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* Log opened: 2010-03-16T22:29:59Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:29:59.07] 0f9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAC60: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E0A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:29:59.07] 0f9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAC60: (User='', Target='Initial', Ap
plication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:29:59.07] 0cdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAC60: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[19:30:00.15] 0f9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAC60: (User='', Target='')[
[19:30:00.15] 0f9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAC60: (User='', Target='')[2
[19:30:00.18] 0dc4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83FC0: (, 0, real) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[19:30:02.07] 0dc4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84098: (, 0, shadow) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:30:02.12] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F99108: Initial Sync Starting
[19:30:02.20] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7D7B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:30:03.67] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00F7D7B0: status = 301
[19:30:03.67] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7D7B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:30:16.90] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:30:17.21] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7D7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:30:18.50] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00F7D7B0: status = 301
[19:30:18.50] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7D7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:30:26.07] 05c8 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@010328E0: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[19:30:26.28] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbPullHandler:
:OnCircle@010328E0: New PE Circle (00000000-0000-0000-0009-d189528b2d3c), will n
eed to pull membership.
[19:30:26.28] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:30:26.40] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbPullHandler:
:OnApplyAnchor@010328E0: Updating CircleTicketVersion = 1.
[19:30:26.45] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0518FA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x1 | annotation = 1)
[19:30:26.46] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01019E10: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[19:30:28.34] 05c8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::OnRedirect@01019E10: Soap API call for got re-directed to: https
[19:30:28.34] 05c8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01019E10: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[19:30:32.23] 05c8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01035160: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[19:30:32.23] 05c8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FAA360: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T01:35:20.00-00:00
[19:30:32.26] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04AFBC60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = 00000000-0000-
[19:30:33.57] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@04AFBC60: status = 301
[19:30:33.59] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04AFBC60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = 00000000-0000-
[19:30:35.31] 05c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:30:35.37] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F99108: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:30:36.78] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0E30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-16T22:3
[19:30:36.78] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FAA360: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-16T22:30:46.00-00:00
[19:30:36.81] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105D060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:30:37.67] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0E30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-16T22:3
[19:30:37.67] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FAA2B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-16T22:30:47.00-00:00
[19:30:38.17] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0E30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-16T22:3
[19:30:38.17] 0dc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FAA360: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-16T22:30:48.00-00:00
[19:32:43.26] 0f9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAC60: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe') == '00F7E0A0'
[19:32:43.29] 0f9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAC60: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-03-16T22:32:53Z
* Log opened: 2010-04-11T13:59:05Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:59:05.28] 0854 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FCA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:59:05.28] 0854 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:59:05.28] 0854 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:00:01.82] 0820 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FCA0'
[11:00:01.84] 0820 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[11:09:59.35] 03e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA1460: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBA8E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:09:59.35] 03e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA1460: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:09:59.37] 03e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA1460: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:10:59.34] 0854 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA1460: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FBA8E0'
[11:10:59.34] 0854 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA1460: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[11:40:27.26] 0ee4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0029DF28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB88C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:40:27.26] 0ee4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0029DF28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:40:27.26] 0e60 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0029DF28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:40:42.15] 0ee4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0029DF28: (User='', Target=''
[11:40:42.15] 0ee4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0029DF28: (User='', Target='')
[11:40:42.20] 0d04 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7F7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:40:44.12] 0d04 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7F898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:40:44.17] 0d04 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA2508: Initial Sync Starting
[11:40:44.31] 0d04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FD97D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:40:46.81] 0f8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00FD97D0: status = 301
[11:40:46.81] 0f8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FD97D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:40:51.18] 0f8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:40:51.28] 0d04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FD97D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:40:53.42] 0f8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00FD97D0: status = 301
[11:40:53.42] 0f8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FD97D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:41:00.43] 0f8c Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@01003910: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[11:41:00.43] 0f8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:41:00.54] 0d04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01007860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x1 | annotation = 1)
[11:41:00.54] 0d04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@00FFD5B0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[11:41:02.76] 0f8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::OnRedirect@00FFD5B0: Soap API call for got re-directed to: https
[11:41:02.76] 0f8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@00FFD5B0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[11:41:10.40] 0f8c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01001160: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[11:41:10.40] 0f8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF8C28: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-17T14:33:36.00-00:00
[11:41:10.43] 0d04 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA2508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:41:17.56] 0d04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA1A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-04-11T14:4
[11:41:17.56] 0d04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF8C28: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-04-11T14:41:27.00-00:00
[11:41:17.59] 0d04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01022C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:41:17.59] 0d04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA1A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-04-11T14:4
[11:41:17.59] 0d04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF8C28: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-04-11T14:41:27.00-00:00
[11:41:23.03] 0d04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA1A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-04-11T14:4
[11:41:23.03] 0d04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF8AC8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-04-11T14:41:33.00-00:00
[11:41:37.15] 0d04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA1A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-04-11T14:4
[11:41:37.15] 0d04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF8B78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-04-11T14:41:47.00-00:00
[11:59:52.70] 0d04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01007370: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\AddToGroup, AB =
[11:59:59.26] 0f8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01007370: status = 301
[11:59:59.26] 0f8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01007370: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\AddToGroup, AB =
[12:00:33.85] 0f8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01007370: hr = 0x80072ee2, fault = (none)
[12:00:33.87] 0d04 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@00FFFF30: WinInet error hr = 0x80072EE2 for operation = 4
[12:01:44.29] 0d04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01007370: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\AddToGroup, AB =
[12:02:03.00] 0f8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
* Log opened: 2010-04-11T22:07:03Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:07:03.31] 0400 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7ECA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:07:03.31] 0400 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:07:03.31] 0400 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:07:03.68] 0400 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7ECA0'
[19:07:03.73] 0400 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-04-11T22:07:33Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-02T02:24:51Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[23:24:51.50] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7ECA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[23:24:51.50] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[23:24:51.50] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[23:24:53.45] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9860: (User='', Target=''
[23:24:53.45] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9860: (User='', Target='')
[23:24:53.48] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[23:24:56.90] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[23:24:56.95] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::IsFileSystemCorrupted@00F97D08: (sot = 3) there are files in the local sys
tem but there are no stored checksums forcing a fullsync
[23:24:56.95] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::IsFileSystemCorrupted@00F97D08: (sot = 5) there are files in the local sys
tem but there are no stored checksums forcing a fullsync
[23:24:56.95] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::IsFileSystemCorrupted@00F97D08: (sot = 9) there are files in the local sys
tem but there are no stored checksums forcing a fullsync
[23:24:56.95] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::RunCorruptionDetection@00F97D08: clearing MEMBERSHIP timestamps due to cor
ruption in the filesystem!!!
[23:24:56.95] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::RunCorruptionDetection@00F97D08: clearing AB timestamps due to corruption
in the filesystem!!!
[23:24:56.96] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[23:24:57.14] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[23:25:01.92] 0f34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[23:25:01.92] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[23:25:03.68] 0f34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[23:25:03.79] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01053C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x1 | annotation = 1)
[23:25:03.79] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[23:25:04.43] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-02T02:2
[23:25:04.43] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-02T02:25:14.00-00:00
[23:25:04.46] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01053C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[23:25:04.78] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-02T02:2
[23:25:04.78] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8FB8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-02T02:25:14.00-00:00
[23:25:45.32] 058c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA98BC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-05-01T19:25:16.007-07
[23:25:45.32] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105EF70: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[23:25:46.85] 0f34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@0105EF70: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[23:25:46.85] 0f34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105EE20: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[23:25:48.67] 0f34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[23:25:48.75] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105F130: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[23:25:50.26] 0f34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[23:27:10.46] 07d0 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA98BC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-05-01T19:26:43.383-07
[23:27:10.48] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105F0C0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[23:27:11.84] 0f34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[23:27:11.84] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105F0C0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[23:27:13.40] 0f34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[23:27:39.37] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7ECA0'
[23:27:39.39] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[23:27:39.39] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F833C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[23:27:39.39] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F833C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05ed, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[23:27:39.39] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F833C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[23:27:50.32] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@043B3060: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '010104C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[23:27:50.32] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@043B3060: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[23:27:50.34] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@043B3060: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[23:27:50.34] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@043B3060: (User='', Target='')
[23:27:50.34] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@043B3060: (User='', Target=''
[23:27:50.35] 02f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@043B43C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[23:27:51.17] 02f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@043B4498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[23:27:51.20] 02f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@043B5908: Initial Sync Starting
[23:27:51.21] 02f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@043B7E30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-02T02:2
[23:27:51.21] 02f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA6F78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-02T02:28:01.00-00:00
[23:27:51.25] 02f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@043B5908: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[23:27:51.25] 02f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@043B5908: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[23:27:51.25] 02f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0102EE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[23:27:51.25] 02f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@043B5908: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[23:27:51.25] 02f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@043B5908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[23:30:03.10] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@043B3060: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '010104C0'
[23:30:03.10] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@043B3060: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[23:30:35.95] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@043B2060: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '043B50C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[23:30:35.95] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@043B2060: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[23:30:35.95] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@043B2060: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[23:30:35.95] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@043B2060: (User='', Target='')
[23:30:35.95] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@043B2060: (User='', Target=''
[23:30:35.96] 0d14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01036FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[23:30:36.75] 0d14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01037098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[23:30:36.78] 0d14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@043AFD08: Initial Sync Starting
[23:30:36.78] 0d14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01014D30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-02T02:3
[23:30:36.78] 0d14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0100AF78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-02T02:30:46.00-00:00
[23:30:36.79] 0d14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@043AFD08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[23:30:36.79] 0d14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@043AFD08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[23:30:36.81] 0d14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01047F60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[23:30:36.81] 0d14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@043AFD08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[23:30:36.81] 0d14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@043AFD08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[23:32:25.09] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@043B2060: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '043B50C0'
[23:32:25.09] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@043B2060: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[23:32:25.09] 0d14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01036FC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[23:32:25.09] 0d14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01036FC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05ed, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[23:32:55.06] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0102FE60: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FA34C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[23:32:55.06] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0102FE60: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[23:32:55.06] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0102FE60: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[23:32:55.06] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0102FE60: (User='', Target='')
[23:32:55.06] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0102FE60: (User='', Target=''
[23:32:55.07] 0bf0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7D7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[23:32:55.82] 0bf0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7D898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[23:32:55.85] 0bf0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@043B2108: Initial Sync Starting
[23:32:55.85] 0bf0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA2630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-02T02:3
[23:32:55.85] 0bf0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01012078: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-02T02:33:05.00-00:00
[23:32:55.89] 0bf0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@043B2108: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[23:32:55.89] 0bf0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@043B2108: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[23:32:55.89] 0bf0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01036C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[23:32:55.89] 0bf0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@043B2108: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[23:32:55.89] 0bf0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@043B2108: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[23:34:16.68] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0102FE60: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FA34C0'
[23:34:16.68] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0102FE60: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[23:34:41.98] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA4E60: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FA10C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[23:34:41.98] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA4E60: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[23:34:41.98] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA4E60: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[23:34:41.98] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA4E60: (User='', Target='')
[23:34:41.98] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA4E60: (User='', Target=''
[23:34:42.00] 0eb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@043AEBC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[23:34:42.79] 0eb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@043AEC98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[23:34:42.82] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0102FF08: Initial Sync Starting
[23:34:42.82] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100AE30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-02T02:3
[23:34:42.82] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FB9378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-02T02:34:52.00-00:00
[23:34:42.84] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0102FF08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[23:34:42.84] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0102FF08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[23:34:42.84] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0100E860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[23:34:42.85] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0102FF08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[23:34:42.85] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0102FF08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[23:40:13.26] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA4E60: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FA10C0'
[23:40:13.28] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA4E60: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[23:40:13.28] 0eb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@043AEBC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[23:40:32.65] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01010F60: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FA34C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[23:40:32.65] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01010F60: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[23:40:32.65] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01010F60: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[23:40:32.65] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01010F60: (User='', Target='')
[23:40:32.65] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01010F60: (User='', Target=''
[23:40:32.67] 0ee8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01015AC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[23:40:33.53] 0ee8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01015B98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[23:40:33.56] 0ee8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA4F08: Initial Sync Starting
[23:40:33.56] 0ee8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA1E30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-02T02:4
[23:40:33.56] 0ee8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101C278: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-02T02:40:43.00-00:00
[23:40:33.59] 0ee8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA4F08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[23:40:33.59] 0ee8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA4F08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[23:40:33.59] 0ee8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@043AF860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[23:40:33.59] 0ee8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA4F08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[23:40:33.59] 0ee8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA4F08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[23:45:44.51] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01010F60: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FA34C0'
[23:45:44.51] 058c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01010F60: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-02T02:45:54Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-16T19:31:26Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:31:26.51] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FCA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:31:26.51] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:31:26.51] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:31:26.51] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA860: (User='', Target='')
[16:31:26.51] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA860: (User='', Target=''
[16:31:26.53] 0f40 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:31:27.45] 0f40 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:31:27.51] 0f40 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:31:27.59] 0f40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T19:3
[16:31:27.59] 0f40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T19:31:37.00-00:00
[16:31:27.62] 0f40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01044060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:31:37.53] 0e14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:31:37.56] 0f40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:31:42.53] 0e14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:31:42.53] 0f40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104D860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:31:42.53] 0f40 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:38:33.25] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FCA0'
[16:38:33.25] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[16:39:04.53] 0d68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01045C60: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBA0C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:39:04.53] 0d68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01045C60: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:39:04.53] 0d68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01045C60: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:39:04.53] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01045C60: (User='', Target='')
[16:39:04.53] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01045C60: (User='', Target=''
[16:39:04.53] 06fc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01031FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:39:05.39] 06fc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01032098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:39:05.43] 06fc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01032D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:39:05.43] 06fc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01047230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T19:3
[16:39:05.43] 06fc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01023B78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T19:39:15.00-00:00
[16:39:05.46] 06fc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01032D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[16:39:05.46] 06fc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01032D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[16:39:05.46] 06fc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0102FC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:39:05.46] 06fc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01032D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[16:39:05.46] 06fc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01032D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[17:01:59.62] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01045C60: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FBA0C0'
[17:01:59.64] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01045C60: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:01:59.64] 06fc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01031FC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[17:04:16.17] 0d68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FF52B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FA14C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:04:16.17] 0d68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FF52B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:04:16.18] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FF52B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:04:16.18] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FF52B0: (User='', Target='')
[17:04:16.18] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FF52B0: (User='', Target=''
[17:04:16.20] 0ebc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0102CFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:04:16.95] 0ebc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0102D098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:04:17.00] 0ebc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01032D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:04:17.00] 0ebc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FF3230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T20:0
[17:04:17.00] 0ebc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00F99F78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T20:04:27.00-00:00
[17:04:17.03] 0ebc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102C060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:04:31.95] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:04:31.95] 0ebc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010003D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:04:37.35] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:04:37.35] 0ebc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105CC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:04:37.35] 0ebc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01032D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:05:10.95] 0d68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FF52B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FA14C0'
[17:05:10.96] 0d68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FF52B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:05:30.56] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105CC60: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBA0C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:05:30.56] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105CC60: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:05:30.56] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105CC60: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:05:30.56] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105CC60: (User='', Target='')
[17:05:30.56] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105CC60: (User='', Target=''
[17:05:30.57] 02bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010297C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:05:31.40] 02bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01029898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:05:31.45] 02bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FF5108: Initial Sync Starting
[17:05:31.45] 02bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA4230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T20:0
[17:05:31.45] 02bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0103CF78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T20:05:41.00-00:00
[17:05:31.48] 02bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FF5108: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:05:31.48] 02bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FF5108: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:05:31.48] 02bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01031C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:05:31.48] 02bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FF5108: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[17:05:31.48] 02bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FF5108: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[17:07:20.53] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0105CC60: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FBA0C0'
[17:07:20.53] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105CC60: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:07:49.62] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01002420: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB48C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:07:49.62] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01002420: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:07:49.62] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01002420: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:07:49.62] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01002420: (User='', Target='')
[17:07:49.62] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01002420: (User='', Target=''
[17:07:49.64] 0104 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FF53C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:07:50.40] 0104 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FF5498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:07:50.43] 0104 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0105CD08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:07:50.43] 0104 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0105CD08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:07:50.43] 0104 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0105CD08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:07:50.43] 0104 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00FA3860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:07:50.43] 0104 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0105CD08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[17:07:50.43] 0104 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0105CD08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[17:31:49.14] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01002420: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB48C0'
[17:31:49.15] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01002420: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:32:59.51] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01050860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0104ACC0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:32:59.51] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01050860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:32:59.51] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01050860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:32:59.51] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01050860: (User='', Target='')
[17:32:59.51] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01050860: (User='', Target=''
[17:32:59.53] 0eb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010247C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:33:00.34] 0eb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01024898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:33:00.37] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FFFD08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:33:00.37] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@010019F0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T20:3
[17:33:00.37] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFDF78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T20:33:10.00-00:00
[17:33:00.39] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FFFD08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:33:00.39] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FFFD08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:33:00.39] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01038C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:33:00.40] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FFFD08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[17:33:00.40] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FFFD08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[17:33:50.79] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01050860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0104ACC0'
[17:33:50.79] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01050860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:34:02.00] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0102AC60: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0101D0C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:34:02.00] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0102AC60: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:34:02.00] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0102AC60: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:34:02.00] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0102AC60: (User='', Target='')
[17:34:02.00] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0102AC60: (User='', Target=''
[17:34:02.01] 04ac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01037FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:34:02.92] 04ac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01038098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:34:02.95] 04ac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FFFD08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:34:02.95] 04ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FFBA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T20:3
[17:34:02.95] 04ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01030378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T20:34:12.00-00:00
[17:34:02.98] 04ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01056860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:34:04.71] 06cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:34:04.71] 04ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FFDBD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:34:10.04] 06cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:34:10.04] 04ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105AC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:34:10.04] 04ac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FFFD08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:40:05.15] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0102AC60: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0101D0C0'
[17:40:05.17] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0102AC60: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:40:05.17] 04ac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01037FC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05ed, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[17:40:22.70] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0102C860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FFDCC0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:40:22.70] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0102C860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:40:22.70] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0102C860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:40:22.70] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0102C860: (User='', Target='')
[17:40:22.70] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0102C860: (User='', Target=''
[17:40:22.73] 0d60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01044FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:40:23.64] 0d60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01045098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:40:23.68] 0d60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01029508: Initial Sync Starting
[17:40:23.68] 0d60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01029508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:40:23.68] 0d60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01029508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:40:23.68] 0d60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01040060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:40:23.68] 0d60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01029508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[17:40:23.68] 0d60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01029508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[17:40:51.14] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0102C860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FFDCC0'
[17:40:51.15] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0102C860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:41:09.68] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9C460: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0101D4C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:41:09.68] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9C460: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:41:09.68] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9C460: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:41:09.68] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9C460: (User='', Target='')
[17:41:09.68] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9C460: (User='', Target=''
[17:41:09.70] 0420 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01049FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:41:10.45] 0420 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0104A098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:41:10.48] 0420 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01059D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:41:10.48] 0420 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01038A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-16T20:4
[17:41:10.48] 0420 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFE778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-16T20:41:20.00-00:00
[17:41:10.51] 0420 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01059D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:41:10.51] 0420 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01059D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:41:10.51] 0420 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01048C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:41:10.51] 0420 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01059D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[17:41:10.51] 0420 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01059D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[17:44:57.15] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9C460: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0101D4C0'
[17:44:57.15] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9C460: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:45:58.75] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0104E460: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '010560C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:45:58.75] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0104E460: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:45:58.75] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0104E460: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:45:58.75] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0104E460: (User='', Target='')
[17:45:58.75] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0104E460: (User='', Target=''
[17:45:58.76] 0d58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:45:59.53] 0d58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:45:59.56] 0d58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01047D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:45:59.56] 0d58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01047D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:45:59.56] 0d58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01047D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:45:59.56] 0d58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103F460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:45:59.56] 0d58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01047D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[17:45:59.56] 0d58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01047D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[17:53:23.15] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0104E460: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '010560C0'
[17:53:23.17] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0104E460: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:54:04.68] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01038460: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0103A4C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:54:04.68] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01038460: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:54:04.68] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01038460: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:54:04.68] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01038460: (User='', Target='')
[17:54:04.68] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01038460: (User='', Target=''
[17:54:04.70] 0c5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01030BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:54:05.53] 0c5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01030C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:54:05.57] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0104E508: Initial Sync Starting
[17:54:05.57] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0104E508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:54:05.57] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0104E508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:54:05.57] 0c5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104D460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:54:05.57] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0104E508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[17:54:05.57] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0104E508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[17:54:53.60] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01038460: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0103A4C0'
[17:54:53.62] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01038460: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:55:45.53] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FFB460: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FFE8C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:55:45.53] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FFB460: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:55:45.53] 0374 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FFB460: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:55:45.53] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FFB460: (User='', Target='')
[17:55:45.53] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FFB460: (User='', Target=''
[17:55:45.54] 01d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01031BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:55:46.31] 01d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01031C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:55:46.35] 01d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FF0908: Initial Sync Starting
[17:55:46.35] 01d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FF0908: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:55:46.35] 01d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FF0908: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:55:46.35] 01d8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01057060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:55:46.37] 01d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FF0908: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[17:55:46.37] 01d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FF0908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[18:07:31.26] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FFB460: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FFE8C0'
[18:07:31.26] 03b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FFB460: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-16T21:07:41Z
* Log opened: 2010-05-26T12:30:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:30:10.06] 09f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FCA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:30:10.06] 09f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:30:10.06] 045c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:30:10.06] 09f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA860: (User='', Target='')
[09:30:10.06] 09f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA860: (User='', Target=''
[09:30:10.07] 0f04 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:30:10.95] 0f04 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:30:11.01] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[09:30:11.14] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-05-26T12:3
[09:30:11.14] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-05-26T12:30:21.00-00:00
[09:30:11.20] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01033260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:30:17.12] 06ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:30:17.17] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:30:21.57] 06ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:30:21.59] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103AE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:30:21.59] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:40:49.46] 045c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FCA0'
[09:40:49.46] 045c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-05-26T12:41:00Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-01T21:01:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:01:27.04] 0a8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FCA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:01:27.04] 0a8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:01:27.04] 0aec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:01:27.04] 0a8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA860: (User='', Target='')
[18:01:27.04] 0a8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA860: (User='', Target=''
[18:01:27.07] 0724 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:01:27.99] 0724 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:01:28.11] 0724 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[18:01:28.24] 0724 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:01:31.26] 0b5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:01:31.26] 0724 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:01:34.82] 0b5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:01:34.83] 0724 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01042260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:01:34.83] 0724 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:01:31.26] 0724 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:01:35.63] 0b5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:18:20.02] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FCA0'
[20:18:20.02] 0df4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-01T23:24:33Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-03T21:11:43Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:11:43.01] 06fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7ECA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:11:43.01] 06fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:11:43.01] 06fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:11:43.01] 06fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9860: (User='', Target='')
[18:11:43.01] 06fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9860: (User='', Target=''
[18:11:43.03] 0efc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:11:43.93] 0efc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:11:44.04] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[18:11:44.20] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-03T21:1
[18:11:44.20] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-03T21:11:54.00-00:00
[18:11:44.25] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042C60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:11:46.78] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:11:46.79] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:11:48.89] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:11:48.90] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01045C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:11:48.90] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:11:46.79] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:11:49.68] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:35:59.01] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:36:02.87] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@00F7E3B0: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[20:36:02.87] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104CC60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:36:06.39] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:36:21.75] 0ee0 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA98BC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-05-01T19:26:43.383-07
[20:36:21.75] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:36:25.48] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:49:08.28] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046C60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[20:49:13.03] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01046C60: status = 301
[20:49:13.03] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046C60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[20:49:16.53] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01046C60: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = InvalidPassportUser
[20:49:16.53] 0efc Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@0103A1E0: Sync error hr = 0x85AE0019 for operation = 4
[20:51:32.46] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01055060: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[20:51:44.21] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F9BA30: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[20:51:48.18] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00F9BA30: status = 301
[20:51:48.18] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F9BA30: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[20:51:51.07] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:04:22.95] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01047C60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[21:04:27.37] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:04:27.42] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:04:29.81] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@00F7E3B0: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[21:04:29.81] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104CC60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:04:33.09] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:04:33.15] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046C60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[21:04:35.68] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01046C60: status = 301
[21:04:35.68] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046C60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[21:04:38.15] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:04:49.17] 0124 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA98BC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-03T17:04:35.747-07
[21:04:49.17] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:04:51.68] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:04:51.70] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:04:54.90] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:05:35.84] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01055060: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[21:05:49.79] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'RoamingIdentityChanged',
command = 'pushstorage', needs to be delayed: (166047)
[21:08:35.87] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01055060: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[21:11:21.92] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (13954)
[21:14:07.98] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01055060: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[21:14:52.46] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01020DD8: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[21:14:55.40] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01055060: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[21:14:55.40] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01055060: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[21:14:55.42] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01024280: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[21:14:58.56] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::OnRedirect@01024280: Soap API call for got re-directed to: h
[21:14:58.56] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01024280: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[21:15:01.23] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01055060: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[21:15:01.23] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01055060: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[21:15:01.23] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01020F98: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[21:15:03.28] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::OnRedirect@01020F98: Soap API call for got re-directed to: ht
[21:15:03.28] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01020F98: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[21:15:05.42] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01055060: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[21:15:05.42] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01055060: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[21:15:05.46] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00299798: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[21:15:08.00] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00299798: status = 301
[21:15:08.00] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00299798: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[21:15:10.65] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:15:10.65] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01055060: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[21:15:10.65] 0588 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8FB8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-04T00:15:02.00-00:00
[21:15:10.68] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-04T00:1
[21:15:10.68] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-04T00:15:20.00-00:00
[21:15:31.21] 0124 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA98BC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-03T17:15:08.26-07:
[21:15:31.23] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:15:34.45] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:15:34.45] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:15:38.28] 0588 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:16:54.03] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (13953)
[21:19:40.07] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@0105AA60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[21:22:26.12] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (13953)
[21:25:12.18] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@0105AA60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[21:27:58.25] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (13937)
[21:29:12.51] 0ee0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7ECA0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-04T12:53:09Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:53:09.04] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9988: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F3A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:53:09.04] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9988: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:53:09.04] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9988: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:53:09.04] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9988: (User='', Target='')
[09:53:09.04] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9988: (User='', Target=''
[09:53:09.06] 0ef8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F837C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:53:09.93] 0ef8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:53:10.00] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[09:53:10.14] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E7B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:53:12.09] 00b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:53:12.09] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:53:13.67] 00b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:53:13.68] 0ef8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01037260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:53:13.68] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:53:14.14] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@0029F5A8: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x0000001b) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[09:54:10.18] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01037260: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[09:54:13.93] 00b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01037260: status = 301
[09:54:13.93] 00b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01037260: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[09:54:16.29] 00b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01037260: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = MemberDoesNotExist
[09:54:16.29] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@0029F5A8: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[10:17:01.29] 0ef8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-04T13:1
[10:17:01.29] 0ef8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-04T13:17:11.00-00:00
[10:17:06.92] 0ef8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-04T13:1
[10:17:06.92] 0ef8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-04T13:17:16.00-00:00
[11:06:31.46] 0e90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9988: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F3A0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-04T14:46:56Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:46:56.10] 02cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:46:56.10] 02cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:46:56.10] 0c9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:46:56.10] 02cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[11:46:56.10] 02cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[11:46:56.14] 0594 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:46:57.10] 0594 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:46:57.18] 0594 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:46:57.32] 0594 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:47:00.01] 06fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:47:00.01] 0594 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:47:02.28] 06fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:47:02.28] 0594 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01038260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:47:02.28] 0594 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:49:17.60] 0594 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01038260: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[11:49:21.28] 06fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:49:21.29] 0594 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:49:23.26] 06fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:49:46.89] 02cc Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA9E84: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-04T07:49:18.94-07:
[11:49:46.89] 0594 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:49:49.46] 06fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:24:19.78] 02cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-04T15:43:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:43:37.90] 0774 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAABD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:43:37.90] 0774 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAABD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:43:37.90] 0140 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAABD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:43:37.90] 0774 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAABD8: (User='', Target='')
[12:43:37.90] 0774 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAABD8: (User='', Target=''
[12:43:37.92] 0260 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:43:38.75] 0260 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:43:38.81] 0260 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
* Log opened: 2010-06-04T16:47:02Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:47:02.68] 0630 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAD860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80400', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:47:02.68] 0630 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAD860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:47:02.68] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAD860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:47:02.68] 0630 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAD860: (User='', Target='')
[13:47:02.68] 0630 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAD860: (User='', Target=''
[13:47:02.70] 0c8c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:47:04.73] 0c8c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:47:04.82] 0c8c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[13:47:05.03] 0c8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F350: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:47:08.78] 0c9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:47:08.78] 0c8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F350: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:47:10.46] 0c9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:47:10.50] 0c8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01040A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:47:10.50] 0c8c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:47:16.85] 0d5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAD860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80400'
[14:47:16.85] 0d5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAD860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-04T17:47:17Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-04T17:51:01Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:51:01.18] 023c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:51:01.18] 023c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:51:01.18] 023c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:51:01.18] 023c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='')
[14:51:01.18] 023c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target=''
[14:51:01.20] 07a4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:51:02.21] 07a4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:51:02.29] 07a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[14:51:02.48] 07a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:51:04.62] 0778 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:51:04.62] 07a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:51:06.45] 0778 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:51:06.50] 07a4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01036A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:51:06.50] 07a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:12:41.35] 028c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[15:12:41.37] 028c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[15:34:05.14] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010098B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB89E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:34:05.14] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010098B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:34:05.14] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010098B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:34:05.14] 091c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010098B0: (User='', Target='')
[15:34:05.14] 091c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010098B0: (User='', Target=''
[15:34:05.15] 0fcc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:34:06.21] 0fcc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:34:06.26] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA1508: Initial Sync Starting
[15:34:06.28] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0102C030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-04T18:3
[15:34:06.28] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01027678: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-04T18:34:16.00-00:00
[15:34:06.32] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F99EC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:34:07.92] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:34:07.92] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F99EC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:34:09.70] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:34:09.70] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105C760: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:34:09.70] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA1508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:06:14.31] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@0104AFD0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[16:06:15.75] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105C760: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[16:06:15.75] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105C760: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[16:06:15.75] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01027100: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[16:06:19.23] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105C760: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[16:06:19.23] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105C760: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[16:06:19.29] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[16:06:21.15] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:06:21.15] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105C760: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[16:06:21.15] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01027620: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-04T19:06:15.00-00:00
[16:06:35.28] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA1508: trigger = 'RoamingIdentityChanged',
command = 'pushstorage', needs to be delayed: (165890)
[16:06:43.10] 012c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0100990C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-04T12:06:18.883-07
[16:06:43.10] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F99E50: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:06:44.84] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:06:44.84] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F99E50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:06:46.54] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:06:47.12] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA1508: trigger = 'RoamingIdentityChanged',
command = 'pushstorage', needs to be delayed: (154046)
[16:09:21.17] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@0104AFD0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[16:09:23.62] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D760: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[16:09:23.62] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D760: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[16:09:23.62] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@010271C0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[16:09:26.96] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D760: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[16:09:26.96] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D760: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[16:09:26.96] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[16:09:28.64] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:09:28.64] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D760: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[16:09:28.64] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01027620: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-04T19:09:23.00-00:00
[16:09:53.23] 012c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0100990C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-04T12:09:26.377-07
[16:09:53.23] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F99E50: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:09:55.00] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:09:55.00] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F99E50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:09:56.73] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:12:07.06] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA1508: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (21594)
[16:13:43.04] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0102C030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-04T19:1
