Unit 1 Lesson 2 Lessons Only

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Day 1 of 3 Name: Aurora Macek

Lesson Title: Contemporary Influences of Visual Imagery Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art:
Art influences and reflects what is important to society.
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

Line, emphasis, scale, space, value, balance, unity

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a presentation on advertising and marketing, a template, and copic markers,
students will creatively redesign a well-known logo or product to reflect the company it
represents impact on culture and society.

Daily Objectives:
Given a presentation on advertising and marketing, students will critically investigate a
company’s logo or product and its influence on culture and society.

Given a presentation on advertising and marketing, students will vocally describe how
color, line, value, emphasis, form, space, balance, and scale are used in
advertisements to engage the viewer.

Assessment Criteria:
Application of critical thought and imagination.
Evidence of knowledge of elements and principles of design.
Evidence of research.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Powerpoint, video clips, worksheets of logos, information packet on social media
influencers and logos, projector, critique worksheet.

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Instagram templates, illustration board, copic markers, internet/personal device for
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

This lesson will reveal the contemporary

use of art by dominant forces of power.

2 min- Warm up activity: Fill out logo recognition worksheet to

Logo recognition- have students see which logos are familiar.
participate in a logo recognition
activity to open discussion about
marketing and advertising.
Reveal answers.


5 min- Discussion on activity to promote Participate in class discussion about

critical thinking. logo recognition, marketing, and
3 min- Video clips from Merchants of Cool advertising to stimulate critical thinking.
to reinforce concepts surrounding
marketing and advertising.
15 min- Presentation/Discussion on
Instagram Influencers and use of
elements and principles of design in
advertisements to further discuss
contemporary influence of art. Research possible corporations or
2 min- Explain assignment to students. companies and their logos.
13 min- Research time.


10 min- Discussion and sharing on Participate in closing discussion


Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)

Do students understand the associations companies use in visual art to make

consumers perceive their product in a certain way?
Are teaching resources available for all students?
Day 2 of 3 Name: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Contemporary Influences of Visual Imagery Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art
Art influences and reflects what is important to society.
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 
Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):
Line, emphasis, scale, space, value, balance, unity.

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a presentation on advertising and marketing, a template, and copic markers,
students will creatively redesign a well-known logo or product to reflect the company it
represents impact on culture and society.

Daily Objectives:
Given a template of an Instagram timeline, copic markers, and illustration board,
students will creatively use the elements and principles of design to recreate a
recognizable logo or product that displays craftsmanship.
Given examples of hashtags, students will effectively brainstorm three possible
hashtags that are associated with their redesigned logo and the social issue it is

Assessment Criteria:
Application of critical thought and imagination.
Use of text to reinforce concept.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Projector, space for demonstration, copic markers, illustration board, example pieces.

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Instagram templates, illustration board, copic markers, internet/personal device for
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities


3 min- Reintroduce assignment. Show Answer warm up questions and

Powerpoint slide of examples participate in class discussion to further
Ask questions about logo redesign to expand on ideas about logo or product
Reinforce conceptual and technical redesign.


5 min- Demonstration on copic markers. Pay attention to demo on copic markers

Focus on craft, blending colors, and and how to place template once drawing
how to hold markers for line weight is finished.
Show students how to attach
to drawing. Grab class set of copic markers,
Instagram template, drawing paper,
40 min- Work time on logo redesign. return to desks to work.
Walk around the room and help
students as needed. Add hashtags or captions to the
Instagram template to further convey

3 min- Wrap up and check out supplies to Clean up supplies.
who want to work on projects from Check out supplies as needed.
home over the weekend.

Give students extra time so that they

Can focus on craftmanship.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)

Do students understand the contemporary use of art and visual imagery by dominant
social and political powers to sell products?

Are research resources available for all students?

Day 3 of 3 Name: Aurora Macek

Lesson Title: Contemporary Influences of Visual Imagery Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson S & S Concept Statements:

Art and Influence: The Historical and Contemporary Power of Art

Art influences and reflects what is important to society.
Art teaches us how to think about ourselves and others. 
Art can lead to critical reflection of dominant forces of power in the past and present. 

Daily Formal Qualities (Elements & Principles of Design):

Line, emphasis, scale, space, value, balance, unity.

Overall Lesson Objective:

Given a presentation on advertising and marketing, a template, and copic markers,
students will creatively redesign a well-known logo or product to reflect the company it
represents impact on culture and society.

Daily Objectives:
Given prompt questions, students will thoughtfully discuss the intention of their
logo/product redesign.
Given a critique worksheet and prompt, students will critically reflect on their own work
and the work of others by successfully filling out critique worksheet.

Assessment Criteria:

Application of critical thought and imagination.

Reflection and intention.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson:

Projector, space for demonstration, copic markers, illustration board, example pieces,
critique worksheet.

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Finished Instagram Influencer project, pins, lights.
Teacher Directed Activities Student Directed Activities

3 min- Instruct students to get out Get out completed artwork and gather
completed works and grab four pins pins to hang work.
3 min- Demonstrate how to pin up artworks Gather around for a demonstration on
for critique. how to pin work.

4 min- While students are pinning work, Pin up work for critique.
write prompt questions for crit.
Think about prompt questions.
25 min- Class critique.
Allow each student time to share
their artwork and allow others time
respond to others artwork so that
students can become more Answer prompt questions and
conscious about the products that communicate intentionality of artistic
their classmates chose. choices in class discussion.
Allow students to answer prompt
Questions. Provide feedback to classmates after
Make sure all students can see the they explain their artistic choices.
Artwork being critiqued.

10 min- Critique worksheet.

Hand out critique worksheet and Fill out critique worksheet
allow students time to fill it out.

5 min- Direct students to turn in completed
critique worksheets and take down
pinned work. Turn in completed critique worksheet
Ask students to keep any wrappers and take down work.
or packaging them or their families Return pins.
have used in the last few days for
next assignment.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)

Did student’s hashtags further support the message they were trying to send? Did
students successfully alter logo/product? Were students engaged in group critique?

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