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Five of my best Facebook ads ​(swipefile)
Facebook Ad #1:

Headline: Sam Ovens Shares His Simple Process For Starting A Consulting Business
And Scaling It To 7-Figures Quickly

Body copy:

Hey it's Sam Ovens here and just spent the past week putting together a FREE training for you
on how to start a wildly profitable consulting business and scale it to 7-figures quickly.

In this free training I pull back the curtain and show you *exactly* how I'm generating $750k per
month with my consulting business with very little overhead and complexity.

Here's What You'll Discover:

*How to start a consulting business from scratch

*How to pick a niche and craft your high ticket offer TODAY
*My proven method for getting high ticket clients 24/7/365
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infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
*How to escape 1on1 and move to leveraged group consulting
You can register here:-

Since 2013 I have been sharing my methods with others and have one of the best (if not the
best) client success track records in the entire industry.

I have created 9 Millionaire consultants with my trainings and over 136 consultants making

If you are interested in starting your own consulting business OR if you already have a
consulting business and are looking to scale then this is for YOU!

Click the link below to register for this free training before it's taken offline.


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infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Facebook Ad #2:

Headline:​ ​9 Millionaires Were Created With This Advice (Ignore At Your Peril)

Body copy:

In the past 12 months I have created 9 Millionaire Consultants with this training.


With relentless focus on 3 key things.

You see... The entire marketplace is bombarded with messages telling you to do 1-million and
one things like; Periscope, Twitter, Writing Books, Speaking, Blogging, YouTube and
Networking. But guess what? This doesn't work!

While others are spreading themselves thin on 23 different things my clients and I are quietly
focusing on 3 and eating everybody's lunch while we're at it.

Want to know what these 3 key things are?

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infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
I put together a brand new training for you showing you how to start your very own wildly
profitable consulting business and scaling it to the 7-figure level using these three key thing.
You can register here:-

In this free training I show you exactly how I got started with my consulting business and how I
grew it to over $750k /month with very little overhead and complexity.

This training is the real deal and I have created 9 Millionaire Consultants with these exact same

If you are interested in starting your own consulting business OR if you already have a
consulting business and want to scale it to the 7-Figure level this webinar is for YOU!

Register using the link below right now before it's taken offline for good!


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infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Facebook Ad #3​:

Headline: How A 26 yo Punk Started A Consulting Biz In Parents Garage, Moved To

Manhattan & Made $10M In 4 yrs

Body copy:

Four years ago I was dead broke living and working out of my parents garage in New Zealand
trying to start my own consulting business.

I cold called, door knocked, attended networking events and none of it worked for me. I was
rejected, humiliated, forced to draw up proposals that nobody even looked at and ended up
depressed with nothing to show for it but a $60,000 debt.

I didn't understand why the advice that was given to me in all of the books and all of the
websites online didn't work. My girlfriend left me because I couldn't even afford to take her out
to dinner and worked 15 hours a day stressed out of my mind with a pay grade lower than a 14
year on his first day at Mcdonalds.

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infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
I tried everything to get clients and none of it worked. Then one day I thought to myself:
"Instead of begging people for 5-minutes of their time and going to them, what if there was a
way to make them come to me instead?".
I went back to the drawing board and stayed up days and nights on end figuring out ways where
I could completely flip the model and make clients come to me instead.

Then one day i figured it out!

I went to work applying this new method for attracting and winning high value clients and it
worked like magic. 1 client, 2 clients, 3 clients and then it caught fire and I had more clients
than I could possibly handle and had to actually STOP marketing so I could catch up on the

Over the next 12 months I made $100,000. The next year - $500,000. The next $1,200,000.
The next - $2,400,000 and now this year (2016) I have already made $6,000,000 and we're only
6 months in.

I moved out of my parents garage in New Zealand and moved to a 28th floor apartment in
Manhattan. I'm from a poor family in a small suburb in New Zealand... This was BIG money!

People started noticing my results and talking about my story and before long I had people
asking me to teach them how to start their own consulting businesses and get high paying
clients of their own.

At first I said "No" because I honestly didn't believe that anybody else could do what I was
doing. I thought I was unique and that nobody else would be able to make it work. But this one
guy Stanley just wouldn't give up and he was consistent as hell! He would email me 2-3 times
per day telling me he wanted to learn my methods and that he was even willing to pay me.

After a few months of non-stop messages I gave in and decided to try teaching my methods to
Stanley. I didn't even think it would work for him but he begged me to do it... We jumped on
Skype calls twice per week and I taught him my process from start to finish.

Within three weeks I couldn't believe it... Stanley got his first $10,000 client. I almost fell off my
chair! Stanley went from knowing NOTHING about business or consulting and within three
weeks he picked up his very first client for $10,000.

I wondered if this could be replicated again so I accepted five more people and showed them
how to do it and then BAM - they started getting clients too! Then I started working with more
people, the groups grew from 10 to 20 to 30 and I kept teaching them my same methods and
they kept getting results.

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infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Fast Forward to this current day and I now have 136 consultants making 6-figure incomes AND
9 consultants making million dollar incomes from my advice and trainings.
It's honestly hard to believe how this happened so fast. I went from being depressed and broke
working out of my parents garage in New Zealand to the skyline of Manhattan and over
$10,000,000 in 4 years flat. Add to that the fact that I've created 9 millionaires and 136 6-figure
consultants at the same time.

