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We travel around the solar system, under the seas, and inside the cell;
we are wired and wireless; we can cure diseases and treat disorders.
With all these advances, the issue of deciding what to teach has never
been more difficult. Curriculum designers face exciting but daunting
challenges. The volume of data has grown exponentially. and
information technology has made accessing that data possible by
many means. Traditional categories and disciplines are breaking down
and recombining, and new fields of study are emerging. Paralleling
this growth in content is the public's helgheded expectations for

 Topic sentence : We travel around the solar system, under

the seas, and inside the cell; we are wired and wireless;
we can cure diseases and treat disorders

 Main Idea : the paragprah mosly discusses about : along with

development of technology that facilittes everything, it also
has an impact on traditional cultural values that are starting
to fade, so that new sciences begin to emerge.

2. Those who design curriculums also face the challenge of responding to

a changing social context. New family structures and reconfigured
gender, ethnicity, and racial identities have reshaped the communities
that schools serve. English language and European ethnicity no longer
define the U.S. population. Diversity and globalization have blured
cultural barriers.
 Topic sentence : Diversity and globalization have blured
cultural barriers.

 Main Idea : The paragraph discusses about : cultural

barries occur brcause of the formation of etnic
structure,feconfirmed gender, so that the population does not
depend on people who can speak english.

3. Moreover, opinions about and nature of U.S. public schools are the role
increasingly at odds with one another. Privatization, charter, and
home-school movements contest the primacy of public education. The
reformers motivations differ, too, often almed at corporate profits
instead of the social weal. Policymakers and pundits-usually
noneducators-often impose policies on schools. Publishers, too, are a
powerful voice in the curriculum because of the materials that they
market and the clout of their political lobbying efforts.
 Topic sentence : opinions about and nature of U.S. public
schools are the role increasingly at odds with one another.
 Main Idea : The paragraph discusses about : strong
influence on the curriculum, also coming from publishers who
exert influence on their sales, so that public education
competition, not social impact but on company profits
4. In addition, educators face changes in their profession. Unable to raise
real incomes for teachers during the prosperous 1990s, U.S. schools
now confront an ongoing loss of talented teachers to other fields.
High-achieving minorities and women, for whom education was once
one of the few available professions, now take other career paths. Out-
of-field teachers and those with emergency licenses are increasingly
prevalent: 49,000 teachers occupy these two categories in California

 Topic Sentence : educators face changes in their

 Main idea : Because the income for teachers is not
balanced, school in the US do not have talented teachers
because they have moved to others fields.

5. Education, the largest of all professions, is also sub-dividing in ways

that may be perilous to its effectiveness. The curriculum field has seen
the gradual separation of college faculty from public school educators,
each group with its own conferences, organizations, journals, and
perspectives. University-based theorists seem increasingly distant
from the curriculum directors who make the choices about what
students in public schools are taught. This gradual divergence within
the curriculum field is more a function of numbers and scale rather
than of conscious design, but it is another development that shapes
curriculum work today.
 Topic sentence : The curriculum field has seen the
gradual separation of college faculty from public school
educators, each group with its own conferences,
organizations, journals, and perspectives

 Main Idea : The paragraph discusses about The curricculum

becomes a gradual separator frim the faulty of higher
eduation. Each has its own conference,journal and perspective.

6. But what are the skills and knowledge that students need today? How
should curriculum designers shape students.

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