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Process Dynamics & Control


1. D.E. Seborg, T.F. Edgar, D. A. Mellichamp, Process Dynamics and Control, John

Wiley and Sons, 2nd ed., 2004.

Auxiliary books

1. B.W. Bequette, Process Control: Modeling, Design and Simulation, Prentice Hall,

New Delhi, 2003.

2. W.L. Luyben. Process Modeling Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers,

2nd ed., McGraw Hill, 1990.

Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 1

The content of the module

 Introduction (Objective definitions)

 Mathematical overview (Laplace Transform)

 Some mathematical models of the chemical processes

 Transfer function (TF)

 Block diagrams

 Response of first and Second order processes

Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 2

Why to control a process

 Tougher environmental and safety regulations

 Rapidly changing economic conditions
 Equipment Protection
 Reduce variability
 Increase efficiency
 Ensure the stability of a process
 Stronger competition

The main objective is to maintain a process at the

desired operating conditions, safely and

Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 3

Types of processes
 Continuous process

Tubular heat exchanger Jacketed Chemical reactor (CSTR)


Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 4

Types of processes (Cont.)
 Batch process

Jacketed batch reactor Fed-batch bioreactor

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Types of variables

Controlled variables (CVs): The process variables that

are controlled. The desired value of a controlled variable
is referred to as its set point.

Manipulated variables (MVs): The process variables

that can be adjusted in order to keep the controlled
variables at or near their set points. Typically, the Ti , qi To , qo
manipulated variables are flow rates.

Disturbance variables (DVs): Process variables that Qci

affect the controlled variables but cannot be manipulated.
Disturbances generally are related to changes in the Qci = MV : To = CV : Ti , qi = DV
operating environment of the process: for example, its feed
conditions or ambient temperature. Some disturbance
variables can be measured on-line, but many cannot such
as the crude oil composition for a thermal cracking furnace
Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 6
How to control a system

Water heating system Manual control system Automatic control system

Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 7

Controlling systems advances with time
Modern plants have become more difficult to operate because of the trend toward complex and
highly integrated processes. Thus, it is difficult to prevent disturbances from propagating from one
unit to other interconnected units.

Old control room New control room

Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 8

An Illustrative Example (A Blending Process)

A continuous, stirred-tank blending system is shown in the

figure beside. The system blends material (A) and the
material (B) via two intel streams. The goal is to blend the
two inlet streams to produce an outlet stream that has the
desired composition, which is the composition of material
(A) to be close to xsp (set point).
Design case
If the nominal value (at steady state) of x1 is (¯x1 ), what
nominal flow rate (¯ w2) is required to produce the desired
outlet concentration, (xsp) ?
Stirred-tank blending system
Overall balance:

Component A balance:
If the value of x1 is always at ¯x1 , then the value of x (outlet
stream) will always be at xsp and w2 will be at ¯ w2. .
From the two equations:
But what happens if the conditions are changed?

Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 9

An Illustrative Example (A Blending Process), Cont.

Control case

Suppose that inlet concentration x1 varies with time [x(t)].

How can we ensure that the outlet composition x remains
at or near its desired value, xsp?

Method 1: Measure x and adjust w2

Proportional control

Kc is a constant called the controller gain

Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 10

An Illustrative Example (A Blending Process), Cont.

Method 2: Measure x1 and adjust w2

A control law based on Method 2 can be obtained

from the previous by replacing ¯x1 with x1(t) and
¯w2 with w2(t):

Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 11

Feedback and Feedforward control

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Closed-loop control system: it is a feedback control system which the output signals has a direct effect upon the
control action.

Advantage: more accurate than the open-loop control system.

Disadvantages: Complex and expensive

Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 13

Open-loop control system: it is a control system in which the output has no effect upon the control action. (The
output is neither measured nor fed back for comparison with the input).

(1) Simple construction and ease to maintenance.
(2) Less expensive than closed-loop control system.

(1) Disturbance and change in calibration cause errors; and output may be different from what is desired.
(2) To maintain the required quality in the output, recalibration is necessary from time to time

Ch.E403_Process Control (I) _ Introduction/ Dr. Ali 14


System: it is a combination of components that act together and perform a certain objective.

Plant: it is the machine of which a particular quantity or condition is to be controlled

Process: is defined as the changing or refining of raw materials that pass through or remain in a liquid, gaseous,
or slurry state to create end products.
Control: in process industries refers to the regulation of all aspects of the process. Precise control of level, pH,
oxygen, foam, nutrient, temperature, pressure and flow is important in many process applications.

Sensor: a measuring instrument, the most common measurements are of flow (F), temperature (T), pressure (P),
level (L), pH and composition (A, for analyzer).The sensor will detect the value of the measured variable as a
function of time.

Set point: The value at which the controlled parameter is to be maintained

Controller: A device which receives a measurement of the process variable, compares with a set point representing the
desired control point, and adjusts its output to minimize the error between the measurement and the set point.

Error Signal: The signal resulting from the difference between the set point reference signal and the process variable
feedback signal in a controller.

Feedback Control: A type of control whereby the controller receives a feedback signal representing the condition of
the controlled process variable, compares it to the set point, and adjusts the controller output accordingly.

Steady-State: The condition when all process properties are constant with time, transient responses having died out.

Transmitter: A device that converts a process measurement (pressure, flow, level, temperature, etc.) into an
electrical or pneumatic signal suitable for use by an indicating or control system.

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