[16:13:43.04] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@010275C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-04T19:13:53.00-00:00
[16:13:53.92] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0102C030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-04T19:1
[16:13:53.92] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01027620: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-04T19:14:03.00-00:00
[16:14:52.95] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@05274020: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[16:15:21.40] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@0104AFD0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[16:15:25.20] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@05274020: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[16:15:25.20] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@05274020: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[16:15:25.20] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@0104B008: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[16:15:26.64] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@05274020: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[16:15:26.64] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@05274020: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[16:15:26.64] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[16:15:28.45] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:15:28.45] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@05274020: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[16:15:28.45] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01027620: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-04T19:15:23.00-00:00
[16:15:28.50] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0102C030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-04T19:1
[16:15:28.50] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01027678: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-04T19:15:38.00-00:00
[16:15:51.35] 091c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0100990C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-04T12:15:26.19-07:
[16:15:51.35] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F99EC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:15:53.06] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:15:53.06] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F99EC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:15:54.82] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:17:38.84] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA1508: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (14110)
[16:20:24.73] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@0105C760: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[16:23:10.62] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA1508: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (14109)
[16:23:19.60] 091c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010098B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB89E0'
[16:23:19.60] 091c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010098B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-04T19:25:30Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-05T15:33:30Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:33:30.35] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:33:30.35] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:33:30.35] 085c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:33:30.35] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='')
[12:33:30.35] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target=''
[12:33:30.35] 0858 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:33:31.39] 0858 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:33:31.43] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:33:31.53] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-05T15:3
[12:33:31.53] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-05T15:33:41.00-00:00
[12:33:31.56] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01039A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:33:33.46] 0860 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:33:33.46] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:33:35.31] 0860 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:33:35.35] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01043260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:33:35.35] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:33:33.46] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:33:37.03] 0860 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:04:08.75] 0468 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
* Log opened: 2010-06-05T18:14:26Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:14:26.42] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAD860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80400', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:14:26.42] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAD860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:14:26.42] 0868 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAD860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:14:26.42] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAD860: (User='', Target='')
[15:14:26.42] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAD860: (User='', Target=''
[15:14:26.43] 0290 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:14:28.39] 0290 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:14:28.43] 0290 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[15:14:28.89] 0290 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9DA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-05T18:1
[15:14:28.89] 0290 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-05T18:14:38.00-00:00
[15:14:28.92] 0290 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01051660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:14:30.89] 0408 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:14:30.89] 0290 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:14:31.82] 0408 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:14:31.84] 0290 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104E660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:14:31.84] 0290 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:15:55.95] 0290 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01051660: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[15:15:57.89] 0408 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104E660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[15:15:57.89] 0408 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104E660: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[15:15:57.89] 0408 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@010423E0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[15:16:01.71] 0408 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104E660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[15:16:01.71] 0408 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104E660: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[15:16:01.73] 0408 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[15:16:03.46] 0408 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:16:03.46] 0408 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104E660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[15:16:03.46] 0408 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-05T18:15:57.00-00:00
[15:16:25.56] 00d4 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAD8BC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-05T11:16:00.023-07
[15:16:25.57] 0290 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:16:27.56] 0408 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:16:27.56] 0290 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:16:29.78] 0408 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:12:12.75] 0578 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAD860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80400'
[17:12:13.12] 0578 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAD860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:27:01.75] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105E1D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0104E220', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:27:01.75] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105E1D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:27:01.75] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105E1D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:27:01.75] 0684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105E1D8: (User='', Target='')
[17:27:01.75] 0684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105E1D8: (User='', Target=''
[17:27:01.76] 048c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0105D1C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:27:02.59] 048c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0105D298: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:27:02.64] 048c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0104E708: Initial Sync Starting
[17:27:02.64] 048c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB8610: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:27:05.56] 08f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:27:05.56] 048c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB8610: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:27:07.79] 08f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:27:07.81] 048c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103EE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:27:07.81] 048c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0104E708: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:27:05.56] 048c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB8610: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:27:07.46] 08f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:27:07.81] 048c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB8610: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:27:09.40] 08f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:06:03.48] 0684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0105E1D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0104E220'
[20:06:03.48] 0684 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105E1D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-05T23:06:03Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-07T11:40:57Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[08:40:57.12] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:40:57.12] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:40:57.12] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[08:40:57.12] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='')
[08:40:57.12] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target=''
[08:40:57.14] 0d80 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[08:40:58.06] 0d80 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[08:40:58.17] 0d80 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[08:40:58.20] 0d80 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:41:00.67] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:41:00.67] 0d80 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:41:04.51] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:41:04.51] 0d80 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103AA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:41:04.51] 0d80 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:42:01.53] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[09:42:01.53] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[10:36:45.90] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010099D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01020220', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:36:45.90] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010099D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:36:45.92] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010099D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:36:45.92] 0310 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010099D8: (User='', Target='')
[10:36:45.92] 0310 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010099D8: (User='', Target=''
[10:36:45.92] 0e4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:36:46.60] 0e4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:36:46.65] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA1508: Initial Sync Starting
[10:36:46.65] 0e4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0102E030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-07T13:3
[10:36:46.65] 0e4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0100C178: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-07T13:36:56.00-00:00
[10:36:46.67] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102AA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:36:48.42] 0f3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:36:48.43] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB8FD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:36:50.14] 0f3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:36:50.14] 0e4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01059E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:36:50.14] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA1508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:45:18.20] 0310 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01009A34: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-07T06:44:51.187-07
[10:45:18.20] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB8FD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:45:20.46] 0f3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:45:20.50] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB8FD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:45:23.03] 0f3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:54:40.71] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010099D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01020220'
[10:54:40.71] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010099D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log opened: 2010-06-07T19:59:39Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:59:39.56] 0348 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:59:39.56] 0348 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:59:39.56] 0330 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:59:39.56] 0348 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='')
[16:59:39.56] 0348 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target=''
[16:59:39.57] 08f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:59:40.59] 08f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:59:40.65] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:59:40.78] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:59:43.23] 03e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:59:43.23] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:59:45.28] 03e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:59:45.29] 08f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103BA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:59:45.29] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:00:53.12] 0348 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[17:00:53.14] 0348 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-07T20:00:53Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-07T23:48:03Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:48:03.87] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAABD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:48:03.87] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAABD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:48:03.87] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAABD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:48:03.87] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAABD8: (User='', Target='')
[20:48:03.87] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAABD8: (User='', Target=''
[20:48:03.89] 0a0c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:48:06.59] 0a0c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:48:06.67] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:48:06.81] 0a0c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-07T23:4
[20:48:06.81] 0a0c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-07T23:48:16.00-00:00
[20:48:06.85] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103B660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:48:09.82] 0390 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:48:09.82] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:48:12.40] 0390 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:48:12.42] 0a0c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01045A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:48:12.42] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:50:12.76] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01045A60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[20:50:15.31] 0390 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:50:15.34] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:50:17.75] 0390 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:50:40.25] 0544 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAAC34: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-07T16:50:09.6-07:0
[20:50:40.25] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:50:42.70] 0390 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:52:06.06] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104DE60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[20:52:12.21] 0390 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:52:12.21] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:52:15.75] 0390 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:52:36.14] 08f8 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAAC34: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-07T16:52:06.64-07:
[20:52:36.14] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:52:42.06] 0390 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:53:47.75] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01040660: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[20:53:51.68] 0390 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:53:51.70] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:53:54.42] 0390 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:54:16.68] 08f8 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAAC34: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-07T16:53:46.05-07:
[20:54:16.68] 0a0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:54:19.20] 0390 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:55:42.87] 0544 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAABD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
[20:55:42.87] 0544 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAABD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[21:01:25.10] 0544 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100AB88: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '010505C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:01:25.10] 0544 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100AB88: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:01:25.10] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100AB88: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:01:25.10] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100AB88: (User='', Target='')
[21:01:25.10] 0a10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100AB88: (User='', Target=''
[21:01:25.10] 0e24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01045DC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:01:26.04] 0e24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01045E98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:01:26.12] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01010308: Initial Sync Starting
[21:01:26.12] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100E030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T00:0
[21:01:26.12] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFC978: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T00:01:36.00-00:00
[21:01:26.15] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01027E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:01:28.76] 0e34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:01:28.76] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01009DD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:01:31.40] 0e34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:01:31.40] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0102A660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:01:31.40] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01010308: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:02:49.54] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0100AB88: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '010505C0'
[21:02:49.56] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100AB88: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[21:04:11.39] 0544 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01057660: (User='', Application=
'msnmsgr.exe', Types='7') == '053480C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:04:11.39] 0544 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01057660: (User='', Target='Init
ial', Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:04:11.39] 0544 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01057660: (User='marciaguilherme2019@hotma') -- enabling policy
[21:04:16.40] 02fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01057660: (User='', Applicatio
n='msnmsgr.exe') == '053480C0'
[21:04:16.40] 02fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01057660: (User='marciaguilherme2019@hotma') -- disabling policy
[21:06:56.70] 0544 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F7E460: (User='', Application=
'msnmsgr.exe', Types='7') == '01027EC0', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:06:56.70] 0544 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F7E460: (User='', Target='Init
ial', Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:06:56.70] 0544 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F7E460: (User='marciaguilherme2010@hotma') -- enabling policy
[21:07:03.56] 0f04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F7E460: (User='', Target='')[1/2]
[21:07:03.56] 0f04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F7E460: (User='', Target='storage.msn
[21:07:03.57] 0e24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7D7C0: (, 0, real)
finished with hr=0x0
[21:07:05.46] 0e24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7D898: (, 0, shado
w) finished with hr=0x0
[21:07:05.48] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0100EB08: Initial Sync Starting
[21:07:05.48] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010461D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:07:09.92] 0f18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@010461D0: status = 301
[21:07:09.92] 0f18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010461D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:07:22.89] 0f18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:07:22.93] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010461D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:07:26.68] 0f18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@010461D0: status = 301
[21:07:26.68] 0f18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010461D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:07:30.37] 0f18 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@0104B800: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[21:07:33.00] 0f18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:07:33.07] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103CA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x1 | annotation = 1)
[21:07:33.07] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01054BE8: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[21:07:37.26] 0f18 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::OnRedirect@01054BE8: Soap API call for got re-directed to: https
[21:07:37.28] 0f18 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01054BE8: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[21:07:42.17] 0f18 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@00F83960: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[21:07:42.17] 0f18 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0102B228: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-05T00:20:45.00-00:00
[21:07:42.18] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0100EB08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:07:42.29] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0105AC30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T00:0
[21:07:42.29] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0102B228: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T00:07:52.00-00:00
[21:07:43.21] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0105AC30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T00:0
[21:07:43.21] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0102B0C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T00:07:53.00-00:00
[21:07:43.35] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0102F660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:07:43.70] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0105AC30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T00:0
[21:07:43.70] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0102B0C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T00:07:53.00-00:00
[21:07:48.81] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0105AC30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T00:0
[21:07:48.82] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0102B178: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T00:07:58.00-00:00
[21:08:15.26] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0105AC30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T00:0
[21:08:15.26] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0102B178: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T00:08:25.00-00:00
[21:10:21.21] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102F660: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[21:10:24.84] 0f18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@0102F660: status = 301
[21:10:24.84] 0f18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102F660: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[21:10:27.78] 0f18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:10:27.79] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010461D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:10:30.23] 0f18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:10:51.87] 08f8 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00F7E4BC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-07T17:10:22.38-07:
[21:10:51.89] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010461D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:10:54.40] 0f18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:12:12.67] 0f04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F7E460: (User='', Applicatio
n='msnmsgr.exe') == '01027EC0'
[21:12:12.67] 0f04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F7E460: (User='marciaguilherme2010@hotma') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-08T00:13:10Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-08T11:43:19Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[08:43:19.57] 0548 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9988: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:43:19.59] 0548 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9988: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:43:19.59] 09b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9988: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[08:43:19.59] 0548 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9988: (User='', Target='')
[08:43:19.59] 0548 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9988: (User='', Target=''
[08:43:19.60] 0b3c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[08:43:20.57] 0b3c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[08:43:20.90] 0b3c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[08:43:21.67] 0b3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:43:24.20] 0b50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:43:24.21] 0b3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:43:26.09] 0b50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:43:26.09] 0b3c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01042860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:43:26.09] 0b3c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:07:39.71] 0548 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9988: (User='', Target='')
[09:07:39.71] 0b38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9988: (User='', Target=''
[09:07:40.68] 0b3c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T12:0
[09:07:40.68] 0b3c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T12:07:50.00-00:00
[09:07:40.70] 0b3c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T12:0
[09:07:40.70] 0b3c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T12:07:50.00-00:00
[09:09:41.95] 0b3c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T12:0
[09:09:41.95] 0b3c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T12:09:51.00-00:00
[09:16:01.07] 0548 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9988: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[09:16:01.07] 0548 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9988: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-08T12:16:11Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-08T14:30:23Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:30:23.65] 064c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:30:23.65] 064c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:30:23.65] 05e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:30:23.65] 064c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[11:30:23.65] 064c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[11:30:23.67] 0824 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:30:24.71] 0824 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:30:24.84] 0824 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:30:25.07] 0824 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01059260: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[11:30:26.84] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:30:26.84] 0824 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:30:28.87] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:30:28.87] 0824 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:30:30.62] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:30:30.65] 0824 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04769060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:30:30.65] 0824 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:40:05.17] 06a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-08T19:49:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:49:04.54] 02f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:49:04.54] 02f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:49:04.56] 0c44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:49:04.56] 02f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[16:49:04.56] 02f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[16:49:04.56] 0eb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:49:05.43] 0eb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:49:05.50] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:49:05.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:49:07.51] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:49:07.51] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:49:09.43] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:49:09.45] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01043660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:49:09.45] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:51:32.14] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01041E60: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[16:51:35.25] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01043660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[16:51:35.25] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01043660: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[16:51:35.25] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01041E98: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[16:51:36.90] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01043660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[16:51:36.90] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01043660: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[16:51:36.90] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[16:51:38.73] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:51:38.73] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01043660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[16:51:38.73] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T19:51:29.00-00:00
[16:52:01.67] 0c44 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA9E84: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-08T12:51:32.573-07
[16:52:01.67] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:52:03.35] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:52:03.35] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:52:05.09] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:52:18.62] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'RoamingIdentityChanged',
command = 'pushstorage', needs to be delayed: (140140)
[16:54:38.82] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@044E0460: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[16:54:41.62] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01053A60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[16:54:41.62] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01053A60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[16:54:41.62] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@044E0498: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[16:54:43.29] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01053A60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[16:54:43.29] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01053A60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[16:54:43.29] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[16:54:45.04] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:54:45.04] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01053A60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[16:54:45.04] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T19:54:36.00-00:00
[16:55:08.98] 0c44 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA9E84: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-06-08T12:54:38.85-07:
[16:55:08.98] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:55:11.34] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:55:11.34] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:55:13.15] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:56:58.93] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (46125)
[16:59:19.07] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01053A60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[17:01:39.21] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (39860)
[17:03:59.35] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01053A60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[17:06:19.50] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (39859)
[17:08:39.64] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01053A60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[17:10:59.78] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (39859)
[17:13:19.92] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01053A60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[17:15:40.06] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (39859)
[17:18:00.20] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01053A60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[17:20:20.34] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (39860)
[17:22:40.48] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01053A60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[17:25:00.62] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (39859)
[17:27:20.76] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01053A60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[17:29:40.90] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (39859)
[17:31:26.46] 02fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-08T20:49:52Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:49:52.14] 077c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:49:52.14] 077c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:49:52.15] 077c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:49:52.15] 077c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[17:49:52.15] 077c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[17:49:52.17] 0828 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:49:53.18] 0828 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:49:53.26] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:49:53.31] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:49:55.39] 082c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:49:55.39] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:49:56.96] 082c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:49:56.96] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105EE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:49:56.96] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:59:03.13] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T20:5
[17:59:03.13] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T20:59:13.00-00:00
[17:59:36.70] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T20:5
[17:59:36.70] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T20:59:46.00-00:00
[18:00:18.81] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:0
[18:00:18.81] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:00:28.00-00:00
[18:00:42.61] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:0
[18:00:42.61] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:00:52.00-00:00
[18:01:16.67] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:0
[18:01:16.67] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:01:26.00-00:00
[18:01:17.28] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:0
[18:01:17.28] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:01:27.00-00:00
[18:01:17.44] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:0
[18:01:17.44] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:01:27.00-00:00
[18:01:19.19] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:0
[18:01:19.19] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:01:29.00-00:00
[18:01:19.78] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:0
[18:01:19.78] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:01:29.00-00:00
[18:01:19.80] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:0
[18:01:19.80] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:01:29.00-00:00
[18:03:21.86] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:0
[18:03:21.86] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:03:31.00-00:00
[18:04:23.84] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:0
[18:04:23.84] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:04:33.00-00:00
[18:04:23.94] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:0
[18:04:23.94] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:04:33.00-00:00
[18:25:09.06] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:2
[18:25:09.06] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:25:19.00-00:00
[18:25:14.81] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-08T21:2
[18:25:14.81] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-08T21:25:24.00-00:00
[19:13:47.86] 078c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[19:13:47.89] 078c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-08T22:13:59Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-09T13:52:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:52:04.71] 0d84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:52:04.71] 0d84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:52:04.71] 0db4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:52:04.71] 0d84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[10:52:04.71] 0d84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[10:52:04.75] 0d48 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:52:05.85] 0d48 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:52:05.93] 0d48 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[10:52:05.98] 0d48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-09T13:5
[10:52:05.98] 0d48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-09T13:52:15.00-00:00
[10:52:06.01] 0d48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105BC60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:52:08.35] 0cfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:52:08.35] 0d48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:52:11.00] 0cfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:52:11.01] 0d48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105D460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:52:11.01] 0d48 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:59:30.95] 0d48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@0102B7A8: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[10:59:34.82] 0cfc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D460: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[10:59:34.82] 0cfc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D460: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[10:59:34.82] 0cfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01026C00: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[10:59:38.32] 0cfc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D460: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[10:59:38.32] 0cfc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D460: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[10:59:38.35] 0cfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[10:59:47.43] 0cfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:59:47.43] 0cfc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D460: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[10:59:47.43] 0cfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-09T13:59:36.00-00:00
[12:52:08.35] 0d48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:52:11.59] 0cfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:14:14.79] 0dbc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[14:14:14.82] 0dbc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[14:35:16.07] 0220 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01050628: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FF3BC0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:35:16.07] 0220 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01050628: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:35:16.07] 0bec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01050628: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:35:16.07] 0c7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01050628: (User='', Target='')
[14:35:16.07] 0c7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01050628: (User='', Target=''
[14:35:16.07] 0d7c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0104BFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:35:16.79] 0d7c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0104C098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:35:16.84] 0d7c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA1508: Initial Sync Starting
[14:35:16.84] 0d7c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01047630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-09T17:3
[14:35:16.84] 0d7c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA0B78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-09T17:35:26.00-00:00
[14:35:16.85] 0d7c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01026C60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:35:18.54] 0898 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:35:18.54] 0d7c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB8FD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:35:20.35] 0898 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:35:20.39] 0d7c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01043E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:35:20.39] 0d7c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA1508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:35:18.54] 0d7c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB8FD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:35:22.10] 0898 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:34:54.67] 0220 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01050628: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FF3BC0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-10T00:08:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:08:04.06] 07a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:08:04.07] 07a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:08:04.07] 0838 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:08:04.07] 07a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[21:08:04.07] 07a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[21:08:04.09] 083c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:08:05.28] 083c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:08:05.40] 083c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[21:08:05.51] 083c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-10T00:0
[21:08:05.51] 083c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-10T00:08:15.00-00:00
[21:08:05.54] 083c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01045260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:08:11.59] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:08:11.59] 083c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:08:13.84] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:08:13.84] 083c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01046A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:08:13.84] 083c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:22:36.15] 083c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01055260: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[21:22:42.15] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[21:22:42.15] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044260: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[21:22:42.15] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01055298: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[21:22:44.40] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[21:22:44.40] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044260: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[21:22:44.42] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[21:22:50.93] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:22:50.93] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[21:22:50.93] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-10T00:22:43.00-00:00
[21:22:51.01] 083c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-10T00:2
[21:22:51.01] 083c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-10T00:23:01.00-00:00
[21:23:25.90] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[21:23:25.90] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log opened: 2010-06-10T14:08:25Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:08:25.39] 03f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA5FD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F3A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:08:25.39] 03f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA5FD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:08:25.39] 03f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA5FD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:08:25.39] 0950 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA5FD8: (User='', Target='')
[11:08:25.39] 0950 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA5FD8: (User='', Target=''
[11:08:25.42] 0a5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:08:26.42] 0a5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:08:26.53] 0a5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:08:26.62] 0a5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E7B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:08:28.71] 0ae0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:08:28.71] 0a5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:08:30.26] 0ae0 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@0101FB10: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[11:08:30.26] 0ae0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:08:30.29] 0a5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01022260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:08:30.32] 0a5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@0101F660: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[11:08:31.79] 0ae0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01019760: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[11:08:31.79] 0ae0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01007978: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-10T00:22:43.00-00:00
[11:08:31.82] 0a5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:09:05.79] 0a5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-10T14:0
[11:09:05.79] 0a5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01007978: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-10T14:09:15.00-00:00
[11:09:22.78] 0a5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-10T14:0
[11:09:22.78] 0a5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@010078C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-10T14:09:32.00-00:00
[11:29:36.54] 0a5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-10T14:2
[11:29:36.54] 0a5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@010078C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-10T14:29:46.00-00:00
[13:08:28.71] 0a5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E7B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:08:30.73] 0ae0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:07:24.35] 0474 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA5FD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F3A0'
[14:07:24.37] 0474 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA5FD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[14:18:53.84] 1550 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FDBC28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FE55C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:18:53.84] 1550 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FDBC28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:18:53.84] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FDBC28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:18:53.84] 0950 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FDBC28: (User='', Target='')
[14:18:53.84] 0950 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FDBC28: (User='', Target=''
[14:18:53.85] 1568 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010081C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:18:54.67] 1568 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01008298: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:18:54.75] 1568 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F7E908: Initial Sync Starting
[14:18:54.75] 1568 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FE9030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-10T17:1
[14:18:54.75] 1568 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA6B78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-10T17:19:04.00-00:00
[14:18:54.76] 1568 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01008E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:18:58.39] 16d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:18:58.39] 1568 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FE4DD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:19:00.34] 16d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:19:00.34] 1568 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0100D260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:19:00.34] 1568 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F7E908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:18:58.39] 1568 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FE4DD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:19:02.45] 16d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:29:15.12] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FDBC28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FE55C0'
[17:29:15.14] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FDBC28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-10T20:29:25Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-11T00:01:53Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:01:53.98] 081c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:01:53.98] 081c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:01:53.98] 0740 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:01:53.98] 081c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[21:01:53.98] 081c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[21:01:54.01] 09d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:01:54.95] 09d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:01:55.01] 09d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[21:01:55.12] 09d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:02:00.15] 0f68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:02:00.17] 09d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01043490: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:02:02.42] 0f68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:02:02.42] 09d8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105DA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:02:02.42] 09d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:04:12.96] 0740 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[21:04:12.96] 0740 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[21:05:59.06] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01046428: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FF4BC0', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:05:59.06] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01046428: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:05:59.06] 081c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01046428: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:05:59.06] 0740 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01046428: (User='', Target='')
[21:05:59.06] 0740 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01046428: (User='', Target=''
[21:05:59.09] 0ae4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0104F1C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:06:00.01] 0ae4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0104F298: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:06:00.06] 0ae4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01046F08: Initial Sync Starting
[21:06:00.06] 0ae4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01036C30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-11T00:0
[21:06:00.06] 0ae4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF0F78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-11T00:06:10.00-00:00
[21:06:00.09] 0ae4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01020B60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:06:02.15] 0b5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:06:02.17] 0ae4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010231D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:06:05.42] 0b5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:06:05.43] 0ae4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01027E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:06:05.43] 0ae4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01046F08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:08:00.06] 0ae4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01026E60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[21:08:03.12] 0b5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:13:15.09] 0740 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01046428: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FF4BC0'
[21:13:15.10] 0740 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01046428: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[21:13:15.10] 0ae4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0104F1C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05ed, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[21:13:15.10] 0ae4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0104F1C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[21:18:13.39] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01027428: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB93C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:18:13.39] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01027428: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:18:13.39] 081c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01027428: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:18:13.39] 0740 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01027428: (User='', Target='')
[21:18:13.39] 0740 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01027428: (User='', Target=''
[21:18:13.40] 0c64 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010461C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:18:14.64] 0c64 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01046298: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:18:14.71] 0c64 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0102BF08: Initial Sync Starting
[21:18:14.76] 0c64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100AC30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-11T00:1
[21:18:14.76] 0c64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0105CF78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-11T00:18:24.00-00:00
[21:18:14.78] 0c64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01045A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:18:16.46] 08c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:18:16.46] 0c64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010337D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:18:18.34] 08c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:18:18.39] 0c64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00FFB260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:18:18.39] 0c64 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0102BF08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:29:44.65] 081c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01027428: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB93C0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-11T17:35:32Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:35:32.18] 0420 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA6FD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:35:32.18] 0420 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA6FD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:35:32.18] 0774 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA6FD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:35:32.18] 0420 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA6FD8: (User='', Target='')
[14:35:32.18] 0420 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA6FD8: (User='', Target=''
[14:35:32.21] 02cc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:35:33.14] 02cc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:35:33.18] 02cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[14:35:33.35] 02cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA1A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-11T17:3
[14:35:33.35] 02cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01009578: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-11T17:35:43.00-00:00
[14:35:33.39] 02cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01023E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:35:35.40] 0194 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:35:35.40] 02cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:35:36.98] 0194 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:35:36.98] 02cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01025660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:35:36.98] 02cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:35:35.40] 02cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:35:38.98] 0194 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:40:26.73] 0774 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA6FD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[16:40:26.73] 0774 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA6FD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-11T19:40:37Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-11T22:50:22Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:50:22.45] 0110 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:50:22.45] 0110 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:50:22.45] 0098 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:50:22.45] 0110 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[19:50:22.45] 0110 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[19:50:22.48] 071c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:50:23.46] 071c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:50:23.56] 071c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[19:50:23.67] 071c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-11T22:5
[19:50:23.67] 071c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-11T22:50:33.00-00:00
[19:50:23.71] 071c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:50:26.10] 0724 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:50:26.10] 071c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:50:27.68] 0724 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:50:27.70] 071c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:50:27.70] 071c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:25:40.46] 071c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-11T23:2
[20:25:40.46] 071c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-11T23:25:50.00-00:00
[20:27:38.73] 071c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-11T23:2
[20:27:38.73] 071c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-11T23:27:48.00-00:00
[20:42:45.60] 0098 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[20:42:45.62] 0098 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log opened: 2010-06-11T23:46:36Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:46:36.23] 0758 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA5FD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:46:36.23] 0758 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA5FD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:46:36.23] 0798 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA5FD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:46:36.23] 0758 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA5FD8: (User='', Target='')
[20:46:36.23] 0758 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA5FD8: (User='', Target=''
[20:46:36.25] 0838 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:46:37.93] 0838 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:46:38.03] 0838 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:46:38.10] 0838 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-11T23:4
[20:46:38.10] 0838 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01021978: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-11T23:46:48.00-00:00
[20:46:38.17] 0838 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01036E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:46:40.48] 088c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:46:40.48] 0838 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DB60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:46:42.12] 088c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:46:42.14] 0838 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103CE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:46:42.14] 0838 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:56:17.59] 0364 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA5FD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[20:56:17.59] 0364 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA5FD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-11T23:56:56Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-13T18:19:23Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:19:23.12] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:19:23.12] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:19:23.12] 04b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:19:23.12] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[15:19:23.12] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[15:19:23.14] 019c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:19:24.10] 019c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:19:24.28] 019c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[15:19:24.37] 019c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-13T18:1
[15:19:24.37] 019c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-13T18:19:34.00-00:00
[15:19:24.43] 019c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FF3C60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:19:41.51] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:19:41.51] 019c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:19:43.40] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:19:43.43] 019c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105C260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:19:43.43] 019c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:33:32.57] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[15:33:32.57] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[15:34:33.43] 04b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105B828: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB8BC0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:34:33.43] 04b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105B828: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:34:33.43] 04b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105B828: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:34:33.43] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105B828: (User='', Target='')
[15:34:33.43] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105B828: (User='', Target=''
[15:34:33.43] 0a74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100F5C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:34:34.15] 0a74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100F698: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:34:34.21] 0a74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0105C308: Initial Sync Starting
[15:34:34.21] 0a74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100C830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-13T18:3
[15:34:34.21] 0a74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFC278: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-13T18:34:44.00-00:00
[15:34:34.21] 0a74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0105C308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[15:34:34.21] 0a74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0105C308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[15:34:34.21] 0a74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01049860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:34:34.23] 0a74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0105C308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[15:34:34.23] 0a74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0105C308: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[17:31:59.78] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0105B828: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB8BC0'
[17:31:59.79] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105B828: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:31:59.79] 0a74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100F5C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8985-11df-6fe859446b9a, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[17:31:59.79] 0a74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100F5C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8990-11df-728f6949809e, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[17:31:59.79] 0a74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100F5C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8990-11df-728facdd278e, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[17:31:59.79] 0a74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100F5C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8990-11df-728fe9796f86, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[17:32:36.29] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100E828: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FF3380', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:32:36.29] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100E828: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:32:36.29] 0c48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100E828: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:32:36.29] 04b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100E828: (User='', Target='')
[17:32:36.29] 04b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100E828: (User='', Target=''
[17:32:36.31] 0928 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0105C5C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:32:37.06] 0928 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0105C698: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:32:37.10] 0928 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0105B3B0: Initial Sync Starting
[17:32:37.10] 0928 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-13T20:3
[17:32:37.10] 0928 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF2678: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-13T20:32:47.00-00:00
[17:32:37.12] 0928 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0105B3B0: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:32:37.12] 0928 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0105B3B0: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:32:37.12] 0928 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04B88260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:32:37.12] 0928 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0105B3B0: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[17:32:37.12] 0928 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0105B3B0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[17:38:46.43] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0100E828: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FF3380'
[17:38:46.43] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100E828: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log opened: 2010-06-16T12:58:34Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:58:34.39] 0b10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:58:34.39] 0b10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:58:34.39] 05e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:58:34.39] 0b10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[09:58:34.39] 0b10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[09:58:34.40] 0a44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:58:35.37] 0a44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:58:35.50] 0a44 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[09:58:35.59] 0a44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-16T12:5
[09:58:35.59] 0a44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-16T12:58:45.00-00:00
[09:58:35.64] 0a44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046D60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:58:38.76] 0254 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:58:38.76] 0a44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:58:44.20] 0254 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:58:44.20] 0a44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01048560: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:58:44.20] 0a44 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:58:38.76] 0a44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:58:59.04] 0254 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:59:13.87] 05e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[11:59:13.87] 05e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-16T14:59:24Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-16T19:04:02Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:04:02.78] 01a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:04:02.78] 01a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:04:02.78] 0ca8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:04:02.78] 01a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[16:04:02.78] 01a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[16:04:02.79] 03a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:04:03.67] 03a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:04:03.71] 03a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:04:03.87] 03a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-16T19:0
[16:04:03.87] 03a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-16T19:04:13.00-00:00
[16:04:03.89] 03a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:04:07.40] 0738 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:04:07.40] 03a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:04:11.71] 0738 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:04:11.73] 03a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105D060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:04:11.73] 03a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:07:04.82] 0ca8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[16:07:04.82] 0ca8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-16T19:30:55Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-17T20:02:53Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:02:53.39] 0fa4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:02:53.39] 0fa4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:02:53.39] 0eb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:02:53.39] 0fa4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[17:02:53.39] 0fa4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[17:02:53.41] 0a60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:02:54.33] 0a60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:02:54.41] 0a60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:02:54.48] 0a60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-17T20:0
[17:02:54.48] 0a60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-17T20:03:04.00-00:00
[17:02:54.52] 0a60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01045260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:02:58.03] 08ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:02:58.03] 0a60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:03:02.03] 08ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:03:02.03] 0a60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01046A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:03:02.03] 0a60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:29:28.38] 0fa4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[17:29:28.38] 0fa4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-17T20:29:35Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-18T12:35:14Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:35:14.29] 0734 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F803A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:35:14.29] 0734 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:35:14.31] 0750 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:35:14.31] 0734 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[09:35:14.31] 0734 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[09:35:14.34] 02dc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:35:15.75] 02dc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:35:15.81] 02dc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[09:35:15.92] 02dc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-18T12:3
[09:35:15.92] 02dc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-18T12:35:25.00-00:00
[09:35:16.04] 02dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01045660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:35:20.98] 08b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000006) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000021) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000018) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|ana-dracena@hotmail.
