Unit 1 Daily Lessons Only

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Day 1 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek

Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a
lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.
Daily Objectives:
Given a powerpoint presentation on propaganda and portraiture, students will
thoughtfully discuss influence of visual imagery on public and personal opinion.
Given a powerpoint presentation on propaganda and portraiture, students will
successfully research and present 3 examples of idolization/glorification in
contemporary art/visual culture.
Given a powerpoint presentation on propaganda and portraiture, students will
purposefully select a person that they would like to pay tribute to through portraiture.

Assessment Criteria:
Ability to communicate visual culture influences.
Relativity of research to subject matter
Artistic Deliberation

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

12 min- Introduce arts and propaganda Watch powerpoint presentation.

through powerpoint presentation
Show historical value of subject Answer questions through viewing
matter in portrait painting to reflect artwork on the powerpoint presentation.
what was important to society.
Explain 19th century artistic
movement of Realism to show
glorifying everyday people.
Ask about artist’s intention.

Break into small groups of 3-4 people for
20 min- Break students into small groups for discussion.
discussion (3-4 students per group) Students move to selected areas of the
for think-pair-share activity. room to discuss within groups.
Hand out discussion point think Students answer questions from the
sheet. Students may use phones or handout.
magazines from the supply closet to
aid them in the questionnaire.
Ask students to brainstorm people
that they could pay tribute to
their portrait painting.
Encourage students to share their
ideas in their small groups so that
they gain confidence in talking Come back together in large group to
about share answers from smaller group
their ideas. discussion.
10 min-Ask students to come back together.
Ask volunteers from each group to
share possible ideas.
Hand in discussion point worksheet.

5 min- Ask students to reflect on why they

would like to paint this person and
what part of their story interests

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Did all students understand how a portrayal of someone can impact how we think about

Day 2 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek

Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a
lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:
Given a powerpoint presentation on portraiture and expression, students will
successfully communicate their understanding of intention in portraiture.
Given a demonstration on facial proportion, students will accurately draw a generic
human face.
Given a demonstration on cross contour drawings, students will purposefully apply
cross contour lines to portray the planes and angles of the face.

Assessment Criteria:
Understanding of facial expression.
Accuracy of facial proportion.
Ability to show form through mark making.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout
Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:
Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.

Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities


10 min-Show powerpoint presentation on Answer questions from powerpoint

facial expression and angle so they slides.
can learn that artists paint the
subject Analyze several portrait paintings.
matter in a way that conveys an
Ask what students want to include in
Their portrait painting to convey an
an idea about their subject matter.
What message is this sending?
Show contemporary and historical
examples and ask questions about
Development: Move easels so they are centered
towards demonstration.
15 min- Give students drawing paper, and Draw facial proportions along with
graphite for demo. demonstration.
Ask students to shift easels towards
center of the room for working Draw cross contour lines of the face to
demonstration. understand building form.
Draw proportions of the human head
with students one step at a time to Work on finishing packet.
check for understanding.
20 min- Hand out packets on facial
proportion and angle for students to
Instruct students to complete packet
by the start of class tomorrow.
Hand in large drawings and graphite.
5 min- Gather large drawings from students
of facial proportions with their names
on them. Students take home packet if necessary,
Ask students to start gathering for completion.
reference photos of the person they
are painting for their portraits.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Did all students understand proportions and planes of human face?
Have students thought critically about the person they are portraying?

Day 3 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek

Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a
lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:
Given a powerpoint presentation on portraiture and expression, students will
successfully communicate their understanding of intention in portraiture Given a
demonstration on body proportion, students will proportionally draw a generic human
Given a demonstration on gesture drawing, students will successfully capture the
human figure from different angles.
Assessment Criteria:
Understanding of body language.
Accuracy of body proportion
Ability to build form.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

5 min- Ask students to get out facial Students get out completed facial
proportions packet and collect. proportions packet to hand in.
8 min- Show powerpoint on body language.
Ask students about what the subject Students watch power point
is presentation on body language.
doing and how their body language
relates so students can choose pose Students answer questions posed by
for power point presentation
the subject in their portrait.
Ask students how this relates to their
narrative or how the artist intended us
to view them.
Development: Shift easels towards demonstrations and
prepare large drawing paper.
15 min- Ask students to turn their easels Draw body proportions along with demo.
towards the demonstration. Watch example gesture drawing.
Give a demonstration on body Students draw teacher in timed intervals
proportion. of gesture drawing.
Ask for volunteer for gesture drawing Students work on body proportions
demo. drawing packet.
Pose for several gesture drawings-
start with 15 seconds, then 30, then
minute to build form.
10 min- Hand out and explain body
proportions and angles packet for
students to practice.

