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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

19 April 2020 2nd Sunday of Easter Year A



Othe King of Divine Mercy. We do so not only in response to a
n this Second Sunday of Easter, we celebrate the Feast of Christ,

specific request made by Jesus himself to Saint Faustina Kowalska, but

also as a manifestation of our need to experience God’s mercy and for-
giveness. Our observance should fill our hearts with trust-filled faith
not only in the reality of Christ’s resurrection but also of his merciful
love. Jesus is, indeed, the King of Divine Mercy.
Our participation in the Eucharistic Sacrifice should, likewise, be
a commitment to extend to our neighbor the mercy we implore from
God for ourselves. We will do so not only by forgiving our offenders,
but also by practising the works of corporal and spiritual mercy that
make our love of neighbor genuinely “Christ-like.”

P – Lord Jesus, you forgave sins of the world, receive our

the repentant thief and the prayer; you are seated at the right
doubting Thomas. Christ, hand of the Father, have mercy
have mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
Entrance Antiphon All – Christ, have mercy! One, you alone are the Lord, you
(To be recited only when no alone are the Most High, Jesus
P –Lord Jesus, you proclaimed
Entrance Hymn is sung.) Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the
“blessed” the merciful and
Like newborn infants, you glory of God the Father. Amen!
the meek. Lord, have mercy!
must long for the pure, spiri-
All – Lord, have mercy!
tual milk, that in him you may
grow to salvation, alleluia. P – May almighty God have Collect (Opening Prayer)
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, P –God of everlasting mercy,
Greeting and bring us to everlasting life. who in the very recurrence of
All – Amen! the paschal feast kindle the faith
P –Blessed be Jesus, the King
of Divine Mercy. May his peace of the people you have made
Gloria your own, increase, we pray,
and love be with you all!
All – And with your spirit! All – Glory to God in the high- the grace you have bestowed,
est, and on earth peace to people that all may grasp and rightly
Penitential Act of good will. We praise you, understand in what font they
we bless you, we adore you, we have been washed, by whose
P –To prepare ourselves to cel- glorify you, we give you thanks Spirit they have been reborn,
ebrate the mystery of Christ’s for your great glory, Lord God, by whose Blood they have been
merciful love, let us call to mind heavenly King, O God, almighty redeemed.
our sins and ask his pardon and Father. Through our Lord Jesus
strength. (Pause) Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be- Christ, your Son, who lives and
P – Lord Jesus, you came to re- gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of reigns with you in the unity of
veal to us the Father’s love. God, Son of the Father, you take the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
Lord, have mercy! away the sins of the world, have and ever.
All – Lord, have mercy! mercy on us; you take away the All – Amen!
Lord say, “His mercy endures Gospel Acclamation Jn 20:29
forever.” R. All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
* I was hard pressed and You believe in me, Thom-
1st Reading Acts 2:42-47 was falling, but the Lord as, because you have seen
Faithfulness to the teaching of helped me. My strength and me, says the Lord; blessed
the Apostles, generous sharing of my courage is the Lord, and he are they who have not seen
resources, and participation in the has been my savior. The joyful me, but still believe!
shout of victory in the tents of Alleluia! Alleluia!
Eucharist are among the essential
the just. R.
“signs” of an authentic commu- Gospel Jn 20:19-31
nity of believers. This is how St. * The stone which the build-
All apparitions of the Ris-
Luke portrays the early Chris- ers rejected has become the
en Christ to his disciples were
tian community of Jerusalem. cornerstone. By the Lord has
very important not only for the
this been done; it is wonderful
R – A proclamation from the in our eyes. This is the day the
disciples themselves, but also for
Acts of the Apostles Lord has made; let us be glad
the generations to come. This is
They devoted themselves specially true in today’s account
and rejoice in it. R.
to the teaching of the apostles of the first apparition, in which
and to the communal life, to Jesus shared his mission with the
2nd Reading 1 Pt 1:3-9 apostles and conferred on them
the breaking of bread and to In the early Church the cat-
the prayers. Awe came upon the Holy Spirit with the concomi-
echumens were baptized on the tant power to forgive sins – two
everyone, and many wonders Easter Vigil to better express
and signs were done through gifts which have been part of the
their rising to new life in Christ. life of the Church ever since.
the apostles. This is the background against
All who believed were to- which we can understand the P –The Lord be with you!
gether and had all things in enthusiastic words of Peter at the All –And with your spirit!
common; they would sell their beginning of his First Letter. P – A proclamation from the
property and possessions and holy Gospel according to
divide them among all accord- R – A proclamation from the John
ing to each one’s need. Every First Letter of Peter All – Glory to you, O Lord!
day they devoted themselves to Blessed be the God and Fa-
meeting together in the temple On the evening of that
ther of our Lord Jesus Christ, first day of the week, when the
area and to breaking bread in who in his great mercy gave
their homes. doors were locked, where the
us new birth to a living hope disciples were, for fear of the
They ate their meals with through the resurrection of
exultation and sincerity of Jews, Jesus came and stood in
Jesus Christ from the dead, their midst and said to them,
heart, praising God and enjoy- to an inheritance that is im-
ing favor with all the people. “Peace be with you.” When he
perishable, undefiled, and un- had said this, he showed them
And every day the Lord add- fading, kept in heaven for you
ed to their number those who his hands and his side. The dis-
who by the power of God are ciples rejoiced when they saw
were being saved. safeguarded through faith, to the Lord. Jesus said to them
The Word of the Lord! a salvation that is ready to be again, “Peace be with you. As
All – Thanks be to God! revealed in the final time. the Father has sent me, so I
In this you rejoice, al- send you.”
Responsorial Psalm Ps 118 though now for a little while And when he had said this,
you may have to suffer through he breathed on them and said
R –Give thanks to the Lord,
various trials, so that the gen- to them, “Receive the Holy
for he is good, his love is
uineness of your faith, more Spirit. Whose sins you forgive
precious than gold that is per- are forgiven them, and whose
ishable even though tested by sins you retain are retained.”
fire, may prove to be for praise, Thomas, called Didymus,
glory, and honor at the revela- one of the Twelve, was not
tion of Jesus Christ. with them when Jesus came.
Although you have not So the other disciples said to
seen him, you love him; even him, “We have seen the Lord.”
though you do not see him now But he said to them, “Unless I
yet believe in him, you rejoice see the mark of the nails in his
with an indescribable and glo- hands and put my finger into
rious joy, as you attain the goal the nailmarks and put my hand
* Let the house of Israel
of your faith, the salvation of into his side, I will not believe.”
say, “His mercy endures for-
your souls. Now a week later his dis-
ever.” Let the house of Aaron
say, “His mercy endures for- The Word of the Lord! ciples were again inside and
ever.” Let those who fear the All – Thanks be to God! Thomas was with them. Je-

