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Name: Dan Drexter Z.

Garcia Date Submitted: September 2, 2015

Section: SPCM W-5R

Title: How to be elected as President in the Philippines?

Specific Speech Purpose: To tell my classmates how to become the President of the


“Great power comes with great responsibility.” The presidential seat in the Philippines is
still highly desired by every candidate despite with great responsibility. They readily invest so
much money, time and effort just to fill in the vacant position whenever election comes. Also,
we know that there is only one who will win the position but little we know about how he or she
has been elected. Now, there are some ways and characteristics which one must have in order to
win the race.


I. Our 15 presidents share some common characteristics.

a. They are all influential on their respective times.
b. They are good in public speaking.
c. Most of them graduated with bachelor degree.
II. There are practical reasons why some of the presidents won.
a. Some came from rich families whose members were also involved in politics.
b. Former President Joseph Estrada won by his popularity as an actor.
III. They usually say that they belong to the masses.
a. They tell people that they were once unfortunate men.
b. They make the common people love them.
IV. Other reasons why some of the candidates for presidency succeeded.
a. Former President Manuel Luis M. Quezon triumphed at the 1935 Presidential
election, defeating Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, by claiming that he has the remains of
the latter’s mortal enemy Andres Bonifacio.
b. Ex-president Corazon C. Aquino assumed the office only after Former President
Ferdinand Marcos Sr. was ousted by the People Power Revolution.


Presidential bids always do their best to sit on the chair with presidential seal but before
that, they need to exert extra blood and sweat for it. They need to at least be influential, good at
convincing voters, vigilant on the wants and needs of the masses and diligent to gather supports
from organizations and institutions. Even though the works that they have done were many,
those were still not enough. To make it all work, I believe there should be love. Love for God,
country and fellowmen is what completes the sense of winning of a president.
Visual Aids

1. Pictures of the Philippine presidents, Pres. Ferdinand Marcos and President Magsaysay


Ryan, A. C. 2007. RM: A biographical novel of Ramon Magsaysay. USA: Xlibris Corporation. n.d. Presidential museum and library. Retrieved September 2, 2015, from

FilipiKnow. 2013. Top 10 unresolved mysteries in the Philippines (Part 2). Retrieved September
2, 2015, from

Joseph Estrada. (2015). The website. Retrieved September 1, 2015, from

Snob, H.K. 2013. Marcos 58th birthday watch. Retrieved September 3, 2015, from http://watch-

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