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1. Answer the question in A. 1 P. 15 with your own information explaining

2. Make a chart and translate the adjectives with the vocabulary of
Personality Adjectives in A. 2 P.15, then complete the sentences in this
activity using the adjectives from this point.
3. When you finish completing the sentences in A. 2 P.15, translate the
4. Write de definition (what it means in english) of the adjectives you
didn’t use in the sentences in A. 2 P.15. then translate the definition.
5. Listen to the audio 1.17, then:
4.1 Check the correct answer in A. 6 P.15
4.2 Complete the sentence with a word or phrase in the A. 7 P. 15.
4.3 Answer the questions from the A. 8 P.15
6. Answer the question in A. 1 P.16, with your own information.
7. Read the dialogue in A. 3 P. 16 and answer the two questions.
8. Listen the audio 1.18 from the dialogue in A. 3 P. 16, then using the
tool record yourself reading the dialogue.

1.yes, he is because it's good to learn new things and not always stay in the
same thing.
Organized Organizado
Calm Calmado
Sensible Sensible
Gentle Gentil
Confident confianza
Curious curioso
Fussy Quisquilloso
Reliable Confinable
Generous Generoso
Creative Creative
Punctual Punctual

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