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000028) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|marciaguilherme2010@hotm
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000005) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000008) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|margottnassan@hotmai
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000000c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000015) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|marciaguilherme2010@hotmail.c
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000009) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000000b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000016) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000017) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|gislaine_vox@hotmail
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000007) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000024) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|-4783892854430641628
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000031) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000000a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000029) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|marciaguilherme2010@
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000030) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000022) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|katia_Soriano@hotmai
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000025) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|-4783892854430641628
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000032) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[09:35:21.01] 02dc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7DF20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000023) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[09:35:21.03] 02dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:35:32.75] 08b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:35:32.79] 02dc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01057660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:35:32.79] 02dc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:35:21.06] 02dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:35:24.84] 08b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:35:32.81] 02dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:35:36.09] 08b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:35:24.85] 02dc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F98D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pullm
embership', needs to be delayed: (79199984)
[13:35:36.09] 02dc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F98D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pulla
b', needs to be delayed: (79200000)
[14:09:58.07] 0750 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F803A0'
[14:09:58.07] 0750 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[14:10:39.32] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01055660: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBA1E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:10:39.32] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01055660: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:10:39.32] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01055660: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:10:39.32] 0734 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01055660: (User='', Target='')
[14:10:39.32] 0734 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01055660: (User='', Target=''
[14:10:39.34] 09cc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0029E288: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:10:40.10] 09cc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0029E360: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:10:40.15] 09cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA2508: Initial Sync Starting
[14:10:40.15] 09cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA2508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[14:10:40.15] 09cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA2508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[14:10:40.15] 09cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01019560: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:10:40.15] 09cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA2508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[14:10:40.15] 09cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA2508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[15:50:48.07] 0750 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01055660: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FBA1E0'
[15:50:48.07] 0750 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01055660: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:27:06.78] 018c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01056660: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0100B9C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:27:06.78] 018c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01056660: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:27:06.78] 0734 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01056660: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:27:06.78] 018c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01056660: (User='', Target='')
[17:27:06.78] 018c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01056660: (User='', Target=''
[17:27:06.78] 00e0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010449C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:27:07.60] 00e0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01044A98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:27:07.67] 00e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01055708: Initial Sync Starting
[17:27:07.67] 00e0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0103A430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-18T20:2
[17:27:07.67] 00e0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00F9AF78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-18T20:27:17.00-00:00
[17:27:07.70] 00e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01051660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:27:09.79] 0bf8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:27:09.79] 00e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FFFDD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:27:11.85] 0bf8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:27:11.85] 00e0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0101CF60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:27:11.85] 00e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01055708: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:28:35.62] 0734 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01056660: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0100B9C0'
[17:28:35.62] 0734 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01056660: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-18T20:28:46Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-19T16:09:43Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:09:43.06] 0a74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA1A28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FAB920', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:09:43.06] 0a74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA1A28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:09:43.06] 0ae0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA1A28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:09:43.06] 0a74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA1A28: (User='', Target='')
[13:09:43.06] 0a74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA1A28: (User='', Target=''
[13:09:43.20] 0e2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7DBC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:09:45.85] 0e2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7DC98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:09:45.95] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA8508: Initial Sync Starting
[13:09:46.09] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F7EE30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-19T16:0
[13:09:46.09] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFF178: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-19T16:09:56.00-00:00
[13:09:46.14] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FF92C0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:09:50.70] 0808 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:09:50.70] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FF92C0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:09:54.12] 0808 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:09:54.15] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01017E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:09:54.15] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA8508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:14:27.54] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F7EE30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-19T16:1
[13:14:27.54] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFF120: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-19T16:14:37.00-00:00
[13:14:57.00] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F7EE30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-19T16:1
[13:14:57.00] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFF120: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-19T16:15:07.00-00:00
[13:15:36.53] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F7EE30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-19T16:1
[13:15:36.53] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFF0C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-19T16:15:46.00-00:00
[13:16:05.10] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F7EE30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-19T16:1
[13:16:05.10] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFF0C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-19T16:16:15.00-00:00
[13:35:44.35] 0ae0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA1A28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FAB920'
[13:35:44.35] 0ae0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA1A28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-19T16:35:55Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-20T00:19:08Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:19:08.29] 0e78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:19:08.29] 0e78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:19:08.29] 0e60 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:19:08.29] 0e78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[21:19:08.29] 0e78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[21:19:08.31] 0ef8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:19:11.26] 0ef8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:19:11.32] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[21:19:11.40] 0ef8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-20T00:1
[21:19:11.40] 0ef8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-20T00:19:21.00-00:00
[21:19:11.45] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104EE60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:19:15.03] 0f0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:19:15.03] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E260: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:19:17.14] 0f0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:19:17.15] 0ef8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01051260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:19:17.15] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:21:11.40] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01050260: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[21:21:13.23] 0f0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:29:11.40] 0ef8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01050260: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[21:29:15.68] 0f0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:53:30.64] 0e78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-20T14:12:53Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:12:54.00] 0d9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:12:54.00] 0d9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:12:54.00] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:12:54.00] 0d9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[11:12:54.00] 0d9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[11:12:54.01] 0df4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:12:54.87] 0df4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:12:54.92] 0df4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:12:55.01] 0df4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-20T14:1
[11:12:55.01] 0df4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-20T14:13:05.00-00:00
[11:12:55.06] 0df4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103AA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:12:56.93] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:12:56.93] 0df4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:12:58.62] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:12:58.68] 0df4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01039A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:12:58.68] 0df4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:36:00.75] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[11:36:00.75] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-20T14:56:12Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-20T20:29:13Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:29:13.79] 01d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:29:13.79] 01d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:29:13.79] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:29:13.79] 01d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[17:29:13.79] 01d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[17:29:13.84] 0cd0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:29:15.32] 0cd0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:29:15.39] 0cd0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:29:15.48] 0cd0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-20T20:2
[17:29:15.48] 0cd0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-20T20:29:25.00-00:00
[17:29:15.54] 0cd0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103BA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:29:20.48] 0338 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:29:20.48] 0cd0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:29:26.35] 0338 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:29:26.39] 0cd0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103C260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:29:26.39] 0cd0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:32:39.06] 0080 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[17:32:39.06] 0080 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:32:50.93] 01d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0103D828: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB9BC0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:32:50.93] 01d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0103D828: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:32:50.93] 0080 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0103D828: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:32:50.93] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0103D828: (User='', Target='')
[17:32:50.93] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0103D828: (User='', Target=''
[17:32:50.95] 0d40 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100A9C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:32:51.81] 0d40 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100AA98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:32:51.85] 0d40 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01025708: Initial Sync Starting
[17:32:51.87] 0d40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0103C830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-20T20:3
[17:32:51.87] 0d40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF0F78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-20T20:33:01.00-00:00
[17:32:51.89] 0d40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0101DE60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:32:53.87] 0db8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:32:53.87] 0d40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104FDD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:32:55.50] 0db8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:32:55.50] 0d40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01026E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:32:55.50] 0d40 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01025708: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:12:46.06] 0080 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0103D828: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB9BC0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-23T13:40:48Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:40:48.57] 0e7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9A28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:40:48.57] 0e7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9A28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:40:48.57] 0e90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9A28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:40:48.57] 0e7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9A28: (User='', Target='')
[10:40:48.57] 0e7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9A28: (User='', Target=''
[10:40:48.62] 0618 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F98FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:40:49.92] 0618 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F99098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:40:49.98] 0618 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FAA908: Initial Sync Starting
[10:40:50.07] 0618 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01050260: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[10:40:54.54] 023c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:40:54.57] 0618 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F84630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-23T13:4
[10:40:54.57] 0618 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA2F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-23T13:41:04.00-00:00
[10:40:54.59] 0618 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@05220060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:40:56.10] 023c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:40:56.10] 0618 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F260: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:40:57.85] 023c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:40:58.14] 0618 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01050260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:40:58.14] 0618 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FAA908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:38:40.79] 0e7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9A28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[12:38:40.79] 0e7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9A28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-23T15:38:51Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-24T14:49:51Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:49:51.06] 0890 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:49:51.06] 0890 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:49:51.06] 09a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:49:51.06] 0890 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[11:49:51.06] 0890 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[11:49:51.09] 0524 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:49:52.06] 0524 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:49:52.18] 0524 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:49:52.28] 0524 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-24T14:5
[11:49:52.28] 0524 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-24T14:50:02.00-00:00
[11:49:52.34] 0524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103BA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:49:54.26] 09c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:49:54.26] 0524 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:49:55.87] 09c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:49:55.87] 0524 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103AA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:49:55.87] 0524 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:02:59.51] 09a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-26T19:57:15Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:57:15.40] 01ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA67D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:57:15.40] 01ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA67D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:57:15.40] 039c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA67D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:57:15.40] 01ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA67D8: (User='', Target='')
[16:57:15.40] 01ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA67D8: (User='', Target=''
[16:57:15.43] 0ba8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:57:16.39] 0ba8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:57:16.43] 0ba8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:57:16.60] 0ba8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA1A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-26T19:5
[16:57:16.60] 0ba8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01017D78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-26T19:57:26.00-00:00
[16:57:16.64] 0ba8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102CE60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:57:20.06] 0774 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:57:20.06] 0ba8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:57:27.28] 0774 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:57:27.32] 0ba8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103EE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:57:27.32] 0ba8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:39:27.82] 0a70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA67D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[18:39:27.82] 0a70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA67D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-06-26T21:39:46Z
* Log opened: 2010-06-27T13:47:55Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:47:55.29] 0ba8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:47:55.29] 0ba8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:47:55.29] 0434 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:47:55.29] 0ba8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[10:47:55.29] 0ba8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[10:47:55.31] 0e60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:47:56.21] 0e60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:47:56.31] 0e60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[10:47:56.39] 0e60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-27T13:4
[10:47:56.39] 0e60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-27T13:48:06.00-00:00
[10:47:56.43] 0e60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103BA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:48:04.53] 0e5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:48:04.53] 0e60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:48:08.68] 0e5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:48:08.70] 0e60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103C260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:48:08.70] 0e60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:52:17.09] 0ba8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[10:52:17.09] 0ba8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[10:54:57.34] 0ba8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100B028: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBA3C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:54:57.34] 0ba8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100B028: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:54:57.34] 0db4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100B028: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:54:57.34] 0434 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100B028: (User='', Target='')
[10:54:57.34] 0434 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100B028: (User='', Target=''
[10:54:57.35] 0dbc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010121C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:54:58.06] 0dbc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01012298: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:54:58.09] 0dbc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01018308: Initial Sync Starting
[10:54:58.09] 0dbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01030030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-27T13:5
[10:54:58.09] 0dbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0105F578: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-27T13:55:08.00-00:00
[10:54:58.10] 0dbc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01024E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:55:03.51] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:55:03.70] 0dbc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB9FD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:55:07.71] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:55:07.71] 0dbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01027260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:55:07.71] 0dbc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01018308: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:01:32.56] 0dfc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0100B028: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FBA3C0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-27T17:51:16Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:51:16.18] 0610 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:51:16.18] 0610 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:51:16.18] 0618 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:51:16.18] 0610 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[14:51:16.18] 0610 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[14:51:16.20] 08c8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:51:17.28] 08c8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:51:17.34] 08c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[14:51:17.43] 08c8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-27T17:5
[14:51:17.43] 08c8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-27T17:51:27.00-00:00
[14:51:17.50] 08c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103AA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:51:26.23] 08d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:51:26.23] 08c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:51:33.90] 08d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:51:33.90] 08c8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103D260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:51:33.90] 08c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:57:03.70] 0610 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-27T23:57:40Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:57:40.89] 0840 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:57:40.89] 0840 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:57:40.89] 0860 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:57:40.89] 0840 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[20:57:40.89] 0840 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[20:57:40.93] 027c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:57:41.81] 027c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:57:41.85] 027c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:57:41.98] 027c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-27T23:5
[20:57:41.98] 027c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-27T23:57:51.00-00:00
[20:57:42.01] 027c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102D860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:57:44.57] 0b28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:57:44.57] 027c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:57:46.18] 0b28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:57:46.18] 027c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01033C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:57:46.18] 027c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:07:32.90] 027c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'calcu
latepush', needs to be delayed: (9078)
[21:11:24.31] 0860 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-28T17:39:19Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:39:19.89] 0d48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FACBD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:39:19.89] 0d48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FACBD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:39:19.89] 0d4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FACBD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:39:19.89] 0d48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FACBD8: (User='', Target='')
[14:39:19.89] 0d48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FACBD8: (User='', Target=''
[14:39:19.92] 0e6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:39:24.50] 0e6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:39:24.87] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[14:39:27.01] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DF50: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:39:30.78] 0ea0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:39:30.78] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DF50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:39:32.51] 0ea0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:39:32.53] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9EA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-28T17:3
[14:39:32.53] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA7F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-28T17:39:42.00-00:00
[14:39:32.56] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105AE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:39:32.56] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:11:09.84] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9EA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-28T18:1
[15:11:09.84] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA7EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-28T18:11:19.00-00:00
[15:11:17.39] 0d6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FACBD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-29T13:34:32Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:34:32.84] 0654 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:34:32.84] 0654 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:34:32.84] 03a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:34:32.84] 0654 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[10:34:32.84] 0654 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[10:34:32.87] 0d4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:34:34.26] 0d4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:34:34.32] 0d4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[10:34:34.42] 0d4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-29T13:3
[10:34:34.42] 0d4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-29T13:34:44.00-00:00
[10:34:34.46] 0d4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01050260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:34:36.37] 007c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:34:36.37] 0d4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E260: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:34:53.62] 007c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E260: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:34:56.75] 007c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00F7E260: status = 301
[10:34:56.75] 007c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E260: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:34:58.67] 007c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:34:58.67] 0d4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01054A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:34:58.67] 0d4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:35:20.18] 0d4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-29T13:3
[10:35:20.18] 0d4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-29T13:35:30.00-00:00
[10:59:48.79] 0d4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-29T13:5
[10:59:48.79] 0d4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-29T13:59:58.00-00:00
[12:20:49.26] 03a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[12:20:49.26] 03a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[12:21:36.87] 08d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100A428: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB8BC0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:21:36.87] 08d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100A428: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:21:36.87] 03a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100A428: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:21:36.87] 0654 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100A428: (User='', Target='')
[12:21:36.87] 0654 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100A428: (User='', Target=''
[12:21:36.87] 0c74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01051DC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:21:37.71] 0c74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01051E98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:21:37.76] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01017308: Initial Sync Starting
[12:21:37.76] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01048430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-29T15:2
[12:21:37.76] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA1B78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-29T15:21:47.00-00:00
[12:21:37.78] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01017308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:21:37.78] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01017308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:21:37.78] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@057B8C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:21:37.78] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01017308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[12:21:37.78] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01017308: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[13:43:44.71] 0654 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0100A428: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB8BC0'
[13:43:44.71] 0654 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100A428: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[16:42:11.34] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01019428: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '010131C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:42:11.34] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01019428: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:42:11.34] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01019428: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:42:11.34] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01019428: (User='', Target='')
[16:42:11.34] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01019428: (User='', Target=''
[16:42:11.35] 0ef0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100C1C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:42:12.28] 0ef0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100C298: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:42:12.32] 0ef0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01009F08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:42:12.32] 0ef0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0105A030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-29T19:4
[16:42:12.32] 0ef0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01046578: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-29T19:42:22.00-00:00
[16:42:12.34] 0ef0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103EA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:42:14.01] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:42:14.01] 0ef0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB97D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:42:15.68] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:42:15.70] 0ef0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00FF3860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:42:15.70] 0ef0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01009F08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:53:33.70] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01019428: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '010131C0'
* Log opened: 2010-06-30T20:04:18Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:04:19.00] 0d20 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F803A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:04:19.00] 0d20 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:04:19.00] 0c8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:04:19.00] 0d20 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[17:04:19.00] 0d20 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[17:04:19.04] 0da4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:04:19.87] 0da4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:04:19.96] 0da4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:04:20.06] 0da4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-06-30T20:0
[17:04:20.06] 0da4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-06-30T20:04:30.00-00:00
[17:04:20.10] 0da4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104AE60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:04:23.75] 0d08 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:04:23.75] 0da4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:04:42.51] 0d08 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:04:42.51] 0da4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104F260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:04:42.51] 0da4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:28:03.28] 0cc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F803A0'
* Log opened: 2010-07-02T18:14:08Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:14:08.50] 0b90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:14:08.50] 0b90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:14:08.50] 0288 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:14:08.50] 0b90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[15:14:08.50] 0b90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[15:14:08.54] 0ed0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:14:09.44] 0ed0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:14:09.49] 0ed0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[15:14:09.61] 0ed0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-02T18:1
[15:14:09.61] 0ed0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-02T18:14:19.00-00:00
[15:14:09.65] 0ed0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103BA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:14:11.83] 01f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:14:11.83] 0ed0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:14:13.43] 01f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:14:13.43] 0ed0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103E660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:14:13.43] 0ed0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:09:19.46] 0288 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
* Log opened: 2010-07-04T18:17:45Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:17:45.50] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:17:45.50] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:17:45.50] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:17:45.50] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[15:17:45.50] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[15:17:45.59] 0f58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:17:46.59] 0f58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:17:46.71] 0f58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[15:17:46.84] 0f58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:17:49.98] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:17:50.04] 0f58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:17:54.12] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:17:54.12] 0f58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104BA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:17:54.12] 0f58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:17:50.00] 0f58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:17:51.98] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:17:54.12] 0f58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:17:55.98] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:32:58.73] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
* Log opened: 2010-07-04T22:44:38Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:44:38.39] 03dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FADBD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F803A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:44:38.39] 03dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FADBD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:44:38.39] 0d5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FADBD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:44:38.39] 03dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FADBD8: (User='', Target='')
[19:44:38.39] 03dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FADBD8: (User='', Target=''
[19:44:38.45] 0e4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:44:39.42] 0e4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:44:39.46] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[19:44:39.57] 0e4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9FA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-04T22:4
[19:44:39.57] 0e4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-04T22:44:49.00-00:00
[19:44:39.60] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103B460: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:44:41.84] 0e48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:44:41.84] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:44:43.54] 0e48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:44:43.54] 0e4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103E460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:44:43.56] 0e4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:10:37.04] 0d5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FADBD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F803A0'
* Log opened: 2010-07-06T14:53:53Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:53:53.89] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:53:53.89] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:53:53.89] 0e68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:53:53.89] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[11:53:53.89] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[11:53:53.92] 0228 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:53:54.87] 0228 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:53:54.90] 0228 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:53:55.00] 0228 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-06T14:5
[11:53:55.00] 0228 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-06T14:54:05.00-00:00
[11:53:55.03] 0228 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01057860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:53:57.40] 084c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:53:57.40] 0228 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:53:59.43] 084c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:53:59.43] 0228 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105D060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:53:59.45] 0228 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:45:52.12] 0e68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[12:45:52.12] 0e68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-06T15:46:04Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-09T23:32:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:32:37.10] 0784 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:32:37.10] 0784 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:32:37.10] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:32:37.10] 0784 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[20:32:37.10] 0784 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[20:32:37.12] 0a90 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:32:39.10] 0a90 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:32:39.46] 0a90 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:32:39.60] 0a90 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-09T23:3
[20:32:39.60] 0a90 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-09T23:32:49.00-00:00
[20:32:39.70] 0a90 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104EE60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:32:41.70] 0bac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:32:41.70] 0a90 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E2D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:32:43.26] 0bac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:32:43.26] 0a90 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104FE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:32:43.26] 0a90 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:07:22.37] 0824 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
* Log opened: 2010-07-10T14:51:42Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:51:42.40] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FACBD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:51:42.40] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FACBD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:51:42.40] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FACBD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:51:42.40] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FACBD8: (User='', Target='')
[11:51:42.40] 0dd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FACBD8: (User='', Target=''
[11:51:42.42] 0df0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:51:43.37] 0df0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:51:43.43] 0df0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:51:43.57] 0df0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:51:45.51] 07a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:51:45.51] 0df0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:51:47.15] 07a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:51:47.17] 0df0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01058E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:51:47.17] 0df0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:41:42.95] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FACBD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[13:41:42.95] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FACBD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-10T16:41:43Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-11T20:21:29Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:21:29.17] 0c38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:21:29.17] 0c38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:21:29.17] 0c30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:21:29.17] 0c38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[17:21:29.17] 0c38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[17:21:29.18] 0348 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:21:35.20] 0348 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:21:35.67] 0348 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:21:36.81] 0348 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-11T20:2
[17:21:36.81] 0348 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-11T20:21:46.00-00:00
[17:21:36.93] 0348 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103A260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:21:39.53] 0520 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:21:39.59] 0348 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E0A0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:21:43.00] 0520 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:21:43.01] 0348 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103CE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:21:43.01] 0348 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:10:09.64] 0100 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[18:10:09.64] 0100 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[18:10:09.64] 0348 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F833C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-11T21:10:10Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-11T23:04:41Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:04:41.07] 0690 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:04:41.07] 0690 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:04:41.07] 0690 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:04:41.07] 0f24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[20:04:41.07] 0f24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[20:04:41.09] 0608 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:04:42.01] 0608 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:04:42.10] 0608 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:04:42.17] 0608 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-11T23:0
[20:04:42.17] 0608 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-11T23:04:52.00-00:00
[20:04:42.23] 0608 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103A860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:04:47.79] 0e38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:04:47.79] 0608 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:04:49.78] 0e38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:04:49.78] 0608 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01039860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:04:49.78] 0608 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:59:30.65] 0e24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[20:59:30.65] 0e24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-11T23:59:40Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-13T17:09:07Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:09:07.54] 02a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:09:07.54] 02a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:09:07.54] 0edc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:09:07.54] 0f58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[14:09:07.54] 0f58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[14:09:07.57] 0fb0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:09:08.50] 0fb0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:09:08.60] 0fb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[14:09:08.70] 0fb0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-13T17:0
[14:09:08.70] 0fb0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-13T17:09:18.00-00:00
[14:09:08.76] 0fb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103BA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:09:10.87] 0db4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:09:10.87] 0fb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:09:12.51] 0db4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:09:12.51] 0fb0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103AA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:09:12.51] 0fb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:16:10.07] 0f48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[14:16:10.07] 0f48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-13T17:16:20Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-13T19:11:31Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:11:31.07] 0474 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:11:31.07] 0474 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:11:31.07] 0e28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:11:31.07] 0474 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target='')
[16:11:31.07] 0474 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9E28: (User='', Target=''
[16:11:31.12] 03a4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:11:31.98] 03a4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:11:32.03] 03a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:11:32.06] 03a4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-13T19:1
[16:11:32.06] 03a4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-13T19:11:42.00-00:00
[16:11:32.10] 03a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01039460: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:11:34.20] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:11:34.20] 03a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:11:36.06] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:11:36.06] 03a4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01040460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:11:36.06] 03a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:12:46.81] 0e28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9E28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[16:12:46.81] 0e28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9E28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-13T19:12:54Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-14T14:48:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:48:10.42] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:48:10.42] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:48:10.42] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:48:10.42] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[11:48:10.42] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[11:48:10.43] 0d6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:48:11.73] 0d6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:48:11.82] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:48:11.85] 0d6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-14T14:4
[11:48:11.85] 0d6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-14T14:48:21.00-00:00
[11:48:11.90] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105A060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:48:13.81] 0234 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:48:13.82] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:48:15.50] 0234 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:48:15.50] 0d6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01059060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:48:15.50] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:48:33.93] 0d6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-14T14:4
[11:48:33.93] 0d6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-14T14:48:43.00-00:00
[11:53:01.07] 0d6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-14T14:5
[11:53:01.07] 0d6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-14T14:53:11.00-00:00
[11:55:14.40] 01b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[11:55:14.42] 01b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[12:28:51.20] 0964 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105B228: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '010457C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:28:51.20] 0964 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105B228: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:28:51.20] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105B228: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:28:51.20] 0250 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105B228: (User='', Target='')
[12:28:51.20] 0250 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105B228: (User='', Target=''
[12:28:51.20] 04bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010475C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:28:52.09] 04bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01047698: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:28:52.14] 04bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01025108: Initial Sync Starting
[12:28:52.14] 04bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FF4FD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:28:53.87] 0640 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:28:53.87] 04bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FF4FD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:28:55.53] 0640 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:28:55.53] 04bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@053F3360: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:28:55.53] 04bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01025108: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:28:53.89] 04bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FF4FD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:28:57.20] 0640 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:28:55.53] 04bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FF4FD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:28:59.03] 0640 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:51:05.06] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0105B228: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '010457C0'
[16:51:05.07] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105B228: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[16:51:32.25] 1bcc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01046228: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FF6BC0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:51:32.25] 1bcc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01046228: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:51:32.25] 0cd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01046228: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:51:32.25] 0250 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01046228: (User='', Target='')
[16:51:32.25] 0250 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01046228: (User='', Target=''
[16:51:32.26] 0b4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0101D7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:51:33.06] 0b4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0101D898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:51:33.10] 0b4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F851B0: Initial Sync Starting
[16:51:33.10] 0b4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@053F1930: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-14T19:5
[16:51:33.10] 0b4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01057778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-14T19:51:43.00-00:00
[16:51:33.12] 0b4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F851B0: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[16:51:33.12] 0b4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F851B0: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[16:51:33.12] 0b4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00FA8760: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:51:33.12] 0b4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F851B0: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[16:51:33.12] 0b4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F851B0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[17:04:39.21] 1bcc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01046228: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FF6BC0'
[17:04:39.21] 1bcc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01046228: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:59:50.60] 1584 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0029E4F0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '010565C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:59:50.60] 1584 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0029E4F0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:59:50.60] 1804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0029E4F0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:59:50.60] 1d14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0029E4F0: (User='', Target='')
[17:59:50.60] 1d14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0029E4F0: (User='', Target=''
[17:59:50.64] 197c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010367C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:59:51.45] 197c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01036898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:59:51.48] 197c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@053E8508: Initial Sync Starting
[17:59:51.48] 197c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F84630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-14T21:0
[17:59:51.48] 197c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0102FB78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-14T21:00:01.00-00:00
[17:59:51.50] 197c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01029060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:59:53.62] 1a58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:59:53.62] 197c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@053F7AD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:59:55.46] 1a58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:59:55.48] 197c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@053F0F60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:59:55.48] 197c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@053E8508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:02:38.37] 1584 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0029E4F0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '010565C0'
[18:02:38.37] 1584 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0029E4F0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-14T21:02:48Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-15T10:23:32Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:23:32.15] 02bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:23:32.15] 02bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:23:32.15] 08d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:23:32.15] 02bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target='')
[07:23:32.15] 02bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAE28: (User='', Target=''
[07:23:32.18] 0d64 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:23:33.21] 0d64 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:23:33.26] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[07:23:33.37] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-15T10:2
[07:23:33.37] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-15T10:23:43.00-00:00
[07:23:33.42] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103BA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:23:35.25] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:23:35.25] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:23:36.89] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:23:36.89] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01046660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:23:36.89] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[07:25:56.57] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046660: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[07:25:58.65] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:25:58.65] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:26:00.35] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:26:21.96] 02bc Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAAE84: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-07-15T03:25:53.473-07
[07:26:21.96] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:26:23.73] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@00F7F3B0: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[07:26:23.73] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104EA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:26:26.35] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:41:57.51] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-15T11:4
[08:41:57.51] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-15T11:42:07.00-00:00
[08:53:51.90] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-15T11:5
[08:53:51.90] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-15T11:54:01.00-00:00
[09:26:26.43] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:26:29.98] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:05:42.01] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-15T14:0
[11:05:42.01] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-15T14:05:52.00-00:00
[11:05:49.01] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-15T14:0
[11:05:49.01] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-15T14:05:59.00-00:00
[11:26:26.45] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:26:30.18] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:40:41.60] 02bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAE28: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[11:40:41.60] 02bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAE28: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-15T14:40:52Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-16T14:00:48Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:00:49.01] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:00:49.01] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:00:49.01] 0798 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:00:49.01] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target='')
[11:00:49.01] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target=''
[11:00:49.04] 0854 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:00:50.90] 0854 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:00:51.21] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:00:51.37] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01052E60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[11:00:53.39] 00d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:00:53.54] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F2D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:00:55.09] 00d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:00:55.09] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F2D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:00:56.82] 00d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:00:56.87] 0854 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01054260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:00:56.87] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:01:55.89] 0854 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-16T14:0
[11:01:55.89] 0854 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9FB8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-16T14:02:05.00-00:00
[11:02:06.37] 0854 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-16T14:0
[11:02:06.37] 0854 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-16T14:02:16.00-00:00
[12:17:58.20] 0798 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
[12:17:58.21] 0798 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB518: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[12:18:37.01] 0798 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100B318: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB9C20', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:18:37.01] 0798 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100B318: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:18:37.01] 0078 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100B318: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:18:37.01] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100B318: (User='', Target='')
[12:18:37.01] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100B318: (User='', Target=''
[12:18:37.03] 0ae8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010121C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:18:37.81] 0ae8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01012298: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:18:37.84] 0ae8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0100DB08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:18:37.84] 0ae8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01018830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-16T15:1
[12:18:37.84] 0ae8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0100F978: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-16T15:18:47.00-00:00
[12:18:37.85] 0ae8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0100DB08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:18:37.85] 0ae8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0100DB08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:18:37.85] 0ae8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0547BC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:18:37.85] 0ae8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0100DB08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[12:18:37.85] 0ae8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0100DB08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[12:25:31.20] 0798 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0100B318: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB9C20'
* Log opened: 2010-07-16T18:58:25Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:58:25.62] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:58:25.62] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:58:25.62] 0cbc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:58:25.62] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target='')
[15:58:25.62] 0cb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target=''
[15:58:25.64] 0d5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:58:26.57] 0d5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:58:26.64] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[15:58:26.75] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:58:29.54] 0d84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:58:29.54] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:58:32.01] 0d84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:58:32.07] 0d5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105A660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:58:32.07] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:54:22.34] 0cbc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
* Log opened: 2010-07-17T15:57:07Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:57:07.60] 0f44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:57:07.60] 0f44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:57:07.60] 0f70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:57:07.60] 0f44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target='')
[12:57:07.60] 0f44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target=''
[12:57:07.70] 0298 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:57:08.87] 0298 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:57:08.95] 0298 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:57:09.09] 0298 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:57:11.84] 01b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:57:11.84] 0298 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F260: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:57:16.32] 01b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:57:16.32] 0298 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105DA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:57:16.32] 0298 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:31:59.67] 0f64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
* Log opened: 2010-07-18T22:39:49Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:39:49.21] 0c04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F400', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:39:49.21] 0c04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:39:49.21] 0c48 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:39:49.21] 0c04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target='')
[19:39:49.21] 0c04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target=''
[19:39:49.23] 0558 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F837C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:39:53.26] 0558 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:39:53.55] 0558 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[19:39:53.84] 0558 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-18T22:4
[19:39:53.84] 0558 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-18T22:40:03.00-00:00
[19:39:53.88] 0558 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:39:59.48] 0e40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:39:59.48] 0558 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E4A0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:40:10.02] 0e40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:40:10.10] 0558 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@05920060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:40:10.10] 0558 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:40:35.71] 0558 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-18T22:4
[19:40:35.71] 0558 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-18T22:40:45.00-00:00
[19:58:06.15] 0558 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-18T22:5
[19:58:06.15] 0558 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-18T22:58:16.00-00:00
[20:22:34.24] 0c54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F400'
* Log opened: 2010-07-22T14:46:41Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:46:41.28] 0b78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:46:41.28] 0b78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:46:41.28] 0b70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:46:41.28] 0b78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target='')
[11:46:41.28] 0b78 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target=''
[11:46:41.31] 08d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:46:42.51] 08d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:46:42.57] 08d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:46:42.68] 08d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:46:46.10] 0934 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:46:46.12] 08d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:46:47.87] 0934 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:46:47.87] 08d8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104CA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:46:47.87] 08d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:13:55.48] 0b70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
* Log opened: 2010-07-24T14:16:57Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:16:57.71] 0c08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:16:57.73] 0c08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:16:57.73] 088c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:16:57.73] 0c08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target='')
[11:16:57.73] 0c08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target=''
[11:16:57.75] 0d18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:16:58.68] 0d18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:16:58.81] 0d18 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:16:58.89] 0d18 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-24T14:1
[11:16:58.90] 0d18 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-24T14:17:08.00-00:00
[11:16:58.93] 0d18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01052E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:17:01.18] 0d38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:17:01.20] 0d18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:17:02.93] 0d38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:17:02.95] 0d18 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105C260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:17:02.95] 0d18 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:44:56.60] 088c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
[11:44:56.60] 088c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB518: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:04:09.21] 0c14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105CF18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBEC20', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:04:09.21] 0c14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105CF18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:04:09.21] 064c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105CF18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:04:09.21] 088c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105CF18: (User='', Target='')
[13:04:09.21] 088c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105CF18: (User='', Target=''
[13:04:09.25] 0328 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010409C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:04:10.12] 0328 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01040A98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:04:10.18] 0328 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01043708: Initial Sync Starting
[13:04:10.18] 0328 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100F830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-24T16:0
[13:04:10.18] 0328 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0100DD78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-24T16:04:20.00-00:00
[13:04:10.20] 0328 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01047E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:04:11.81] 0690 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:04:11.81] 0328 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103F1D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:04:13.43] 0690 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:04:13.43] 0328 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0544DC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:04:13.43] 0328 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01043708: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:12:25.57] 0c14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0105CF18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FBEC20'
[14:12:25.57] 0c14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105CF18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[15:50:06.85] 0818 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9D118: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01011E20', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:50:06.85] 0818 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9D118: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:50:06.85] 0654 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9D118: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:50:06.85] 0d3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9D118: (User='', Target='')
[15:50:06.85] 0d3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9D118: (User='', Target=''
[15:50:06.87] 0c58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F99BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:50:07.68] 0c58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F99C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:50:07.71] 0c58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01014308: Initial Sync Starting
[15:50:07.71] 0c58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0101B430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-24T18:5
[15:50:07.71] 0c58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0103A578: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-24T18:50:17.00-00:00
[15:50:07.73] 0c58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105FA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:50:14.21] 0de4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:50:14.21] 0c58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0100CD60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:50:17.92] 0de4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:50:17.93] 0c58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103BE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:50:17.93] 0c58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01014308: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:04:49.12] 0d3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9D118: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01011E20'
[16:04:49.12] 0d3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9D118: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:15:00.82] 0ec0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0103CB18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '05452820', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:15:00.82] 0ec0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0103CB18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:15:00.82] 054c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0103CB18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:15:00.82] 0654 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0103CB18: (User='', Target='')
[17:15:00.82] 0654 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0103CB18: (User='', Target=''
[17:15:00.84] 0edc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010575C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:15:01.62] 0edc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01057698: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:15:01.67] 0edc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F9C508: Initial Sync Starting
[17:15:01.67] 0edc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0101E430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-24T20:1
[17:15:01.67] 0edc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0104A978: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-24T20:15:11.00-00:00
[17:15:01.68] 0edc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01047860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:15:03.42] 07c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:15:03.42] 0edc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FFB1D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:15:05.09] 07c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:15:05.10] 0edc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01014660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:15:05.10] 0edc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F9C508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:17:21.00] 054c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0103CB18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '05452820'
* Log opened: 2010-07-25T17:18:55Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:18:55.76] 0fdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:18:55.76] 0fdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:18:55.76] 02d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:18:55.76] 0fdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target='')
[14:18:55.76] 0fdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target=''
[14:18:55.81] 00bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:18:57.23] 00bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:18:57.35] 00bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[14:18:57.46] 00bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T17:1
[14:18:57.46] 00bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T17:19:07.00-00:00
[14:18:57.51] 00bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01052260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:19:00.37] 056c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:19:00.37] 00bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:19:02.29] 056c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:19:02.29] 00bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@05494060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:19:02.29] 00bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:34:34.42] 02d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
[14:34:34.42] 02d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB518: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[14:35:46.68] 0898 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01055318: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01052500', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:35:46.68] 0898 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01055318: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:35:46.68] 0fdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01055318: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:35:46.68] 0898 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01055318: (User='', Target='')
[14:35:46.68] 0898 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01055318: (User='', Target=''
[14:35:46.73] 0928 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100B1C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:35:47.68] 0928 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100B298: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:35:47.76] 0928 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0100BF08: Initial Sync Starting
[14:35:47.78] 0928 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@05494630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T17:3
[14:35:47.78] 0928 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA3F78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T17:35:57.00-00:00
[14:35:47.79] 0928 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0100BF08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[14:35:47.79] 0928 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0100BF08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[14:35:47.79] 0928 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0549AC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:35:47.79] 0928 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0100BF08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[14:35:47.79] 0928 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0100BF08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[14:37:39.96] 0898 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01055318: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01052500'
[14:37:39.98] 0898 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01055318: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[14:37:39.98] 0928 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100B1C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[14:37:39.98] 0928 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100B1C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05ed, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[14:37:39.98] 0928 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100B1C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[14:38:27.23] 032c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FEFD18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01047B20', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:38:27.23] 032c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FEFD18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:38:27.23] 0898 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FEFD18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:38:27.23] 0fdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FEFD18: (User='', Target='')
[14:38:27.23] 0fdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FEFD18: (User='', Target=''
[14:38:27.26] 0c74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0549AFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:38:28.31] 0c74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0549B098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:38:28.53] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01056708: Initial Sync Starting
[14:38:28.54] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T17:3
[14:38:28.54] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0100B178: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T17:38:38.00-00:00
[14:38:28.56] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01056708: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[14:38:28.56] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01056708: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[14:38:28.56] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01016A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:38:28.56] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01056708: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[14:38:28.56] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01056708: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[15:18:54.62] 032c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FEFD18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01047B20'
[15:18:54.62] 032c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FEFD18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[16:48:07.26] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01010B18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FF71E0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:48:07.26] 0940 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01010B18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:48:07.26] 0de4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01010B18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:48:07.26] 0790 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01010B18: (User='', Target='')
[16:48:07.26] 0790 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01010B18: (User='', Target=''
[16:48:07.28] 0fcc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F98FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:48:08.10] 0fcc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F99098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:48:08.17] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FEF108: Initial Sync Starting
[16:48:08.17] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0101F830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T19:4
[16:48:08.17] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0549B378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T19:48:18.00-00:00
[16:48:08.20] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104E660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:48:11.21] 0da8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:48:11.23] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB4F60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:48:13.75] 0da8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:48:13.76] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01051A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:48:13.76] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FEF108: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:49:55.03] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@00FF50D0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[16:49:56.84] 0da8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01051A60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[16:49:56.84] 0da8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01051A60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[16:49:56.85] 0da8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01044AC0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[16:50:01.53] 0da8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01051A60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[16:50:01.53] 0da8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01051A60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[16:50:01.53] 0da8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@00FF50D0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[16:50:03.31] 0da8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01051A60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[16:50:03.31] 0da8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01051A60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[16:50:03.32] 0da8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[16:50:06.92] 0da8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:50:06.92] 0da8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01051A60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[16:50:06.92] 0da8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0549B2C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T19:49:22.00-00:00
[16:50:28.06] 0790 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01010B74: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-07-25T12:49:27.547-07
[16:50:28.06] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB4F60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:50:30.20] 0da8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:50:30.20] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB4F60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:50:32.67] 0da8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:34:58.39] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0101F830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T20:3
[17:34:58.39] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0549B2C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T20:35:08.00-00:00
[17:35:06.48] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0101F830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T20:3
[17:35:06.48] 0fcc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0549B320: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T20:35:16.00-00:00
[18:50:30.20] 0fcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB4F60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
* Log opened: 2010-07-25T23:13:07Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:13:07.51] 08a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA67F0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:13:07.51] 08a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA67F0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:13:07.51] 0828 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA67F0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:13:07.51] 08a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA67F0: (User='', Target='')
[20:13:07.51] 08a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA67F0: (User='', Target=''
[20:13:07.54] 0900 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:13:09.46] 0900 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:13:09.52] 0900 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:13:10.04] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T23:1
[20:13:10.04] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101B678: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T23:13:20.00-00:00
[20:13:10.05] 0900 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102EF60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:13:12.95] 0940 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:13:12.95] 0900 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:13:20.52] 0940 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:13:20.52] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01035F60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:13:20.52] 0900 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:14:33.91] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T23:1
[20:14:33.91] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101B5C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T23:14:43.00-00:00
[20:14:52.91] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T23:1
[20:14:52.91] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101B620: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T23:15:02.00-00:00
[20:15:03.29] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T23:1
[20:15:03.29] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101B5C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T23:15:13.00-00:00
[20:15:09.26] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T23:1
[20:15:09.26] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101B620: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T23:15:19.00-00:00
[20:15:18.66] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T23:1
[20:15:18.66] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101B620: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T23:15:28.00-00:00
[20:15:28.24] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01035F60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[20:21:28.55] 0828 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA67F0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[20:21:28.57] 0828 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA67F0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[20:21:28.57] 0900 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F9B7C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05ed, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[20:21:28.57] 0900 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F9B7C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[20:21:28.57] 0900 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F9B7C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05f0, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[20:21:28.57] 0900 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F9B7C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8983-11df-6f6cba69f8e4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[20:22:02.07] 02f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01037C18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01046520', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:22:02.07] 02f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01037C18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:22:02.07] 08a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01037C18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:22:02.07] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01037C18: (User='', Target='')
[20:22:02.07] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01037C18: (User='', Target=''
[20:22:02.10] 0318 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0103F2C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:22:03.02] 0318 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0103F398: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:22:03.12] 0318 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FBED08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:22:03.12] 0318 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0103C530: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-25T23:2
[20:22:03.12] 0318 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FD3D78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-25T23:22:13.00-00:00
[20:22:03.13] 0318 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FBED08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[20:22:03.13] 0318 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FBED08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[20:22:03.13] 0318 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00FECE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:22:03.13] 0318 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FBED08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[20:22:03.13] 0318 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FBED08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[21:06:02.30] 08a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01037C18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01046520'
* Log opened: 2010-07-29T17:10:50Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:10:50.54] 0a64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA7BF0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80400', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:10:50.56] 0a64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA7BF0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:10:50.56] 0e80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA7BF0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:10:50.56] 0a64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA7BF0: (User='', Target='')
[14:10:50.56] 0a64 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA7BF0: (User='', Target=''
[14:10:50.59] 0bbc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA37C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:10:51.56] 0bbc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA3898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:10:51.65] 0bbc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F99308: Initial Sync Starting
[14:10:51.75] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-29T17:1
[14:10:51.75] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101C378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-29T17:11:01.00-00:00
[14:10:51.81] 0bbc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102D460: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:10:54.59] 0850 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:10:54.60] 0bbc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7E020: Removing shadow SID (0x00000012) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||OneWayRelationship|Passport|-4783892854430641628
[14:10:54.62] 0bbc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:10:56.23] 0850 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:10:56.32] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01046A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:10:56.32] 0bbc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F99308: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:11:51.75] 0bbc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102F860: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[14:11:54.75] 0850 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:13:41.37] 0e80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA7BF0: (User='', Target='')
[14:13:41.37] 08c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA7BF0: (User='', Target=''
[14:13:42.23] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-29T17:1
[14:13:42.23] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101C320: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-29T17:13:52.00-00:00
[14:13:42.25] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-29T17:1
[14:13:42.25] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101C3D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-29T17:13:52.00-00:00
[14:14:15.89] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-29T17:1
[14:14:15.89] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101C3D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-29T17:14:25.00-00:00
[14:14:15.92] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-29T17:1
[14:14:15.92] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101C320: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-29T17:14:25.00-00:00
[14:14:18.04] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-29T17:1
[14:14:18.04] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101C3D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-29T17:14:28.00-00:00
[14:14:41.20] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-29T17:1
