MWLs
oxidation products from uncondensed lignin structures obtained from elemental and methoxyl content analyses
(Chang and Allan 1971; Chen 1992) and therefore the are listed in Table 3. The methoxyl content of the wind
yield of nitrobenzene oxidation products can be an indi- compression wood and bent compression wood was
cator of how condensed a lignin structure is. The total approximately 0.15 and 0.26 per C9-unit lower than that
oxidation product yield of the bent and wind compres- of juvenile normal wood, respectively. These data are
sion wood was lower than that of the normal or opposite consistent with the results obtained from nitrobenzene
wood. This implies that compression wood lignin is likely oxidation (Figure 2) and the results of Yasuda and Saka-
more condensed than juvenile normal wood. kibara (1975) who reported a 0.2 per C9-unit reduction in
Statistically, the yields of nitrobenzene oxidation prod- methoxyl content between compression wood and nor-
ucts for bent compression wood were significantly dif- mal wood MWL from larch (Larix leptolepis).
ferent from the wind compression wood. Therefore, the Quantitative MWL structure characterization was per-
wind compression wood produced under our experimen- formed by 13C NMR. The major differences in functional
tal conditions can be considered as a mild type of com- groups and inter-unit linkages between the five MWLs are
pression wood. listed in Table 4. The total H-unit content (p-hydroxyphe-
Ozonation is a quantitative tool used to analyze the nyl moieties) was higher in compression wood (WCW and
stereochemistry werythro (E) and threo (T) isomersx of BCW) than in juvenile normal (NW) and opposite wood
arylglycerol-b-aryl ether linkages (Akiyama et al. 2002). (WOW and BOW). The major difference in H-units is
Ozonation results for the five different wood specimens attributed to non-conjugated p-hydroxyphenyl moieties,
are shown in Figure 3. The total mol.% yield of the two as shown in Table 4. The amount of total hydroxyl groups
isomers (EqT) decreased from an average of 22.0% for was slightly higher in the compression wood samples
normal, bent opposite and wind opposite wood to an than the juvenile normal wood or opposite wood. Both
average of 18.5% for the two compression wood sam- phenolic and aliphatic hydroxyl group contents were
ples (WCW and BCW). These results suggest an approx- slightly higher in the compression wood samples. These
imate 15% decrease in arylglycerol-b-aryl ether linkages results are similar to a recent report by Onnerud and Gel-
in compression wood lignin. The E/T ratio of juvenile nor- lerstedt (2003), wherein the authors reported higher
mal wood was 1.08, with no statistically significant dif- amounts of phenolic units per 100 phenylpropane units
ference from the bent opposite (1.07) or wind opposite in the compression wood of spruce compared to normal
(1.09) wood. However, the E/T ratios of wind (1.15) and wood. Similarly, the amount of 5-59 etherified moieties
bent (1.23) compression wood were significantly higher was higher in compression wood samples compared to
than those of normal wood or opposite wood, suggesting
that the decrease in arylglycerol-b-aryl ether linkages in Table 3 Empirical formulas of different MWLs.
compression wood lignin results more decrease from the
threo isomer (T) than the erythro isomer (E). Group C9 empirical formula
Normally, the ratio of erythro to threo forms in gym- Normal wood C9H8.32O3.01(OCH3)0.92
nosperms is approximately 1.0 (Lundquist 1980; Matsu- Wind opposite wood C9H8.57O3.19(OCH3)0.88
moto et al. 1986; Akiyama et al. 2003). The results here Wind compression wood C9H8.39O3.18(OCH3)0.77
show that in compression wood lignin the erythro form Bent opposite wood C9H8.28O3.10(OCH3)0.92
is more predominant. This is similar to reports on tension Bent compression wood C9H8.76O3.26(OCH3)0.66
wood of hardwood lignin (Akiyama et al. 2003). Thus, it The C9 formula did not correct for sugar content.
Comparison of juvenile wood and compression wood 673

Table 4 Major differences in functional groups and inter-unit linkages between five MWLs as obtained by 13
C NMR spectroscopy.

Structure Number per aromatic ring


Total H units 0.05 0.04 0.11 0.04 0.12

Conjugated 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02
Non-conjugated 0.04 0.03 0.09 0.03 0.10
Total OH 1.42 1.43 1.47 1.40 1.48
Phenolic OH 0.28 0.28 0.31 0.28 0.31
Aliphatic OH 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.12 1.17
5-59 etherified 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.09 0.14
The peak assignments and calculations are according to Capanema et al. (2004) and Balakshin et al. (2005), and references therein.
NW, normal wood; WOW, wind opposite wood; WCW, wind compression wood; BOW, bent opposite wood; BCW, bent compression

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Fikret Isik, and Mayuree Doungpet for their suggestions to the 11–14, 2001, v. III. pp. 417–420.
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