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Assignment 6.

Self-Assessment: Could You Be a Problem Drinker?

As the term implies, problem drinkers are people whose use of alcohol frequently leads to
problems for themselves or others. Answer each of the following questions according to
your own alcohol use pattern.

1. Do you drink to cope with difficult situations? No, I do not. Occasionally, I drink
in celebration.
2. Do you frequently drink to a state of intoxication? Is the word “intoxication”
used by others to describe your condition? I do not drink frequently.
3. Do you drive while under the influence of alcohol? I do not.
4. Do you fight when drinking? Have you ever injured someone or been injured
while drinking, to the extent that medical attention was required? I do not.
5. Do you do things while drinking that you later believe you would not have done
had you not been drinking? Once, I have.
6. Do you display any of these additional signs of problem drinking?
 Need to drink before facing certain situations
 Engage in frequent drinking sprees
 Require increasingly more alcohol to feel “satisfied”
 Drink alone
 Drink early in the morning
I do not do any of these things
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you have shown behavior
generally associated with problem drinking.

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