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Play time

Step One
Prepare the Play Area

Place 2-3 of the child’s favorite toys around him/her – make sure
the toys are a little bit outside of the child’s reach so that she can
make a clear choice between them

Step Two
Join in to the Play

After the child chooses which toy to play with, join him/her in
playing with the toy & follow his/her lead

Different Ways to Follow the Child’s Lead:

● Talk about what child is doing while doing it
● Label or expand on what child tries to communicate
● Copy the actions child makes
● Copy the noises & sounds child makes

Step Three
Modeling & Prompting

If the child doesn’t make a choice of which toy to play with:

1. Model choosing a toy by grabbing and labeling it
2. Prompt child to make a choice by looking at him/her then
pointing to the toys and saying “which one?”

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