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Enzymatic Production of High Fructose Corn

Syrup (HFCS) Containing 55% Fructose in

Aqueous Ethanol

Kalevi Visuri and Alexander M . Klibanov

Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02 139
Accepted for publication November 26, 1986

Production of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) catalyzed HFCS containing 55% of fructose when the process is con-
by immobilized glucose isomerase is by far the greatest ducted in 85-90% ethanol.
industrial success of enzyme technology to date. I The gist of
this process is the enzymatic isomerization of glucose (usu-
ally derived, also enzymatically, from corn starch) into a
mixture typically containing 42% fructose, 5 1% glucose,
and 7% oligosaccharides (remaining from incomplete
amylase-catalyzed hydrolysis of starch).*-' Although this Four different preparations of glucose isomerase
mixture is isosweet with sugar and suitable for some com- (D-xylose ketol isomerase, EC were employed in
mercial applications, it is insufficiently sweet for HFCS's our work. Free glucose isomerase from mycelium of Strep-
major use -in more acidic soft drinks (such as Coca-Cola tomyces rubiqinosus" was a generous gift of Finnish Sugar
and Pepsi-Cola).' The latter market requires a fructose con- Co. (Kantvik, Finland). The enzyme was purified by them
tent of 55% of the total solids to give the same sweetness using lysozyme-assisted cell lysis, ammonium sulfate frac-
level as sucrose (at the same concentration of solids).' Con- tionation, and subsequent recrystallization with ammonium
sequently, glucose isomerase-catalyzed isomerization of sulfate eight times. The resultant preparation (wet crystals
glucose syrup in industry is usually followed by chro- containing 41% protein, 6% ammonium sulfate, and 53%
matographic enrichment of the HFCS formed.'-' water) was pure by SDS-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis
Since the chromatographic step is a considerable expense, and FPLC and had a specific activity of 0.32 international
it would be highly desirable to omit it. Conceptually, one units (IU) per mg of protein (fructose was used as a substrate
way to accomplish this is to conduct the isomerization reac- in this and subsequent determinations). The following three
tion not at the currently employed temperature of immobilized glucose isomerases have been used: 1) The
60-65°C,3-5 but at 1oO-l10°C.6 Due to the fact that a tem- first was the described above Streptomyces rubiqinosus en-
perature increase favors fructose in its equilibrium with glu- zyme adsorbed on DEAE-cellulose. The sample, also ob-
cose, HFCS containing 55% fructose can be enzymatically tained from Finnish Sugar and called Spezyme IGI, had an
formed directly above 100°C.' Unfortunately, glucose activity of 11.8 IU/g dry wt. 2) The second was the enzyme
isomerases are far too labile to work at such high tem- from Bacillus coagulans immobilized by covalent cross-
peratures for even hours, let alone days and weeks required linking with gl~taraldehyde.~ This sample, obtained from
for a commercial operation.6 Furthermore, recently eluci- Novo Industri (Bagsvaerd, Denmark) and called Sweetzyme
dated mechanisms of irreversible thermoinactivation of S, had an activity of 2.9 IU/g dry wt. 3) Finally, the en-
enzymes',' strongly suggest that the upper limit of enzyme zyme from Actinoplanes missouriensis was immobilized by
thermostability is a half-life of several hours at loO°C, thus entrapment in a gelatin gel, followed by covalent cross-
making the foregoing stability levels unattainable. '
linking with glutaraldehyde. This sample, obtained from
In a search for an alternative approach, we turned to the Gist-Brocades (Delft, The Netherlands) and called Max-
emerging area of enzyme catalysis in nonaqueous media. lo azyme GI, had an activity of 3.0 IU/g dry wt.
It occurred to us that the equilibrium between glucose and Crystalline a-D( +)-glucose and P-D(-)-fructose were
fructose might be shifted towards the latter not only at high purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). High
temperatures but also in aqueous-organic mixtures even at fructose corn syrup, containing 71% (w/w) solids con-
the ambient temperature. For the reasons of safety for a food sisting of 42% fructose, 52% glucose, and 6% oli-
application, cost and reactant solubility, ethanol was the gosaccharides, was a kind gift from Cargill Co. (Dayton,
only choice for the organic solvent. In the present study, we OH); the sample (trade name Isoclear 42) was a viscous,
have discovered that glucose isomerase can directly produce clear aqueous solution. The enzymes used for assays, yeast

Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 30, Pp. 917-920 (1987)

