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Turtle float: The knees are raised to the chest and encircled by the arms. Jellyfish float:
Holding the ankles with the hands.
The tuck float position is assumed face down in the water, the head is held in-line with the
trunk, and the legs are flexed or tucked under the chest where they are grasped by the hands.
The tuck float is especially valu- able in the early learning phase of the non-swimmer.
This float is aptly named for its proper execution, as it looks like a jellyfish bobbing in the
water. The technique is quite straightforward. Standing in waist-deep water, the swimmer takes
a deep breath, puts his face in the water, arms hanging down, and allows the water to support
the body.
In the vertical back float, as in the horizontal back float, your face remains above the water;
however, in the vertical back float, less of your body floats above the water. While your upper
chest and your face stay out of the water, your legs drop down below the surface.

1. builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness.
2. helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs.
3. tones muscles and builds strength.
4. provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of your muscles are used
during swimming.
Personal Water Safety.

 Learn to swim
 Swim under supervision or with a friend
 Supervise children closely. Supervision means constant visual contact, not the
occasional glance.
 Don’t swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs
 Always dive feet first, especially in unfamiliar waters. Make sure the water is clear of
swimmers before diving in.
 Don’t swim directly after a meal. Don’t chew gum or eat food while in the water as you
could choke.
 If you are not an expert swimmer, stay in waist-level water, close to shore or away from
the deep end.
 Swim parallel to shore if you wish to swim long distances.
 Don’t drift too far from shore.
 If you are in trouble, call or wave for help.

Flutter Kick
Dolphin Kick
Frog kick
Scissors kick

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