[14:14:41.20] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101C320: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-29T17:14:51.00-00:00
[14:14:43.17] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-29T17:1
[14:14:43.17] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101C3D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-29T17:14:53.00-00:00
[14:16:44.54] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-29T17:1
[14:16:44.54] 0bbc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101C320: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-29T17:16:54.00-00:00
[14:16:47.18] 08c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA7BF0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80400'
[14:16:47.18] 08c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA7BF0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-07-29T17:16:57Z
* Log opened: 2010-07-30T12:41:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:41:10.57] 0c7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:41:10.57] 0c7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:41:10.57] 0618 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:41:10.57] 0c7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target='')
[09:41:10.57] 0c7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target=''
[09:41:10.59] 0c30 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:41:11.64] 0c30 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:41:11.73] 0c30 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[09:41:11.81] 0c30 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-30T12:4
[09:41:11.81] 0c30 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-30T12:41:21.00-00:00
[09:41:11.87] 0c30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103C260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:41:19.51] 057c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103C260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:41:32.96] 0618 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[09:41:32.96] 0618 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[09:41:40.78] 057c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@0103C260: hr = 0x80072efd, fault = (none)
* Log opened: 2010-07-30T17:48:11Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:48:11.37] 0894 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:48:11.37] 0894 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:48:11.37] 0bd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:48:11.37] 0894 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target='')
[14:48:11.37] 0894 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target=''
[14:48:11.42] 0100 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:48:12.23] 0100 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:48:12.37] 0100 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[14:48:12.51] 0100 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-07-30T17:4
[14:48:12.51] 0100 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-07-30T17:48:22.00-00:00
[14:48:12.54] 0100 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01050660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:48:14.35] 0300 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:48:14.35] 0100 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:48:16.00] 0300 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:48:16.03] 0100 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01054A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:48:16.04] 0100 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:11:46.03] 0f4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
* Log opened: 2010-08-01T23:00:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:00:37.29] 0478 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:00:37.29] 0478 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:00:37.29] 0214 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:00:37.29] 0478 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target='')
[20:00:37.29] 0478 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target=''
[20:00:37.32] 0e80 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:00:40.84] 0e80 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:00:41.28] 0e80 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:00:41.75] 0e80 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-01T23:0
[20:00:41.75] 0e80 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-01T23:00:51.00-00:00
[20:00:41.78] 0e80 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103A260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:00:44.57] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:00:44.57] 0e80 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DCB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:00:46.48] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:00:46.50] 0e80 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103D660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:00:46.50] 0e80 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:47:08.09] 0214 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[20:47:08.09] 0214 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-01T23:47:15Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-03T14:55:00Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:55:00.60] 024c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80400', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:55:00.60] 024c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:55:00.60] 0120 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:55:00.60] 024c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target='')
[11:55:00.60] 024c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB518: (User='', Target=''
[11:55:00.64] 02bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:55:01.81] 02bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:55:01.90] 02bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:55:02.00] 02bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-03T14:5
[11:55:02.00] 02bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-03T14:55:12.00-00:00
[11:55:02.14] 02bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01052660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:55:04.17] 083c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:55:04.18] 02bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:55:07.64] 083c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:55:07.67] 02bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@05450060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:55:07.67] 02bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:04:25.37] 024c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAB518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80400'
[12:04:25.37] 024c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB518: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[12:32:16.50] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01055718: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB9C20', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:32:16.50] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01055718: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:32:16.50] 087c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01055718: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:32:16.50] 0208 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01055718: (User='', Target='')
[12:32:16.50] 0208 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01055718: (User='', Target=''
[12:32:16.50] 05e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@054523C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:32:17.34] 05e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@05452498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:32:17.39] 05e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0103F708: Initial Sync Starting
[12:32:17.39] 05e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0105C030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-03T15:3
[12:32:17.39] 05e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA4378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-03T15:32:27.00-00:00
[12:32:17.40] 05e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0101CA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:32:19.03] 0c88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:32:19.03] 05e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@05459BD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:32:20.51] 0c88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:32:20.53] 05e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01038E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:32:20.53] 05e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0103F708: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:51:34.95] 0698 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01055718: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB9C20'
* Log opened: 2010-08-04T10:28:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:28:10.56] 08c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:28:10.56] 08c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:28:10.56] 063c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:28:10.56] 08c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target='')
[07:28:10.56] 08c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target=''
[07:28:10.57] 0a94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:28:11.75] 0a94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:28:12.60] 0a94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[07:28:13.07] 0a94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-04T10:2
[07:28:13.07] 0a94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-04T10:28:23.00-00:00
[07:28:13.10] 0a94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103BA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:28:15.03] 0adc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:28:15.03] 0a94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:28:17.03] 0adc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:28:17.03] 0a94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103C260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:28:17.03] 0a94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[07:29:46.76] 0a94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-04T10:2
[07:29:46.76] 0a94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-04T10:29:56.00-00:00
[08:42:36.32] 08c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[08:42:36.32] 08c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-04T11:42:59Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-04T16:05:22Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:05:22.65] 0418 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:05:22.67] 0418 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:05:22.67] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:05:22.67] 0418 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target='')
[13:05:22.67] 0418 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target=''
[13:05:22.67] 0ed8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:05:23.93] 0ed8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:05:24.01] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[13:05:24.07] 0ed8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-04T16:0
[13:05:24.07] 0ed8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-04T16:05:34.00-00:00
[13:05:24.10] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03AAD460: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:05:26.18] 0a04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:05:26.18] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:05:27.73] 0a04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:05:27.73] 0ed8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03AAC060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:05:27.73] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:06:53.75] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03AAC060: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[13:06:56.81] 0a04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:06:56.84] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:06:58.48] 0a04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:07:18.43] 0d54 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA574: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-04T09:06:14.48-07:
[13:07:18.45] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:07:20.23] 0a04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:08:19.43] 0a88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[13:08:19.43] 0a88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:08:41.34] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03AAC3D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB8AA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:08:41.34] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03AAC3D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:08:41.34] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03AAC3D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:08:41.34] 0a88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03AAC3D8: (User='', Target='')
[13:08:41.34] 0a88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03AAC3D8: (User='', Target=''
[13:08:41.35] 0564 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0105B3C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:08:42.07] 0564 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0105B498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:08:42.10] 0564 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA1508: Initial Sync Starting
[13:08:42.10] 0564 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03AC6030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-04T16:0
[13:08:42.10] 0564 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00F9E378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-04T16:08:52.00-00:00
[13:08:42.12] 0564 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01025260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:08:43.60] 01d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:08:43.60] 0564 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03AD35D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:08:45.03] 01d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:08:45.03] 0564 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01058C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:08:45.03] 0564 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA1508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:14:33.70] 0418 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03AAC3D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB8AA0'
* Log opened: 2010-08-04T18:21:48Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:21:48.20] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAD860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:21:48.20] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAD860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:21:48.20] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAD860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:21:48.20] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAD860: (User='', Target='')
[15:21:48.20] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAD860: (User='', Target=''
[15:21:48.21] 0ca8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:21:49.35] 0ca8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:21:49.43] 0ca8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98DB0: Initial Sync Starting
[15:21:49.53] 0ca8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9FA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-04T18:2
[15:21:49.53] 0ca8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-04T18:21:59.00-00:00
[15:21:49.57] 0ca8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:21:51.79] 0684 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:21:51.79] 0ca8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:21:53.48] 0684 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:21:53.48] 0ca8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105CA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:21:53.48] 0ca8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98DB0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:04:49.53] 0ca8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105CA60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[16:04:52.79] 0684 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:14:49.53] 0ca8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105DA60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[16:14:51.20] 0684 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:16:22.03] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAD860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
[16:16:22.03] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAD860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:23:31.56] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010131D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB8AA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:23:31.56] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010131D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:23:31.56] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010131D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:23:31.56] 0970 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010131D8: (User='', Target='')
[17:23:31.56] 0970 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010131D8: (User='', Target=''
[17:23:31.57] 0eb0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0029E288: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:23:32.87] 0eb0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0029E360: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:23:32.95] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA1508: Initial Sync Starting
[17:23:33.59] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB7FD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:23:35.37] 0ebc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:23:35.37] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB7FD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:23:37.04] 0ebc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:23:37.10] 0eb0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01049160: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:23:37.10] 0eb0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA1508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:33:00.34] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010131D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB8AA0'
[17:33:00.34] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010131D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-04T20:33:37Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-05T12:04:22Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:04:22.93] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:04:22.93] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:04:22.93] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:04:22.93] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='')
[09:04:22.93] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target=''
[09:04:22.95] 0ed4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:04:27.70] 0ed4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:04:27.90] 0ed4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[09:04:30.18] 0ed4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-05T12:0
[09:04:30.18] 0ed4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-05T12:04:40.00-00:00
[09:04:30.28] 0ed4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103EE60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:04:32.26] 07b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:04:32.26] 0ed4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:04:33.98] 07b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:04:33.98] 0ed4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01042660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:04:33.98] 0ed4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:45:48.07] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[09:45:48.09] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[10:45:26.56] 0cc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100B1D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0103F0A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:45:26.56] 0cc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100B1D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:45:26.56] 0bf8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100B1D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:45:26.56] 0878 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100B1D8: (User='', Target='')
[10:45:26.56] 0878 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100B1D8: (User='', Target=''
[10:45:26.59] 0d34 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0103F9C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:45:27.96] 0d34 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0103FA98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:45:28.01] 0d34 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA1508: Initial Sync Starting
[10:45:28.04] 0d34 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01017830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-05T13:4
[10:45:28.04] 0d34 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01010178: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-05T13:45:38.00-00:00
[10:45:28.06] 0d34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01031060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:45:29.73] 0a9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:45:29.75] 0d34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB3FD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:45:31.39] 0a9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:45:31.39] 0d34 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@05950060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:45:31.40] 0d34 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA1508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:16:51.37] 0cc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0100B1D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0103F0A0'
[12:16:51.39] 0cc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100B1D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[12:52:30.18] 0878 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010303D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FFE0A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:52:30.18] 0878 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010303D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:52:30.18] 0c40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010303D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:52:30.18] 07cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010303D8: (User='', Target='')
[12:52:30.18] 07cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010303D8: (User='', Target=''
[12:52:30.18] 0d2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FF23C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:52:30.89] 0d2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FF2498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:52:30.93] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA1508: Initial Sync Starting
[12:52:30.93] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-05T15:5
[12:52:30.93] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-05T15:52:40.00-00:00
[12:52:30.95] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01038F60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:52:32.62] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:52:32.62] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01018960: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:52:34.53] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:52:34.53] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01037F60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:52:34.53] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA1508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:30:25.89] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-05T17:3
[14:30:25.89] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA96C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-05T17:30:35.00-00:00
[14:30:55.10] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-05T17:3
[14:30:55.10] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA96C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-05T17:31:05.00-00:00
[14:52:32.64] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01018960: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:52:37.62] 0938 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:01:05.89] 07cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010303D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FFE0A0'
* Log opened: 2010-08-06T15:35:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:35:27.06] 0330 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:35:27.06] 0330 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:35:27.06] 0328 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:35:27.06] 0330 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='')
[12:35:27.06] 0330 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target=''
[12:35:27.07] 0660 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:35:30.90] 0660 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:35:31.42] 0660 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:35:33.65] 0660 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DF50: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:35:35.96] 0ddc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:35:35.96] 0660 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DF50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:35:37.73] 0ddc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:35:37.73] 0660 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01040660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:35:37.73] 0660 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:23:32.18] 0330 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[13:23:32.20] 0330 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:23:56.17] 04b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0103D5D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBDAA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:23:56.17] 04b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0103D5D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:23:56.17] 0330 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0103D5D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:23:56.17] 0328 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0103D5D8: (User='', Target='')
[13:23:56.17] 0328 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0103D5D8: (User='', Target=''
[13:23:56.18] 0e80 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0101ADC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:23:57.04] 0e80 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0101AE98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:23:57.15] 0e80 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01040708: Initial Sync Starting
[13:23:57.17] 0e80 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100B430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-06T16:2
[13:23:57.17] 0e80 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA3778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-06T16:24:07.00-00:00
[13:23:57.21] 0e80 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01040708: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[13:23:57.21] 0e80 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01040708: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[13:23:57.21] 0e80 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01026E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:23:57.21] 0e80 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01040708: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[13:23:57.21] 0e80 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01040708: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[13:33:00.95] 0328 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0103D5D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FBDAA0'
* Log opened: 2010-08-07T00:27:59Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:27:59.53] 0fd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAABD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:27:59.53] 0fd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAABD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:27:59.53] 0fc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAABD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:27:59.53] 0fd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAABD8: (User='', Target='')
[21:27:59.53] 0fd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAABD8: (User='', Target=''
[21:27:59.54] 0080 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:28:00.57] 0080 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:28:00.68] 0080 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[21:28:00.81] 0080 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-07T00:2
[21:28:00.81] 0080 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-07T00:28:10.00-00:00
[21:28:00.87] 0080 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01056B60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:28:04.32] 03d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:28:04.32] 0080 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:28:06.45] 03d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:28:06.45] 0080 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105DD60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:28:06.45] 0080 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:28:42.65] 0fbc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAABD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
* Log opened: 2010-08-08T20:13:54Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:13:54.32] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAABD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80280', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:13:54.32] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAABD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:13:54.32] 0c40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAABD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:13:54.32] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAABD8: (User='', Target='')
[17:13:54.32] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAABD8: (User='', Target=''
[17:13:54.34] 0c8c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:13:55.68] 0c8c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:13:55.75] 0c8c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:13:55.95] 0c8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-08T20:1
[17:13:55.95] 0c8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-08T20:14:05.00-00:00
[17:13:55.98] 0c8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FF3860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:13:57.98] 0c98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:13:57.98] 0c8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:13:59.79] 0c98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:13:59.96] 0c8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01040660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:13:59.96] 0c8c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:20:38.28] 0c8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@0103F260: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[17:20:40.54] 0c98 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01040660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[17:20:40.54] 0c98 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01040660: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[17:20:40.54] 0c98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@0103F298: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[17:20:42.06] 0c98 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01040660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[17:20:42.06] 0c98 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01040660: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[17:20:42.09] 0c98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[17:20:43.92] 0c98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:20:43.92] 0c98 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01040660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[17:20:43.92] 0c98 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-08T20:20:33.00-00:00
[17:20:43.96] 0c8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-08T20:2
[17:20:43.96] 0c8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FAA0C0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-08T20:20:53.00-00:00
[17:21:06.51] 0c40 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAAC34: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-08T13:20:36.783-07
[17:21:06.53] 0c8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:21:08.34] 0c98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:21:08.34] 0c8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:21:10.14] 0c98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:25:55.95] 0c8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01041A60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[17:25:58.75] 0c98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:54:54.28] 0c38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAABD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80280'
[17:54:54.29] 0c38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAABD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:55:58.51] 0c40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010409D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB9AA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:55:58.53] 0c40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010409D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:55:58.53] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010409D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:55:58.53] 0c38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010409D8: (User='', Target='')
[17:55:58.53] 0c38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010409D8: (User='', Target=''
[17:55:58.54] 0d14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010109C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:55:59.51] 0d14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01010A98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:55:59.57] 0d14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F9C508: Initial Sync Starting
[17:55:59.59] 0d14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100C830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-08T20:5
[17:55:59.59] 0d14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA3378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-08T20:56:09.00-00:00
[17:55:59.60] 0d14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F9C508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:55:59.60] 0d14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F9C508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[17:55:59.60] 0d14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0101F560: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:55:59.60] 0d14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F9C508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[17:55:59.60] 0d14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F9C508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[18:06:26.57] 0c40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010409D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB9AA0'
[18:06:26.59] 0c40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010409D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[18:06:26.59] 0d14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@010109C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:12:15.98] 0c38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0029E2A0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB4AA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:12:15.98] 0c38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0029E2A0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:12:15.98] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0029E2A0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:12:15.98] 0c40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0029E2A0: (User='', Target='')
[18:12:15.98] 0c40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0029E2A0: (User='', Target=''
[18:12:16.03] 0c18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FF37C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:12:16.85] 0c18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FF3898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:12:16.92] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01041B08: Initial Sync Starting
[18:12:16.92] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01023CD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:12:19.28] 0ee4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:12:19.28] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01023CD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:12:20.89] 0ee4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:12:20.95] 0c18 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0103DE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:12:20.95] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01041B08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:21:42.92] 0c4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0029E2A0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB4AA0'
* Log opened: 2010-08-09T18:01:36Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:01:36.66] 051c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:01:36.66] 051c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:01:36.66] 035c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:01:36.66] 051c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC860: (User='', Target='')
[15:01:36.66] 051c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC860: (User='', Target=''
[15:01:36.82] 0d9c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:01:43.82] 0d9c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:01:44.80] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::IsFileSystemCorrupted@00F97D08: (sot = 3) The checksums don't match!
[15:01:44.80] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::RunCorruptionDetection@00F97D08: clearing AB timestamps due to corruption
in the filesystem!!!
[15:01:44.80] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[15:01:47.14] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:01:51.02] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:01:51.05] 0d9c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9EA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-09T18:0
[15:01:51.05] 0d9c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA7F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-09T18:02:01.00-00:00
[15:01:51.08] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:01:53.52] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:01:53.57] 0d9c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04FB7060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:01:53.57] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:02:47.14] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105BA60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[15:02:48.77] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:02:48.80] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105E660: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[15:02:50.43] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:03:09.64] 051c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAC8BC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-09T11:02:50.393-07
[15:03:09.64] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:03:11.44] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:03:11.44] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:03:13.52] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:03:11.46] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:03:15.05] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:47:58.11] 051c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAC860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[17:47:58.11] 051c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-09T20:48:08Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-10T18:08:49Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:08:49.21] 09c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:08:49.23] 09c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:08:49.23] 09b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:08:49.23] 09c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='')
[15:08:49.23] 09c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target=''
[15:08:49.25] 0b94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:08:59.03] 0b94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:08:59.67] 0b94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[15:09:01.37] 0b94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-10T18:0
[15:09:01.37] 0b94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-10T18:09:11.00-00:00
[15:09:01.50] 0b94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@036EFC60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:09:05.51] 0c20 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:09:05.54] 0b94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DF50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:09:07.42] 0c20 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:09:07.43] 0b94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@036EFC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:09:07.43] 0b94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:41:28.21] 09b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[15:41:28.21] 09b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-10T18:41:36Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-11T15:23:36Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:23:36.62] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC2C8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:23:36.62] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC2C8: (User='', Target='Initial', Ap
plication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:23:36.62] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC2C8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[12:23:36.62] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC2C8: (User='', Target='')[1
[12:23:36.64] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC2C8: (User='', Target='')[
[12:23:36.65] 0084 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[12:23:39.34] 0084 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:23:40.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:23:40.67] 0084 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04734A60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[12:23:44.17] 0e70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@04734A60: status = 301
[12:23:44.17] 0e70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04734A60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[12:23:46.25] 0e70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:23:46.32] 0084 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-11T15:2
[12:23:46.32] 0084 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-11T15:23:56.00-00:00
[12:23:46.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E2D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:24:02.92] 0e70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:24:03.10] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.10] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000028c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.10] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000165) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|LajuanaZabaneh8710@h
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|andressa_santos.girl
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000183) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|rezinha_0945@hotmail
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000193) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|tayse_barros@hotmail
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000029d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000221) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|sarah_thiemi@hotmail
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000126) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000252) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000254) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001f2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ab) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002d6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000124) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|andresita_loukinha@hotma
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002d1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000266) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000164) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001e8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|silvio.santin@hotmai
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000024c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000009a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|leandro_sousapac@hotmail
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000261) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000155) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Email|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000317) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.12] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000023b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|andressa_santos.girl@hotmail.
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000277) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000dd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001c4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|felipe_leite@hotmail
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002c7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002af) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000022d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000292) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|digotidigodigo@hotma
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|vanessaoliveira50@ho
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000026d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000284) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000029c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000119) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000216) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|croorto_dracena@hotm
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000f6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000223) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|rodrigodi-017@hotmai
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000020a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|jessica_aline10@hotm
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000081) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|adailton_bastos@hotmail.
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002d0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002a9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|djpaulinho_comunicacao@hotmai
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000fc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|gordinho_show_007@hotmai
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000173) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|joyce-louka@hotmail.
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000af) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000156) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|taiane_priscila@hotm
[12:24:03.14] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000300) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000255) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000201) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000080) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|cristina.dracena@hotmail
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ec) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|priscilinha_28_5@hot
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ac) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|pauloyukio74@hotmail
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001f9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|luana.fer.nanda@hotm
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000022f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000fe) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001bc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ee) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000039) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000309) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001f0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ce) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|mariane_tatinha@hotm
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|michele.goncalves2@h
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001d1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001f7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000029a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000085) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|lala_radical170@hotmail.
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000024e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001b9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|anderson_custodiolea
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000069) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.15] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000027f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000145) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|elaineranzany@hotmai
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002a3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000244) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000298) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000025b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000251) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000171) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|adailbastos@hotmail.
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000009c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001e1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|brunogb_pan2030@hotm
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000019c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|tah_htinha08@hotmail
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000006b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000185) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|andressa_dessa97@hot
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000098) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000084) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002a2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ed) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|margaretequim@hotmai
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000123) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|sandra01_rocha@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000205) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|sandra.spd@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000175) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|kitty_gracinha_@hotm
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|amanda_pradella@hotm
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000138) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|naiarinha_flor@hotma
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000135) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|meldracena@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001bf) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|lyne_htadracena@hotm
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002c5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|tamiresferreyrasaopaulina@hot
[12:24:03.17] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000082) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|andressa_santos.girl@hot
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000307) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|pathy_casemiro_pathy@hotmail.
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000267) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000006f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|dri_bonitinha23@hotmail.
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000190) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|cometa_pecas@hotmail
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|brunotobcomputers@hotmai
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000bd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000139) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|prjoao_seabra@hotmai
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000054) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|lucas_tricolorspfc@hotma
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000263) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000aa) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001d2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000025f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000023f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000086) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|digotidigodigo@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000019f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|rafael_boroga@hotmai
[12:24:03.18] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000042) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|silvinha.luciene@hotmail
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ac) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000030f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000008c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002b9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002b1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001d3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|anderson_nerso@hotma
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|rodoestesinalizacao@
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000281) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|danilocesaralvescorgosinho@ho
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000023d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000120) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000028a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000207) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|kreash_vidaloka@hotm
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000c4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000240) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000219) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|amarildoxavier@hotma
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ca) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.20] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000cf) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000db) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|anderson_nerso@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000188) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|ninogabriel748@hotma
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000484) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000020e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|pathy_casemiro_pathy
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000006d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|LajuanaZabaneh8710@hotma
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000121) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|amarildoxavier@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000197) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|naty_molena@hotmail.
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002cc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000181) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|jvalderio@technoeasy
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000b2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001d4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|rogerio.marta_amor@h
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001e6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|reginaldorossato@hot
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000072) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000b8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000125) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|alceu._cardoso@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|gabrielzinho_castilho@ho
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002de) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000c8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000090) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|ninogabriel748@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000315) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000127) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001d8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001b8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002e2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001b2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.21] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000270) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002e4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000250) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000075) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|teamoesemprevouteamar@ho
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000022b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000049) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000094) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|gustavu_amorim20@hotmail
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000f5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000137) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000057) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000048) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|franciele_coracao@hotmai
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000036) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000265) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000253) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000262) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002bb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ca) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|caio_ferreira1@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000245) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000027a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000e4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|dani_cattnigth@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ff) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000222) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|neuzabriguenti@hotma
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000177) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|franciele_coracao@ho
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002d2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000df) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|gustavo_castilhog3@hotma
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000006c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001c5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|tomati_rastero@hotma
[12:24:03.23] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000013) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|Reverse|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002b2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|anderson_custodioleal@hotmail
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ff) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|pedro.teta@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000018a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|jefersonkarate_16@ho
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000210) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|bia._.bitencourt@hot
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001f6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|joyce_souza50@hotmai
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000026b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000203) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|lanayzinha_@hotmail.
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000029e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000238) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000159) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|drynana_oliver@hotma
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000269) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000305) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001d9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|tamygatapop@hotmail.
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000020f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|tati.drigues@hotmail
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|kreash_vidaloka@hotmail.
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000052) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|www.edvaldo_faria@hotmai
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000118) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|bia._.bitencourt@hotmail
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000237) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000282) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000273) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000172) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000158) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|pauloyukio19@hotmail
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001d6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000100) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|gustavopelisson@hotmail.
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000247) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|p.r_design@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000174) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000110) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000235) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000280) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.25] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000293) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000024f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Email|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000028e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002bf) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Phone|+551897378108
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000148) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|pitter_pinga_1@hotma
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002a5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000299) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000cb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000024a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001aa) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|celina_ladeia@hotmai
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000310) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000e8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ab) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000020b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|lidiakatsueokabe@hot
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000079) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002a1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000097) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|josuecardosopp@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.26] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001db) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|th_alitabaroni@hotma
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000056) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000105) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|natalia_ribeiro10@hotmai
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000b4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000301) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000026e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001c3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|dessa_lari1@hotmail.
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001f4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|gordinho_show_007@ho
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000192) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|leandro_sousapac@hot
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001de) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000116) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|pathy_casemiro_pathy@hot
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000133) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|rodrigodublador@hotm
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000414) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Block|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000276) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000102) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002cf) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002a7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000021a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001d5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000096) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000316) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.28] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000140) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|dio.juninho@hotmail.
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000246) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002e1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002e9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000021e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|rod_carida@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000021b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|sandra01_rocha@hotma
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ba) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000f4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|priscilinha_28_5@hotmail
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001f1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|jaderfs_2007@hotmail
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000108) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000029b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002e8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000dc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|rogerio.marta_amor@hotma
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|gui.baterista@hotmai
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002f2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|bruna_larissa_sz@hot
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000157) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|edymazano1@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002aa) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001e7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|edsonjosecalazans@ho
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002c9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000166) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|paty_fmena@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000018c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|gustavu_amorim20@hot
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000264) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002c2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.29] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000e7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|naiara.gatinha@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000030d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002e7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000311) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000439) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ac) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000c5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000230) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000258) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000071) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|monica_htinha25@hotmail.
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ec) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|josi.costa_oliveira@hotm
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002a4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|lala_radical170@hotm
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002fd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000009d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000051) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|marcela_pradella@hotmail
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001e2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000113) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|lidiakatsueokabe@hotmail
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000025c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001fc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|fm.familia@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000314) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002d8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002fc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|gabrielzinho_castilho@hotmail
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001b6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|sisareli_pagodeiro@h
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000bb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001cd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|nanda_gracinha_@hotm
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000022e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002df) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.31] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000217) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|carolinabp31@hotmail
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|marcos_bitencourt_guitar
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000c1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|anderson_custodioleal@ho
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001a9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|greicigomes25@hotmai
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000151) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|caroline_pop2007@hot
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001fa) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|um_novo_amigo@hotmai
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000c2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|gilson_messias@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000134) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|eliane_moreyra@hotma
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000047) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000180) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|biafalcao_bf@hotmail
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000c9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000028d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000136) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|felipe_leite15@hotma
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000296) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|teamoesemprevouteamar@hotmail
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000020d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002e0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000018e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|sakatesergio@yahoo.c
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000bf) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002db) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000275) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|lucas_tricolorspfc@h
[12:24:03.32] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000283) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002b3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000291) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001c1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|tiagumatias@hotmail.
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001dc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|dani_cattnigth@hotma
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000132) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|iap_dracena@hotmail.
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000028b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000030c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000109) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001b0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|raphaeltsbbv@hotmail
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ad) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002b4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000024b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000be) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|sisareli_pagodeiro@hotma
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000058) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002f0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000160) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|bruninha_soll@hotmai
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000c6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|alessandromartins_@hotma
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|pedro.chitero@hotmai
[12:24:03.34] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000141) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|mari_pires15@hotmail
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000017b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|gislaine_vox@hotmail
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000152) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|diego.sema@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000009b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000035) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002bd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001a5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|elize.almeida@hotmai
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000009f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000018f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|josuecardosopp@hotma
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000c7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|lyne_htadracena@hotmail.
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|tamiresferreyrasaopaulin
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001a7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000087) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|vanessaoliveira50@hotmai
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001e5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|geizi_zambonini@hotm
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000308) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|mariane_tatinha@hotmail.
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000182) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|ivan_bolao@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000306) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000289) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000022c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000070) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|elizeli.branca@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000204) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|tobcomputers@hotmail
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ef) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|aline_0337@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000034) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000040) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|naiarinha_flor@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.35] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ed) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000050) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|pitter_pinga_1@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000272) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000006e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000066) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|maripires_maciel@hotmail
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001c6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Phone|+551897378108
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000073) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000117) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000170) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000023a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002da) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002c4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000194) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001a3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|tiagopiresnog@hotmai
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000161) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|karenhand10@hotmail.
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000027b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000037) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000bc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|recepcaopr_mecprec@hotma
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000215) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|yxxgabyxxy@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000eb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|alinysilva2007@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|alinegoncalvez@yahoo
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001b7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000195) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|leoo_thebest@hotmail
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000018b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|hand_kmylla@hotmail.
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000e2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|amanda_panorama@hotmail.
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000209) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|oziel_rodrigues@hotm
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ea) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|saikgirl_14@hotmail.
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001a0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.37] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000231) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000233) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000063) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000202) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|gabrielzinho_castilh
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000068) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000b3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ff) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001af) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|djpaulinho_comunicac
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000019b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|fer_carol@hellokitty
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000259) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000017) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|Reverse|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000107) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000256) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000220) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|nah.sanches17@hotmai
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000030b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ae) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|pollyanald@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001b1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|jessypikena@hotmail.
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002f9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002fb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000154) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|nosferato_pp@hotmail
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|wwwmandinha@hotmail.
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002fe) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000228) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000006a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000b5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000061) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|drynana_oliver@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000e6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000162) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.39] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000053) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|bruna_larissa_sz@hotmail
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000114) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000131) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000b9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000f3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002b7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000030a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000101) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|luana.fer.nanda@hotmail.
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|nanda_gracinha_@hotmail.
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000099) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000046) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002e5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000060) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000169) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|monica_htinha25@hotm
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000129) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000083) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000029f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ba) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ab) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|pitty.castro@hotmail
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000026f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002cb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000065) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.40] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000268) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000da) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000010b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000044) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|marcoacastilho@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000214) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|waguinho_tp@hotmail.
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000008e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|sabrinasilva_60@hotmail.
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|kitty_gracinha_@hotmail.
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000fa) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000021d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|alceu._cardoso@hotma
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002c6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000176) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|mmatematico@hotmail.
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000014a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|www.edvaldo_faria@ho
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000297) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000249) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000f1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001e9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000024d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000303) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000022a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000062) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ae) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002f1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000076) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.42] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000008b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000008d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|andressa_dessa97@hotmail
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000fb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|melissa_ranzani@hotmail.
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000111) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|oziel_rodrigues@hotmail.
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000026a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|rodoestesinalizacao@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000cc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002f3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|croorto_dracena@hotmail.
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001cf) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000011a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|danilocesaralvescorgosin
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ba) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|gilson_messias@hotma
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000f7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ca) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002f8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000c3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000026c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002a8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002d9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001f8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|gustavopelisson@hotm
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000187) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|fer_kitty_hello@hotm
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|lucimarmioto@hotmail
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000200) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|rafa_iapdr@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002c3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|josi_oliveira_vaz@hotmai
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002f7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002dd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|josi.costa_oliveira@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.43] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000cd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|tomati_rastero@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000074) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|michele.goncalves2@hotma
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000178) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|cristina.dracena@hot
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001be) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|alessandromartins_@h
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000304) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000122) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000106) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000045) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|yngla_maluket@hotmai
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002d7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000f9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000313) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000027e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001cc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|tamiresferreyrasaopa
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001c2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|caio_ferreira1@hotma
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000027c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002f5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000218) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|marcoacastilho@hotma
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000019d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|tavaresbrasil@yahoo.
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000e1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000128) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000146) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|lorraine.lola@hotmai
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ed) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|geizi_zambonini@hotmail.
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000225) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000430) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000089) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000019e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002eb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000226) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.45] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000130) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|jessika_2k@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000091) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001b4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|recepcaopr_mecprec@h
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000271) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001df) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|naiara.gatinha@hotma
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002c8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001a6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|sandra.p.duarte@hotm
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000288) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002a0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000c0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000179) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|adailton_bastos@hotm
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001d7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|gustavo_castilhog3@h
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|eliane_moreyra@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000167) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|dri_bonitinha23@hotm
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000147) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|karol_zinhah2@hotmai
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000186) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|sabrinasilva_60@hotm
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000092) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|jefersonkarate_16@hotmai
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001fe) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000278) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000290) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000144) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ee) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|reginaldorossato@hotmail
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|neuzabriguenti@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.46] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000211) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|squall_maa@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002e6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000e3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|th_alitabaroni@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000020c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|matex_silva@hotmail.
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000031a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000149) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|marcela_pradella@hot
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|silvinha.luciene@hot
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001eb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|danielfcbodao@hotmai
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000319) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000239) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ea) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002a6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000007b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001fd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|natalia_ribeiro10@ho
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000067) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|amanda_pradella@hotmail.
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001f5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|renatomontrezol@hotm
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002f4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000036b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000104) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000093) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000312) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002b0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000008f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|fer_kitty_hello@hotmail.
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000206) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|paula_love-me@hotmai
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002d5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000243) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000191) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|dessa_lari@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.48] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000143) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|vaguinhos20@hotmail.
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000294) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000095) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001c7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|brubru_gts@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000f0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000212) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|danilocesaralvescorg
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000184) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|gabimelo_stz@hotmail
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|rodrigodublador@hotmail.
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000168) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|elizeli.branca@hotma
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ef) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002fa) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001dd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|guilherme_acai@hotma
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|taiane_priscila@hotmail.
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|kikomurcego@hotmail.
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000213) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002dc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000055) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001d0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|marco_filipin@hotmai
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ce) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Phone|+551897378108
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000059) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|caroline_pop2007@hotmail
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000030e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|teamoesemprevouteama
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000008a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ad) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|rafa_rvn_21@hotmail.
[12:24:03.50] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001f3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|melissa_ranzani@hotm
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001e4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|josi.costa_oliveira@
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002b5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000260) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ec) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000286) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|felipe_leite15@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000229) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001c9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|marquetty_debora@hot
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000287) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000295) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000031b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001a1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|ilza-oliveira@hotmai
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ea) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000f8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002e3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001fb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|josye.aragao@hotmail
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000112) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|jessica_aline10@hotmail.
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Email|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000224) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000232) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.51] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002b6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000b7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|djpaulinho_comunicacao@h
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001bb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|natinha_adtna@hotmai
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000196) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|ferpadovan@hellokitt
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002be) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000103) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002ce) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002b8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001b5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002cd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000025d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000019a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|angeliznovaes@hotmai
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000043) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|mari_pires_maciel@hotmai
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000318) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001ee) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|paula_arvani@hotmail
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000d1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|marquetty_debora@hotmail
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000023c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000023e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000041f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ef) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|edsonjosecalazans@hotmai
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000115) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000248) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000012b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002f6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000236) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000016e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|danyelle_stz@hotmail
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000025a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000078) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000e0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000279) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.53] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000038) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001c0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000199) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|suelenatalia@hotmail
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000285) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001a2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|maripires_maciel@hot
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000198) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|brunotobcomputers@ho
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001e0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|gabmeirelles@hotmail
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000163) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|ferpagnozzi@hotmail.
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000189) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|juninho_630@hotmail.
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ad) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000009e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001c8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|marcos_bitencourt_gu
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000f2) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000de) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000a6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000153) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|pitter_iap@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001da) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|amanda_panorama@hotm
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000b6) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000027d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000015b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|link_benacon4@hotmai
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000208) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000242) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002c0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000227) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000142) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|josi_oliveira_vaz@ho
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000fd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|renatomontrezol@hotmail.
