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Tangent galvanometer is the compass type equipment that we use mostly to measure the
magnetic deflections resulted from the current flow. This magnetic field is induced when the
current passes through conductor. The unit for the measurement of magnetic field is Tesla(T).
The magnetic field due to current flowing through coil is Bi and the magnetic field due to
earth is Be. this can be calculated by.
Tan  = Bi/ Be
By using the above equation, we can calculate the angle of deflection.
The main objective of this experiment is to observe the changes that are produced in the
horizontal component of the Earth magnetic field by using the tangent galvanometer.
 Tangent Galvanometer No.2687
 Dry batteries (one or two)
 Receiving Switch
 One milliammeter, range 100 ma.
 Though tangent galvanometer all types of the experiment can be done with the help
of a galvanometer that is placed as far as from all magnetic materials.
 If you locate the tangent galvanometer then it will be easy for you to make its coil
parallel to the magnetic field of the earth.
 In this way, the short magnetic needle will be in the plane of the galvanometer coil.
 Level the instrument
 In the series way, connect the battery, the mill ammeter, the galvanometer, and the
resistance box
 To reverse the direction of the current through the galvanometer, fix the reversing
switch in the circuit.
 Record the deflection of the galvanometer for a given or any current value.
 You can fix any error that happens due to wrongly placed the pointer or not placing
the coil in parallel to the magnetic meridian

 To make the usage of all seventy turns of the coil, fix the circuit to the galvanometer.
 Through the resistance box, adjust the current so that it can give you a deflection of
45 degrees.
 Record the current and deflection.
 To find out the diameter of the coil, use a metal scale.
 Find out the value of the horizontal components Be of the magnetic field of the earth.
 Find out the values of the other two defalcations by taking the value below the 45
degree and other above the 45 degrees.
 Find the average of three values of the magnetic field of the earth.
 Compare these values with the accepted value of the locality.

Trial  N I Be
1 44 70 28 3.5 x 10-5
2 44 70 28 3.5 x 10-5
3 44 70 29 3.5 x 10-5

Table 1
 Using the 60 turns of the galvanometer, set up the apparatus.
 In the range of 20 to 60 degrees with the corresponding value of the current, record
and read the five or six different deflections of the magnetic needles.
 These values should be placed or fall on the straight line.
 You can find out the value of the unknown current by using the galvanometer as a
current measuring instrument.
 But you can do this only on one condition when you calibrated on the same condition
and same location.


(deg) I(mA)
20 16
30 24
40 34
50 51
60 70

Table 2

Deflection Graph

60 f(x) = 1.35 x − 15
current i



0 20 40 60 80

Angle of Deflection (deg)

Using the equation of the line y = 1.35x – 15 we can calculate the slope.

Discussion and Conclusion

The average magnitude was calculated to be T which is fairly close to the known value in
New Orleans. The magnetic deflections caused by closing the circuit and allowing current to
flow were observed as well as the increasing magnitude of Bc as the number of turns
1. Human error is expected during the performance due to the tangent angles of
2. We can reduce errors by performing the experiment carefully

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