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The conservation of momentum in Navier-Stokes equation is come from newton second

law for one direction:
F: Force, m: mass, a: Acceleration
Because Acceleration equation is Velocity per unit time a : , and the Force are –(pA)2-
(pA)1, and we can write
u2−¿ u
– ( p A ) 2−( p A ) 1=m 1
And the mass equation is m = ρ Δ x A, and Velocity is u = , So the differential form is
this equation is
−dp du
dx dx
Because the force F is equal to body force b, and we substitute the density for mass, we
get the similar equation:
b=ρu v (x , y , z ,t )
The body force b is a force that through the body of fluid, or we can say is a shear force
but the direction is parallel from the plane. So we can apply the chain rule to derivative of
velocity, we get

b=ρ ( ddtv + dvdxdxdt + dvdydydt + dvdzdtdz ) or equal to b = ρ ( dvdt + v . ∇ v ¿

B. Stress and Strain Tensor in fluid element
In the equation derived above, we assume the force and the behavior of fluid, lead to the
equaton of motion for fluid.
We assume that the body force on the fluid is due to two component, fluid stress and
other external force.
b = ∇ σ+f
Here, σ is the stress tensor, and f represent the external forces. The fluid stress is
represented as the diverged of the stress tensor because the divergence is the extent to
which the tensor act like a sink or source.

The equation of motion depend on the stress tensor σ, the tensor can represent as
The stress tensor σ often divided into two term of interest in general form of the Navier-
Stokes Equation, first is volumetric stress tensor, which tend to change of the volume of
the body, and the deviator tensor, which tend to deform the body. Thus the strees tensor
of fluid broken down into

Denoting the stress deviator tensor as T, we can substitute

σ = -pl + T
substitute into previous equation we arrive

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