5 min- Ask students to make a pile of large Students hand in large body proportion
proportion drawings. drawing and gesture drawings.
Remind students about gathering and
emailing reference photos to be Students clean up and put easels away.
Remind students that packets are to
finished by the start of the day

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Do students fully comprehend idea of body language and how it conveys mood?
Do students understand how to make a form look 3 dimensional on a 2-dimensional
surface using cross contour gesture line techniques?

Day 4 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek

Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity.

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a
lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:
Given a demonstration on color theory, durable paper, brushes, and acrylic paint,
students will accurately create cool and warm colors and varying tints, tones, and
Given a powerpoint presentation and hand out on color theory, students will
thoughtfully demonstrate understanding of elements and principles of design such as
emphasis, color, contrast, value, and balance.
Assessment Criteria:
Creation of warm and cool shades of color.
Understanding of elements and principles of design.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

3 min- Ask students to get out body Students get out completed body
proportions and angles hand out to proportions and angles packet to hand
turn in. in.
Collect body proportions and angles Students hand in completed packets.
Students watch and answer questions
8 min- Show powerpoint demonstration on on color theory powerpoint.
color theory to help students pick
pallets for their portraits.


25 min- Instruct students to gather materials

for color workshop. Students gather necessary materials for
Go over color mixing techniques color workshop and then return to their
one seats.
at a time, work with students. Students follow along with color
If demo ends early give students workshop.
time to look up reference photos.

5 min- explain color brilliance activity with

pencil to demonstrate emphasis.


10 min- Ask students to clean up color work Students clean up and put away
shop materials and put supplies materials for color workshop.

Instruct students to put papers on Students turn in color workshop to

drying rack. drying rack.

Remind students that tomorrow is

last day to email reference photos

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Does color contribute to mood? Do students understand how to accurately convey
mood through color?
Day 5 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a

lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:

Given a discussion on the importance of color, students will thoughtfully fill out a think-
sheet that explains their choice in color scheme.
Assessment Criteria:

Understanding of relation between color and mood.

Ability to relate color scheme to context and narrative.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

3 min- Ask students to bring chairs to center Students get out color
for discussion on emphasis, brilliance/emphasis activity in sketch
and hue sketchbook assignment. Students move chairs to center of the
Pull up powerpoint slides with
relevant examples.

Explain their choice of color to create
20 min- Ask students to explain what colors emphasis.
they used to create emphasis and
compare to paintings. Participate in group discussion on
importance of color.
Open discussion about how color
can be used to draw attention to Return themselves and their chairs back
certain areas. to original seating.

Use images from powerpoint slides Get out sketchbooks and start working
to help guide discussion on how on sketches for their portrait painting.
color can be used to tell a story.

20 min- Ask students to return to seats and

pull out writing materials and

Hand in color packets and put rest of
5 min- Students asked to hand in color materials away.
brilliance/ emphasis packets.
Students email reference photos from
Remind students that emails of phone if they have not already.
reference photos are due.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Do all students have ideas of who they will draw and reference photos?
Day 6 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 

Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a

lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:
Given powerpoint presentations on portraiture, propaganda, body and facial
expression, demonstrations in proportion and color theory, sketchbooks, and pencils,
students will thoughtfully complete 3 sketches and a final sketch for their final

Assessment Criteria:
Ability to make connections and chose subject matter with intention.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

5 min- Ask students to get out sketchbooks. Get out sketchbooks.

Explain that preliminary sketches Recieve reference photos.

a final sketch need to be completed
by the end of the day so they can
start on underpainting tomorrow.

Hand out students printed reference


Instruct students that final sketch is to

be done on larger paper outside of
sketchbooks and a sampling of color
packet is to be included.

Continue to work on preliminary
35 min- Set out labeled color pallets and sketches and final sketch.
paint while students work on
sketches. Gather materials for color sample.

Walk around to help students as Put color sample on final sketch.


Clean up.
7 min- Instruct students to clean up.

Turn in final sketch.

