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FEEDBACK LOG for Formative Assessment

Spring 2020
The feedback you provide to students on your scoring guides or verbally is important and critical in helping students
progress in their learning. Feedback should ALWAYS provide them with information about their strengths and their
weaknesses. How you help them use it is also critical and includes concrete reminders, PLUS the learning
experience to use the feedback.

Students do not automatically use the feedback of what you write or tell them. You will need to have conversations
with them each day to help them reflect on what you shared with them from the day before (meta-cognition). You
can also think of concrete support that may help them to reflect on the feedback. (index card with a reminder, poster,
a string on their finger).

What you are doing in this clinical practice, is what you will be doing the rest of your career. It should become part
of your daily practice and be included in your unit week, though not recorded.

Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage

Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. Name a Concrete Way to
2. What you shared Remind them of their feedback
2. A Learning experience that
would build on their learning

Whole Class- The whole class did Whole Class- In the next lesson on
Day 1- Math well on the perimeter and area exit area and perimeter, the students will
ticket. Most students got 2 out of 3 make shapes using a geoboard. This
questions correct. The one that could help the students with finding
most of some of them missed the area and perimeter by counting the
most was finding the area. Where square units.
students went wrong is that they
added the two numbers instead of Student 1- The student showed that
multiplying it. On the exit ticket I he know how to find area and
provided feedback when I saw their perimeter on quadrilaterals. Now he
work by saying “I love how you will move unto finding the area and
showed your work, great job!”. I perimeter of other shapes.
also gave the students that put the
measurements correctly extra points Student 2- This would allow the
and said that I am glad to see that teacher to see if the student did not
they put that. When I handed them do well on the exit ticket because
the exit tickets back I verbally they were spaced out or because
provided feedback to the whole they struggle with the content.
class. “You all did so great on your
exit slips! I am also tremendously
happy that some of you put the
measurements. Remember 3rd grade
we always have to put our

Student 1- This student is actually

very good at math and he was one
of the students that got all the
answers correct. He did miss on
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage
Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. Name a Concrete Way to
2. What you shared Remind them of their feedback
2. A Learning experience that
would build on their learning

putting the measurements for his

answers. I told him that he did a
great job showing the work for his
answers, but he needs to remember
to just bring those measurements
down from the numbers of the

Student 2- This student only got

one question correct, that being the
finding the perimeter one. I notice
this student spacing out while doing
the exit ticket and I believed she
rushed it at the end. I verbally told
her “that she needs to focus more
on her work because I know she is
capable of multiplying and adding.
That’s basically what she had to
Whole Class- The students did a Whole Class- For the next lesson
Day 2- Science great job labeling objects that were the students will work on how the
solids. The students struggled with states of matter change when an
some objects that were gasses, energy source is applied. This will
labeling them as water like steam. help the students see how a liquid
As they came up and tried to sort such as water will form into a solid
the objects the teacher provided when cold is applied to it. It will
verbal feedback. “Great job, a show them how that solid can turn
pencil is a solid, if it was a liquid back into liquid and even into gas
we wouldn’t be able to pick it up when heat is applied to it.
without own hands”.
Student 1- This might help the
Student 1- When this student came student see what the difference
up he stood for a while thinking between solid, liquid and gasses is.
where ice would go. The teacher He will see how a solid is
helped him by asking him what he something you can held, and it will
thinks it is. The student mentioned remain the same shape. Liquid
that it is either a solid or a gas. The forms to the shape of its container.
teacher told him to ask a classmate
for assistance. Student 2- This will build more
content on the states of matter. The
Student 2- The student was able to student will continue to learn on the
sort both of her objects. She had a ways the states of matter can
tire and root beer. I verbally told interchange.
her “wow great job! I like how you
explained why tire was not a
Whole Class- The students did not Whole Class- The students will
Day 3- ELA do too well on their informative continue to practice writing in their
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage
Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. Name a Concrete Way to
2. What you shared Remind them of their feedback
2. A Learning experience that
would build on their learning

essay. Most students had their topic journals. This will allow the
sentence but did not have enough students to practice their writing
details to support it. Most students and making complete sentences. I
only had one detail only a few had will do lessons on how to create full
two and none of them had three. sentences and what we are looking
Some students did not write a for when asking for detail sentences
closing sentence, they just rewrote and what is a paragraph.
their first sentence. To give
feedback I used the rubric and gave Student 1- This student could
them a score and I also wrote understand that a paragraph
comments. I wrote comments such contains 4-5 sentences. Also, what
as “Nice opening sentence! It really is being looked for when we ask for
grabbed my attention”. Or detailed sentences. They could
comments like “I like your understand that we are looking for
supporting detail, but you are facts about their topic.
missing two more, next time let’s
try to find more supporting details Student 2- The student will
for your topic”. understand that a sentence contains
more than just 2 or 3 words. The
Student 1- This student is not the student could also understand how
best at writing, and he ended up a paragraph contains 4-5 sentences
only writing 2 complete sentences. but for EL students like her it could
The other sentences were just be 3-4.
putting down the fact . he did not
put it into a complete sentence. I
called him over and gave him
verbal feedback. I told him “that he
needs more details and he needs a
closing sentence. I like how you
know the facts and that you put
them down, but they were not in
complete sentences.

Student 2- The student had a great

opening sentence and a closing
sentence. The details were not
complete sentence. She jut listed
them all in one sentence instead of
expanding on them. I told the
student “you did a great job with an
opening and closing sentence. But
when I ask for details I am asking
for facts that support your opening
Whole Class- The students actually Whole Class- There was no lesson
Day 3- Social Studies did a great job placing their events that would correlate with this one.
on a timeline. As they came up and This was more of a 1 of 1 lesson,
said their event I provided positive but if it were more to it I would
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage
Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. Name a Concrete Way to
2. What you shared Remind them of their feedback
2. A Learning experience that
would build on their learning

feedback. “Great job, that is exactly continue teaching about timelines.

what happened in Jesse Owens life Learning about timelines could help
in that year”. “I liked the way you the students find facts faster and
informed us about that event, it more efficiently. It would help them
sounds like you really studied it”. put things in chronological order
and even see images with it.
Student 1/2- These students were
paired together for this assignment. Student 1/2- The students enjoyed
They both did a wonderful job. I this lesson so they will be excited to
was walking around observing continue learning about timelines.
every group and I saw them using Timelines could help these students
the resources around the room and learn more about important people
their worksheets to find facts about in our past.
the year they got. When they came
up and told us what they found it
matched perfectly to what was on
the board. I verbally gave them
positive feedback. I said “wow!
You two did an amazing work you
should be extremely proud of

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