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000064) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.54] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000241) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000003b7) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Phone|+551897378108
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001cb) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|mateus-sabino@hotmai
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000234) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000302) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000025e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001b3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000150) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000088) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001e3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|alinysilva2007@hotma
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000442) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Reverse|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000021c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|andresita_loukinha@h
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002d4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000ae) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|sandra.p.duarte@hotmail.
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000b0) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000e5) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|guilherme_acai@hotmail.c
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000077) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|rodoestesinalizacao@hotm
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002d3) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000028f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000018d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001bd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000b1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001a4) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|luis_pipeiro@hotmail
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000013b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|mari_pires_maciel@ho
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000041) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000257) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x00000274) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002bc) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|
[12:24:03.56] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000001a8) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|
[12:24:03.57] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x0000021f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Passport|katia.vsouza@hotmail
[12:24:03.57] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000000e9) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Passport|brunogb_pan2030@hotmail.
[12:24:03.57] 0084 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@039F9160: Removing shadow SID (0x000002c1) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Passport|marcos_bitencourt_guitar@hotm
[12:24:03.75] 0084 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E2D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:24:21.78] 0e70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:24:22.03] 0084 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0391A460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:24:22.03] 0084 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:24:44.53] 0f84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAC2C8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[12:24:44.56] 0f84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC2C8: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-11T15:24:45Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-11T15:30:20Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:30:20.32] 0d94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FBB2F8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr
.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:30:20.32] 0d94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FBB2F8: (User='', Target='Initial', Ap
plication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:30:20.32] 0708 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FBB2F8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[12:30:20.32] 0708 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FBB2F8: (User='', Target='')[1
[12:30:20.32] 0708 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FBB2F8: (User='', Target='')[
[12:30:20.35] 0c68 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finishe
d with hr=0x0
[12:30:22.10] 0c68 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:30:22.90] 0c68 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:30:23.17] 0c68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F9BA30: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[12:30:25.10] 0e84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00F9BA30: status = 301
[12:30:25.10] 0e84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F9BA30: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[12:30:26.84] 0e84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:30:26.87] 0c68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-11T15:3
[12:30:26.87] 0c68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8FB8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-11T15:30:36.00-00:00
[12:30:26.92] 0c68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DD20: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:30:28.51] 0e84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:30:28.54] 0c68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DD20: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:30:30.28] 0e84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:30:30.28] 0c68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0391D060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:30:30.28] 0c68 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:30:46.90] 0918 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FBB354: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-11T08:23:44.45-07:
[12:30:46.90] 0c68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DFC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:30:48.62] 0e84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:47:16.76] 0708 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FBB2F8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[12:47:16.78] 0708 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FBB2F8: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-11T15:47:27Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-11T17:51:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:51:04.39] 08d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:51:04.39] 08d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:51:04.39] 08d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:51:04.39] 08d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='')
[14:51:04.39] 08d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target=''
[14:51:04.40] 096c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:51:06.43] 096c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:51:06.68] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[14:51:07.54] 096c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-11T17:5
[14:51:07.54] 096c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-11T17:51:17.00-00:00
[14:51:07.59] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01052A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:51:09.78] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:51:09.78] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E030: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:51:11.68] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:51:11.68] 096c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01056E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:51:11.68] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:59:45.17] 096c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01052A60: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[14:59:46.71] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[14:59:46.71] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[14:59:46.71] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01041580: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[14:59:48.18] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[14:59:48.18] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[14:59:48.18] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01052A60: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[14:59:49.92] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[14:59:49.92] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[14:59:49.95] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[14:59:51.78] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:59:51.78] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[14:59:51.78] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-11T17:59:47.00-00:00
[15:00:15.79] 08dc Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA9C34: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-11T10:59:50.167-07
[15:00:15.79] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E030: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:00:17.62] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:00:17.62] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E030: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:00:19.46] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:01:01.12] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'RoamingIdentityChanged',
command = 'pushstorage', needs to be delayed: (110687)
[15:01:23.93] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'RoamingIdentityChanged',
command = 'pushstorage', needs to be delayed: (87875)
[15:02:51.81] 096c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01053260: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[15:02:53.53] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[15:02:53.53] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[15:02:53.53] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01053298: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[15:02:54.93] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[15:02:54.93] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[15:02:54.93] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[15:02:56.73] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:02:56.73] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[15:02:56.73] 097c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-11T18:02:52.00-00:00
[15:03:20.32] 08e8 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA9C34: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-11T11:02:55.137-07
[15:03:20.32] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E030: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:03:22.07] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:03:22.07] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E030: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:03:23.85] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:04:42.50] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (74250)
[15:06:33.18] 096c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01059E60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[15:08:23.87] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (69312)
[15:10:14.56] 096c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01059E60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[15:12:05.25] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (69312)
[15:13:55.93] 096c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01059E60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[15:15:46.62] 096c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F97D08: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pushs
torage', needs to be delayed: (69312)
[15:17:37.31] 096c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01059E60: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[15:18:28.25] 08dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[15:18:28.25] 08dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-11T18:18:38Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-11T19:54:45Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:54:45.78] 0378 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:54:45.78] 0378 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:54:45.78] 0a24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:54:45.78] 0378 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target='')
[16:54:45.78] 0378 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9BD8: (User='', Target=''
[16:54:45.81] 0b44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:54:46.73] 0b44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:54:46.82] 0b44 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:54:46.95] 0b44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-11T19:5
[16:54:46.95] 0b44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-11T19:54:56.00-00:00
[16:54:47.00] 0b44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01052660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:54:49.14] 0b4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:54:49.14] 0b44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:54:50.98] 0b4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:54:51.00] 0b44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105AA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:54:51.00] 0b44 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:57:07.23] 0a30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9BD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[16:57:07.23] 0a30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9BD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[16:58:27.62] 0a24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105ADD8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB92A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:58:27.62] 0a24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105ADD8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:58:27.62] 0a24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105ADD8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:58:27.62] 0a30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105ADD8: (User='', Target='')
[16:58:27.62] 0a30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105ADD8: (User='', Target=''
[16:58:27.67] 09bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010495C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:58:28.50] 09bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01049698: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:58:28.56] 09bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0101AB08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:58:28.56] 09bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01040560: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:58:30.12] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:58:30.12] 09bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01040560: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:58:31.82] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:58:31.84] 09bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04C08E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:58:31.84] 09bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0101AB08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:59:33.89] 09bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@0100F3D0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[16:59:37.03] 090c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044F60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[16:59:37.03] 090c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044F60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[16:59:37.03] 090c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@00FA3A40: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[16:59:40.62] 090c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044F60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[16:59:40.62] 090c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044F60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[16:59:40.62] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[16:59:42.56] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:59:42.56] 090c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044F60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[16:59:42.56] 090c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF70C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-11T19:59:37.00-00:00
[17:00:07.15] 0a30 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0105AE34: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-11T12:59:41.09-07:
[17:00:07.15] 09bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01040560: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:00:08.96] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:00:08.96] 09bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01040560: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:00:10.79] 090c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:00:11.10] 0a30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0105ADD8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB92A0'
[17:00:11.10] 0a30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105ADD8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-11T20:01:13Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-11T23:49:52Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:49:52.40] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B7D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F280', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:49:52.40] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B7D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:49:52.40] 09fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B7D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:49:52.40] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B7D8: (User='', Target='')
[20:49:52.40] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B7D8: (User='', Target=''
[20:49:52.43] 09f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F97FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:49:53.65] 09f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F98098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:49:53.89] 09f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA9908: Initial Sync Starting
[20:49:54.04] 09f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F83A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-11T23:5
[20:49:54.04] 09f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-11T23:50:04.00-00:00
[20:49:54.09] 09f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102BA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:49:56.09] 0bd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:49:56.09] 09f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:49:57.73] 0bd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:49:57.73] 09f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01031C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:49:57.73] 09f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA9908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:40:36.35] 09fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9B7D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F280'
[21:40:36.35] 09fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B7D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-12T00:40:52Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-13T13:34:36Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:34:36.56] 03f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA97D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:34:36.56] 03f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA97D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:34:36.56] 03f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA97D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:34:36.56] 09bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA97D8: (User='', Target='')
[10:34:36.56] 09bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA97D8: (User='', Target=''
[10:34:36.57] 0f6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F98FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:34:37.42] 0f6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F99098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:34:37.50] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FAA908: Initial Sync Starting
[10:34:37.71] 0f6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F84630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-13T13:3
[10:34:37.71] 0f6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA2F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-13T13:34:47.00-00:00
[10:34:37.76] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01018A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:34:40.25] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:34:40.25] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:34:41.89] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:34:41.90] 0f6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01048E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:34:41.90] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FAA908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:27:53.50] 0930 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA9834: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-13T08:27:21.51-07:
[12:27:53.51] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:27:55.46] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@00F7F3B0: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[12:27:55.46] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01018A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:27:57.89] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:27:57.92] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01018B40: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:27:59.71] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01018B40: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[12:27:59.71] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01018BB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:28:02.29] 0854 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:15:49.57] 03f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA97D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
[13:15:49.57] 03f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA97D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-13T16:15:55Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-13T17:21:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:21:27.81] 0668 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:21:27.81] 0668 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:21:27.81] 0668 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:21:27.81] 00a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[14:21:27.81] 00a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[14:21:27.84] 0f94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:21:28.64] 0f94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:21:28.75] 0f94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[14:21:28.78] 0f94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-13T17:2
[14:21:28.78] 0f94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-13T17:21:38.00-00:00
[14:21:28.82] 0f94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01055C60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:21:30.70] 0fc8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:21:30.70] 0f94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:21:32.20] 0fc8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:21:32.20] 0f94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105B860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:21:32.20] 0f94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:21:30.70] 0f94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:21:34.29] 0fc8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:45:22.59] 0668 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[16:45:22.59] 0668 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-13T19:45:31Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-15T22:19:32Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:19:32.31] 0f38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:19:32.31] 0f38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:19:32.31] 0f28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:19:32.31] 0f28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[19:19:32.31] 0f28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[19:19:32.32] 0a1c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:19:37.31] 0a1c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:19:37.93] 0a1c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[19:19:38.48] 0a1c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-15T22:1
[19:19:38.48] 0a1c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-15T22:19:48.00-00:00
[19:19:38.53] 0a1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01055A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:19:40.79] 0e1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:19:40.79] 0a1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DBD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:19:42.79] 0e1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:19:42.81] 0a1c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105AA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:19:42.81] 0a1c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:24:26.46] 0f28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[20:24:26.46] 0f28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-15T23:24:33Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-16T23:55:31Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:55:31.97] 0cb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:55:31.97] 0cb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:55:31.97] 0e4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:55:31.97] 0cb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[20:55:31.97] 0cb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[20:55:31.98] 0c34 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:55:33.26] 0c34 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:55:33.36] 0c34 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:55:33.50] 0c34 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-16T23:5
[20:55:33.50] 0c34 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-16T23:55:43.00-00:00
[20:55:33.54] 0c34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01056A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:55:35.89] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:55:35.89] 0c34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:55:37.64] 0e98 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:55:37.64] 0c34 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01058A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:55:37.65] 0c34 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:03:20.48] 0e4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[21:03:20.48] 0e4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-17T00:03:30Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-17T15:03:42Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:03:42.25] 080c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:03:42.25] 080c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:03:42.25] 00a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:03:42.25] 080c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[12:03:42.25] 080c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[12:03:42.26] 058c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:03:43.21] 058c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:03:43.34] 058c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:03:43.48] 058c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-17T15:0
[12:03:43.48] 058c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-17T15:03:53.00-00:00
[12:03:43.53] 058c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:03:45.45] 0740 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:03:45.45] 058c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:03:46.96] 0740 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:03:46.98] 058c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:03:46.98] 058c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:14:46.46] 080c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
[12:14:46.46] 080c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-17T15:44:33Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-17T23:36:09Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:36:09.06] 0f90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:36:09.07] 0f90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:36:09.07] 0f88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:36:09.07] 0f90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[20:36:09.07] 0f90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[20:36:09.10] 0fdc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:36:10.03] 0fdc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:36:10.15] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:36:10.35] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:36:12.70] 0fe4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:36:12.70] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:36:14.81] 0fe4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:36:14.82] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105AA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:36:14.82] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:11:33.07] 0f88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
[21:11:33.07] 0f88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-18T00:11:40Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-18T23:59:43Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:59:43.70] 02b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:59:43.70] 02b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:59:43.70] 0ac8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:59:43.70] 02b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[20:59:43.70] 02b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[20:59:43.71] 08cc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:59:48.03] 08cc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:59:48.62] 08cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:59:49.28] 08cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-18T23:5
[20:59:49.28] 08cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-18T23:59:59.00-00:00
[20:59:49.31] 08cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01056E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:59:52.53] 08c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:59:52.57] 08cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DF50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:59:54.39] 08c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:59:54.39] 08cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105AE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:59:54.39] 08cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:26:37.95] 02b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[21:26:37.96] 02b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-19T00:26:48Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-23T12:54:25Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:54:25.78] 0ddc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:54:25.78] 0ddc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:54:25.78] 0dc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:54:25.78] 0ddc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[09:54:25.78] 0ddc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[09:54:25.81] 02f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:54:26.76] 02f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:54:26.87] 02f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[09:54:27.03] 02f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-23T12:5
[09:54:27.03] 02f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-23T12:54:37.00-00:00
[09:54:27.10] 02f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01041A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:54:29.50] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:54:29.51] 02f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:54:31.68] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:54:31.73] 02f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01042660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:54:31.73] 02f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:46:36.75] 0dc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[10:46:36.75] 0dc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-23T13:46:47Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-23T18:17:11Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:17:11.40] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80280', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:17:11.40] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:17:11.40] 0424 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:17:11.40] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[15:17:11.40] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[15:17:11.42] 0dd8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:17:12.20] 0dd8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:17:12.26] 0dd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[15:17:12.34] 0dd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:17:14.54] 0acc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:17:14.54] 0dd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:17:16.10] 0acc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:17:16.10] 0dd8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105A060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:17:16.10] 0dd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:20:19.12] 0250 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80280'
[15:20:19.12] 0250 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-23T18:20:28Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-24T19:23:14Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:23:14.96] 09d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:23:14.96] 09d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:23:14.96] 09d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:23:14.96] 09d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[16:23:14.96] 09d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[16:23:15.00] 0a38 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:23:19.65] 0a38 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:23:20.15] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:23:20.92] 0a38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-24T19:2
[16:23:20.92] 0a38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-24T19:23:30.00-00:00
[16:23:21.00] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01055660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:23:23.09] 0cc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:23:23.09] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:23:24.96] 0cc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:23:24.96] 0a38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04FC4060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:23:24.96] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:25:33.23] 08a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[16:25:33.23] 08a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-24T19:45:32Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-25T20:17:00Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:17:00.48] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:17:00.48] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:17:00.48] 0144 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:17:00.48] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[17:17:00.48] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[17:17:00.51] 01b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:17:02.26] 01b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:17:02.92] 01b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:17:04.23] 01b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-25T20:1
[17:17:04.23] 01b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-25T20:17:14.00-00:00
[17:17:04.35] 01b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F030: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:17:06.28] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:17:06.28] 01b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F030: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:17:08.14] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:17:08.15] 01b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105C260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:17:08.15] 01b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:37:16.96] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
[17:37:16.96] 0fe8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-25T20:37:22Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-25T23:51:05Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:51:05.93] 0bc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:51:05.93] 0bc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:51:05.93] 0bc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:51:05.93] 0bc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[20:51:05.93] 0bc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[20:51:05.95] 0c4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:51:06.89] 0c4c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:51:06.98] 0c4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:51:07.14] 0c4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01057E60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[20:51:10.23] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:51:10.28] 0c4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-25T23:5
[20:51:10.28] 0c4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-25T23:51:20.00-00:00
[20:51:10.31] 0c4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04B67060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:51:11.89] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:51:11.89] 0c4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:51:13.56] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:51:13.65] 0c4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105DE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:51:13.65] 0c4c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:00:48.68] 0c4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@04B66460: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[21:00:50.03] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[21:00:50.03] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[21:00:50.03] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@010447E0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[21:00:51.62] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[21:00:51.62] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[21:00:51.67] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[21:00:53.56] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:00:53.56] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01056E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[21:00:53.56] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8FB8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-26T00:00:49.00-00:00
[21:01:17.46] 02c4 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA9B0C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-26T00:00:51.000-07
[21:01:17.46] 0c4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:01:17.48] 0bd4 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA9B0C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-25T17:01:16.36-07:
[21:01:19.26] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:01:19.26] 0c4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:01:21.07] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@0105F070: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[21:01:21.07] 0c74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:01:21.10] 0c4c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@04B66C60: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[21:01:22.21] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01051F60: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[21:01:22.21] 0c74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8FB8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-26T00:00:51.00-00:00
[21:32:49.89] 0bc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[21:32:49.89] 0bc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-26T00:32:57Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-26T14:25:49Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:25:49.50] 0300 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:25:49.50] 0300 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:25:49.50] 0f88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:25:49.50] 0300 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[11:25:49.50] 0300 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[11:25:49.51] 067c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:25:50.37] 067c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:25:50.45] 067c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:25:50.57] 067c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-26T14:2
[11:25:50.57] 067c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-26T14:26:00.00-00:00
[11:25:50.60] 067c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01055A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:25:52.70] 0740 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:25:52.71] 067c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:25:54.34] 0740 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:25:54.37] 067c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01059A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:25:54.37] 067c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:03:30.62] 0300 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[12:03:30.62] 0300 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-26T15:03:39Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-26T20:13:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:13:37.34] 0e88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:13:37.34] 0e88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:13:37.34] 0d40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:13:37.34] 0e88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[17:13:37.34] 0e88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[17:13:37.37] 0b60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:13:38.48] 0b60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:13:38.59] 0b60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:13:38.70] 0b60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:13:40.48] 0528 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:13:40.48] 0b60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F260: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:13:42.25] 0528 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:13:42.29] 0b60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01057060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:13:42.29] 0b60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:24:46.73] 0d40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
[17:24:46.73] 0d40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-26T20:24:58Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-27T13:51:23Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:51:23.09] 0634 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:51:23.09] 0634 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:51:23.09] 03dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:51:23.09] 0634 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[10:51:23.09] 0634 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[10:51:23.10] 0d64 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:51:27.96] 0d64 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:51:28.64] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[10:51:31.51] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-27T13:5
[10:51:31.51] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-27T13:51:41.00-00:00
[10:51:33.12] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01043E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:51:35.06] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:51:35.06] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EF50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:51:36.73] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:51:36.75] 0d64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:51:36.75] 0d64 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:52:01.04] 0634 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
[10:52:01.04] 0634 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-27T13:52:06Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-28T16:07:02Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:07:02.98] 09c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:07:02.98] 09c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:07:02.98] 09d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:07:02.98] 09c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[13:07:02.98] 09c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[13:07:03.00] 0be4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:07:03.93] 0be4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:07:04.51] 0be4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[13:07:04.93] 0be4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-28T16:0
[13:07:04.93] 0be4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-28T16:07:14.00-00:00
[13:07:05.09] 0be4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105D860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:07:07.14] 0bec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:07:07.15] 0be4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:07:08.90] 0bec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:07:08.90] 0be4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105D860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:07:08.90] 0be4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:41:04.14] 0be4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-28T16:4
[13:41:04.14] 0be4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-28T16:41:14.00-00:00
[13:41:04.71] 0be4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-28T16:4
[13:41:04.71] 0be4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-28T16:41:14.00-00:00
[14:37:13.62] 09dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[14:37:13.62] 09dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-28T19:41:51Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-28T19:46:54Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:46:54.71] 07c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:46:54.71] 07c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:46:54.71] 07b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:46:54.71] 07c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[16:46:54.71] 07c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[16:46:54.73] 08b4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:46:55.54] 08b4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:46:55.67] 08b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:46:55.75] 08b4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-28T19:4
[16:46:55.75] 08b4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-28T19:47:05.00-00:00
[16:46:55.78] 08b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01056A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:46:57.90] 08bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:46:57.90] 08b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:46:59.95] 08bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:46:59.95] 08b4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105CA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:46:59.95] 08b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:48:53.85] 07b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
[16:48:53.85] 07b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-28T19:49:15Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-29T20:27:33Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:27:33.39] 0600 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:27:33.39] 0600 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:27:33.39] 0bc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:27:33.39] 0600 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[17:27:33.39] 0600 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[17:27:33.42] 0d2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:27:34.29] 0d2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:27:34.39] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:27:34.60] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01057E60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[17:27:46.35] 0d30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:27:46.42] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-29T20:2
[17:27:46.42] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-29T20:27:56.00-00:00
[17:27:46.50] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04B26C60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:27:48.06] 0d30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:27:48.06] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:27:50.01] 0d30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:27:50.06] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01057E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:27:50.06] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:54:27.18] 0bd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[17:54:27.18] 0bd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-29T20:54:37Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-31T19:04:44Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:04:44.73] 0f3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:04:44.73] 0f3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:04:44.73] 0f3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:04:44.73] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[16:04:44.73] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[16:04:44.75] 0104 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:04:45.98] 0104 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:04:46.09] 0104 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:04:46.21] 0104 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-31T19:0
[16:04:46.21] 0104 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-31T19:04:56.00-00:00
[16:04:46.31] 0104 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01055E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:04:48.57] 0108 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:04:48.60] 0104 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04EDC300: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:04:50.75] 0108 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:04:50.75] 0104 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04ED0060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:04:50.75] 0104 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:17:51.28] 0f44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[16:17:51.28] 0f44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[16:20:37.59] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01009CB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '010090A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:20:37.59] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01009CB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:20:37.59] 0f44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01009CB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:20:37.59] 0f3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01009CB0: (User='', Target='')
[16:20:37.59] 0f3c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01009CB0: (User='', Target=''
[16:20:37.62] 0c30 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@04EDEFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:20:38.54] 0c30 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@04EDF098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:20:38.64] 0c30 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@04EDDD08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:20:38.82] 0c30 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA1A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-31T19:2
[16:20:38.82] 0c30 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFB178: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-31T19:20:48.00-00:00
[16:20:38.84] 0c30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01020E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:20:40.43] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:20:40.43] 0c30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB8FD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:20:42.03] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:20:42.03] 0c30 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:20:42.03] 0c30 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@04EDDD08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:27:09.84] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01009CB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '010090A0'
[16:27:09.84] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01009CB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-31T19:27:19Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-31T21:50:55Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:50:55.98] 06b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:50:55.98] 06b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:50:55.98] 013c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:50:55.98] 06b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[18:50:55.98] 06b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[18:50:56.01] 0624 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:50:56.93] 0624 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:50:57.04] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[18:50:57.18] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058260: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[18:50:59.68] 07c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:50:59.73] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-31T21:5
[18:50:59.73] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-31T21:51:09.00-00:00
[18:50:59.76] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04B27060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:51:01.78] 07c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:51:01.78] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:51:03.78] 07c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:51:04.17] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01058260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:51:04.18] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:53:31.53] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-31T21:5
[18:53:31.53] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-31T21:53:41.00-00:00
[18:53:49.28] 013c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[18:53:49.28] 013c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-31T21:53:50Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-31T21:54:01Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:54:01.85] 0f74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:54:01.85] 0f74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:54:01.85] 0f74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:54:01.85] 0f50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[18:54:01.85] 0f50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[18:54:01.87] 0e58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:54:02.68] 0e58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:54:02.79] 0e58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98DB0: Initial Sync Starting
[18:54:02.84] 0e58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-31T21:5
[18:54:02.84] 0e58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-31T21:54:12.00-00:00
[18:54:02.89] 0e58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01055260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:54:04.78] 0e54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:54:04.78] 0e58 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:54:06.26] 0e54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:54:06.26] 0e58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105AA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:54:06.26] 0e58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98DB0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:55:19.90] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
[18:55:19.92] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[19:01:10.57] 0f50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9C6B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBA2A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:01:10.57] 0f50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9C6B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:01:10.57] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9C6B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:01:10.57] 0f74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9C6B0: (User='', Target='')
[19:01:10.57] 0f74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9C6B0: (User='', Target=''
[19:01:10.57] 07ac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01036FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:01:11.48] 07ac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01037098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:01:11.54] 07ac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0104F108: Initial Sync Starting
[19:01:11.56] 07ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01059030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-31T22:0
[19:01:11.56] 07ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA4278: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-31T22:01:21.00-00:00
[19:01:11.57] 07ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042040: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:01:13.65] 0680 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:01:13.65] 07ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042040: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:01:15.93] 0680 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:01:15.95] 07ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04FA4660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:01:15.95] 07ac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0104F108: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:04:48.85] 07ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01042BD0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[19:04:52.51] 0680 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@04FA3660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[19:04:52.51] 0680 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@04FA3660: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[19:04:52.51] 0680 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@00FA4940: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[19:04:56.26] 0680 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@04FA3660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[19:04:56.26] 0680 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@04FA3660: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[19:04:56.31] 0680 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[19:04:58.09] 0680 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:04:58.09] 0680 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@04FA3660: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[19:04:58.09] 0680 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA41C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-31T22:04:50.00-00:00
[19:05:19.25] 0f74 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00F9C70C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-31T15:04:53.083-07
[19:05:19.25] 07ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042040: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:05:21.73] 0680 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:05:21.73] 07ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042040: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:05:23.15] 0f50 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00F9C70C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-08-31T22:04:51.000-07
[19:05:24.23] 0680 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@04F9D070: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[19:05:24.23] 0680 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:05:24.26] 07ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01042CB0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[19:05:26.71] 0680 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@04F9AF60: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[19:05:26.71] 0680 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA41C8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-31T22:04:51.00-00:00
[19:08:19.85] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9C6B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FBA2A0'
[19:08:19.85] 0f68 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9C6B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-31T22:08:30Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-31T22:16:26Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:16:26.35] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:16:26.35] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:16:26.35] 0f28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:16:26.35] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[19:16:26.35] 0e6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[19:16:26.39] 0ed8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:16:27.23] 0ed8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:16:27.29] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[19:16:27.34] 0ed8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-31T22:1
[19:16:27.34] 0ed8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-31T22:16:37.00-00:00
[19:16:27.39] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03D0C660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:16:32.21] 0f2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:16:32.21] 0ed8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:16:34.48] 0f2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
* Log opened: 2010-08-31T22:30:31Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:30:31.29] 05bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA5D88: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:30:31.29] 05bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA5D88: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:30:31.29] 0d7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA5D88: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:30:31.29] 05bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA5D88: (User='', Target='')
[19:30:31.29] 05bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA5D88: (User='', Target=''
[19:30:31.31] 0e50 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:30:33.26] 0e50 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:30:33.35] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[19:30:33.48] 0e50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA0A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-08-31T22:3
[19:30:33.48] 0e50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0101F178: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-08-31T22:30:43.00-00:00
[19:30:33.51] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01032660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:30:35.39] 0e5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:30:35.39] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DA80: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:30:37.12] 0e5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:30:37.12] 0e50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01036660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:30:37.12] 0e50 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:32:29.37] 0d8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA5D88: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[19:32:29.37] 0d8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA5D88: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-31T22:32:46Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-01T13:49:17Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:49:17.03] 08bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:49:17.04] 08bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:49:17.04] 08c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:49:17.04] 08bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[10:49:17.04] 08bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[10:49:17.06] 0970 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:49:17.85] 0970 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:49:17.93] 0970 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[10:49:18.09] 0970 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-01T13:4
[10:49:18.09] 0970 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-01T13:49:28.00-00:00
[10:49:18.14] 0970 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:49:19.90] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:49:19.92] 0970 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:49:21.42] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:49:21.42] 0970 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:49:21.43] 0970 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:34:01.25] 00d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
[11:34:01.25] 00d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[11:38:54.34] 08c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010420B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBEAA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:38:54.34] 08c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010420B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:38:54.34] 08bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010420B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:38:54.34] 00d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010420B0: (User='', Target='')
[11:38:54.34] 00d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010420B0: (User='', Target=''
[11:38:54.35] 0a88 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100DDC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:38:55.07] 0a88 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100DE98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:38:55.14] 0a88 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0100FB08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:38:55.14] 0a88 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100C430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-01T14:3
[11:38:55.14] 0a88 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF5B78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-01T14:39:05.00-00:00
[11:38:55.15] 0a88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01032260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:38:57.84] 0bec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:38:57.84] 0a88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010435D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:39:00.34] 0bec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:39:00.45] 0a88 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01033660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:39:00.45] 0a88 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0100FB08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:44:32.67] 00d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010420B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FBEAA0'
[11:44:32.68] 00d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010420B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-01T14:44:43Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-02T18:58:32Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:58:32.77] 0cd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:58:32.77] 0cd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:58:32.77] 0ccc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:58:32.77] 0cd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[15:58:32.77] 0cd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[15:58:32.77] 0698 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:58:33.81] 0698 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:58:33.88] 0698 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[15:58:34.01] 0698 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-02T18:5
[15:58:34.01] 0698 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-02T18:58:44.00-00:00
[15:58:34.02] 0698 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:58:36.32] 0378 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:58:36.32] 0698 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:58:38.45] 0378 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:58:38.46] 0698 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105CA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:58:38.48] 0698 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:22:09.23] 0ccc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FE80'
[16:22:09.24] 0ccc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-02T19:22:20Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-03T18:55:38Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:55:38.73] 0480 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:55:38.73] 0480 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:55:38.73] 0334 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B6B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:55:38.73] 0480 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target='')
[15:55:38.73] 0480 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target=''
[15:55:38.75] 09a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F97FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:55:39.79] 09a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F98098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:55:39.87] 09a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA9908: Initial Sync Starting
[15:55:40.03] 09a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F83630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-03T18:5
[15:55:40.03] 09a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-03T18:55:50.00-00:00
[15:55:40.07] 09a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:55:43.90] 0f24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:55:43.90] 09a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:55:46.51] 0f24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:55:46.51] 09a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105DA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:55:46.53] 09a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA9908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:20:41.29] 04f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[16:20:41.29] 04f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B6B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-03T19:20:51Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-04T14:59:52Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:59:52.85] 13a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:59:52.85] 13a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:59:52.85] 13a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B6B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:59:52.85] 13a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target='')
[11:59:52.85] 13a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target=''
[11:59:52.89] 13f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F97FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:59:54.12] 13f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F98098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:59:54.21] 13f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA9908: Initial Sync Starting
[11:59:54.37] 13f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F83630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-04T15:0
[11:59:54.37] 13f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-04T15:00:04.00-00:00
[11:59:54.43] 13f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105E660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:59:58.03] 1400 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:59:58.04] 13f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:00:00.60] 1400 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:00:00.60] 13f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04CC1060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:00:00.60] 13f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA9908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:11:54.39] 13f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04CC1060: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[12:11:56.67] 1400 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:12:59.73] 13a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[12:12:59.73] 13a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B6B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-04T15:13:10Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-09T15:46:02Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:46:02.95] 07fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:46:02.95] 07fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:46:02.95] 0480 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:46:02.95] 07fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[12:46:02.95] 07fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[12:46:02.96] 0cd8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:46:04.07] 0cd8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:46:04.15] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:46:04.25] 0cd8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-09T15:4
[12:46:04.25] 0cd8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-09T15:46:14.00-00:00
[12:46:04.29] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01057A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:46:19.20] 0ce0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:46:19.20] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:46:38.25] 0ce0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:46:38.31] 0cd8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01058A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:46:38.31] 0cd8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:50:26.68] 05c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[12:50:26.68] 05c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-09T15:50:33Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-12T14:39:55Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:39:55.57] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:39:55.57] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:39:55.57] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:39:55.57] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[11:39:55.57] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[11:39:55.59] 0300 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:39:56.66] 0300 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:39:56.73] 0300 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:39:56.88] 0300 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-12T14:4
[11:39:56.88] 0300 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-12T14:40:06.00-00:00
[11:39:56.93] 0300 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01044260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:40:06.65] 0358 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:40:06.66] 0300 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:40:22.66] 0358 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
* Log opened: 2010-09-12T15:41:11Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:41:11.20] 0aa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA6D88: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80400', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:41:11.20] 0aa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA6D88: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:41:11.20] 06ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA6D88: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:41:11.20] 0aa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA6D88: (User='', Target='')
[12:41:11.20] 0aa8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA6D88: (User='', Target=''
[12:41:11.23] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:41:13.15] 0424 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:41:13.23] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:41:13.40] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA1A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-12T15:4
[12:41:13.40] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01008178: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-12T15:41:23.00-00:00
[12:41:13.43] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01020660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:41:16.65] 0cdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:41:16.65] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:41:21.89] 0cdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:41:21.90] 0424 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01022E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:41:21.90] 0424 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:12:59.64] 06ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA6D88: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80400'
[14:12:59.64] 06ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA6D88: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-12T17:13:05Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-12T21:12:31Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:12:31.81] 0b6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:12:31.81] 0b6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:12:31.81] 0c30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[18:12:31.81] 0b6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[18:12:31.81] 0b6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[18:12:31.82] 03ac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[18:12:33.00] 03ac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[18:12:33.07] 03ac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[18:12:33.23] 03ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-12T21:1
[18:12:33.23] 03ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-12T21:12:43.00-00:00
[18:12:33.26] 03ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105DA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:12:36.59] 062c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:12:36.59] 03ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:12:38.92] 062c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:12:38.92] 03ac Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04A10060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:12:38.93] 03ac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:17:35.75] 0c54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[18:17:35.75] 0c54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-12T21:21:39Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-13T15:39:06Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:39:06.23] 0548 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:39:06.23] 0548 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:39:06.23] 04f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:39:06.23] 0548 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[12:39:06.23] 0548 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[12:39:06.26] 0394 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:39:07.46] 0394 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:39:07.53] 0394 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:39:07.70] 0394 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-13T15:3
[12:39:07.70] 0394 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-13T15:39:17.00-00:00
[12:39:07.75] 0394 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01044E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:39:11.34] 00a0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:39:11.34] 0394 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:39:13.45] 00a0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:39:13.45] 0394 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01046660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:39:13.45] 0394 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:07:25.14] 04f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
[13:07:25.14] 04f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-13T16:07:35Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-15T19:39:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:39:28.07] 0838 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:39:28.07] 0838 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:39:28.07] 0838 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:39:28.07] 0838 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[16:39:28.07] 0838 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[16:39:28.09] 08f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:39:29.12] 08f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:39:29.18] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:39:29.29] 08f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-15T19:3
[16:39:29.29] 08f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-15T19:39:39.00-00:00
[16:39:29.34] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105E860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:39:33.09] 05d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:39:33.09] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:39:37.93] 05d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:39:37.95] 08f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@046A0060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:39:37.95] 08f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:41:08.00] 0838 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[16:41:08.00] 0838 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-15T19:41:14Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-16T15:52:17Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:52:17.81] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:52:17.81] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:52:17.81] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B6B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:52:17.81] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target='')
[12:52:17.81] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target=''
[12:52:17.84] 0ff0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F97FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:52:18.76] 0ff0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F98098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:52:18.84] 0ff0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA9908: Initial Sync Starting
[12:52:19.01] 0ff0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F83630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-16T15:5
[12:52:19.01] 0ff0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-16T15:52:29.00-00:00
[12:52:19.06] 0ff0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FD3660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:52:24.54] 0b74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:52:24.56] 0ff0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:52:33.06] 0b74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:52:33.07] 0ff0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01039260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:52:33.07] 0ff0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA9908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:58:39.29] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[12:58:39.29] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B6B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[12:59:36.10] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010374B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FE4220', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:59:36.10] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010374B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:59:36.10] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010374B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:59:36.10] 03e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010374B0: (User='', Target='')