0 1987 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0006-3592/87/070917- 04$04.00
hexokinase and phosphoglucose isomerase and Leuconostoc Table I. Dependence of glucose isomerase activity on the concentration
mesenteroides glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase, as well of ethanol in the solvent."
as NAD' and ATP, were purchased from Sigma. All other Concentration of ethanol Enzymatic activity
chemicals and solvents used in this work were obtained 1% (w/w)l (nmoI/s mg enzymeb)
commercially and were of the highest purity availabIe.
0 2.80
40 2.65
Assays 80 2.51
90 0.68
Glucose isomerase (both free and immobilized) was as- 92 0.44
sayed as follows. An enzyme solution (1 mL) or 2 g 94 0.10
96 0.044
presoaked immobilized enzyme was added to 10 mL of 98 0.044
6% aqueous solution of fructose ( 0 . M Tris-HCl, pH 7.0,
containing 0.2mM CoC12) and shaken at 30°C. Periodi- a Glucose isomerase activity is expressed as the initial rate of enzymatic

cally, aliquots were withdrawn and assayed for glucose as isomerization of fructose to glucose in various mixtures of ethanol and
aqueous solution of sodium malate buffer (25mM, pH 7.0). The reaction
outlined below. mixture (which contained 7pM CoC12 and 1 3 0 a MgSO,), consisting of
Glucose was determined using the standard enzymatic 1.5% (w/w) fructose and 3.33 mg/mL Stregromyces rubiqinosus glucose
(hexokinase/glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase)method. l 3 isomerase, was stirred at 25°C; periodically, aliquots were withdrawn and
Fructose (in the presence of glucose) was determined by the analyzed for glucose as outlined in the Methods.
Wet enzyme crystals are as defined in the Materials section.
phosphoglucose isomerase method. l4 When glucose isomer-
ization was catalyzed by free glucose isomerase, the latter
was irreversibly inactivated by 0.1M sulfuric acid prior to
the glucose/fructose assay to avoid interferences. changed appreciably and were unaffected by addition of
more enzyme, thus indicating that the thermodynamic equi-
librium was approximately reached. At that point, the
concentration of fructose in the two solutions originally
The initial goal of this study was to ascertain whether the containing only glucose or only fructose was 46.8% and
equilibrium between glucose and fructose can be shifted 45.6%, respectively, which is in a reasonable agreement
(hopefully in favor of fructose) when water is replaced with with the literature data.7 When the same experiments were
aqueous-organicmixtures. To avoid working with emulsions conducted in 80% (w/w) ethanol (with the other 20% being
and due to the insolubility of the sugars in water-immiscible the aqueous buffer), then the equilibrium concentrations of
solvents, we were limited to water-miscible organic sol- fructose obtained were 55.6 and 54.8%, respectively. That
vents. Since HFCS is a food ingredient, it was sensible to is, replacement of water with 80% aqueous ethanol as the
select a FDA-approved solvent. These restrictions narrowed reaction medium resulted in a 9% increase of the fructose
the choice of the organic solvent down to just one -ethanol. concentration in its equilibrium mixture with glucose.
Since the isomerization of glucose to fructose is to be The above results looked sufficiently promising to war-
enzymatically catalyzed, it was critical to establish whether rant a more detailed investigation. We decided to carry it out
glucose isomerase can act as a catalyst in aqueous ethanol. with immobilized glucose isomerase, for this form of the
Table I depicts the dependence of the catalytic activity of enzyme is currently used in i n d ~ s t r y . ~Initially,
-~ glucose
free Streptomyces rubiqinosus glucose isomerase on the isomerase from Streptomyces rubiqinosus adsorbed on
ethanol content of solution. One can see that in 80% (w/w) DEAE-cellulose was employed to determine the position of
ethanol the enzymatic activity is as high as 90% of that in the thermodynamic equilibrium between glucose and fruc-
pure water and even in 90% (w/w) ethanol the activity is tose as a function of ethanol content. At each ethanol con-
almost one-quarter of that exhibited in a purely aqueous centration, three independent experiments were run using
solution. (At higher ethanol contents, the glucose isomerase glucose, fructose or their equimolar mixture as substrates. In
activity drops precipitously.) Hence, the enzyme can be all cases, a suspension of the immobilized enzyme in a
readily used to catalyze the isomerization reaction at least up substrate solution was vigorously shaken at 30°C and the
to 90% (w/w) of ethanol in the medium. concentrations of fructose and glucose monitored until they
We then proceeded to determine whether the thermo- nearly leveled off. The time courses of the enzymatic
dynamic equilibrium between glucose and fructose is indeed isomerization in pure water and in 85% ethanol are depicted
different in aqueous ethanol from that in pure water. First, in Figures 1(A) and 1(B), respectively. Similar patterns
the equilibrium was measured in the latter. To 100 mL of were obtained at other ethanol concentrations, and the re-
aqueous buffer (50mM Tris-HC1, 1mM CoC12, 20mM sultant equilibrium fructose fractions are shown in Table 11.
MgS04, pH 7.0), containing 3 g of either glucose or fruc- It is seen that addition of ethanol to the reaction medium
tose, 1.33 g wet crystals of glucose isomerase was added, substantially favors fructose in its equilibrium with glucose.
and the solutions were stirred at 25°C. Periodically, the Also note that approximately the same equilibrium values
reaction mixtures were assayed for glucose and fructose. for fructose ensued regardless of whether the substrate was
After three days, the reactant concentrations no longer glucose, fructose, or an equimolar mixture of the two