Remind students that final sketches
should be ready by tomorrow.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Are all students ready for underpainting demonstration?
Day 7 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a
lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:
Given sketchbooks, materials, completed sketches, and completed handouts, students
will thoughtfully discuss the intentionality of the choices within their final sketch.
Given a demonstration on underpainting, students will thoughtfully plan values within
their final sketch.
Assessment Criteria:
Ability to make connections and chose subject matter with intention.
Ability to convey subject matter and context through use of elements and principles of

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

5 min- Hand back final sketches with Students look over final sketches with
comments and feedback, give feedback.
students a moment to look them
Explanation of think-pair-share-

Students move seats and bring sketches
10 min- Break students into groups for to think-pair-share groups.
pair, share activity. Students explain intention to eachother
Encourage students to offer in groups about choices and how they
eachother feedback. relate to their person and how they are
Walk around the room help to trying to portray them.
stimulate discussions and offer
feedback. Students offer eachother feedback and
advice for final project.
10 min- Instruct students to return to seats
for underpainting power point and Students return to seats and watch
demonstration. powerpoint presentation and
demonstration on underpainting.
Show students underpainting
demonstration. Students modify final sketches and plan
out planes and shadows.
20 min- Instruct students to modify final
sketches and color pallets as

Instruct students to plan shadows

and planes in final sketch.
Students clean up all materials and
return sketches to storage.
5 min- Instruct students to put materials
where they belong and sketches back
in storage containers.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Has everyone finished their final sketch? Will there be time for modification and
discussion tomorrow?

Day 8 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek

Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a
lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:
Given canvas, brushes, acrylic paint, water, and pencil, students will creatively arrange
figure within their composition.
Given canvas, brushes, acrylic paint, water, and a demonstration on underpainting,
students will carefully plan their painting using reference photos and final sketches.
Assessment Criteria:
Intention of positioning and facial expression of figure.
Use of elements and principles of design to reflect narrative of the person in the

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

5 min- Instruct students to get sketches and Get out final sketches, reference photos,
materials from storage bin so that and necessary packets for reference.
they can refer to sketches while
painting. Finish mapping areas of final sketch if
Hand out canvases for final lesson they haven’t finished.
Review underpainting. Lightly map out portrait in pencil.

10 min- Tell students to finish mapping Begin underpainting.

sketches and start to map them on
the canvas to prepare for


22 min- Once light pencil mappings are

drawn, tell students they may begin Continue to work on underpainting.

Only have underpainting colors

available for today so that students
do not jump to full palette without
mapping out areas.

Walk around the room and help

students map out values.

Clean up supplies and return final
8 min- Instruct students to clean up all paintings to drying rack and sketches
supplies and put paintings on and materials to storage bins.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Are students doing a good job of mapping out light and shadow in their underpainting?
Has everyone started their underpainting?
Day 9 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a
lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:
Given canvas, brushes, acrylic paint, water, and a demonstration on underpainting,
students will carefully plan their painting using reference photos and final sketches.
Given a demonstration on mixing mediums for acrylic paint, students will successfully
complete a worksheet testing all techniques.
Assessment Criteria:
Use of elements and principles of design to reflect narrative of the person in the
Ability to create texture in paint using mixing mediums and painting techniques.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

10 min- Instruct students to gather around Move to center for a demonstration on

for medium mixing.
a short demonstration before Students will gather papers and
gathering materials. materials needed to complete the
Demonstrate how to mix paint with medium mixing workshop.
various mediums to create texture.
Instruct students to fill out sheet
mixing paint with different mediums.


15 min- Walk around the room as students Work on medium mixing workshop to
are finishing medium mixing create textures.
Once students are done experimenting
15 min- Tell students that once they are with every medium and workshop is
finished, they may get their complete, students work on final portrait
underpaintings and continue to work again.
on them. Map areas where they might use texture
on final sketch.
Tell students to map out areas on
final Begin to incorporate and build color into
sketch where they might add certain their painting.

Tell students they may begin to start

adding color from their selected color
pallet to their underpainting.
Students clean up all materials and
Conclusion: supplies and return sketches, workshop
papers, and portraits to drying rack.
10 min- Instruct students to clean up all
materials and put portraits and
mixing activity on the drying rack.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)

Have students finished medium mixing work shop? Make sure students don’t add
medium mixing to final portrait until after they’ve already started building color.

Day 10 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek

Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a
lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:
Given acrylic paint, canvas, brushes, water, and mixing mediums, students will
creatively paint a portrait of a person using elements and principles of design to reflect
their identity or personal narrative.
Assessment Criteria:
Use of elements and principles of design to reflect narrative of the person in the

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

10 min- Instruct students to get out all Get out all required supplies and
required materials and packets and materials to continue working on
continue to work on portraits. paintings.