19 April 2020
sus came, although the doors the Son, who with the Father
were locked, and stood in their and the Son is adored and glori-
midst and said, “Peace be with fied, who has spoken through
you.” Then he said to Thomas, the prophets.
“Put your finger here and see I believe in one, holy, cath- Preparation of the Gifts
my hands, and bring your hand olic and apostolic Church. I P –Pray, brethren . . .
and put it into my side, and confess one Baptism for the All – May the Lord accept the
do not be unbelieving, but be- forgiveness of sins and I look sacrifice at your hands, for the
lieve.” Thomas answered and forward to the resurrection of praise and glory of his name,
said to him, “My Lord and my the dead and the life of the world for our good and the good of all
God!” Jesus said to him, “Have to come. Amen! his holy Church.
you come to believe because
you have seen me? Blessed are Prayer of the Faithful Prayer over the Offerings
those who have not seen and P –On this day when we honor P –Accept, O Lord, we pray, the
have believed.” Jesus, the King of Divine Mercy, oblations of your people (and of
Now, Jesus did many other let us open our hearts to him and those you have brought to new
signs in the presence of his dis- pray with humble faith: birth), that, renewed by confes-
ciples that are not written in sion of your name and by Bap-
this book. But these are written All – Merciful Jesus, hear our
prayer! tism, they may attain unending
that you may come to believe happiness.
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son C –For the Church and her lead- Through Christ our Lord.
of God, and that through this ers: May they be clear signs and All – Amen!
belief you may have life in his effective instruments of God’s
name. mercy to both believers and un- Preface of Easter I
The Gospel of the Lord! believers. Let us pray! R. P –The Lord be with you!
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus C –For those who administer All –And with your spirit!
Christ! the Sacrament of Penance: May P –Lift up your hearts!
they always be worthy instru- All – We lift them up to the Lord!
Homily ments of Christ’s merciful love. P –Let us give thanks to the
Let us pray! R. Lord our God!
Profession of Faith C –For those who, like Thomas, All –It is right and just!
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) find it hard to believe in the Res- P – It is truly right and just,
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- urrection: May they be helped to our duty and our salvation, at all
ther almighty, maker of heaven overcome their unbelief by the times to acclaim you, O Lord,
and earth, of all things visible witness of the Christian com- but on this day above all to praise
and invisible. munity. Let us pray! R. you yet more gloriously, when
I believe in one Lord Jesus C –For all those who are afflict- Christ our Passover has been
Christ, the Only Begotten Son ed by physical, psychological or sacrificed.
of God, born of the Father be- moral illness: May they always For he is the true Lamb who
fore all ages. God from God, find healing and relief through has taken away the sins of the
Light from Light, true God from the charity of all believers. Let world; by dying he has destroyed
true God, begotten, not made, us pray! R. our death, and by rising, restored
consubstantial with the Father; our life.
C –For all the members of our Therefore, overcome with
through him all things were parish: In imitation of the ear-
made. For us men and for our paschal joy, every land, every
ly Christians, may we remain people exults in your praise and
salvation he came down from faithful to the teaching of the
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy even the heavenly Powers, with
apostles, actively participate in the angelic hosts, sing together
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- the Sunday Eucharist, and share
gin Mary, and became man.* the unending hymn of your glo-
God’s blessings to us with those ry, as they acclaim:
For our sake he was crucified in need. Let us pray! R. All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- of hosts. Heaven and earth are
fered death and was buried, and C – Let us pray in silence for our
personal intentions. (Pause) full of your glory. Hosanna in
rose again on the third day in the highest!
accordance with the Scriptures. Let us pray! R. Blessed is he who comes in
He ascended into heaven and is P –Merciful Jesus, we thank the name of the Lord. Hosanna
seated at the right hand of the you for the gifts of the Holy Spir- in the highest!
Father. He will come again in it, your peace and forgiveness.
glory to judge the living and the May they bring us closer to you Memorial Acclamation
dead and his kingdom will have and to one another, and make us P –The mystery of faith!
no end. instruments of your love for all All –When we eat this Bread
I believe in the Holy Spirit, our brothers and sisters. You who and drink this Cup, we pro-
the Lord, the giver of life, who live and reign for ever and ever. claim your Death, O Lord,
proceeds from the Father and All – Amen! until you come again!