by Novo and Gist-Brocades)-from Bacillus coagulans
'"OF- crosslinked with glutaraldehyde and from Actinoplanes mis-
souriensis entrapped in gelatin and crosslinked with
glutaraldehyde- to equilibrate glucose and fructose in 85%
aqueous ethanol. As one can see in Figures 1(B), 1(C), and
1(D), the positions of the equilibrium obtained are virtually
identical for all three immobilized glucose isomerases and
much more favorable towards fructose than in water.
Operational stability is a practically important character-
istic of a bio~ata1yst.l~ With that in mind, we examined the
remaining activity of the three immobilized glucose isomer-
ases as a function of time of the catalyzed reaction [30"C,
shaking at 250 rpm, 10% (w/w) substrate; for other condi-
tions see Figures 1(B), 1(C), and l(D)]. After three days,
the residual activity was ca. 25, 35, and 57% of the initial
level for the FinnSugar, Gist-Brocades, and Novo enzymes,
respectively. It is difficult to directly compare these numbers
with their counterparts in water, because in 10% aqueous
solutions of sugars at 30°C microbial growth begins in just
a few hours (which presumably does not happen in 85%
ethanol) and leads to enzyme inactivation. However, it is
3 6 known from the that at 60-65°C (where the
days days microbial growth is essentially suppressed), the half-life of
Figure 1. Time courses of glucose isomerase-catalyzed isomerization of immobilized glucose isomerase is of the order of a month.
(a) glucose, (b) fructose, or their (c) equimolar mixture in (A) water or (B, Hence, it appears that addition of ethanol significantly labil-
C, and D) 85% ethanol: (A and B) Streptomyces rubiqinosus glucose izes the biocatalyst. The operational stability of the enzymes
isomerase immobilized by adsorption on DEAE-cellulose; (C) Bacillus in aqueous ethanol mixtures will have to be enhanced to
coagulans glucose isomerase immobilized by crosslinking with glu-
taraldehyde; (D) Actinoplanes missouriensis glucose isomerase entrapped
make them feasible as industrial catalysts.
in gelatin and crosslinked with glutaraldehyde. General conditions are 10% The next step was to verify that our approach to enriching
(w/w) substrate, 3 0 T , and shaking at 250 rpm. Other conditions are glucoseifructose mixtures with the latter by adding ethanol
(A) 50mM Tris. HCl aqueous buffer (pH 8.2), 0.17 g/mL enzyme; (B, C, is directly applicable to commercial HFCS. To that end, we
and D) 85% aqueous ethanol (5OmM final Tris.HC1 concentration, pH obtained high fructose corn syrup from Cargill. The solu-
adjusted to 8.2 prior to mixing with ethanol), 0.25 g/mL enzyme.
tion, which according to the manufacturer contained 42%
fructose, 52% glucose (according to our analysis 41.5 and
(which is quite close to the ultimate equilibrium). This fur- 52.5%, respectively), and 6%oligosaccharides, was diluted
ther validates the reported results. with ethanol to bring its ratio with water to 85: 15 (the
We then employed two other, unrelated immobilized glu- overall solution composition (w/w) was 10% dry substrates,
cose isomerases (both commercial catalysts manufactured 76.5% ethanol, and 13.5% H,O), and the pH was adjusted

Table 11. Equilibrium fractions of fructose in its mixtures with glucose in different aqueous ethanol
solutions. a

Equilibrium fraction of fructose enzymatically

Concentration of formed when the substrateb was
ethanol in the
solvent 100% glucose 100% fructose 50% glucose + 50% fructose
(%) (%I (%) (%)

