2nd Personal Artifact Form

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Portfolio 2018-19

Personal Artifact
Future career interests (if known):
I would like to become a business woman and become important.
Targeted soft skills you chose for this year:

2. Problem solving

Description of Artifact (*The personal artifact may be anything that demonstrates growth, skills, interests, discoveries, and/or
abilities from your experience this last year -- can be school-related or not.)

My personal artifact is a picture of my grandma that passed away over the summer and
its covered with flowers.

Why did you choose this as one of your artifacts?

She was one of the most important people in my life and the picture is beautiful.

How did your experience with this artifact change or impact you?
The picture has impacted me because It shows me that shes still with me and that I will always
have her beside me.

Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this artifact?
My communication soft skill improved because I had to communicate with my grandpa to get
the picture.

Provide an example of how the skills you practiced or the knowledge you gained via this artifact
may also be used in a career in which you are interested.
This artifact will help me get through the real world and show me how to handle things when
they come my way.
Portfolio 2018-19


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