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Progress on Final Project for ENTO 2003

Project Outline Assignment due Friday April 10 by 5:00. 10 points. This provides your detailed plans for
your final project. Early submissions are encouraged and will be graded first.

What will be your final semester project? Write a descriptive paragraph about what you plan to do. If it is a
drawing, what will you draw? Get started and document your progress. If you are making a drawing,
sculpture, or painting, you must submit a picture of the materials acquired, and a sketch of what you plan.
For the final project, you will take 3 pictures of your project in progress and then submit enough pictures
that we can grade your effort and intent. If you are doing poetry, you need to submit an example of one
poem. If you are doing edible art, submit a sketch of what you plan. If you plan to do something else,
email Dr. Hoback right away ( for approval.

The purpose of this assignment is to make sure that you are making progress (the final project is worth 100
points) and to provide feedback about your project. The more details you include, the better your final
project is likely to be.

Your final projects are due Monday April 27 by 5:00 PM. The full details are available on
Canvas. As a reminder, the final project is a large project that shows what you have learned
about for the relationship between humans and insects.

No monarch butterflies, black widow spiders, honey bees or ladybird beetles. There are many other
fascinating arthropods that are important to human society and interesting. Explore and find them.

Allowed NOT allowed

Artwork PowerPoint presentations
 Paintings/drawings Business plans
 Sculpture/diorama Lesson plans
 Textiles A term paper
 Robotics Short stories
 Tattoo designs Music compositions
 Fly Tying
 Other? (requires approval of instructor)
 Original works (submit lyrics and music)
 Changed lyrics from other songs (submit
lyrics & original song info)
 Length requirements = 10 pages double-
spaced 12pt font. Text must be
submitted electronically to the dropbox
Edible art
 Original works that depict aspects of
human/ insect interactions

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