0 45.1 46.0 45.1

50 48.5 49.3 49.0
80 53.7 54.5 53.9
85 55.9 56.7 56.0
90 57.8 59.4 58.2

A substrate was dissolved in a reaction medium consisting of varying proportions of ethanol and
aqueous Tris . HCI buffer (25mM, pH 7.0, containing ImM CoCI2 and 20mM MgS04). Then
immobilized glucose isomerase was added (0.2 g/mL), and the suspension was shaken at 250 rpm
and 30°C for 2 days which is sufficient to reach the practical equilibrium between glucose and
The substrate concentration was 1) 12% (w/w) in pure water, in 50% ethanol, and in 80% ethanol;
2) 6% (w/w) in 85% ethanol; and 3) 3% (w/w) in 90% ethanol. Lower concentrations of the sugars
at higher ethanol contents are due to a decreasing solubility upon addition of the organic solvent.


to 8.2 (where the enzyme is more stable than at pH 7.0) This work was supported, in part, by Miles Laboratories. Kalevi
following addition of Tris HC1 buffer (the final concen- Visuri is a Finnish Sugar Company visiting research fellow.
tration in the aqueous ethanol mixture of 50mM). A
2.5 x 106-cm column was packed with presoaked immo-
bilized glucose isomerase (Finnish Sugar, 200 g dry wt).
Then the above-mentioned substrate solution in aqueous
ethanol was passed through the column (ascending direc- References
tion, using a peristaltic pump) at 70 mL/h for 62 h. As a
1. A. M. Klibanov, Science, 219, 722 (1983).
result, 4.3 L of the product solution which contained 51.6% 2. C. Bucke, Topics in Enzyme and Fermentation Biotechnology. A.
fructose, 42.4% glucose, and 6% oligosaccharides was ac- Wiseman, Ed. (Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1977), Vol. 1 ,
cumulated. pp. 147-171.
The foregoing data suggest the following straightforward 3. R. L. Antrim. W. Colilla, and B. J. Schnyder, Applied Biochemistry
prototype for an industrial setup. First, HFCS containing and Bioengineering, L. B. Wingard, E. Katchalski-Katzir, and L.
Goldstein, Eds. (Academic, New York, 1979), Vol. 2, pp. 97-155.
42% fructose is enzymatically produced the same way as at 4. S . H. Hemmingsen, Applied Biochemistry and Bioengineering, L. B.
present: in water at 60-65"C.3-s Then, instead of enriching Wingard, E. Katchalski-Katzir, and L. Goldstein, Eds. (Academic,
it by ion-exchange chromatography, the syrup is diluted New York, 1979), Vol. 2, pp. 157-183.
with ethanol (ideally, also produced from starch hydrolysate 5 . C. Bucke, Enzymes and Food Processing, G. G. Birch, N. Blake-
by fermentation at the same site) and passed through a brough, and K. J. Parker, Eds. (Applied Science Publishers, London,
1981), pp. 51-72.
smaller glucose isomerase column (or columns) to enhance 6. N. E. Lloyd, U.S. Patent No. 4,567,142 (January 28, 1986).
the fructose content to a desired level. Ethanol is then recov- 7. Y . B. Tewari and R. N. Goldberg, Appf. Biochem. Biotechnof., 11, 17
ered by distillation and reused. We have demonstrated that (1985).
this approach can be used for the production of the syrup 8. T. J. Ahern and A.M. Klibanov, Science, 228, 1280 (1985).
containing 55% fructose needed for acidic soft drinks (see 9. S . E. Zale and A. M. Klibanov, Biochemistry. 25, 5432 (1986).
10. A. M. Klibanov, CHEMTECH, 16, 354 (1986).
the Introduction). The effluent from the aforedescribed col- 11. N. E. Lloyd and K. Khaleeluddin, Cereal Chem., 53, 270 (1976).
umn was supplemented with more ethanol [to bring its ratio 12. J. V. Hupkes and R. Van Tilburg, Starke, 28, 356 (1976).
with water to 9: 1 (w/w)] and then passed through another 13. H. U. Bergmeyer, E. Berut, F. Schmidt, and H. Stork, in Methods of
column half the size of the first one. The effluent of the Enzymatic Analysis, H. U. Bergmeyer, Ed. (Academic, New York,
second column contained 55.3% fructose, 38.7% glucose, 1974), VoI. 3, pp. 1196-1201.
14. E. Berut and H. U. Bergmeyer, in Methods of Enzymatic Analysis,
and 6% oligosaccharides. It is hoped that the novel approach H . U . Bergmeyer, Ed. (Academic, New York, 1974), Vol. 3,
reported in this communication will be useful for the manu- pp. 1304-1307.
facturing of HFCS. 15. A.M. Klibanov, Anal. Biochem., 93, 1 (1979).


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