Lecture 02 Introduction Cryptography PDF

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Introduction to

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Nam
What Is Cryptography?
 Cryptography comes from the Greek words
 κρυπτός = hidden or secret
 γράφω = writing
 The art of secret writing
 Basic service
 The ability to send information between participants in a way that
prevents others from reading it
 Th scope off thi
The this class:
l kind
ki d off cryptography
t h where
 Representing information as numbers
 Manipulating those numbers mathematically
 P id other
Provides th services
i such
h as
 Integrity checking
 Authentication

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Plaintext and Ciphertext
 Plaintext or cleartext
 Message in its original form
 Ciphertext
 Th mangled
The l d information
i f ti
 Encryption
 The p
process for p
producingg ciphertext
p from p
 Decryption
 The reverse of encryption

encryption decryption
plaintext cyphertext plaintext

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Fundamental Tenet of Cryptography
 Cryptographers
yp g p
 Invent clever secret codes
 Cryptanalysts
 Attempt to break these codes
 These 2 disciplines constantly try to keep ahead of each
th r
 The success of the cryptographers rests on the
Fundamental Tenet of Cryptography
 If lots of smart people have failed to solve a problem 
it probably won’t be solved (soon)

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Cryptographic System
 Involve both
 An algorithm
 A secret value,
value, known as a keyy
 Why do we need a key?
 A ggood cryptographic
yp g p scheme
 Perfectly OK to have everyone (including the bad guys and
cryptanalysts) know the algorithm
 Because knowledge of the algorithm without the key does not
help un-
un-mangle the information easily
H good
How d should
h ld iit b
be?? C
i l diffi
Nguyen Tuan Nam/NetSec/Win2010 5
Computational Difficulty
 Important for cryptographic algorithms to be reasonably efficient for the
d guy to
t compute t
 Good guys are the ones with knowledge of the keys
 Cryptographic algorithms are not impossible to break without the key.
key. Why?
 The security of a cryptographic scheme depends on how much work it is for
the bad guys to break it
 10 million years to break using all of the computers in the world  considered
reasonably secure
 Example:
 Combination lock consists of 3 numbers
 Takes 10 seconds to dial in a combination  reasonably convenient for the good
 How much work is it for the bad guy? (worst case, average)
 A scheme can be made more secure by making the key longer
 Combination lock example?

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Key Lengths
 Computer can be used to exhaustively try keys
 Faster than people
 Don’t get tired
 Thousands or millions of keys can be tried per second
 More keysy can be tried in parallel
p if you
y have multiple
p computers
 Variable--length key
 Can be made more secure by increasing the length of the key
 Increasing the length of the key by 1 bits
 G d guy’s
Good ’ job
j b just
j a bit
bi h
 Bad guy’s job, how much harder?
 Fixed--length key
 Similar algorithm
g with a longer
g keyy can be devised
 Quiz
 If the computers get 1000 times faster, how much longer should the key length

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A Bolt Cutter
 Breaking the cryptographic scheme is only one
 A bolt cutter works no matter how many digits are
in the combination

Good guys: A kind word is a key to get what you want

Bad guys: However,
However you can get further with a kind word
and a gun than you can with a kind word alone

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To Publish or Not to Publish

Vi 1
View View 2
Keeping a cryptographic algorithm as Publishingg the algorithm,
g so that it is
secret as possible widely known

Common practice today

Commercial cryptosystems to be published.
published Some in
the US may be unpublished. Why?
Military cryptosystems to be kept secret.
secret Why?

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Secret Codes
 Secret code or cipher
 Any method of encrypting data
 Caesar cipher
 Substitute for each letter of the message, the letter which is 3 letters later
i the
in h alphabet
l h b ((wrap around) d)
 Captain Midnight Secret Decoder rings
 Pick a number n between 1 and 25
 S b i
Substitute ffor each
h lletter off the
h message, the
h lletter which
hi h iis n hi
(wrap around)
 Mono--alphabetic cipher
 Arbitrary mapping of one letter to another letter
 How many possible parings of letters?
 If took 1 microsecond to try each one  take about 10 trillion years
 However?

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What Is This?
 Cf lqr’xs
lqr xs xsnyctm n eqxxqgsy iqul qf wdcp eqqh,
erl lqrx qgt iqul!

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Breaking an Encryption Scheme
 The three basic attacks
 Ciphertext only
 Known plaintext

 Chosen plaintext

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Ciphertext Only
 Assumption: Fred, the bad guy
 Seen some ciphertext (not difficult to obtain)
 Can analyze at leisure
 How
 Searches all the keys
 Essential for this attack:
 Recognize when he has succeeded
 Combination lock
 Recognizable plaintext attack
 Enough ciphertext
 S
i not necessary to search
h through
h h a llot off kkeys
 Statistical analysis (common English words)
 A cryptographic algorithm MUST be secure against a ciphertext
only attack.
attack Why?

