Jawaban Lesson 7

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A. As information for the public to find out how much was affected by the Covid 19 outbreak, both those
who have lost their lives and those who have been exposed to the virus. By including these data, the
reader can find out the development of covid 19 that is sweeping the world

B. In writing an article it is necessary to include the facts, which later the facts are used to support the
opinion of the author. And the writing can be trusted that the writing is indeed true and convincing to
the reader


- What is meant is an epidemic of covid 19. The same thing we all know that this virus really has
paralyzed all world activities one of which is in the field of education. Where all teaching and learning
activities were moved from classroom learning to online learning

- I agree with the writer's statement which resulted in paralysis of activities in the world, especially
education. But we need to know that no one wants a situation like this. We just need to surrender and
follow the applicable recommendations

- The main idea is that the world has been under the influence of the covid virus 19. All activities are
totally paralyzed due to this virus which has shocked the whole world. And of course many challenges
faced at the time of the emergence of this virus


- Virtual courses are almost the same as online learning. Virtual courses can be interpreted as if they
were interacting directly. That means as if directly involved physically. Same is the case with online
learning. Online learning is one method such as direct learning, but this is because of something (covid
19) so the teacher and students seem to learn directly in class like the same learning schedule and can
even face to face through an application

- students must do online learning because now the world is being hit by a disaster called covid 19 so
that it is limited to interact with each other or gather in a crowd. So the path taken by the government
is online learning, so that learning continues even though it is under covid pressure 19

- In order to remain effective in teaching and learning, teachers should take appropriate action. Like
explaining lessons through video or face to face online with using the application. That way the online
teaching and learning process is not much different from learning directly in the classroom

- The main idea is the effective learning process with online learning methods. Many people assume
that online learning is not as effective as classroom learning. But what's the harm if we use this method
to its full potential. So then everything feels the same as studying in class. As long as everything is
consistent in carrying out the method

- To find out which comparison is more effective. Is the method of learning online or learning in class.
By including these questions in the article, the reader can feel this especially for students. He can ask
himself if he is still serious about learning even though the teaching and learning process is done online

- So that readers are not confused about it. So the authors answer these questions by describing a study
related to it. So that way the reader does not ask the truth of the song because there has been
researching related to the problem in the question


- The research report is listed as a reliable source for recounting the results of research research and is
most often considered to be the true testimony of a study to report an investigation of an issue

- The author presents this because of the many differences between what should be the reality that
occurs. So by showing this research makes the readers believe that online learning is not as effective as
face-to-face learning in the classroom

- The study explained the comparison of online teaching and learning with direct learning in the
classroom. As a result online learning is not as effective as learning in class for most students and says
that online learning is more difficult than learning in class

- Online learning and teaching are considered not as effective as some of the things that have been
raised by researchers that are self-discipline, plagiarism, cheating and lack of motivation. With the
fourth statement, online learning is indeed considered ineffective. But back to ourselves, whether we
are classified as such people or not included in the group. Everything lies in the honesty of each

- From the results of these studies found several factors that make online learning less effective. Most
likely students do all that, moreover nobody is watching him directly. However, if students want to be
honest, they will try to avoid the actions that have an effect on themselves

- The main idea is whether it is possible for online learning to be as effective as classroom learning. The
answer is of course not. What's more the authors describe a study that shows why online learning is not
as effective as classroom learning. It is probable that students do despicable acts especially if he feels
free no one is watching him


- Agree, even though we are in a pandemic situation at the moment, it is possible for us to continue
learning. The government's solution is online learning, but this is considered ineffective. But we as
students and prospective holders of leadership relay must continue to learn independently even though
online learning is not effective
- To inform all of you that there are some students whose resources are lacking. That way he is not
effective in following online learning. Does he not have enough money to buy an internet package so he
cannot maximize the online learning

- This means we may feel hesitant or lack of confidence in the effectiveness of online learning. But it's
time we work together to solve this problem. For example we make this learning as a challenge that will
make our minds open and able to be the best. And help each other if there are friends who may have
limited resources so they can help each other so that he can participate in online learning effectively

- Online learning is not as effective as limited resources. This is where our role is to foster a sense of
humanity. Especially for friends whose resources are lacking. Let's help each other, so that everything
can be run effectively and supported by a curriculum program that is very appropriate so that students
and teachers understand each other

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