[12:59:36.10] 03e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010374B0: (User='', Target=''
[12:59:36.14] 08cc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01042DC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:59:36.98] 08cc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01042E98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:59:37.03] 08cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA8508: Initial Sync Starting
[12:59:37.03] 08cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01038830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-16T15:5
[12:59:37.03] 08cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA3B78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-16T15:59:47.00-00:00
[12:59:37.04] 08cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA8508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:59:37.04] 08cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA8508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:59:37.04] 08cc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0101D660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:59:37.04] 08cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA8508: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[12:59:37.04] 08cc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA8508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[13:01:43.62] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010374B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FE4220'
[13:01:43.64] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010374B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:01:43.64] 08cc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01042DC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:02:48.56] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F7D6B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FA3020', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:02:48.56] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F7D6B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:02:48.56] 03e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F7D6B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:02:48.56] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F7D6B0: (User='', Target='')
[13:02:48.56] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F7D6B0: (User='', Target=''
[13:02:48.57] 027c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA87C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:02:49.57] 027c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA8898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:02:49.67] 027c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01037308: Initial Sync Starting
[13:02:49.67] 027c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F7EA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-16T16:0
[13:02:49.67] 027c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01015B78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-16T16:02:59.00-00:00
[13:02:49.68] 027c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01037308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[13:02:49.68] 027c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01037308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[13:02:49.70] 027c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00FD4060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:02:49.70] 027c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01037308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[13:02:49.70] 027c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01037308: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[13:29:38.07] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F7D6B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FA3020'
[13:29:38.07] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F7D6B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:30:35.20] 03e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FBCAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FE5A20', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:30:35.20] 03e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FBCAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:30:35.20] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FBCAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:30:35.20] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FBCAB0: (User='', Target='')
[13:30:35.20] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FBCAB0: (User='', Target=''
[13:30:35.25] 0d2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FF2580: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:30:35.98] 0d2c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FF2658: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:30:36.04] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FF9F08: Initial Sync Starting
[13:30:36.04] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FD2030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-16T16:3
[13:30:36.04] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA1778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-16T16:30:46.00-00:00
[13:30:36.07] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FF9F08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[13:30:36.07] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FF9F08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[13:30:36.07] 0d2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01039A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:30:36.07] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FF9F08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[13:30:36.07] 0d2c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FF9F08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[13:57:06.64] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FBCAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FE5A20'
[13:57:06.64] 0d1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FBCAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-16T16:57:26Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-16T16:58:17Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:58:17.82] 048c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:58:17.82] 048c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:58:17.82] 048c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:58:17.82] 0f28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[13:58:17.82] 0f28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[13:58:17.84] 026c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:58:18.65] 026c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:58:18.71] 026c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[13:58:18.75] 026c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-16T16:5
[13:58:18.75] 026c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-16T16:58:28.00-00:00
[13:58:18.79] 026c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105DE60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:58:25.03] 05a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:58:25.03] 026c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:58:34.01] 05a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:58:34.03] 026c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105CE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:58:34.03] 026c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:58:25.03] 026c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:58:29.51] 05a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:58:34.03] 026c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:58:38.76] 05a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:16:50.59] 0868 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
[16:16:50.59] 0868 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[16:16:50.59] 026c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F843C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[16:18:54.31] 048c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0102A8B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01056A20', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:18:54.31] 048c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0102A8B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:18:54.31] 048c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0102A8B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:18:54.31] 0868 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0102A8B0: (User='', Target='')
[16:18:54.31] 0868 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0102A8B0: (User='', Target=''
[16:18:54.34] 098c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:18:55.29] 098c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:18:55.34] 098c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA2508: Initial Sync Starting
[16:18:55.34] 098c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01029630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-16T19:1
[16:18:55.34] 098c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF4978: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-16T19:19:05.00-00:00
[16:18:55.35] 098c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04B95A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:18:57.48] 0bfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:18:57.48] 098c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04B8F3D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:18:59.53] 0bfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:18:59.53] 098c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04B94A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:18:59.53] 098c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA2508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:42:03.29] 0868 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0102A8B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01056A20'
[16:42:03.29] 0868 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0102A8B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-16T19:42:14Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-16T20:13:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:13:27.23] 0984 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:13:27.25] 0984 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:13:27.25] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:13:27.25] 0984 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[17:13:27.25] 0984 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[17:13:27.26] 0270 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:13:28.07] 0270 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:13:28.14] 0270 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:13:28.20] 0270 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-16T20:1
[17:13:28.20] 0270 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-16T20:13:38.00-00:00
[17:13:28.25] 0270 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01057A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:13:32.76] 0844 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:13:32.76] 0270 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:13:35.18] 0844 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:13:35.18] 0270 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105EE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:13:35.18] 0270 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:15:38.81] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[17:15:38.81] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-16T20:15:46Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-16T23:56:44Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:56:44.15] 06bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80400', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:56:44.17] 06bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:56:44.17] 0cac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:56:44.17] 06bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[20:56:44.17] 06bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[20:56:44.18] 0ce4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:56:45.31] 0ce4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:56:45.53] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[20:56:45.70] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-16T23:5
[20:56:45.70] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-16T23:56:55.00-00:00
[20:56:45.73] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:56:50.50] 013c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:56:50.50] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:56:52.70] 013c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:56:52.70] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105CE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:56:52.70] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:23:44.32] 0cac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80400'
[21:23:44.32] 0cac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-17T00:23:50Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-17T19:01:02Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:01:02.65] 05e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:01:02.65] 05e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:01:02.65] 0314 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:01:02.65] 05e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[16:01:02.65] 05e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[16:01:02.68] 0e54 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:01:03.76] 0e54 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:01:03.87] 0e54 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:01:04.04] 0e54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:01:07.40] 0e5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:01:07.40] 0e54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:01:09.67] 0e5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:01:09.70] 0e54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105EA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:01:09.70] 0e54 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:16:48.00] 05e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[17:16:48.00] 05e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-17T20:16:58Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-20T15:37:32Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:37:32.43] 061c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80400', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:37:32.43] 061c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:37:32.43] 0614 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:37:32.43] 061c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[12:37:32.43] 061c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[12:37:32.46] 0820 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:37:33.45] 0820 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:37:33.51] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:37:33.70] 0820 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-20T15:3
[12:37:33.70] 0820 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-20T15:37:43.00-00:00
[12:37:33.75] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01044260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:37:36.26] 0824 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:37:36.28] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:37:38.31] 0824 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:37:38.31] 0820 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01046A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:37:38.31] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:00:08.68] 061c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80400'
[14:00:08.68] 061c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-20T17:00:14Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-20T20:25:48Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:25:48.01] 02f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:25:48.01] 02f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:25:48.01] 0ef4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:25:48.01] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[17:25:48.01] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[17:25:48.01] 0dac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:25:48.83] 0dac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:25:48.90] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:25:48.94] 0dac Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-20T20:2
[17:25:48.94] 0dac Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-20T20:25:58.00-00:00
[17:25:48.98] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04740060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:25:51.09] 0cf8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:25:51.09] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:25:52.56] 0cf8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:25:52.58] 0dac Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04740060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:25:52.58] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:50:56.54] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
[17:50:56.54] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[20:49:04.68] 07a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9C6B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBEC20', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:49:04.68] 07a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9C6B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:49:04.68] 0be4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9C6B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:49:04.68] 0ef4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9C6B0: (User='', Target='')
[20:49:04.68] 0ef4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9C6B0: (User='', Target=''
[20:49:04.70] 0b78 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA17C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:49:05.40] 0b78 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA1898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:49:05.45] 0b78 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0029DFD0: Initial Sync Starting
[20:49:05.45] 0b78 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA9A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-20T23:4
[20:49:05.45] 0b78 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF9F78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-20T23:49:15.00-00:00
[20:49:05.45] 0b78 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103A660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:49:12.20] 0e3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:49:12.20] 0b78 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB9FD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:49:14.09] 0e3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:49:14.09] 0b78 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04755C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:49:14.09] 0b78 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0029DFD0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[22:02:05.03] 07a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9C6B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FBEC20'
[22:02:05.03] 07a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9C6B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-21T01:02:15Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-22T13:31:59Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:31:59.03] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80400', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:31:59.03] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:31:59.03] 086c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:31:59.03] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[10:31:59.03] 0880 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[10:31:59.04] 0900 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:32:00.09] 0900 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:32:00.20] 0900 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[10:32:00.56] 0900 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:32:02.95] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:32:02.95] 0900 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:32:04.81] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:32:04.82] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:32:04.82] 0900 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:33:55.23] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01041660: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[10:33:58.20] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[10:33:58.20] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044E60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[10:33:58.20] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@010273E0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[10:34:00.40] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[10:34:00.40] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044E60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[10:34:00.40] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[10:34:02.26] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:34:02.26] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044E60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[10:34:02.26] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-22T13:33:58.00-00:00
[10:34:26.42] 0874 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAAB0C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-09-22T13:33:59.000-07
[10:34:26.42] 0900 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:34:27.45] 086c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAAB0C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-09-22T06:34:25.257-07
[10:34:28.10] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:34:28.10] 0900 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:34:29.87] 091c Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@01044070: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[10:34:29.87] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:34:29.90] 0900 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01056660: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[10:34:34.26] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0103B760: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[10:34:34.26] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-22T13:33:59.00-00:00
[11:08:05.35] 086c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80400'
[11:08:05.35] 086c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-22T14:08:14Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-22T20:25:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:25:04.35] 0468 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:25:04.35] 0468 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:25:04.35] 0f98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:25:04.35] 0468 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[17:25:04.35] 0468 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[17:25:04.37] 086c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:25:05.12] 086c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:25:05.18] 086c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:25:05.25] 086c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-22T20:2
[17:25:05.25] 086c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-22T20:25:15.00-00:00
[17:25:05.31] 086c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01053C60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:25:07.21] 093c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:25:07.21] 086c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:25:08.87] 093c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:25:08.89] 086c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01057060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:25:08.89] 086c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:07:48.29] 088c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[18:07:48.29] 088c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-22T21:07:55Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-23T10:57:52Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:57:52.65] 0464 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:57:52.65] 0464 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:57:52.65] 0c44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:57:52.65] 0464 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[07:57:52.65] 0464 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[07:57:52.68] 0e94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:57:55.04] 0e94 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:57:55.15] 0e94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[07:57:55.29] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-23T10:5
[07:57:55.29] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-23T10:58:05.00-00:00
[07:57:55.35] 0e94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01044260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:57:57.40] 0a4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:57:57.40] 0e94 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DFC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:57:58.96] 0a4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:57:58.98] 0e94 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01052E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:57:58.98] 0e94 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
* Log opened: 2010-09-23T12:26:50Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:26:50.07] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7ECA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:26:50.07] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:26:50.07] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:26:53.31] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7ECA0'
[09:26:53.31] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[11:19:36.43] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B460: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7ECA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:19:36.43] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B460: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:19:36.43] 0f30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B460: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:19:38.42] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9B460: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7ECA0'
[11:19:38.42] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B460: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[11:19:57.21] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B460: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7ECA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:19:57.21] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B460: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:19:57.21] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B460: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:19:59.35] 09bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9B460: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7ECA0'
[11:19:59.35] 09bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B460: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[11:20:34.65] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B588: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:20:34.65] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B588: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:20:34.65] 0230 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B588: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:20:34.65] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B588: (User='', Target='')
[11:20:34.65] 084c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B588: (User='', Target=''
[11:20:34.67] 0848 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:20:36.48] 0848 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:20:36.57] 0848 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:20:36.75] 0848 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E1F0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:20:38.75] 08a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:20:38.75] 0848 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E1F0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:20:40.29] 08a4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:20:40.29] 0848 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01053C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:20:40.29] 0848 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:35:49.56] 0230 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9B588: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[11:35:49.56] 0230 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B588: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-23T14:35:59Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-23T17:01:52Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:01:52.78] 0d70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:01:52.78] 0d70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:01:52.78] 0d70 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:01:52.78] 0d60 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[14:01:52.78] 0d60 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[14:01:52.81] 0da0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:01:54.00] 0da0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:01:54.15] 0da0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[14:01:54.56] 0da0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-23T17:0
[14:01:54.56] 0da0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-23T17:02:04.00-00:00
[14:01:54.60] 0da0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01041E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:01:57.07] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:01:57.09] 0da0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:02:00.65] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:02:00.68] 0da0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105E660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:02:00.68] 0da0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:24:43.68] 071c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
[14:24:43.68] 071c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-23T17:24:44Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-24T10:08:49Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:08:49.96] 0be4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA96B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:08:49.96] 0be4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA96B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:08:49.96] 0be4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA96B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:08:49.96] 0bf8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA96B0: (User='', Target='')
[07:08:49.96] 0bf8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA96B0: (User='', Target=''
[07:08:49.98] 0cfc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F98FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:08:50.87] 0cfc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F99098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:08:51.01] 0cfc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FAA908: Initial Sync Starting
[07:08:51.14] 0cfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F84630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-24T10:0
[07:08:51.14] 0cfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA2F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-24T10:09:01.00-00:00
[07:08:51.17] 0cfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01044260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:08:53.17] 0d00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:08:53.17] 0cfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:08:54.84] 0d00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:08:54.84] 0cfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01043260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:08:54.84] 0cfc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FAA908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[07:18:19.90] 0bf8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA96B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[07:18:19.90] 0bf8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA96B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[08:12:51.89] 0bec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100ACB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBEC20', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:12:51.89] 0bec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100ACB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:12:51.89] 0dc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100ACB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[08:12:51.89] 0f6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100ACB0: (User='', Target='')
[08:12:51.89] 0f6c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100ACB0: (User='', Target=''
[08:12:51.90] 0fa8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010175C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[08:12:52.95] 0fa8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01017698: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[08:12:52.98] 0fa8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA1508: Initial Sync Starting
[08:12:52.98] 0fa8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100E030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-24T11:1
[08:12:52.98] 0fa8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF2378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-24T11:13:02.00-00:00
[08:12:53.00] 0fa8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01021660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:12:54.81] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:12:54.81] 0fa8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010281D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:12:56.53] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:12:56.54] 0fa8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01030E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:12:56.54] 0fa8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA1508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:43:53.92] 0bec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0100ACB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FBEC20'
[08:43:53.92] 0bec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100ACB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-24T11:48:08Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-24T13:33:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:33:04.43] 00d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80400', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:33:04.43] 00d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:33:04.43] 0e04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:33:04.43] 00d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target='')
[10:33:04.43] 00d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAAB0: (User='', Target=''
[10:33:04.43] 076c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F847C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:33:05.23] 076c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:33:05.32] 076c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[10:33:05.39] 076c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-24T13:3
[10:33:05.39] 076c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-24T13:33:15.00-00:00
[10:33:05.46] 076c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04743060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:33:07.50] 0140 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:33:07.50] 076c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F7B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:33:09.04] 0140 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:33:09.06] 076c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04742060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:33:09.06] 076c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:18:56.12] 0c40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAAB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80400'
[12:18:56.12] 0c40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAAB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-24T15:19:06Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-25T16:31:38Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:31:38.26] 08c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F000', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:31:38.26] 08c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:31:38.26] 08b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:31:38.26] 08c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[13:31:38.26] 08c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[13:31:38.29] 0948 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:31:39.29] 0948 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:31:39.39] 0948 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[13:31:39.51] 0948 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-25T16:3
[13:31:39.51] 0948 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-25T16:31:49.00-00:00
[13:31:39.57] 0948 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01043260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:31:41.62] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:31:41.62] 0948 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:31:43.34] 097c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:31:43.35] 0948 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01041E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:31:43.35] 0948 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:52:39.35] 08b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F000'
[13:52:39.35] 08b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-25T16:52:46Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-27T10:08:31Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:08:31.73] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA060: (User='flavio-rincon@hotmail,com', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:08:31.73] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA060: (User='flavio-rincon@hotmail,com', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:08:31.73] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA060: (User='flavio-rincon@hotmail,com
') -- enabling policy
[07:09:18.87] 0584 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA060: (User='flavio-rincon@hotmail,com', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F4A0'
[07:09:18.87] 0584 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA060: (User='flavio-rincon@hotmail,com
') -- disabling policy
[07:09:27.35] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA8EB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F800', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:09:27.35] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA8EB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:09:27.37] 0d80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA8EB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:09:27.37] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA8EB0: (User='', Target='')
[07:09:27.37] 07ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA8EB0: (User='', Target=''
[07:09:27.40] 0dac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:09:28.57] 0dac Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:09:28.64] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[07:09:28.75] 0dac Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FAA630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-27T10:0
[07:09:28.75] 0dac Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA1760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-27T10:09:38.00-00:00
[07:09:28.79] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01056660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:09:30.56] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:09:30.56] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:09:32.09] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:09:32.09] 0dac Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01059260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:09:32.09] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:09:30.56] 0dac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:09:36.18] 0dc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:06:47.70] 0d80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA8EB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F800'
[10:06:47.70] 0d80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA8EB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-27T13:06:56Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-28T12:10:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:10:10.77] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:10:10.77] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:10:10.77] 0c24 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:10:10.77] 0870 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[09:10:10.77] 0870 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[09:10:10.81] 0498 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:10:14.73] 0498 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:10:15.09] 0498 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[09:10:16.01] 0498 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-28T12:1
[09:10:16.01] 0498 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-28T12:10:26.00-00:00
[09:10:16.10] 0498 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01043260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:10:18.48] 04e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:10:18.48] 0498 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FA18: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:10:20.26] 04e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:10:20.27] 0498 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:10:20.27] 0498 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:00:14.56] 0c2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[11:00:14.56] 0c2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[11:22:54.93] 0430 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010094B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01035A20', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:22:54.93] 0430 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010094B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:22:54.93] 0994 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010094B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:22:54.93] 0870 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010094B0: (User='', Target='')
[11:22:54.93] 0870 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010094B0: (User='', Target=''
[11:22:54.98] 0bb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9AFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:22:55.76] 0bb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:22:55.81] 0bb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA0D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:22:55.81] 0bb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100C830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-28T14:2
[11:22:55.81] 0bb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFF338: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-28T14:23:05.00-00:00
[11:22:55.82] 0bb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102DE60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:22:57.45] 0584 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:22:57.46] 0bb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB87D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:22:59.01] 0584 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:22:59.01] 0bb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01030A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:22:59.01] 0bb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA0D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:22:57.46] 0bb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FB87D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:23:00.46] 0584 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:02:45.48] 0994 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010094B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01035A20'
[14:02:45.48] 0994 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010094B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[14:03:45.13] 0994 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F7DEB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0103FA20', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:03:45.13] 0994 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F7DEB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:03:45.13] 0870 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F7DEB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:03:45.13] 0430 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F7DEB0: (User='', Target='')
[14:03:45.13] 0430 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F7DEB0: (User='', Target=''
[14:03:45.15] 0d58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9FFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:03:46.06] 0d58 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA0098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:03:46.12] 0d58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0100A308: Initial Sync Starting
[14:03:46.12] 0d58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01046030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-28T17:0
[14:03:46.12] 0d58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-28T17:03:56.00-00:00
[14:03:46.13] 0d58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0100A308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[14:03:46.13] 0d58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0100A308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[14:03:46.13] 0d58 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01042260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:03:46.13] 0d58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0100A308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[14:03:46.13] 0d58 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0100A308: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[15:08:33.29] 0870 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F7DEB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0103FA20'
[15:08:33.31] 0870 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F7DEB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-28T18:08:43Z
* Log opened: 2010-09-29T16:28:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:28:28.81] 0558 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:28:28.82] 0558 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:28:28.82] 0994 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:28:28.82] 0558 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[13:28:28.82] 0558 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[13:28:28.85] 0b20 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:28:29.93] 0b20 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:28:30.01] 0b20 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[13:28:30.10] 0b20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-09-29T16:2
[13:28:30.10] 0b20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-09-29T16:28:40.00-00:00
[13:28:30.15] 0b20 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01057A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:28:32.37] 0b38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:28:32.37] 0b20 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:28:33.95] 0b38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:28:33.96] 0b20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105AA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:28:33.96] 0b20 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:14:54.90] 0994 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[15:14:54.90] 0994 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-09-29T18:15:14Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-01T01:43:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[22:43:27.76] 07e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[22:43:27.76] 07e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[22:43:27.76] 08d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[22:43:27.76] 07e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[22:43:27.76] 07e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[22:43:27.79] 0964 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[22:43:28.81] 0964 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[22:43:28.90] 0964 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[22:43:29.06] 0964 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-01T01:4
[22:43:29.06] 0964 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-01T01:43:39.00-00:00
[22:43:29.14] 0964 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[22:43:32.53] 0ed4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:43:32.54] 0964 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[22:43:34.92] 0ed4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:43:34.96] 0964 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105DA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[22:43:34.96] 0964 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[00:07:12.14] 07e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[00:07:12.14] 07e8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-01T03:08:25Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-02T20:27:24Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:27:24.09] 0e14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:27:24.09] 0e14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:27:24.09] 090c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:27:24.10] 0e14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[17:27:24.10] 0e14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[17:27:24.12] 0c10 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:27:25.15] 0c10 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:27:25.21] 0c10 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[17:27:25.35] 0c10 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-02T20:2
[17:27:25.35] 0c10 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-02T20:27:35.00-00:00
[17:27:25.40] 0c10 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01057260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:27:27.70] 0d60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:27:27.70] 0c10 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:27:29.81] 0d60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:27:29.82] 0c10 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01058E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:27:29.82] 0c10 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:27:27.70] 0c10 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:27:32.48] 0d60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:50:58.51] 0e14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[19:50:58.51] 0e14 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-02T22:51:08Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-02T22:51:51Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:51:51.71] 03a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FC00', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:51:51.71] 03a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:51:51.71] 03a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:51:51.71] 00c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[19:51:51.71] 00c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[19:51:51.76] 0744 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:51:52.70] 0744 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:51:52.78] 0744 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[19:51:52.85] 0744 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-02T22:5
[19:51:52.85] 0744 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-02T22:52:02.00-00:00
[19:51:52.93] 0744 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:51:55.48] 0d08 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:51:55.48] 0744 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:51:57.42] 0d08 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:51:57.42] 0744 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105BC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:51:57.42] 0744 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:10:35.54] 00c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FC00'
[20:10:35.54] 00c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-02T23:10:43Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-03T23:49:44Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:49:44.15] 0f5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA8EB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:49:44.15] 0f5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA8EB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:49:44.15] 0f44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA8EB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:49:44.15] 0f5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA8EB0: (User='', Target='')
[20:49:44.15] 0f5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA8EB0: (User='', Target=''
[20:49:44.18] 0924 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F987C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:49:45.04] 0924 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F98898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:49:45.18] 0924 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FAA108: Initial Sync Starting
[20:49:45.31] 0924 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F83E30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-03T23:4
[20:49:45.31] 0924 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA2760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-03T23:49:55.00-00:00
[20:49:45.35] 0924 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01044A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:50:00.40] 0454 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01044A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:50:15.42] 0454 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01044A60: hr = 0x80072ee7, fault = (none)
[20:50:15.42] 0454 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::OnComplete@01039010: WinInet error hr = 0x80072EE7 for operation = 2 ca
using us to skip remaining steps
[20:50:15.42] 0454 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FAA108: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80072ee7)
[20:50:43.48] 0924 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:50:50.53] 0454 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:04:29.85] 0f5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA8EB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[21:04:29.85] 0f5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA8EB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-04T00:04:38Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-05T10:29:23Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:29:23.71] 0710 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:29:23.73] 0710 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:29:23.73] 0dd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:29:23.73] 0710 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[07:29:23.73] 0710 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[07:29:23.75] 0e20 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:29:24.71] 0e20 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:29:24.87] 0e20 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[07:29:25.00] 0e20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-05T10:2
[07:29:25.00] 0e20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-05T10:29:35.00-00:00
[07:29:25.04] 0e20 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:29:26.92] 0e28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:29:26.93] 0e20 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:29:28.50] 0e28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:29:28.51] 0e20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01041260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:29:28.51] 0e20 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[07:51:24.87] 0710 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[07:51:24.87] 0710 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[07:51:57.45] 0de0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100C4B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB8C20', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:51:57.45] 0de0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100C4B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:51:57.45] 0dd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100C4B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:51:57.45] 0710 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100C4B0: (User='', Target='')
[07:51:57.45] 0710 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100C4B0: (User='', Target=''
[07:51:57.46] 0f7c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9AFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:51:58.29] 0f7c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:51:58.37] 0f7c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA0D08: Initial Sync Starting
[07:51:58.37] 0f7c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01039830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-05T10:5
[07:51:58.37] 0f7c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0029FA40: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-05T10:52:08.00-00:00
[07:51:58.40] 0f7c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA0D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[07:51:58.40] 0f7c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA0D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[07:51:58.40] 0f7c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03AC3060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:51:58.40] 0f7c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00FA0D08: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[07:51:58.40] 0f7c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA0D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[08:41:28.54] 0dd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0100C4B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB8C20'
[08:41:28.54] 0dd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100C4B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-05T11:41:39Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-07T14:17:09Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:17:09.40] 07b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:17:09.40] 07b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:17:09.40] 0e2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:17:09.40] 07b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[11:17:09.40] 07b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[11:17:09.42] 0b28 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:17:10.34] 0b28 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:17:10.48] 0b28 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[11:17:10.60] 0b28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-07T14:1
[11:17:10.60] 0b28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-07T14:17:20.00-00:00
[11:17:10.65] 0b28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:17:13.92] 0b2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:17:13.92] 0b28 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:17:18.07] 0b2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:17:18.09] 0b28 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01045260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:17:18.09] 0b28 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:30:57.56] 01cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[11:30:57.56] 01cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-07T14:31:08Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-07T18:15:26Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:15:26.51] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F800', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:15:26.53] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:15:26.53] 05d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:15:26.53] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[15:15:26.53] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[15:15:26.55] 0c24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:15:27.58] 0c24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:15:27.65] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[15:15:27.80] 0c24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-07T18:1
[15:15:27.80] 0c24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-07T18:15:37.00-00:00
[15:15:27.87] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01043A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:15:30.34] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:15:30.34] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:15:32.28] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:15:32.28] 0c24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:15:32.28] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:51:31.47] 0c24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01041E60: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[16:51:35.44] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[16:51:35.44] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044260: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[16:51:35.44] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01028FE0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[16:51:40.34] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[16:51:40.34] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044260: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[16:51:40.37] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[16:51:42.33] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:51:42.33] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01044260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[16:51:42.33] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9708: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-07T19:51:38.00-00:00
[16:52:04.33] 05d0 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA30C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-10-07T12:51:41.76-07:
[16:52:04.34] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:52:06.11] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:52:06.11] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:52:08.05] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@0103F870: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[16:52:08.05] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:52:08.08] 0c24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01053260: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[16:52:09.86] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0103B360: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[16:52:09.86] 0624 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA96B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-07T19:51:39.00-00:00
[16:52:15.12] 05b8 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA30C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-10-07T19:51:39.000-07
[16:52:15.14] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:52:17.06] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:52:17.08] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:52:18.86] 0624 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:55:35.51] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F800'
[16:55:35.51] 05ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-07T19:55:45Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-08T12:14:35Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:14:35.65] 09c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F800', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:14:35.65] 09c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:14:35.65] 09c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:14:35.65] 09c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[09:14:35.65] 09c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[09:14:35.67] 0c48 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:14:36.54] 0c48 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:14:36.70] 0c48 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[09:14:36.98] 0c48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-08T12:1
[09:14:36.98] 0c48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-08T12:14:46.00-00:00
[09:14:37.03] 0c48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01045260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:14:40.60] 0c4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:14:40.64] 0c48 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:14:45.10] 0c4c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:14:45.15] 0c48 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01047E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:14:45.15] 0c48 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:35:08.15] 09c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F800'
[09:35:08.15] 09c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-08T12:35:18Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-08T15:16:24Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:16:24.39] 093c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:16:24.39] 093c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:16:24.39] 00b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:16:24.39] 093c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[12:16:24.39] 093c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[12:16:24.40] 0aa0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:16:25.34] 0aa0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:16:25.43] 0aa0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[12:16:25.59] 0aa0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-08T15:1
[12:16:25.59] 0aa0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-08T15:16:35.00-00:00
[12:16:25.75] 0aa0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:16:27.89] 0aac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:16:27.89] 0aa0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:16:29.92] 0aac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:16:29.92] 0aa0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01045260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:16:29.92] 0aa0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:41:32.81] 0aa0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-08T15:4
[12:41:32.81] 0aa0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA86B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-08T15:41:42.00-00:00
[12:41:45.15] 0aa0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-08T15:4
[12:41:45.15] 0aa0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8708: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-08T15:41:55.00-00:00
[14:16:27.90] 0aa0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:16:31.71] 0aac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:12:06.92] 00b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[15:12:06.92] 00b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:02:17.14] 00b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100C4B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FBD420', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:02:17.14] 00b8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100C4B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:02:17.14] 0380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100C4B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:02:17.14] 093c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100C4B0: (User='', Target='')
[17:02:17.14] 093c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100C4B0: (User='', Target=''
[17:02:17.15] 0304 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010095C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:02:18.00] 0304 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01009698: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:02:18.03] 0304 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01043308: Initial Sync Starting
[17:02:18.04] 0304 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0102A830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-08T20:0
[17:02:18.04] 0304 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFF338: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-08T20:02:28.00-00:00
[17:02:18.04] 0304 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0100DAC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:02:19.84] 0d04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:02:19.84] 0304 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0100DAC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:02:21.87] 0d04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:02:21.87] 0304 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0102F660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
* Log opened: 2010-10-09T20:07:56Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:07:56.98] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA060: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:07:57.00] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA060: (User='', Target='Initial', A
pplication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:07:57.00] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA060: (User=''
) -- enabling policy
[17:07:58.67] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA060: (User='', Application='msnm
sgr.exe') == '00F7F4A0'
[17:07:58.67] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA060: (User=''
) -- disabling policy
[17:08:50.59] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA8D88: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F98360', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:08:50.59] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA8D88: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:08:50.59] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA8D88: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:08:50.59] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA8D88: (User='', Target='')
[17:08:50.59] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA8D88: (User='', Target=''
[17:08:50.62] 0c00 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7EFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:08:52.29] 0c00 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7F098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:08:52.35] 0c00 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[17:08:52.70] 0c00 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0029E4F8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-09T20:0
[17:08:52.70] 0c00 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0102F578: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-09T20:09:02.00-00:00
[17:08:52.79] 0c00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104C860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:08:55.14] 0a34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:08:55.14] 0c00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:08:56.75] 0a34 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:08:56.75] 0c00 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104D060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:08:56.75] 0c00 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:36:31.93] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA8D88: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F98360'
[17:36:31.93] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA8D88: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:38:36.10] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FFDDB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01000320', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:38:36.10] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FFDDB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:38:36.10] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FFDDB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:38:36.12] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FFDDB0: (User='', Target='')
[17:38:36.12] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FFDDB0: (User='', Target=''
[17:38:36.12] 0960 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@010022C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:38:37.18] 0960 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01002398: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:38:37.21] 0960 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0103A308: Initial Sync Starting
[17:38:37.21] 0960 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FFCC30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-09T20:3
[17:38:37.21] 0960 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FDE778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-09T20:38:47.00-00:00
[17:38:37.23] 0960 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0100C260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:38:38.95] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:38:38.95] 0960 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010407D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:38:40.68] 0f6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:38:40.70] 0960 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01016E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:38:40.70] 0960 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0103A308: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:48:51.10] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FFDDB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01000320'
[17:48:51.12] 0874 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FFDDB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:58:33.81] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010170B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0100C620', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:58:33.81] 0340 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010170B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:58:33.81] 08bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010170B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:58:33.81] 0f84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010170B0: (User='', Target='')
[17:58:33.81] 0f84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010170B0: (User='', Target=''
[17:58:33.81] 04c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA8FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:58:34.67] 04c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA9098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:58:34.71] 04c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01049908: Initial Sync Starting
[17:58:34.73] 04c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-09T20:5
[17:58:34.73] 04c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00F84F78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-09T20:58:44.00-00:00
[17:58:34.75] 04c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FF7060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:58:44.82] 00d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:58:44.82] 04c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01036ED0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:58:46.65] 00d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:58:46.67] 04c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0100FE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:58:46.67] 04c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01049908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:02:56.67] 0f84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010170B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0100C620'
[18:02:56.68] 0f84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010170B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[18:02:56.68] 04c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00FA8FC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:02:56.68] 04c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00FA8FC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05ed, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:02:56.68] 04c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00FA8FC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:02:56.68] 04c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00FA8FC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05f0, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:02:56.68] 04c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00FA8FC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8983-11df-6f6cba69f8e4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[18:02:56.68] 04c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00FA8FC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8985-11df-6fe859446b9a, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-09T21:03:07Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-12T02:21:00Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[23:21:00.85] 0e84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F800', auth='7', sync='0'
[23:21:00.85] 0e84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[23:21:00.85] 0e74 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[23:21:00.85] 0e84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[23:21:00.85] 0e84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[23:21:00.87] 0f04 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[23:21:01.82] 0f04 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[23:21:01.93] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[23:21:02.04] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-12T02:2
[23:21:02.04] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-12T02:21:12.00-00:00
[23:21:02.07] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105E060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[23:21:04.29] 0214 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[23:21:04.29] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[23:21:06.10] 0214 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[23:21:06.12] 0f04 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04780060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[23:21:06.12] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[23:30:53.09] 0e7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F800'
[23:30:53.09] 0e7c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-12T02:31:03Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-12T03:43:32Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[00:43:32.57] 07e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FC00', auth='7', sync='0'
[00:43:32.57] 07e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[00:43:32.57] 0298 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[00:43:32.57] 07e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[00:43:32.57] 07e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[00:43:32.59] 0f60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[00:43:33.43] 0f60 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[00:43:33.50] 0f60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[00:43:33.56] 0f60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-12T03:4
[00:43:33.56] 0f60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-12T03:43:43.00-00:00
[00:43:33.62] 0f60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105E060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[00:43:35.75] 0da4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[00:43:35.75] 0f60 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[00:43:37.26] 0da4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[00:43:37.26] 0f60 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105C060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[00:43:37.26] 0f60 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[00:43:55.68] 0298 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FC00'
[00:43:55.68] 0298 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-12T03:44:06Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-13T14:08:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:08:27.45] 0e94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FC00', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:08:27.45] 0e94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:08:27.45] 02a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:08:27.45] 0e94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[11:08:27.45] 0e94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[11:08:27.46] 0efc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:08:28.46] 0efc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:08:28.54] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[11:08:28.67] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-13T14:0
[11:08:28.67] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-13T14:08:38.00-00:00
[11:08:28.71] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01040B60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:08:30.87] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:08:30.87] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:08:32.51] 0f04 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:08:32.51] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044360: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:08:32.51] 0efc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:10:29.46] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-13T14:1
[11:10:29.46] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9708: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-13T14:10:39.00-00:00
[11:10:54.29] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-13T14:1
[11:10:54.29] 0efc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA96B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-13T14:11:04.00-00:00
[12:48:24.43] 0e94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FC00'
[12:48:24.43] 0e94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-13T15:48:35Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-15T18:56:56Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:56:56.40] 0818 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:56:56.40] 0818 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:56:56.40] 082c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:56:56.40] 0818 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[15:56:56.40] 0818 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[15:56:56.42] 0b70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:56:57.20] 0b70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:56:57.34] 0b70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[15:56:57.51] 0b70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-15T18:5
[15:56:57.51] 0b70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-15T18:57:07.00-00:00
[15:56:57.59] 0b70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01054260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:57:00.32] 035c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:57:00.32] 0b70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:57:03.18] 035c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:57:03.23] 0b70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@05446C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:57:03.23] 0b70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:23:17.54] 082c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[16:23:17.54] 082c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-15T19:23:27Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-16T21:58:31Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:58:31.06] 1454 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9060: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.exe',
Types='7') == '00F7E4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:58:31.06] 1454 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9060: (User='', Target='Initial', Applicati
on='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:58:31.06] 1454 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9060: (User='') -- ena
bling policy