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Known Plaintext
 Fred somehow obtained some
<plaintext, ciphertext> pairs. How?
 With a mono-
mono-alphabetic cipher
 A small amount of known plaintext would be bonanza for
 Some cryptographic schemes
 Good enough to be secure against ciphertext only attacks
 Not good enough against known plaintext attacks
 Important to design the systems to minimize the possibility
that a bad guy will ever be able to obtain <plaintext,
ciphertext> p

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Chosen Plaintext
 Fred
 Can choose any plaintext he wants
 Get the system to tell him what the corresponding
ciphertext is
 How could it happen?

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Types of Cryptographic Functions
 Three kinds of cryptographic functions
 Public key functions: two keys
 Secret key functions: one key

 Hash functions: … zero key

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Secret Key Cryptography
 Involves the use of a single
g keyy
 Given a message (plaintext) and a key
 Encryption produces
 Unintelligible data
data, which is about the same length as the plaintext
 Decryption is the reverse
 Usingg the same keyy as encryption
 Also called
 Conventional cryptography
 S mm tri cryptography
Symmetric r pt r ph
 Example?

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Security Uses of Secret Key
 Transmitting over an insecure channel
 Secure storage on insecure media
 A h i i
 Integrity check

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Authentication Using Secret Key
 Strongg authentication
 Someone can prove knowledge of a secret without revealing
 P ibl with
Possible ith cryptography
t h
 Particularly useful when 2 computers trying to communicate
over an insecure network
Alice Bob

rA encrypted with KAB

rB encrypted with KAB

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Integrity Check
 What is a checksum?
 Original derivation of checksum
 Only protect against faulty hardware, but not an intelligent attacker
 CRC algorithms are published  attacker can re-re-compute CRC after altering the
message  needs secret checksum algorithms
 Cryptographic checksum
 Common (known) algorithm
 Secret key
 MAC (message authentication code) or MIC (message integrity code)
 At least 48 bits long  chance is only one in 280 trillion to guess the MAC
 Example
 Inter-bank electronic funds transfers
 Messages are not kept secret, but their integrity is insured

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Public Key Cryptography
 Relatively new field, invented in 1975
 Involves the use of 2 key
 A private key that is not revealed to anyone
 A public key that is preferably known to the entire
 No shared key between the 2 communicating parties

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Public Key Cryptography –
Encryption and Digital Signature
encr ption
encryption decr ption
plaintext ciphertext plaintext

public key private key

signing verification
plaintext signed plaintext
private key public key

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 What are the differences between a checksum
and a digital signature?
 What are the differences between a MAC and a
digital signature?

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Security Uses of Public Key
 Public key cryptography can do anything secret
key cryptography can do
 Might be used in the beginning of
communication to
 Authenticate
 Establish a temporary shared secret key
 The secret keyy is used to encrypt
yp the remainder of
the conversation using secret key technology
 Why?

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 Alice wants to talk to Bob securely
 What should happen?

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Transmitting Over an Insecure
 Using public key cryptography to encrypt
message before transmitting
 How?

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Secure Storage on Insecure Media
 Same as secret key cryptography
 For performance reasons
 U together
Use h with
i h secret kkey cryptography

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 If Bob wants to prove his identity to lots of
 Secret key technology:
 Remember lots of secret keys
 Public key technology:
 Remember only his private keys
 Know ((be able to obtain)) others’ public
p keyy
 Does not need to keep any secret in order to
verify others
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Digital Signatures

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Hash Algorithms
 Also known as message g digests
g or one
 Mathematical transformation that takes a message of
b length and
d computes from it a fixed-
(short) number
 h(m) is the hash of a message m,
m with the following
 For anyy message
g m, relativelyy easyy to compute
p h(m) ( )
 Given h(m), no way to find an m that hashes to h(m)
 It is computationally infeasible to find 2 values that hash to
the same thing

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Password Hashing
 /etc/passwd
 Used to be publicly readable
 Shadow file

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Message Integrity
 Cryptographic hash function can be used to
generate a MAC to protect the integrity
 Method 1:
 Sent the message
 Use
U theh hhash
h off the
h message as a MAC
 Method 2?

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Message Fingerprint
 Want to know whether some large data structure
has been modified
 Method 1: keep another copy
 Method 2: use a hash function (save storage)

 Watch
W h out
 Bad guy may changes both the data and the hash

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Digital Signature Efficiency
 Public key algorithms are sufficiently processor
 Compute a message digest of the message
 Digitally sign the hash result, instead of the
h l message

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