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above the clouds with a clear view of the sky for this kind of aircraft cabin window you

need the
perfect draw materials and to manufacture the window you need a wealth of experience and
sophisticated technology but you also need real craftsmanship and fousey Azzam and an
awareness of quality this is what we stand for at Evonik industries our film shows you the important
steps in our process this is where the process for the finished aircraft window begins first a special
type of plexiglass must be produced extremely flat glass panels which later become molds are
separated at this station then two glass panels and a gasket are combined to form a chamber which
is later filled with an acrylic syrup the thickness of the gasket determines the thickness of the
plexiglass sheet and see us lamode during the assembly the utmost cleanliness and precision like
critical any impurity would have a negative effect on the quality of the Plexiglas sheet optimal
interaction between the clams and gasket ensure highly precise manufacturing tolerances
on to the next step here to experience and maximum precision are essential the mode is filled
through openings in the gasket where the exact amount of syrup required for the size and thickness
of the sheet

by tilting the chambers in the rack it's possible to remove air now that all the chambers have been
filled the solution inside must be polymerized to do this it's placed into a temperature controlled
water bath this ensures uniform reaction conditions inside the mold and precisely controls the
conversion rate in the reward virtually identical material parameters and clear objects right through
the entire workpiece what's going on inside the chamber mmm a molecules shown here in the
graphic as orange balls are the main components of the solution it also contains initiators that start
the chemical reaction these are shown here as green balls triggered by a collision the MMA
molecules form chains which grow slowly and overlap and linked as soon as all the MMA molecules
have been included into the chains the conversion is
complete the liquid monomer has transformed into a solid plexiglass sheet and the chambers are
removed from the water bath now all plexiglass sheets are separated from the glass and are
submitted to quality control each individual plexiglass feed is inspected for compliance with the
specifications even with the technical tools the trained eye of the Evonik employee cannot be
replaced following the visual evaluation a thickness measurement takes place followed by the
optical inspection with this check a grid board is used to check for distortion free optics this is
especially important if the plexiglass sheets are to be used later in aircraft cockpits after all
distortion free vision is vital for the pilot each quality inspection is documented in the accompanying
certificate following production of the cast she'd our sophisticated stretching process is used
to attain the required physical properties the plexiglass sheets are first heated to approximately a
hundred and sixty degrees celsius then the thermoplastic material can be stretched simultaneously
into access here the length and width are increased by 65 to 85 percent and the thickness of the
sheet decreases accordingly what's going on internally here let's consider the molecules that we
have come across already as a consequence of the heating and the stretching the chains align
themselves in direction of the pulling forces the result is a type of regular Network structure with
significantly increased strength perfect for the highly stressed aircraft cabin windows the stretched
plexiglass sheets are then packed carefully the certificate is attached and they are dispatched to the
customer depending on the application they are then assembled as cabin windows or formed into
segments of an entire cockpit canopy now you know why Plexiglas is the perfect material for aircraft
windows our customers rely on outstanding quality a trusting and reliable partnership and from our
experience gained over decades the highest optical purity the tightest thickness tolerances and the
greatest longevity make Plexiglas so unique you can find acrylic glass anywhere but
Plexiglas is and remains the unrivaled original for more than 80 years

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