2nd Sunday of Easter (A)

P –The Risen Christ has given P –May almighty God bless
you lasting freedom. May you: the Father, and the
you inherit his everlasting Son, and the Holy Spirit.
life. All – Amen!
All – Our Father . . . All – Amen!
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . P –You rose with Jesus in bap- P –Go in peace to bear witness
All –For the kingdom, the tism. May your lives be to the Resurrection in your
power, and the glory are holy, so that you will be life. Alleluia! Alleluia!
yours, now and for ever. united with him for ever. All – Thanks be to God!
Sign of Peace All – Amen! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Breaking of the Bread

P –Behold the Lamb of God, be- S t. Faustina Kowalska was
a Polish nun who died on Oc-
tober 5, 1938 at only 33 years of
love. No revenge for having been
deserted by them right when he
needed their allegiance most, but
hold him who takes away the sins
of the world. Blessed are those age. She had lived a very simple only the gifts of his peace
called to the Supper of the Lamb. life proclaiming an extremely and comforting presence. No
All –Lord, I am not worthy simple message: the Heart of bitterness against the doubting
Jesus is overflowing with divine Thomas who persisted in rejecting
that you should enter under
mercy toward sinners and wants the witness of his companions,
my roof, but only say the word all to come to him with trust-filled but only patient understanding
and my soul shall be healed. love. for his weakness, and a tender
This invitation is powerfully desire to arouse in him faith in
Communion Antiphon expressed in the classic painting the Resurrection.
(To be recited only when no of the Risen Christ, which an art- “My Lord and my God!”
Communion Hymn is sung.) ist executed under the guidance exclaimed the bewildered apostle
Bring your hand and feel of Sr. Faustina herself who, on as he felt himself inundated by the
the place of the nails, and do 22 February 1931, had seen him love of the Man-God who had only
not be unbelieving but believ- with red and pale rays of light words of mercy and forgiveness
ing, alleluia. emanating from his chest. Those for him.
rays of light recalled the blood “Jesus, remember me when
Prayer after Communion and water that flowed down from you enter into your reign!”
the pierced heart of Christ on the had been the earnest plea of the
P –Grant, we pray, almighty cross and symbolized the inex- man being executed with him on
God, that our reception of this haustible richness of his merciful Calvary as he viewed his life as
paschal Sacrament may have a love made present and available a total failure and Jesus’ mercy
continuing effect in our minds to all through the Sacraments. as his only hope. And he was not
and hearts. Jesus himself had instructed disappointed.
Through Christ our Lord. Sr. Faustina to have the sen- “Jesus, have mercy on me. I
All – Amen! tence “JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU” trust in you!” is the expression of
written at the bottom of that complete self-surrender which all
painting. This sentence express- of us should address to our Savior
es the response of humble faith as we realize our unworthiness
on the part of the sinner to the and our need to be forgiven. What
endless mercy with which God can save us from the devastat-
views mankind and constantly ing consequences of our sins is
P –The Lord be with you. brings about the salvation of the only God’s merciful love.
All – And with your spirit! world. And this is what we implore,
P –Bow your heads and pray This is the mercy that in all humility and confidence,
for God’s blessing. (Pause) brought God’s Son to become not only on this Second Sunday
Through the resurrection of a human being and to give of Easter, but throughout our
His Son, God has redeemed his life on the cross for all lives, until our last moments. Like
you and made you His chil- sinners. This is also the same the repentant thief dying on
dren. May He fill you with mercy that led the Risen Christ a cross, side by side with the
joy. to go in search of his disciples Innocent Victim, we place all
All – Amen! the very day he rose from death, our trust in Jesus, the King of
to reassure them of his forgiving Divine Mercy.

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