Ask 2 or 3 students to volunteer to

show their portrait painting to the
class. Ask them to share about their
painting to help generate ideas for

Ask students if they incorporated any

new textures to their portrait or were
planning on using any mediums to
create texture within their portrait.

Students continue to work on portrait
35 min- Walk around the room and help painting.
students as they work on their final
portrait painting.
Students start layering color and adding
Tell students they may begin to add texture if necessary.
textures if the base layer of color has .
been added to their painting.

Clean all brushes and put away all
5 min- Instruct students to clean up all materials. Students put portraits on the
materials and return portraits to drying rack.
drying rack.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)

Remind students how much time they have to work.

Day 11 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a

lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:

Given acrylic paint, canvas, brushes, water, and mixing mediums, students will
creatively paint a portrait of a person using elements and principles of design to reflect
their identity or personal narrative.
Assessment Criteria:

Use of elements and principles of design to reflect narrative of the person in the

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

5 min- Instruct students to get out all Get out all required supplies and
required materials to continue working on
materials and packets. paintings.

Ask a few students to share their

portrait paintings and ask if they
any challenges while working on their

Development: Continue to work on portrait painting.

Walk around the room as necessary to
40 min- Walk around the room and help see other student work.
students as they work on their final
portrait painting.

Give advice on texture if any of the

mixing mediums would help
with their portrait.

Start asking student about

background choices if they have not
already started including it.
Clean all brushes and put away all
Conclusion: materials.
Students put portraits on the drying rack.
5 min- Instruct students to clean up all
materials and return portraits to
drying rack.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)

Remind students how much time they have to work.

Day 12 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a
lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:
Given acrylic paint, canvas, brushes, water, and mixing mediums, students will
creatively paint a portrait of a person using elements and principles of design to reflect
their identity or personal narrative.
Given prompted questions, students will thoughtfully fill out a final critique sheet.
Assessment Criteria:
Use of elements and principles of design to reflect narrative of the person in the
Clarity of explanation in artistic choices.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

5 min- Instruct students to get out all Get out all required supplies and
required materials to continue working on
materials and packets. paintings.


35 min- Walk around the room and help

students as they work on their final
portrait painting. Students continue to work on portrait
Students should be adding final
details to their portraits. Students work on critique work sheet if
Hand out final critique prompt to
prepare for final critique.

Instruct students to fill out critique

prompt when they are finished with
the portrait paintings.

Clean all brushes and put away all
5 min- Instruct students to clean up all materials. Students put portraits on the
materials and return portraits to drying rack, take home critique
drying worksheet.
rack, and to bring home critique sheet
as homework.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)

Will everyone have their critique work sheet completed?

Day 13 of 13 Name: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Portraits and Propaganda Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art 
Art influences and reflects what is important to society
The influence of art reveals dominant forces of knowledge/power
The inquiry artists reveal through their art has power to influence viewers. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

form, color, value, space, pattern, emphasis, scale, contrast, texture, unity.

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a powerpoint presentation on the history of portrait painting and propaganda, a
lesson on proportion and color, acrylic paint, canvas, and brushes, students will
successfully create a portrait painting representational of another person’s untold
history or narrative.

Daily Objectives:
Given their completed final project and critique think sheet, students will thoughtfully
participate in group critique. .
Assessment Criteria:
Use of elements and principles of design to reflect narrative of the person in the
Clarity of explanation in artistic choices.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, discussion points hand out sheet, projector, discussion points handout,
facial proportion handout, body proportion hand out, form handout, color handout

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Magazines, canvases, bushes, acrylic paint, sketchbooks, colored pencil, large drawing
Paper, graphite, scissors, water cups, mixing mediums, cloth.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

10 min- Instruct students to get finished Students set up finished portrait

portrait painting from the drying rack paintings on easels for critique.
and set it up on their easel facing
inwards for critique. Students get out completed critique


30 min- Introduce talking points by referring Students discuss why they chose their
to questions on critique hand out. person and the artistic choices they
made to portray them a certain way.
Have students go around the room
and explain their painting and

Give students time to offer feedback

to the person who has just
presented. Share connections made with other
classmates portrait paintings.
Wrap up critique- ask for volunteers
to share if they connected with any
other classmates portraits to help
develop a supportive classroom
atmosphere. Finish filling out critique worksheet.

5 min- Give students a short amount of time

to finish final remarks on critique

Students hand in finished projects and

critique worksheets and clean up
wherever necessary.
5 min- Instruct students to hand in finished
paintings and critique work sheets,
clean up all materials.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Will there be enough scaffolding from this lesson to aid in the second lesson?

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