So what is it about my consulting methods that are so damn good?

How have I created extreme liquid wealth for myself and my clients in such a short time?

Well it all comes down to relentless focus on 3 Key things...

We live in an ADD world where there is too much information and too many distractions. While
others have tried to do it all - I have tried to do less. In the modern world it's more about what
your ignore rather than what you do.

While others burn themselves out trying to do 52 different things I focus on 3.

Want to know what these 3 key things are?

I spent the past week putting together a free training for you showing you *exactly* how I got
started and grew my consulting business into the millions. I literally pull back the curtain and
reveal it all including the "3 Key Things" that have been the foundation of my success and my
students success.

You can register here for free:-

In this free training I show you step-by-step how to get started, how to pick your niche, how to
craft your consulting offer, how to get clients to come to you instead of you chasing them and

The lessons in this training are the bedrock of my success and my clients success and I'm sure
they will serve you in the same way they have served us.

Register for this FREE training right now by clicking the link below. This training will be taken
offline soon and this is a limited time opportunity to look behind the scenes of my multi million
dollar business.

Here's the link:-

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infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Facebook Ad #4:

Headline: ​ ​How Did These 9 Entrepreneurs Make 7-Figures And Get On This Private Jet?

Body copy:

Hey it's Sam Ovens here and I just got back from taking 9 of my clients to Miami to celebrate
them hitting 7-Figures with their consulting businesses.

(That's them in the photo below and me in the middle...)

So how the hell did they do it?

Well it all comes down to relentless focus on 3 Key things...

While the entire marketplace is running frantic executing blindly on fifty seven different things,
trying to keep up with every fad and trend, my clients and I are quietly making a fortune focusing
on the only three things that truly matter.

Interested in learning what these 3 key things are?

© - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
I put together a free training for you showing you what 3 three key things are and how you can
master them and deploy them inside your business right away.
You can register here for free:-

In this free training I show you *exactly* how myself and my clients have been quietly making
7-figure fortunes doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing and having a whole heap of
fun at the same time!

You'll also get the full story of how I created 9 millionaire consultants with these methods and
more than 136 6-figure consultants.

Like I said... This training is 100% free and you can register for it using the link below. Please
hurry as this training will not be available for long and I will be taking it offline in the next day or
so. Click the link below and register before you miss your chance!

Here's The Link:-


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infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Facebook Ad #5:

Headline: Advice For Consultants Struggling To Get Clients - From A Consultant Who Has Too

Body copy:

Are you a consultant, coach or service provider struggling to get clients?

Or maybe you're getting clients but deep down you know you're scraping the barrel...

Here's some sobering advice:

Hi my name is Sam Ovens and I'm a consultant who currently makes $750,000 /month and who
has made more than $10,000,000 since starting 4 years ago.

When I look at the consulting marketplace today I see these three problems that are widespread
and suffocating most consultants:

1). Generalism:

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Most consultants are not "consultants". They are glorified human bodies for hire at a negotiable
rate. Most consultants don't have a niche and can't define who their ideal client is. They are
generalists seeking any type of work in exchange for some money. If you want to make serious
money as a consultant you MUST have a niche!

2). No predictable way to generate appointments:

Most consultants operate by what I call "Hope Marketing". It goes like this: 9 AM they arrive at
their office get down on one knee and pray to God that today the phone rings and somebody will
contact them with some work. They operate their business using a strategy less successful
than a drunken bet in Las Vegas and gamble their own future and their families future.

If you want to be a successful consultant you MUST have a predictable and proven method to
reliably generate appointments on demand.

3). No predictable way to convert appointments into clients:

Most consultants change their approach with every new appointment they have with potential
clients. Every single appointment they operate "off the cuff" and say something new with little
regard to what has and hasn't worked in the past. They have no idea how many appointments
they need to generate a client and (once again) operate their business and families destiny with
spine chilling chance.

If you want to make decent money as a consultant you must have a proven rinse and repeat
process to conduct appointments and convert people into paying clients.

Are you making any of these three mistakes?

The truth is that if you are making just one of these mistakes your business has less than
6-months left before it gets totally wiped out. The world is changing and there is no place in this
world for sloppy consultants anymore. A new breed of consultant has emerged and is powering
through taking your clients and eating your lunch.

If you don't change your ways you will get wiped out. However, if you want to change your ways
and join the winning side of consultants in this new marketplace...

I Have Good News!

I just put together a free training which shows you exactly how I started my consulting business
from scratch and grew it to $750,000 /month in just 4 years.

Here's what you'll discover:

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infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
1). How to pick your niche and craft your high ticket offer
2). How to generate appointments on demand 24/7/365 with predictability
3). How to convert appointments into high paying clients without penny pinching and endless
follow up games of cat and mouse.

This free training has created 9 Millionaire Consultants in the past two years alone and has the
power and potential to do the same for you.

You can register here for free:-

It's a new world out there today and I can give you the tools to fight off this new breed of
consultant who has been terrorizing your income - however - if you don't do anything about it
please remember in 6 months time when you're wiped out and humiliated that I did warn you.

Here's The Link Again:-


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infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

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