[19:01:06.03] 1308 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9060: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.exe'
) == '00F7E4A0'
[19:01:06.03] 1308 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9060: (User='') -- dis
abling policy
[19:01:08.17] 0f4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9AC60: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.exe', T
ypes='7') == '00F7E4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:01:08.17] 0f4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9AC60: (User='', Target='Initial', Applicatio
n='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:01:08.18] 0f4c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9AC60: (User='') -- enab
ling policy
[20:41:29.62] 05f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9AC60: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.exe')
== '00F7E4A0'
* Log opened: 2010-10-18T01:18:18Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[23:18:18.89] 0900 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[23:18:18.89] 0900 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[23:18:18.89] 0a08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[23:18:18.89] 0900 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[23:18:18.89] 0900 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[23:18:18.90] 0c44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[23:18:19.81] 0c44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[23:18:19.85] 0c44 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[23:18:20.03] 0c44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-18T01:1
[23:18:20.03] 0c44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-18T01:18:30.00-00:00
[23:18:20.09] 0c44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[23:18:24.48] 0d7c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[23:18:24.50] 0c44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[23:18:29.09] 0d7c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[23:18:29.10] 0c44 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01045260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[23:18:29.10] 0c44 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[23:19:11.68] 0a08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[23:19:11.68] 0a08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[23:19:11.68] 0c44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F82BC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[23:19:11.68] 0c44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F82BC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05ed, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[23:19:11.68] 0c44 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F82BC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-18T01:19:22Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-23T21:11:22Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:11:22.70] 06e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:11:22.70] 06e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:11:22.70] 06e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:11:22.70] 06e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[19:11:22.70] 06e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[19:11:22.72] 0534 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:11:23.88] 0534 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:11:24.00] 0534 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[19:11:24.14] 0534 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-23T21:1
[19:11:24.14] 0534 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-23T21:11:34.00-00:00
[19:11:24.28] 0534 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01057A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:11:27.61] 0e0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:11:27.63] 0534 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:11:30.08] 0e0c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:11:30.13] 0534 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01059260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:11:30.13] 0534 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:23:47.75] 06e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[19:23:47.75] 06e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-23T21:31:57Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-26T11:44:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:44:27.35] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:44:27.35] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:44:27.35] 0c50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:44:27.35] 0c50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[09:44:27.35] 0c50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[09:44:27.39] 0d5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:44:28.79] 0d5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:44:28.89] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[09:44:29.25] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:44:31.28] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:44:31.29] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:44:33.01] 0d9c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:44:33.03] 0d5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105AA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:44:33.03] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:52:31.54] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[09:52:31.56] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[09:52:53.32] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105ACB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01008A20', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:52:53.34] 0d54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105ACB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:52:53.34] 0d0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105ACB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:52:53.34] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105ACB0: (User='', Target='')
[09:52:53.34] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105ACB0: (User='', Target=''
[09:52:53.34] 0534 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100C5C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:52:54.26] 0534 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100C698: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:52:54.37] 0534 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0101B708: Initial Sync Starting
[09:52:54.37] 0534 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100A830: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-26T11:5
[09:52:54.37] 0534 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01052B38: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-26T11:53:04.00-00:00
[09:52:54.40] 0534 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0101B708: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[09:52:54.40] 0534 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0101B708: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[09:52:54.40] 0534 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04FEFC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:52:54.40] 0534 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0101B708: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[09:52:54.40] 0534 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0101B708: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[10:34:22.51] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0105ACB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01008A20'
[10:34:22.51] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105ACB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-26T12:34:30Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-26T18:43:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:43:27.42] 02fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:43:27.42] 02fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:43:27.42] 0314 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:43:27.42] 02fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[16:43:27.42] 02fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[16:43:27.43] 0934 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:43:28.37] 0934 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:43:28.48] 0934 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[16:43:28.68] 0934 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F7F230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-26T18:4
[16:43:28.68] 0934 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-26T18:43:38.00-00:00
[16:43:28.76] 0934 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01057A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:43:30.98] 0c1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:43:30.98] 0934 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:43:32.64] 0c1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:43:32.64] 0934 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105AE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:43:32.64] 0934 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:32:40.21] 030c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[17:32:40.21] 030c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-26T19:32:40Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-27T12:39:51Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:39:51.21] 0ce8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:39:51.21] 0ce8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:39:51.21] 0c90 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:39:51.21] 0ce8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[10:39:51.21] 0ce8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[10:39:51.28] 0494 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:39:52.32] 0494 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:39:52.42] 0494 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[10:39:52.57] 0494 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-27T12:4
[10:39:52.57] 0494 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-27T12:40:02.00-00:00
[10:39:52.64] 0494 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01042A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:39:56.37] 03dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:39:56.37] 0494 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:39:58.87] 03dc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:39:58.89] 0494 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:39:58.89] 0494 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:37:45.31] 0908 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[11:37:45.31] 0908 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-27T13:37:56Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-27T17:09:39Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:09:39.65] 0dd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:09:39.65] 0dd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:09:39.65] 0d8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:09:39.65] 0d8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[15:09:39.65] 0d8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[15:09:39.67] 0e24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:09:40.60] 0e24 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:09:40.68] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[15:09:40.82] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-27T17:0
[15:09:40.82] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-27T17:09:50.00-00:00
[15:09:40.89] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01041A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:09:42.89] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:09:42.89] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:09:44.57] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:09:44.57] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01043260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:09:44.59] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:12:46.34] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01044260: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[16:12:49.26] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01043260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[16:12:49.26] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01043260: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[16:12:49.26] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@0102A3E0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[16:12:51.23] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01043260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[16:12:51.23] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01043260: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[16:12:51.26] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[16:12:53.31] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:12:53.31] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01043260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[16:12:53.31] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA86B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-27T18:12:45.00-00:00
[16:13:14.28] 0dc4 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA930C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-10-27T18:12:46.000-07
[16:13:14.28] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:13:14.75] 0dd0 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA930C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-10-27T11:13:09.42-07:
[16:13:16.00] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:13:16.00] 0e24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:13:17.93] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@01042470: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[16:13:17.93] 0e2c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:13:17.96] 0e24 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@05960460: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[16:13:19.35] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0103B760: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[16:13:19.35] 0e2c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8708: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-27T18:12:46.00-00:00
[16:49:58.46] 0dd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[16:49:58.46] 0dd0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-27T18:50:07Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-28T11:44:47Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:44:47.42] 0be0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F800', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:44:47.43] 0be0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:44:47.43] 0b88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:44:47.43] 0be0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[09:44:47.43] 0be0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[09:44:47.45] 0ce4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:44:48.34] 0ce4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:44:48.42] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[09:44:48.71] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-28T11:4
[09:44:48.71] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-28T11:44:58.00-00:00
[09:44:48.78] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01044E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:44:50.75] 0a88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:44:50.75] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:44:52.34] 0a88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:44:52.34] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01046660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:44:52.34] 0ce4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:27:58.42] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-28T12:2
[10:27:58.42] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA96B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-28T12:28:08.00-00:00
[10:28:02.96] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-28T12:2
[10:28:02.96] 0ce4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9708: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-28T12:28:12.00-00:00
[10:40:56.26] 0324 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F800'
[10:40:56.26] 0324 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-28T12:40:57Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-28T14:57:59Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:57:59.43] 0608 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F800', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:57:59.43] 0608 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:57:59.43] 0608 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:57:59.43] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[12:57:59.43] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[12:57:59.45] 02b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:58:00.26] 02b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:58:00.32] 02b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[12:58:00.35] 02b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-28T14:5
[12:58:00.35] 02b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-28T14:58:10.00-00:00
[12:58:00.40] 02b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105F060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:58:02.35] 0c3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:58:02.35] 02b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:58:03.87] 0c3c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:58:03.87] 02b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@05042860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:58:03.87] 02b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:11:39.64] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F800'
[13:11:39.64] 0808 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:23:03.07] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010572B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB93C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:23:03.07] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@010572B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:23:03.07] 0c9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010572B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:23:03.07] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010572B0: (User='', Target='')
[13:23:03.07] 0814 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@010572B0: (User='', Target=''
[13:23:03.12] 043c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9BFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:23:03.95] 043c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:23:04.00] 043c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA1D08: Initial Sync Starting
[13:23:04.01] 043c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01024A30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-10-28T15:2
[13:23:04.01] 043c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9B78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-28T15:23:14.00-00:00
[13:23:04.01] 043c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103AC60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:23:05.71] 0980 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:23:05.71] 043c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046BD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:23:07.07] 0980 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:23:07.09] 043c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0504FC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:23:07.09] 043c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA1D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:13:26.37] 043c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@00FFB8D0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[14:13:29.29] 0980 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@05051C60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[14:13:29.29] 0980 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@05051C60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[14:13:29.29] 0980 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@00FA9D80: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[14:13:32.95] 0980 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@05051C60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[14:13:32.95] 0980 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@05051C60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[14:13:32.98] 0980 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[14:13:35.04] 0980 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:13:35.04] 0980 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@05051C60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[14:13:35.04] 0980 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9B20: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-28T16:13:25.00-00:00
[14:13:56.34] 0c9c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0105730C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-10-28T09:13:29.043-07
[14:13:56.35] 043c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046BD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:13:58.18] 0980 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:13:58.18] 043c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046BD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:14:00.25] 0980 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@01045640: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[14:14:00.25] 0980 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:14:00.28] 043c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@00FFB908: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[14:14:02.18] 0980 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01036D60: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[14:14:02.18] 0980 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9AC8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-10-28T16:13:26.00-00:00
[14:20:30.37] 0814 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0105730C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-10-28T16:13:26.000-07
[14:20:30.37] 043c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046BD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:20:32.95] 0980 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:20:32.95] 043c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046BD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:20:35.82] 0980 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:20:32.95] 043c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046BD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:20:35.09] 0980 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:20:35.87] 043c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046BD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:20:37.71] 0980 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:27:46.01] 0910 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@010572B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB93C0'
[17:27:46.01] 0910 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@010572B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-28T19:27:56Z
* Log opened: 2010-10-31T22:52:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:52:27.12] 0ccc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:52:27.12] 0ccc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:52:27.12] 0ccc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:52:27.12] 0ccc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[20:52:27.12] 0ccc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[20:52:27.14] 0dfc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:52:28.28] 0dfc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:52:28.40] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[20:52:28.59] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:52:32.28] 0e14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:52:32.29] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:52:35.04] 0e14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:52:35.11] 0dfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01043E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:52:35.11] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:09:38.39] 0694 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[21:09:38.39] 0694 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-10-31T23:09:48Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-03T18:44:48Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:44:48.82] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F800', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:44:48.82] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:44:48.82] 08b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:44:48.82] 08b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[16:44:48.82] 08b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[16:44:48.85] 02a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:44:50.04] 02a8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:44:50.14] 02a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[16:44:50.29] 02a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-03T18:4
[16:44:50.29] 02a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-03T18:45:00.00-00:00
[16:44:50.35] 02a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01045A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:44:52.25] 0bac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:44:52.25] 02a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:44:54.37] 0bac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:44:54.71] 02a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104DC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:44:54.71] 02a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:47:10.00] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F800'
[16:47:10.00] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-03T18:47:20Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-05T17:01:56Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:01:56.18] 072c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F800', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:01:56.18] 072c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:01:56.18] 0690 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:01:56.18] 072c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[15:01:56.18] 072c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[15:01:56.21] 0898 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:01:59.56] 0898 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:01:59.98] 0898 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[15:02:01.43] 0898 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-05T17:0
[15:02:01.43] 0898 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-05T17:02:11.00-00:00
[15:02:03.48] 0898 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01049260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:02:05.64] 08c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:02:05.64] 0898 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E750: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:02:07.35] 08c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:02:07.37] 0898 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01048260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:02:07.37] 0898 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:38:43.84] 06cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F800'
[15:38:43.84] 06cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:05:44.46] 0690 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01048DF0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0103A780', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:05:44.46] 0690 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01048DF0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:05:44.46] 0690 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01048DF0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:05:44.46] 072c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01048DF0: (User='', Target='')
[17:05:44.46] 072c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01048DF0: (User='', Target=''
[17:05:44.48] 06e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100D5C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:05:45.31] 06e8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100D698: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:05:45.37] 06e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01016B08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:05:45.39] 06e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100BC30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-05T19:0
[17:05:45.39] 06e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFF378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-05T19:05:55.00-00:00
[17:05:45.40] 06e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01022340: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:05:47.42] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:05:47.42] 06e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01022340: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:05:49.32] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:05:49.32] 06e8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0595A860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:05:49.32] 06e8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01016B08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:26:44.65] 072c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01048DF0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0103A780'
[17:26:44.67] 072c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01048DF0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log opened: 2010-11-07T18:28:16Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:28:16.42] 02ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:28:16.42] 02ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:28:16.42] 03ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:28:16.42] 02ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[16:28:16.42] 02ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[16:28:16.45] 04c4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:28:20.87] 04c4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:28:21.06] 04c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[16:28:21.73] 04c4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-07T18:2
[16:28:21.73] 04c4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-07T18:28:31.00-00:00
[16:28:22.25] 04c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105C660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:28:24.60] 070c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:28:24.60] 04c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FA18: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:28:26.51] 070c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:28:26.51] 04c4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105E260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:28:26.51] 04c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:49:58.07] 03ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[16:49:58.07] 03ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-07T18:50:08Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-07T21:06:23Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:06:23.34] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA060: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:06:23.34] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA060: (User='', Target='Initial', A
pplication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:06:23.34] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA060: (User=''
) -- enabling policy
[19:06:26.18] 0220 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA060: (User='', Application='msnm
sgr.exe') == '00F7F4A0'
[19:06:26.18] 0220 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA060: (User=''
) -- disabling policy
[19:07:04.50] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9BEB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F95F60', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:07:04.50] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9BEB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:07:04.50] 0f18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9BEB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:07:04.50] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9BEB0: (User='', Target='')
[19:07:04.50] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9BEB0: (User='', Target=''
[19:07:04.51] 0248 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7EFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:07:05.53] 0248 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F7F098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:07:05.60] 0248 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F7DD08: Initial Sync Starting
[19:07:05.76] 0248 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA2230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-07T21:0
[19:07:05.76] 0248 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FE5D98: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-07T21:07:15.00-00:00
[19:07:05.79] 0248 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0102EA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:07:08.21] 00b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:07:08.21] 0248 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FDC5D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:07:10.10] 00b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:07:10.10] 0248 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01030260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:07:10.10] 0248 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F7DD08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:52:14.21] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9BEB0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F95F60'
[19:52:14.21] 012c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9BEB0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-07T21:52:21Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-08T23:24:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[21:24:37.97] 05f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[21:24:37.97] 05f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[21:24:37.97] 05f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[21:24:37.97] 05f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[21:24:37.97] 05f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[21:24:38.01] 092c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[21:24:39.15] 092c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[21:24:39.21] 092c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[21:24:39.40] 092c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-08T23:2
[21:24:39.40] 092c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-08T23:24:49.00-00:00
[21:24:39.44] 092c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01047A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:24:43.13] 0814 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:24:43.15] 092c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:24:47.88] 0814 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:24:47.97] 092c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01049260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[21:24:47.97] 092c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:34:23.49] 05f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[21:34:23.49] 05f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log opened: 2010-11-09T09:07:06Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:07:06.29] 0ec0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FC00', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:07:06.29] 0ec0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:07:06.31] 0f08 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:07:06.31] 0ec0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[07:07:06.31] 0ec0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[07:07:06.32] 0f40 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:07:07.28] 0f40 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:07:07.40] 0f40 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[07:07:07.62] 0f40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:07:09.70] 0f44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:07:09.70] 0f40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:07:11.51] 0f44 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:07:11.56] 0f40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01047260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:07:11.56] 0f40 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[07:52:28.93] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FC00'
[07:52:28.93] 0e50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-09T09:52:29Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-09T13:45:31Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:45:31.79] 04f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F800', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:45:31.79] 04f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:45:31.79] 0624 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:45:31.79] 04f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[11:45:31.79] 04f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[11:45:31.81] 0f70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:45:32.79] 0f70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:45:32.87] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[11:45:33.09] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-09T13:4
[11:45:33.09] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-09T13:45:43.00-00:00
[11:45:33.14] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04522860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:45:35.20] 0ecc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:45:35.21] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:45:36.75] 0ecc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:45:36.75] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04524060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:45:36.75] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:46:33.28] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01055138: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[11:46:34.89] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105EE60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[11:46:34.89] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105EE60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[11:46:34.89] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01049A20: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[11:46:36.60] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105EE60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[11:46:36.60] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105EE60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[11:46:36.62] 0ecc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[11:46:38.20] 0ecc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:46:38.20] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105EE60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[11:46:38.20] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA96B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-09T13:46:34.00-00:00
[11:46:56.57] 04f4 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA30C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-11-09T13:46:35.000-07
[11:46:56.59] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:46:58.21] 0ecc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:46:58.21] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:46:59.93] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@0105D470: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[11:46:59.93] 0ecc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:46:59.96] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01055138: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[11:47:01.59] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01059360: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[11:47:01.60] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9708: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-09T13:46:35.00-00:00
[11:47:01.68] 0880 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA30C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-11-09T05:46:55.43-08:
[11:47:01.68] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:47:03.12] 0ecc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:46:11.40] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@010551E0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[12:46:16.21] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105EE60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[12:46:16.21] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105EE60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[12:46:16.21] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01049900: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[12:46:19.39] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105EE60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[12:46:19.39] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105EE60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[12:46:19.39] 0ecc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[12:46:21.56] 0ecc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:46:21.56] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105EE60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[12:46:21.56] 0ecc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9708: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-09T14:46:17.00-00:00
[12:46:22.71] 04f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F800'
[12:46:22.71] 04f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-09T14:46:32Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-10T21:22:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:22:37.45] 0f04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:22:37.45] 0f04 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:22:37.45] 0f0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:22:37.45] 0f0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[19:22:37.45] 0f0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[19:22:37.48] 0f54 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:22:38.89] 0f54 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:22:39.01] 0f54 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[19:22:39.20] 0f54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-10T21:2
[19:22:39.20] 0f54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-10T21:22:49.00-00:00
[19:22:39.26] 0f54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105BE60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:22:41.51] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:22:41.51] 0f54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:22:44.03] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:22:44.06] 0f54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@045C0060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:22:44.06] 0f54 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:22:55.45] 07e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[19:22:55.45] 07e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-10T21:55:27Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-11T14:14:58Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:14:58.31] 0b84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E800', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:14:58.32] 0b84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:14:58.32] 07f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:14:58.32] 0b84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[12:14:58.32] 0b84 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[12:14:58.34] 0fdc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:14:59.28] 0fdc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:14:59.39] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[12:14:59.53] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-11T14:1
[12:14:59.53] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-11T14:15:09.00-00:00
[12:14:59.60] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01047A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:15:01.57] 0764 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:15:01.59] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:15:03.12] 0764 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:15:03.12] 0fdc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01046260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:15:03.12] 0fdc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:16:12.95] 06ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E800'
[13:16:12.95] 06ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-11T15:16:22Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-16T15:37:24Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:37:24.99] 0bf4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F800', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:37:24.99] 0bf4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:37:25.00] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:37:25.00] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[13:37:25.00] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[13:37:25.02] 0550 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:37:25.91] 0550 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:37:26.02] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[13:37:26.16] 0550 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-16T15:3
[13:37:26.16] 0550 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-16T15:37:36.00-00:00
[13:37:26.22] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105E860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:37:28.77] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:37:28.83] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105EEF0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:37:32.52] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:37:32.58] 0550 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04701E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:37:32.58] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:37:52.94] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@046FCC60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[13:37:52.94] 0550 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7BB20: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x0000003b) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[13:37:56.41] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@046FCC60: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = ContactAlreadyExists
[13:37:56.41] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@047033C8: command = Contacts\Pull\Id, AB = Personal
[13:37:58.19] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@047033C8: status = 301
[13:37:58.19] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@047033C8: command = Contacts\Pull\Id, AB = Personal
[13:37:59.99] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:38:00.02] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04701E60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[13:38:02.39] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:38:02.41] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@046F7C60: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[13:38:04.32] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@046F7C60: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = MemberDoesNotExist
[13:38:04.32] 0550 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7BB20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000003b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[13:38:04.33] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F9C230: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[13:38:06.39] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:38:25.35] 0bf4 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA30C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-11-16T07:38:02.083-08
[13:38:25.35] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:38:27.27] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:38:27.27] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:38:29.10] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:38:34.43] 0550 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@010279A0: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[13:38:37.60] 05d4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D860: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[13:38:37.60] 05d4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D860: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[13:38:37.60] 05d4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01022C00: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[13:38:39.44] 05d4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D860: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[13:38:39.44] 05d4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D860: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[13:38:39.44] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00299458: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[13:38:41.25] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:38:41.25] 05d4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0105D860: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[13:38:41.25] 05d4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA96B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-16T15:38:39.00-00:00
[13:39:03.16] 0d58 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA30C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-11-16T15:38:39.000-07
[13:39:03.16] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@047046D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:39:04.71] 0bf4 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA30C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-11-16T07:39:02.127-08
[13:39:05.00] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:39:05.00] 0550 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:39:06.63] 05d4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:25:40.30] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F800'
[14:25:40.30] 0d58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-16T16:25:52Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-17T13:29:55Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:29:55.23] 00f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F680', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:29:55.23] 00f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:29:55.23] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAD18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:29:55.23] 00f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAD18: (User='', Target='')
[11:29:55.23] 00f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAD18: (User='', Target=''
[11:29:55.26] 05c4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:29:56.29] 05c4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:29:56.42] 05c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[11:29:56.59] 05c4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-17T13:3
[11:29:56.59] 05c4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-17T13:30:06.00-00:00
[11:29:56.62] 05c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105E260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:29:58.89] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:29:58.89] 05c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:30:00.37] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:30:00.37] 05c4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@046EF060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:30:00.37] 05c4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:31:47.14] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F680'
[11:31:47.14] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAD18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-17T13:31:48Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-17T13:33:56Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:33:56.43] 0840 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FA80', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:33:56.43] 0840 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:33:56.43] 0bbc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAD18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:33:56.43] 0840 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAD18: (User='', Target='')
[11:33:56.43] 0840 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAD18: (User='', Target=''
[11:33:56.45] 0f20 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:33:57.32] 0f20 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:33:57.39] 0f20 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[11:33:57.45] 0f20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-17T13:3
[11:33:57.45] 0f20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-17T13:34:07.00-00:00
[11:33:57.50] 0f20 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105E260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:33:59.43] 0f14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:33:59.43] 0f20 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:34:00.95] 0f14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:34:00.96] 0f20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@046A3060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:34:00.96] 0f20 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:06:34.51] 0f20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-17T14:0
[12:06:34.51] 0f20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9708: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-17T14:06:44.00-00:00
[12:27:17.12] 0f20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-17T14:2
[12:27:17.12] 0f20 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9708: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-17T14:27:27.00-00:00
[13:10:11.70] 06ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FA80'
[13:10:11.71] 06ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAD18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-17T15:10:12Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-17T15:13:41Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:13:41.87] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F680', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:13:41.87] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:13:41.87] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAD18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:13:41.87] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAD18: (User='', Target='')
[13:13:41.87] 0d2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAD18: (User='', Target=''
[13:13:41.89] 0d68 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:13:42.89] 0d68 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:13:42.98] 0d68 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[13:13:43.01] 0d68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-17T15:1
[13:13:43.01] 0d68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-17T15:13:53.00-00:00
[13:13:43.03] 0d68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EAD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:13:45.18] 0f40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:13:45.18] 0d68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EAD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:13:46.64] 0f40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:13:46.65] 0d68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03D4A060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:13:46.65] 0d68 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:31:21.43] 0420 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F680'
[13:31:21.43] 0420 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAD18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-17T15:31:31Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-18T09:13:51Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:13:51.20] 00c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F680', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:13:51.20] 00c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:13:51.20] 08a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAD18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:13:51.20] 00c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAD18: (User='', Target='')
[07:13:51.20] 00c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAD18: (User='', Target=''
[07:13:51.23] 0acc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:13:52.32] 0acc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:13:52.60] 0acc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[07:13:53.03] 0acc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-18T09:1
[07:13:53.03] 0acc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-18T09:14:03.00-00:00
[07:13:53.07] 0acc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01045A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:13:55.03] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:13:55.03] 0acc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:13:56.68] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:13:56.70] 0acc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01048660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:13:56.70] 0acc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:13:55.03] 0acc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:13:58.75] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:52:15.17] 08a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F680'
* Log opened: 2010-11-20T16:50:16Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:50:16.21] 0c88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9D18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E680', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:50:16.23] 0c88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9D18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:50:16.23] 081c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9D18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:50:16.23] 0c88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9D18: (User='', Target='')
[14:50:16.23] 0c88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9D18: (User='', Target=''
[14:50:16.25] 0788 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:50:17.18] 0788 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:50:17.25] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F975B0: Initial Sync Starting
[14:50:17.43] 0788 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-20T16:5
[14:50:17.43] 0788 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-20T16:50:27.00-00:00
[14:50:17.48] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105D260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:50:19.82] 0794 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:50:19.82] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:50:22.51] 0794 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:50:22.53] 0788 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105E660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:50:22.53] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F975B0: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:50:19.82] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:50:21.64] 0794 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:50:22.53] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:50:24.31] 0794 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:45:55.93] 0c88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9D18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E680'
[17:45:55.93] 0c88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9D18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-20T19:47:19Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-21T21:53:00Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:53:00.62] 0750 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9D18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EA80', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:53:00.62] 0750 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9D18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:53:00.62] 01c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9D18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:53:00.62] 0750 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9D18: (User='', Target='')
[19:53:00.62] 0750 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9D18: (User='', Target=''
[19:53:00.64] 0728 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83FC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:53:01.53] 0728 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:53:01.67] 0728 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[19:53:02.31] 0728 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F7F630: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-21T21:5
[19:53:02.31] 0728 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-21T21:53:12.00-00:00
[19:53:02.34] 0728 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105EE60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:53:09.35] 01d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:53:09.35] 0728 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:53:17.62] 01d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:53:17.64] 0728 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@046E2460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:53:17.65] 0728 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:17:25.70] 00b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9D18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EA80'
[21:17:25.70] 00b4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9D18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-21T23:17:33Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-22T11:58:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:58:38.00] 0ed4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F680', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:58:38.00] 0ed4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:58:38.00] 0a30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAD18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:58:38.00] 0ed4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAD18: (User='', Target='')
[09:58:38.00] 0ed4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAAD18: (User='', Target=''
[09:58:38.10] 0828 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:58:39.03] 0828 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:58:39.25] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[09:58:39.45] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-22T11:5
[09:58:39.45] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-22T11:58:49.00-00:00
[09:58:39.53] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@046E4060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:58:42.20] 0b68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:58:42.20] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:58:43.92] 0b68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:58:43.93] 0828 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@046E3060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:58:43.93] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:58:42.20] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:58:45.68] 0b68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:33:12.54] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@046E4860: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[12:33:16.81] 0b68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:33:16.84] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:33:19.12] 0b68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:33:39.39] 0e40 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAAD74: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-11-22T06:33:11.323-08
[12:33:39.39] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:34:01.43] 0b68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:35:29.56] 0e40 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAAD74: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-11-22T06:35:02.763-08
[12:35:29.56] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:35:36.37] 0b68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:35:36.40] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:35:38.03] 0b68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:35:39.45] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@046E5860: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[12:35:40.92] 0b68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:35:36.39] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F98508: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pullm
embership', needs to be delayed: (76989297)
[14:35:38.04] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:35:53.34] 0b68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:35:36.39] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F98508: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pullm
embership', needs to be delayed: (69789297)
[16:35:53.35] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00F98508: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pulla
b', needs to be delayed: (79200000)
[18:02:48.53] 0e40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAAD18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F680'
[18:02:48.53] 0e40 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAAD18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-22T20:02:55Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-23T13:27:57Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:27:57.39] 0bd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B6C8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:27:57.39] 0bd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B6C8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:27:57.39] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B6C8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:27:57.39] 0bd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B6C8: (User='', Target='')
[11:27:57.39] 0bd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B6C8: (User='', Target=''
[11:27:57.42] 0c50 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F977C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:27:59.71] 0c50 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F97898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:28:00.40] 0c50 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA9108: Initial Sync Starting
[11:28:00.90] 0c50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F82E30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-23T13:2
[11:28:00.90] 0c50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-23T13:28:10.00-00:00
[11:28:01.00] 0c50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105F260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:28:02.95] 0c88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:28:02.95] 0c50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029F628: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:28:04.78] 0c88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:28:04.78] 0c50 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04728660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:28:04.78] 0c50 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA9108: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:43:21.23] 0c50 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@04728660: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[12:06:49.04] 0be0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9B6C8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E4A0'
[12:06:49.04] 0be0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B6C8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[12:06:49.06] 0c50 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00F977C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8a40-11df-f197792181a4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[12:08:27.32] 0be0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01019CC8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '010576C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:08:27.32] 0be0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01019CC8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:08:27.32] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01019CC8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:08:27.32] 0bd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01019CC8: (User='', Target='')
[12:08:27.32] 0bd8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01019CC8: (User='', Target=''
[12:08:27.34] 0eb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@047289C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:08:28.15] 0eb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@04728A98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:08:28.20] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@04724F08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:08:28.20] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA8230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-23T14:0
[12:08:28.20] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01015978: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-23T14:08:38.00-00:00
[12:08:28.21] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104F860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:08:29.95] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:08:29.95] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01043610: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:08:31.37] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:08:31.37] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01050060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:08:31.37] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@04724F08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:09:17.68] 0c18 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01019D24: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-11-23T14:09:07.000-07
[12:09:17.70] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01043610: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:09:19.07] 0c18 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01019D24: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-11-23T06:09:17.693-08
[12:09:19.50] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01043610: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[12:09:19.50] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104F860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:09:21.53] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:09:21.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Role|(StateAccepted@SocialNetwork
[12:09:21.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x00000026) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileSocial|Everyone|
[12:09:21.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x0000000c) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||Pending|Passport|
[12:09:21.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001b) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Role|(StatePendingOutbound@Social
[12:09:21.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x0000002a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePage|Role|(Level3@AddressBook|@|)
[12:09:21.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Role|(StatePendingOutbound@So
[12:09:21.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001f) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Role|(StateAccepted@SocialNet
[12:09:21.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x0000001d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePersonalContact|Role|(Allow@Messenger|@|)
[12:09:21.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x00000021) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileExpression|Role|(Allow@Messenger|@|)
[12:09:21.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x00000010) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||Pending|Passport|
[12:09:21.54] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x00000029) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileStatus|Passport|
[12:09:21.56] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x00000028) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfilePicture|Passport|
[12:09:21.56] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@010232A0: Removing shadow SID (0x00000020) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Profile|MyProfile|ProfileProfessionalContact|Role|(Allow@Messenger|@|)
[12:09:21.57] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04738E60: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:09:23.26] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@04738E60: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[12:09:23.26] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04738ED0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:09:25.00] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@01040F50: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[12:09:25.67] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:09:25.67] 0eb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@0104D060: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[12:09:27.43] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01048F60: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[12:09:27.43] 0ec4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01015920: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-16T15:38:39.00-00:00
[12:10:04.37] 0be0 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01019D24: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-11-23T06:09:58.59-08:
[12:10:04.39] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01043610: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:10:06.17] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01043610: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[12:10:06.17] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04744A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:10:08.43] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:10:08.45] 0eb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04745080: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:10:10.10] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@04745080: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = FullSyncRequired
[12:10:10.10] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@047450F0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:10:12.46] 0ec4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:59:12.17] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01019CC8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '010576C0'
[12:59:12.17] 0c18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01019CC8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-23T14:59:22Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-23T19:53:18Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:53:18.01] 0364 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA3D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:53:18.01] 0364 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA3D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:53:18.01] 0680 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA3D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:53:18.01] 0364 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA3D8: (User='', Target='')
[17:53:18.01] 0364 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA3D8: (User='', Target=''
[17:53:18.04] 0bd0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:53:19.01] 0bd0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:53:19.07] 0bd0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[17:53:19.23] 0bd0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-23T19:5
[17:53:19.23] 0bd0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-23T19:53:29.00-00:00
[17:53:19.28] 0bd0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105FA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:53:29.87] 0364 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA3D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F4A0'
[17:53:29.87] 0364 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA3D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:53:38.67] 08e4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:53:39.04] 0364 Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@00FAA3D8: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-23T19:53:48Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-25T11:57:45Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:57:45.56] 0cf0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA3D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:57:45.56] 0cf0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA3D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:57:45.56] 0eb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA3D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:57:45.56] 0cf0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA3D8: (User='', Target='')
[09:57:45.56] 0cf0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA3D8: (User='', Target=''
[09:57:45.57] 08b4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:57:46.57] 08b4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:57:46.68] 08b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[09:57:46.90] 08b4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-25T11:5
[09:57:46.90] 08b4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-25T11:57:56.00-00:00
[09:57:46.95] 08b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105F260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:57:48.93] 02c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:57:48.93] 08b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:57:50.60] 02c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:57:50.60] 08b4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@046D3060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:57:50.60] 08b4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:06:14.96] 0eb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA3D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F4A0'
[10:06:14.96] 0eb0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA3D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-25T12:06:25Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-25T17:40:19Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:40:19.14] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA3D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:40:19.14] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA3D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:40:19.14] 00e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA3D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:40:19.14] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA3D8: (User='', Target='')
[15:40:19.14] 0850 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA3D8: (User='', Target=''
[15:40:19.17] 0f64 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:40:20.42] 0f64 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:40:21.45] 0f64 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[15:40:21.60] 0f64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-25T17:4
[15:40:21.60] 0f64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-25T17:40:31.00-00:00
[15:40:21.65] 0f64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E8A0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:40:34.29] 0998 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:40:34.29] 0f64 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E8A0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:40:39.65] 0998 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:40:39.67] 0f64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04726860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:40:39.67] 0f64 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:43:44.85] 0f64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-25T17:4
[15:43:44.85] 0f64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA96B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-25T17:43:54.00-00:00
[15:51:46.96] 0f64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-25T17:5
[15:51:46.96] 0f64 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9708: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-25T17:51:56.00-00:00
* Log opened: 2010-11-25T18:37:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:37:27.35] 08fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA7460: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:37:27.35] 08fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA7460: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:37:27.35] 08fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA7460: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:37:27.35] 027c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA7460: (User='', Target='')
[16:37:27.35] 027c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA7460: (User='', Target=''
[16:37:27.37] 0a38 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:37:29.65] 0a38 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:37:30.01] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[16:37:32.00] 0a38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-25T18:3
[16:37:32.00] 0a38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01029578: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-25T18:37:42.00-00:00
[16:37:32.14] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01040260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:38:01.45] 0f50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:38:01.45] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E750: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:38:18.48] 0f50 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:38:18.50] 0a38 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01043660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:38:18.50] 0a38 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:31:48.43] 027c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA7460: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F4A0'
[17:31:48.45] 027c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA7460: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-25T19:31:55Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-29T00:34:39Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[22:34:39.40] 0c80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA93D8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[22:34:39.40] 0c80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA93D8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[22:34:39.40] 0c80 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA93D8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[22:34:39.40] 0708 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA93D8: (User='', Target='')
[22:34:39.40] 0708 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA93D8: (User='', Target=''
[22:34:39.42] 091c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[22:34:40.42] 091c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[22:34:40.51] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[22:34:40.67] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-29T00:3
[22:34:40.67] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-29T00:34:50.00-00:00
[22:34:40.75] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@046E2860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[22:34:42.84] 0630 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:34:42.84] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[22:34:44.53] 0630 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:34:44.56] 091c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@046EFC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[22:34:44.56] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[22:38:23.98] 0c80 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA9434: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-11-28T16:37:54.863-08
[22:38:23.98] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[22:38:25.90] 0630 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:38:25.93] 091c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[22:38:29.64] 0630 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:47:51.53] 0708 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA93D8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E4A0'
[22:47:51.53] 0708 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA93D8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-29T00:50:01Z
* Log opened: 2010-11-29T11:20:46Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[09:20:46.45] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[09:20:46.45] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[09:20:46.45] 0bd4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[09:20:46.45] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[09:20:46.45] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[09:20:46.48] 0c14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[09:20:47.45] 0c14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[09:20:47.53] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[09:20:47.67] 0c14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-29T11:2
[09:20:47.67] 0c14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-29T11:20:57.00-00:00
[09:20:47.73] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104EA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:20:49.67] 0888 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:20:49.67] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:20:51.21] 0888 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:20:51.25] 0c14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104DA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[09:20:51.25] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:20:49.67] 0c14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:20:53.84] 0888 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:24:31.18] 0bd4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F4A0'
[11:24:31.18] 0bd4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[11:42:05.42] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100E4B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FB90C0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:42:05.42] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0100E4B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:42:05.42] 022c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100E4B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:42:05.42] 07a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100E4B0: (User='', Target='')
[11:42:05.42] 07a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0100E4B0: (User='', Target=''
[11:42:05.43] 071c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0103F9C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:42:06.25] 071c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0103FA98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:42:06.31] 071c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0103E308: Initial Sync Starting
[11:42:06.31] 071c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01050030: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-11-29T13:4
[11:42:06.31] 071c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01016978: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-11-29T13:42:16.00-00:00
[11:42:06.32] 071c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01037C60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:42:07.95] 0bf8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:42:07.95] 071c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104F1D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:42:09.76] 0bf8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:42:09.78] 071c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@059A1E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:42:09.78] 071c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0103E308: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:42:07.95] 071c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104F1D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:42:31.73] 0bf8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:25:29.32] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0100E4B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FB90C0'
[14:25:29.32] 0bdc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0100E4B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-11-29T16:25:39Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-01T00:13:43Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[22:13:43.87] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[22:13:43.87] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[22:13:43.87] 07ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[22:13:43.87] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[22:13:43.87] 0b34 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[22:13:43.88] 0b84 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[22:13:45.04] 0b84 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[22:13:45.12] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[22:13:45.29] 0b84 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-01T00:1
[22:13:45.29] 0b84 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-01T00:13:55.00-00:00
[22:13:45.34] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104EA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[22:13:55.32] 0cc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@0104EA60: hr = 0x801941f7, fault = (none)
[22:13:55.32] 0cc4 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@01041C10: Sync error hr = 0x801941F7 for operation = 2
[22:13:55.32] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[22:13:59.95] 0cc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@00F7EBB0: hr = 0x801941f7, fault = (none)
[22:13:59.95] 0cc4 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@01041BE0: Sync error hr = 0x801941F7 for operation = 1
[22:13:59.95] 0b84 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104DA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[22:13:59.95] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[22:14:00.85] 0b84 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[22:14:21.91] 0cc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[22:15:07.04] 0cc4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@00F7EBB0: hr = 0x80072ee2, fault = (none)
[22:15:07.04] 0cc4 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@01041C10: WinInet error hr = 0x80072EE2 for operation = 1
[22:15:07.07] 0b84 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@0104D660: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[22:15:12.88] 0cc4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104FA60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[22:15:12.88] 0cc4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104FA60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[22:15:12.88] 0cc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@010337E0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[22:15:43.70] 0cc4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104FA60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x85b300
1b), m_eState = 2
[22:15:43.70] 0cc4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104FA60: Done with operation. hr=0x0
[22:46:06.90] 0b84 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01058A60: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[22:46:10.66] 0cc4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01050A60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[22:46:10.66] 0cc4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01050A60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[22:46:10.66] 0cc4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01033840: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[22:46:18.96] 0cc4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01050A60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x85ae00
01), m_eState = 2
[22:46:18.96] 0cc4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01050A60: Done with operation. hr=0x0
[23:01:45.87] 07ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F4A0'
[23:01:45.87] 07ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-01T01:01:52Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-02T13:37:53Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:37:53.89] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FABAF8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:37:53.89] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FABAF8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:37:53.89] 08f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FABAF8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:37:56.90] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FABAF8: (User='', Target=''
[11:37:56.90] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FABAF8: (User='', Target='')
[11:37:56.93] 0df0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:37:57.85] 0df0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:37:57.96] 0df0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[11:37:58.07] 0df0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:38:01.40] 0af8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:38:01.45] 0df0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EBB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:38:03.96] 0af8 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@0105EC30: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[11:38:04.64] 0af8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:38:04.65] 0df0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0443D860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:38:04.73] 0df0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01039D68: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[11:38:06.81] 0af8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@043D8560: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[11:38:06.81] 0af8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-01T00:46:12.00-00:00
[11:38:06.90] 0df0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:38:07.95] 0df0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-02T13:3
[11:38:07.95] 0df0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-02T13:38:17.00-00:00
[11:38:08.00] 0df0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@043E5460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:38:08.65] 0df0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-02T13:3
[11:38:08.65] 0df0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA96B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-02T13:38:18.00-00:00
[12:55:51.03] 08f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FABAF8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F4A0'
[12:55:51.03] 08f4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FABAF8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-02T14:55:57Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-02T22:14:07Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:14:07.20] 0464 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7E4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:14:07.20] 0464 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:14:07.20] 0680 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA92B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[20:14:07.20] 0680 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target='')
[20:14:07.20] 0680 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA92B0: (User='', Target=''
[20:14:07.21] 080c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[20:14:08.23] 080c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F82C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[20:14:08.40] 080c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97508: Initial Sync Starting
[20:14:08.54] 080c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9B230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-02T22:1
[20:14:08.54] 080c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-02T22:14:18.00-00:00
[20:14:08.62] 080c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@046E2860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:14:10.62] 0810 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:14:10.62] 080c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029FE78: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:14:12.26] 0810 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:14:12.26] 080c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@046E5C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:14:12.26] 080c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:02:19.92] 0244 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA92B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7E4A0'
* Log opened: 2010-12-05T16:16:22Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[14:16:22.84] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA6588: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:16:22.84] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA6588: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:16:22.84] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA6588: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:16:22.84] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA6588: (User='', Target='')
[14:16:22.84] 0ea4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA6588: (User='', Target=''
[14:16:22.85] 0ee8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9BFC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:16:25.64] 0ee8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9C098: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:16:25.71] 0ee8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[14:16:25.93] 0ee8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA1230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-05T16:1
[14:16:25.93] 0ee8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0102A578: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-05T16:16:35.00-00:00
[14:16:25.98] 0ee8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01041260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:16:29.54] 0d88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:16:29.54] 0ee8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E750: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:16:31.60] 0d88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:16:31.62] 0ee8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:16:31.62] 0ee8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:16:29.54] 0ee8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E750: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:16:47.53] 0d88 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:19:19.37] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA6588: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F4A0'
[17:19:19.37] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA6588: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-05T19:19:26Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-09T13:40:54Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:40:54.62] 0a94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7F4A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:40:54.62] 0a94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:40:54.62] 05bc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:40:54.62] 0a94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target='')
[11:40:54.62] 0a94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA2B0: (User='', Target=''
[11:40:54.64] 081c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83BC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:40:55.60] 081c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83C98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:40:55.73] 081c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98508: Initial Sync Starting
[11:40:55.87] 081c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9C230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-09T13:4
[11:40:55.87] 081c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9760: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-09T13:41:05.00-00:00
[11:40:55.95] 081c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@044B4860: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:40:58.54] 0cf0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:40:58.56] 081c Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7BB20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000021) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||OneWayRelationship|Passport|
[11:40:58.59] 081c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@044C6690: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:41:01.18] 0cf0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:41:01.26] 081c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@044BEC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:41:01.26] 081c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:00:55.81] 0a94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA2B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7F4A0'
[13:00:55.81] 0a94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA2B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-09T15:01:06Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-10T21:00:10Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[19:00:10.50] 0ce4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7ECA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:00:10.50] 0ce4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:00:10.50] 0ce4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9860: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:00:11.73] 061c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7ECA0'
[19:00:11.73] 061c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9860: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[19:01:10.50] 0d50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7ECA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:01:10.50] 0d50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:01:10.50] 0ce4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B6B0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[19:01:10.50] 0d50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target='')
[19:01:10.50] 0d50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9B6B0: (User='', Target=''
[19:01:10.51] 0de4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[19:01:11.64] 0de4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[19:01:11.70] 0de4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[19:01:11.87] 0de4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA9E30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-10T21:0
[19:01:11.87] 0de4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-10T21:01:21.00-00:00
[19:01:11.90] 0de4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04520460: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:01:14.56] 0df4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:01:14.56] 0de4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:01:17.60] 0df4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:01:17.62] 0de4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105EE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:01:17.62] 0de4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:10:32.29] 0d50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9B6B0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7ECA0'
[19:10:32.29] 0d50 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9B6B0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-10T21:10:33Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-12T17:34:55Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:34:55.95] 0c94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7ECA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:34:55.95] 0c94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:34:55.95] 0b38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9AB0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:34:55.95] 0c94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target='')
[15:34:55.95] 0c94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA9AB0: (User='', Target=''
[15:34:56.00] 0f70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:34:56.98] 0f70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:34:57.06] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[15:34:57.28] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-12T17:3
[15:34:57.28] 0f70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-12T17:35:07.00-00:00
[15:34:57.34] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104EA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:35:00.10] 0f74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:35:00.10] 0f70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:35:02.48] 0f74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
* Log opened: 2010-12-12T18:37:16Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:37:16.73] 02a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA7D88: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FCA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:37:16.73] 02a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA7D88: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:37:16.73] 0478 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA7D88: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[16:37:16.73] 02a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA7D88: (User='', Target='')
[16:37:16.73] 02a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA7D88: (User='', Target=''
[16:37:16.76] 03f0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[16:37:20.39] 03f0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[16:37:20.79] 03f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[16:37:21.26] 03f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-12T18:3
[16:37:21.26] 03f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01027D78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-12T18:37:31.00-00:00
[16:37:21.29] 03f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01043260: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:37:23.89] 059c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:37:23.89] 03f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:37:25.64] 059c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:37:25.68] 03f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104AA60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:37:25.68] 03f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:44:07.28] 02a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA7D88: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FCA0'
* Log opened: 2010-12-13T13:59:16Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:59:16.39] 0b2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA6D88: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7ECA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:59:16.39] 0b2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA6D88: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:59:16.39] 09a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA6D88: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:59:16.39] 0b2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA6D88: (User='', Target='')
[11:59:16.39] 0b2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FA6D88: (User='', Target=''
[11:59:16.40] 0dfc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B7C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:59:18.84] 0dfc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F9B898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:59:19.45] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:59:19.65] 0dfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA1230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-13T13:5
[11:59:19.65] 0dfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01027B78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-13T13:59:29.00-00:00
[11:59:19.71] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01047E60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:59:21.96] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:59:21.98] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DD20: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:59:23.81] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:59:23.82] 0dfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01044E60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:59:23.82] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:59:32.43] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046E60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[11:59:32.43] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00FA4B20: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x00000049) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[11:59:37.14] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01046E60: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = ContactAlreadyExists
[11:59:37.14] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01041CF0: command = Contacts\Pull\Id, AB = Personal
[11:59:39.23] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:59:39.28] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01046E60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[11:59:40.64] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:59:40.64] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104E660: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[11:59:42.28] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@0104E660: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = MemberDoesNotExist
[11:59:42.28] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00FA4B20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000049) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[11:59:42.28] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FA1230: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[11:59:44.04] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:00:03.03] 0660 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA6DE4: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-13T05:59:37.703-08
[12:00:03.03] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DD20: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:00:05.01] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:00:05.01] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00FA4B20: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||Pending|Passport|
[12:00:05.03] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DD20: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:00:06.92] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:23:52.50] 0dfc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01037570: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[12:23:54.29] 0840 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01057260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[12:23:54.29] 0840 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01057260: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[12:23:54.29] 0840 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@0102D740: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[12:23:58.26] 0840 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01057260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[12:23:58.26] 0840 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01057260: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[12:23:58.26] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00299678: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[12:24:00.17] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:24:00.17] 0840 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01057260: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[12:24:00.17] 0840 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01027AC8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-13T14:23:55.00-00:00
[12:24:19.10] 0660 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA6DE4: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-13T14:23:55.000-07
[12:24:19.10] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DD20: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:24:21.07] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:24:21.07] 0dfc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DD20: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:24:21.67] 0b2c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FA6DE4: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-13T06:24:15.453-08
[12:24:22.98] 0840 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:36:31.00] 0b2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA6D88: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7ECA0'
[12:36:31.00] 0b2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA6D88: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-13T14:36:35Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-13T19:20:57Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:20:57.95] 0e1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:20:57.95] 0e1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:20:57.95] 0894 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC0A8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:20:57.95] 0458 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target='')
[17:20:57.95] 0458 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target=''
[17:20:58.00] 055c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:21:01.29] 055c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:21:01.46] 055c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:21:01.60] 055c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-13T19:2
[17:21:01.60] 055c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-13T19:21:11.00-00:00
[17:21:01.64] 055c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104EE60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:21:03.89] 07a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:21:03.89] 055c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:21:05.70] 07a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:21:05.71] 055c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104DE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:21:05.71] 055c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:31:04.15] 055c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@0104CA60: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[17:31:05.89] 07a8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104DE60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[17:31:05.89] 07a8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104DE60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[17:31:05.89] 07a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01030180: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateDocument
[17:31:07.79] 07a8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104DE60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 2
[17:31:07.79] 07a8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104DE60: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=2
[17:31:07.79] 07a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002995E8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[17:31:09.60] 07a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:31:09.60] 07a8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104DE60: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[17:31:09.60] 07a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F08: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-13T19:31:03.00-00:00
[17:31:30.79] 0dac Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAC104: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-13T19:31:04.000-07
[17:31:30.79] 055c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:31:31.14] 0458 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAC104: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-13T11:31:27.417-08
[17:31:33.26] 07a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:31:33.26] 055c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:31:35.50] 07a8 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@0104D070: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[17:31:35.50] 07a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:31:35.53] 055c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@0105FA60: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[17:31:38.00] 07a8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@0104AB60: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[17:31:38.00] 07a8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9EB0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-13T19:31:04.00-00:00
[17:51:31.96] 0dac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[17:51:31.98] 0dac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC0A8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-13T19:51:46Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-14T13:58:57Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:58:57.98] 0974 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB0A8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:58:57.98] 0974 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB0A8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:58:57.98] 0964 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB0A8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:58:57.98] 0974 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB0A8: (User='', Target='')
[11:58:57.98] 0974 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB0A8: (User='', Target=''
[11:58:58.01] 05f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:58:59.18] 05f8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:58:59.35] 05f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:58:59.51] 05f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-14T13:5
[11:58:59.51] 05f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-14T13:59:09.00-00:00
[11:58:59.57] 05f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105F660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:59:01.82] 02e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:59:01.82] 05f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7E3B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:59:03.60] 02e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:59:03.62] 05f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04497C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:59:03.62] 05f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:58:46.17] 0974 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAB0A8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EFA0'
[13:58:46.17] 0974 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB0A8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-14T15:58:52Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-15T09:44:22Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:44:22.20] 0bc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:44:22.20] 0bc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:44:22.20] 0bc0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC0A8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:44:22.20] 0f1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target='')
[07:44:22.20] 0f1c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target=''
[07:44:22.21] 0fb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:44:26.37] 0fb4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:44:26.45] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[07:44:26.71] 0fb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-15T09:4
[07:44:26.71] 0fb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-15T09:44:36.00-00:00
[07:44:26.75] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104EA60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:44:28.87] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:44:28.87] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F0A0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:44:30.60] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:44:30.60] 0fb4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01050260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:44:30.60] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:54:14.28] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F0A0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:54:16.01] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:54:36.76] 0f1c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAC104: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-15T02:54:08.49-08:
[08:54:36.76] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F0A0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:54:38.34] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:54:38.34] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F0A0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:54:39.98] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:02:38.18] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01051260: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[09:02:39.73] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01051260: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = ContactAlreadyExists
[09:02:39.73] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029D990: command = Contacts\Pull\Id, AB = Personal
[09:02:41.32] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:02:41.34] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0104F260: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[09:02:43.10] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:03:06.89] 0820 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAC104: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-15T03:03:01.643-08
[09:03:06.89] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F0A0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[09:03:08.50] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:03:08.51] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7BAA0: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[09:03:08.51] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7BAA0: Removing shadow SID (0x0000004e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||Pending|Passport|
[09:03:08.51] 0fb4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F0A0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[09:03:10.06] 06c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[09:28:26.14] 0820 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[09:28:26.14] 0820 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC0A8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-15T11:28:36Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-15T13:40:59Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:40:59.62] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB078: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:40:59.62] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB078: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:40:59.62] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB078: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:40:59.62] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB078: (User='', Target='')
[11:40:59.62] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB078: (User='', Target=''
[11:40:59.67] 0c10 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:41:00.93] 0c10 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:41:01.07] 0c10 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:41:01.12] 0c10 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-15T13:4
[11:41:01.12] 0c10 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-15T13:41:11.00-00:00
[11:41:01.14] 0c10 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105C540: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:41:03.00] 0dc0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:41:03.00] 0c10 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105C540: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:41:04.70] 0dc0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:41:04.70] 0c10 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@044CAE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:41:04.70] 0c10 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[13:25:35.17] 083c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAB078: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
[13:25:35.17] 083c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB078: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-15T15:25:45Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-16T12:48:45Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[10:48:45.53] 0cc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB078: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80000', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:48:45.53] 0cc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAB078: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:48:45.53] 03d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB078: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:48:45.53] 0cc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB078: (User='', Target='')
[10:48:45.53] 0cc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAB078: (User='', Target=''
[10:48:45.54] 0f00 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:48:48.10] 0f00 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:48:48.84] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[10:48:49.82] 0f00 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-16T12:4
[10:48:49.82] 0f00 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-16T12:48:59.00-00:00
[10:48:49.92] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@044B6060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:48:51.95] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:48:51.96] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:48:54.04] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:48:54.06] 0f00 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@044B7460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:48:54.06] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:49:03.04] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@044B8460: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[10:49:03.06] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7BB20: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x00000050) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[10:49:06.87] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@044B8460: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = ContactAlreadyExists
[10:49:06.87] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029D990: command = Contacts\Pull\Id, AB = Personal
[10:49:08.81] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:49:09.42] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@044C5860: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[10:49:11.43] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:49:11.49] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@044B8460: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[10:49:13.43] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@044B8460: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = MemberDoesNotExist
[10:49:13.43] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7BB20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000050) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[10:49:13.45] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F9CA30: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[10:49:15.48] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:49:35.13] 0cc4 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAB0D4: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-16T04:49:11.243-08
[10:49:35.13] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:49:37.54] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:49:37.54] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7BB20: Removing shadow SID (0x00000051) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||Pending|Passport|
[10:49:37.56] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:49:39.54] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:49:49.82] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@044C8460: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[10:49:53.68] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:49:37.56] 0f00 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:49:41.65] 0f30 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:13:08.03] 0bc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAB078: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80000'
[14:13:08.04] 0bc8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAB078: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[15:46:10.84] 03d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@044C5518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '044CE2A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:46:10.84] 03d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@044C5518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:46:10.84] 0ea0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@044C5518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:46:10.84] 0f30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@044C5518: (User='', Target='')
[15:46:10.84] 0f30 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@044C5518: (User='', Target=''
[15:46:10.85] 0804 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@044DBBC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:46:11.62] 0804 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@044DBC98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:46:11.70] 0804 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@044B8508: Initial Sync Starting
[15:46:11.70] 0804 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@044DDE30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-16T17:4
[15:46:11.70] 0804 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FF2378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-16T17:46:21.00-00:00
[15:46:11.71] 0804 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01024A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:46:14.39] 0bb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:46:14.39] 0804 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01045080: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:46:21.76] 0bb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
* Log opened: 2010-12-16T19:13:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:13:28.37] 0f88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAE1F0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F80280', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:13:28.37] 0f88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAE1F0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:13:28.37] 07dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAE1F0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:13:28.37] 0f88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAE1F0: (User='', Target='')
[17:13:28.37] 0f88 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAE1F0: (User='', Target=''
[17:13:28.39] 0610 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F845C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:13:33.23] 0610 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84698: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:13:33.40] 0610 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F99908: Initial Sync Starting
[17:13:33.98] 0610 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9D230: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-16T19:1
[17:13:33.98] 0610 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-16T19:13:43.00-00:00
[17:13:34.03] 0610 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03D3EC60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:13:36.25] 037c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:13:36.25] 0610 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7F350: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:13:38.03] 037c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:13:38.03] 0610 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03D41060: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:13:38.03] 0610 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F99908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:55:30.26] 0810 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAE1F0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F80280'
[17:55:30.26] 0810 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAE1F0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-16T19:55:34Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-17T09:41:44Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[07:41:44.01] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe', Types='7') == '00F7ECA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:41:44.01] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Target='Initial', A
pplication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:41:44.01] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9860: (User=''
) -- enabling policy
[07:41:47.42] 02f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FA9860: (User='', Application='msnm
sgr.exe') == '00F7ECA0'
[07:41:47.42] 02f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FA9860: (User=''
) -- disabling policy
[07:42:21.17] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9C118: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[07:42:21.18] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F9C118: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[07:42:21.18] 0dc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9C118: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[07:42:21.18] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9C118: (User='', Target='')
[07:42:21.18] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F9C118: (User='', Target=''
[07:42:21.18] 0e14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[07:42:22.25] 0e14 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[07:42:22.50] 0e14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[07:42:22.82] 0e14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FA9E30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-17T09:4
[07:42:22.82] 0e14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-17T09:42:32.00-00:00
[07:42:22.85] 0e14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04725460: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[07:42:24.90] 05cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:42:24.90] 0e14 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DA10: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:42:26.53] 05cc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:42:26.53] 0e14 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0472FC60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[07:42:26.53] 0e14 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:08:40.76] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00F9C118: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[08:08:40.76] 07d0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F9C118: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[08:46:58.53] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@04730918: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00FDC2A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:46:58.53] 0730 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@04730918: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:46:58.53] 0f00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@04730918: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[08:46:58.53] 098c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@04730918: (User='', Target='')
[08:46:58.53] 098c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@04730918: (User='', Target=''
[08:46:58.56] 0c1c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA87C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[08:46:59.31] 0c1c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA8898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[08:46:59.35] 0c1c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA0508: Initial Sync Starting
[08:46:59.35] 0c1c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0100BC30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-17T10:4
[08:46:59.35] 0c1c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01013978: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-17T10:47:09.00-00:00
[08:46:59.37] 0c1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04733C60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:47:00.90] 0dd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:47:00.90] 0c1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0103C080: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:47:02.70] 0dd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:47:02.71] 0c1c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04735460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:47:02.71] 0c1c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA0508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[09:13:22.10] 0f00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@04730918: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00FDC2A0'
[09:13:22.12] 0f00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@04730918: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[10:39:31.59] 0568 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0101FF18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F95AA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[10:39:31.59] 0568 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0101FF18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[10:39:31.59] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0101FF18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[10:39:31.59] 0388 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0101FF18: (User='', Target='')
[10:39:31.59] 0388 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0101FF18: (User='', Target=''
[10:39:31.60] 0f68 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA07C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[10:39:32.35] 0f68 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA0898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[10:39:32.40] 0f68 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0472FD08: Initial Sync Starting
[10:39:32.40] 0f68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FAAE30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-17T12:3
[10:39:32.40] 0f68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFDB78: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-17T12:39:42.00-00:00
[10:39:32.42] 0f68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04720C60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[10:39:34.26] 09e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:39:34.26] 0f68 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@047343D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[10:39:35.98] 09e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[10:39:35.98] 0f68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04722460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[10:39:35.98] 0f68 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0472FD08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[10:48:34.60] 0f68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FAAE30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-17T12:4
[10:48:34.60] 0f68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFDAC8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-17T12:48:44.00-00:00
[11:48:39.87] 0f68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00FAAE30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-17T13:4
[11:48:39.87] 0f68 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FFDB20: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-17T13:48:49.00-00:00
[12:04:37.45] 0388 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0101FF18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F95AA0'
[12:04:37.45] 0388 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0101FF18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[12:04:37.46] 0f68 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00FA07C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8a5d-11e0-06c13544f4e3, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[12:05:16.98] 0388 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '04720EA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:05:16.98] 0388 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:05:16.98] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:05:16.98] 0568 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target='')
[12:05:16.98] 0568 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target=''
[12:05:17.00] 0860 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA87C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:05:17.82] 0860 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA8898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:05:17.89] 0860 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@0101F308: Initial Sync Starting
[12:05:17.89] 0860 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-17T14:0
[12:05:17.89] 0860 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01024778: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-17T14:05:27.00-00:00
[12:05:17.90] 0860 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0101F308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:05:17.90] 0860 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0101F308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[12:05:17.90] 0860 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01016660: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:05:17.90] 0860 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@0101F308: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[12:05:17.90] 0860 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@0101F308: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[12:51:02.29] 0860 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01016660: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[12:51:05.75] 0dcc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01016660: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = InvalidPassportUser
[12:51:05.75] 0860 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@0100DD30: Sync error hr = 0x85AE0019 for operation = 4
[12:57:24.04] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '04720EA0'
[12:57:24.06] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:00:22.65] 0568 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@04725D18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '0100E0A0', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:00:22.65] 0568 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@04725D18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:00:22.65] 0388 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@04725D18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[13:00:22.65] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@04725D18: (User='', Target='')
[13:00:22.65] 0e0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@04725D18: (User='', Target=''
[13:00:22.68] 0964 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01018DC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[13:00:23.51] 0964 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01018E98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[13:00:23.56] 0964 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01016708: Initial Sync Starting
[13:00:23.56] 0964 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0105A430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-17T15:0
[13:00:23.56] 0964 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01002378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-17T15:00:33.00-00:00
[13:00:23.57] 0964 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01008660: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:00:25.21] 0320 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:00:25.21] 0964 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@047207D0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:00:27.10] 0320 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:00:27.10] 0964 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0104B260: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:00:27.10] 0964 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01016708: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:00:25.21] 0964 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@047207D0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:00:27.26] 0320 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:57:40.98] 0388 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@04725D18: (User='', Target='')[1/
[16:13:01.53] 0568 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@04725D18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '0100E0A0'
[16:13:01.53] 0568 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@04725D18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-17T18:13:11Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-18T17:38:39Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:38:39.87] 0ee0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EE80', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:38:39.87] 0ee0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:38:39.87] 0080 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[15:38:39.87] 0ee0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target='')
[15:38:39.87] 0ee0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA518: (User='', Target=''
[15:38:39.90] 0d1c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[15:38:41.73] 0d1c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[15:38:41.89] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[15:38:42.68] 0d1c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-18T17:3
[15:38:42.68] 0d1c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-18T17:38:52.00-00:00
[15:38:42.76] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010587B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:38:44.81] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:38:44.81] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010587B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:38:46.35] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:38:46.37] 0d1c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03D41460: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:38:46.37] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[15:39:30.14] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03D41460: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[15:39:34.07] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:39:34.10] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058890: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:39:36.04] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:39:55.67] 0080 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA574: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-18T09:39:45.123-08
[15:39:55.67] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058890: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:39:57.51] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:39:57.53] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058890: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:39:59.51] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:41:01.78] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010587B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:41:04.71] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:41:21.62] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@0029F668: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x0000005a) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[15:41:21.62] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03D42460: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[15:41:21.76] 0814 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA574: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-18T09:40:10.95-08:
[15:41:23.89] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:41:23.89] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@0029F668: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005a) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[15:41:23.89] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03D55860: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[15:41:25.92] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:41:25.95] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F9BA30: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[15:41:28.04] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:41:28.07] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010587B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:41:30.09] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:41:46.60] 0080 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA574: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-18T09:41:25.803-08
[15:41:46.60] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058890: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:41:49.29] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:47:49.21] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@0029F668: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x0000005e) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Block|Passport|
[15:47:49.34] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03D5E460: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[15:47:51.18] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:47:51.18] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@0029F668: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Block|Passport|
[15:48:15.46] 0080 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA574: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-18T09:41:25.803-08
[15:48:15.46] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058820: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:48:17.21] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:49:24.34] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@0029F668: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x00000056) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Block|Passport|
[15:49:24.42] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03D58860: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[15:49:26.18] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:49:26.18] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@0029F668: Removing shadow SID (0x00000056) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Block|Passport|
[15:49:47.26] 0ee0 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA574: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-18T09:41:25.803-08
[15:49:47.28] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058820: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:49:49.40] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:49:49.40] 0d1c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01058820: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:49:53.12] 0d6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:14:48.50] 0ee0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAA518: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7EE80'
[18:14:48.51] 0ee0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA518: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-18T20:14:58Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-19T19:52:50Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:52:50.15] 02c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:52:50.15] 02c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:52:50.17] 0804 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC0A8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[17:52:50.17] 02c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target='')
[17:52:50.17] 02c0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target=''
[17:52:50.18] 06f0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[17:52:51.79] 06f0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[17:52:51.84] 06f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[17:52:52.28] 06f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-19T19:5
[17:52:52.28] 06f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-19T19:53:02.00-00:00
[17:52:52.32] 06f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03EDF060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:52:54.46] 0228 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:52:54.46] 06f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:52:56.70] 0228 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:52:56.70] 06f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03EE2860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:52:56.70] 06f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:20:52.23] 06f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03EE3860: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[19:20:55.37] 0228 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:52:54.46] 06f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EFC0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:52:57.79] 0228 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:05:10.48] 0ce0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[20:05:10.48] 0ce0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC0A8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-19T22:05:20Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-20T13:00:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:00:28.67] 0834 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7FFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:00:28.68] 0834 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:00:28.68] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC0A8: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:00:28.68] 0834 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target='')
[11:00:28.68] 0834 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAC0A8: (User='', Target=''
[11:00:28.70] 08b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F843C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:00:29.96] 08b8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F84498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:00:30.20] 08b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F98D08: Initial Sync Starting
[11:00:30.51] 08b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9CA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-20T13:0
[11:00:30.51] 08b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA9F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-20T13:00:40.00-00:00
[11:00:30.62] 08b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03F3F060: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:00:32.65] 0750 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:00:32.65] 08b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7EC40: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:00:34.25] 0750 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:00:34.28] 08b8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@03F44860: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:00:34.28] 08b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F98D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:21:50.53] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00FAC0A8: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '00F7FFA0'
[11:21:50.53] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAC0A8: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[11:51:10.84] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03F4A1A0: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '03F4FFC0', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:51:10.84] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@03F4A1A0: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:51:10.84] 0834 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03F4A1A0: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[11:51:10.84] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03F4A1A0: (User='', Target='')
[11:51:10.84] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@03F4A1A0: (User='', Target=''
[11:51:10.87] 0c18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100CDC0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[11:51:11.76] 0c18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0100CE98: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[11:51:11.82] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00FA9508: Initial Sync Starting
[11:51:11.82] 0c18 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@03F4DE30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-20T13:5
[11:51:11.82] 0c18 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01014178: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-20T13:51:21.00-00:00
[11:51:11.84] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01052A60: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:51:13.76] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:51:13.76] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FBC610: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:51:15.59] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:51:15.60] 0c18 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0105BE60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:51:15.60] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00FA9508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:12:05.39] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FBC610: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:12:08.26] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:12:21.95] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03F32C60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[12:12:21.95] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7BA60: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x0000005d) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[12:12:25.03] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@03F32C60: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = ContactAlreadyExists
[12:12:25.03] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029D990: command = Contacts\Pull\Id, AB = Personal
[12:12:26.82] 0834 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@03F4A1FC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-20T06:12:22.23-08:
[12:12:26.93] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:12:27.00] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03F32C60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[12:12:28.95] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:12:28.95] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03F30C60: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[12:12:29.93] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@03F30C60: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = MemberDoesNotExist
[12:12:29.93] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7BA60: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005d) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[12:12:29.95] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@03F4DE30: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[12:12:31.65] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:12:51.54] 0834 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@03F4A1FC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-20T06:12:47.677-08
[12:12:51.54] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FBC610: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:12:53.46] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:12:53.46] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7BA60: Removing shadow SID (0x0000005e) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||Pending|Passport|
[12:12:53.48] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FBC610: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:12:55.29] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:38:11.82] 0c18 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0105AE60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[12:38:13.75] 0c5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:41:46.48] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@03F4A1A0: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '03F4FFC0'
[13:41:46.48] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@03F4A1A0: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[13:41:46.50] 0c18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100CDC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8a40-11df-f197792181a4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:41:46.50] 0c18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100CDC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8a46-11df-f6456eaed1b2, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:41:46.50] 0c18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100CDC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8a5d-11e0-06c13544f4e3, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:41:46.50] 0c18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100CDC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e9, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:41:46.50] 0c18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100CDC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05ed, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:41:46.50] 0c18 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@0100CDC0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8960-11df-5591e5ff05e4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[14:15:20.03] 0834 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105CB18: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '01048DC0', auth='7', sync='0'
[14:15:20.03] 0834 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0105CB18: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[14:15:20.03] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105CB18: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[14:15:20.03] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105CB18: (User='', Target='')
[14:15:20.03] 0c0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0105CB18: (User='', Target=''
[14:15:20.03] 0eb8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA37C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[14:15:21.01] 0eb8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00FA3898: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[14:15:21.09] 0eb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@03F43508: Initial Sync Starting
[14:15:21.09] 0eb8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01059430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-20T16:1
[14:15:21.09] 0eb8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01027578: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-20T16:15:31.00-00:00
[14:15:21.10] 0eb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010496C0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:15:23.01] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:15:23.01] 0eb8 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7B4E0: Removing shadow SID (0x00000035) for type = 9, ind
ex = |SocialNetwork||TwoWayRelationship|Passport|
[14:15:23.03] 0eb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010496C0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:15:25.09] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:15:25.10] 0eb8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01014A60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[14:15:25.10] 0eb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@03F43508: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:22:46.98] 0eb8 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7B4E0: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x00000033) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[14:22:47.09] 0eb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01013A60: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[14:22:51.56] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:22:51.56] 0eb8 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00F7B4E0: Removing shadow SID (0x00000033) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Allow|Passport|
[14:22:51.56] 0eb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01059430: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[14:22:53.26] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:23:16.06] 0864 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@0105CB74: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-20T06:38:10.943-08
[14:23:16.07] 0eb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010497A0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:23:17.73] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:23:17.73] 0eb8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@010497A0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:23:20.18] 0820 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:25:15.46] 0eb8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01059430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-20T19:2
[17:25:15.46] 0eb8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01027578: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-20T19:25:25.00-00:00
[17:25:19.81] 0eb8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01059430: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-20T19:2
[17:25:19.81] 0eb8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@010275D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-20T19:25:29.00-00:00
[17:42:14.17] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0105CB18: (User='', Application='msn
msgr.exe') == '01048DC0'
[17:42:14.17] 0864 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0105CB18: (User='
') -- disabling policy
[17:42:14.20] 0eb8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00FA37C0: (store:, sot: 3,
id: d34b9c7e-0025-8a5d-11e0-06c13544f4e3, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-12-20T19:48:51Z
* Log opened: 2010-12-21T14:48:44Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:48:44.81] 0ac4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA078: (User='', Application='msnms
gr.exe', Types='7') == '00F7EFA0', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:48:44.81] 0ac4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00FAA078: (User='', Target='Initial',
Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:48:44.81] 0764 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00FAA078: (User='
') -- enabling policy
[12:48:44.81] 0ac4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA078: (User='', Target='')
[12:48:44.81] 0ac4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00FAA078: (User='', Target=''
[12:48:44.82] 0858 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F833C0: (, 0, real) finis
hed with hr=0x0
[12:48:46.42] 0858 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F83498: (, 0, shadow) fin
ished with hr=0x0
[12:48:46.57] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F97D08: Initial Sync Starting
[12:48:47.23] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F9BA30: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-12-21T14:4
[12:48:47.23] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00FA8F60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-12-21T14:48:57.00-00:00
[12:48:47.29] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0406F460: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:48:49.54] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:48:49.64] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F7DBD0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:48:51.51] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:48:51.56] 0858 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@04070C60: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[12:48:51.56] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00F97D08: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:49:03.46] 0858 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@0029F5E8: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x00000060) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[12:49:03.50] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04071C60: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[12:49:06.79] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:49:06.79] 0858 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@0029F5E8: Removing shadow SID (0x00000060) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[12:49:06.79] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04078C60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[12:49:08.65] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@04078C60: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = ContactAlreadyExists
[12:49:08.65] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0029D708: command = Contacts\Pull\Id, AB = Personal
[12:49:10.60] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:49:10.65] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@04078C60: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[12:49:12.62] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:49:12.64] 0858 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F9BA30: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[12:49:14.40] 0c24 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:49:29.34] 0ac4 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00FAA0D4: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-12-21T06:49:09.39-08:

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