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Accounting and Business Research

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Economic information in Financial Ratio Analysis:

A Note

Haskel Benishay

To cite this article: Haskel Benishay (1971) Economic information in Financial Ratio Analysis: A
Note, Accounting and Business Research, 1:2, 174-179, DOI: 10.1080/00014788.1971.9728563

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Published online: 27 Feb 2012.

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The author would like to acknowledge coriiineirts and
suggestions by Professor Bryan Carsberg, which have
been zery beneficial.

Economic Information in
Financial Ratio Analysis: A Note
Haskel Benishay
I. Introduction ‘ratio analysis’. The objectives of the two are the same,
A firm transforms resources into products in a but the number of areas under the scrutiny of financial
perennial attempt to maximise profits. In order to ratio analysis is smaller. Whereas general ratio analysis
discharge its functions and attain its goals, it is forced may, in principle, concern itself with any and all
to make decisions in the face of uncertainty. The final aspects of the operations of the firm, financial ratio
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outcome of the firm’s operations is influenced, on the analysis, having originated in accounting, concerns
one hand, by the firm’s decisions, and on the other itself in practice with ratios relating to balance sheet
by the events the world thrusts upon it. and income statement information. Among decisions
Production and finance best exemplify decision it does not consider are those made by the firm in
areas of the firm. Production decisions deal with the regard to the labour force mix and advertising effort.
relative combination (mix) of inputs. How much Recent trends, however, indicate a steady increase in
capital? How much labour? How much of capital the domain of financial ratio analysis pointing toward
grade X ? How much of labour skill Y? Financing an ever wider inclusion.
decisions are made on how to obtain the services of At their idealised best financial ratios provide a
capital. Should capital (machines, structures, etc.) be meaningful and unbiased quantitative representation
owned? Should it be rented? Should money be of the results of internal decisions and external con-
borrowed to acquire capital? These classes of decisions ditions. They are meant to serve as tools for detecting
and others determine the fortunes of the firm in so far irregularities in managerial behaviour and company
as the firm is in a position to influence its own fortunes. fortunes. In practice, however, the construction of
On the average, wise decisions bring forth favourable financial ratios is often a somewhat haphazard and
outcomes, unwise decisions produce misfortunes. non-directed activity. Consequently, financial ratios
The world outside the firm must also be reckoned frequently lose in meaningfulness and objectivity.
with. It may play havoc with wisdom and folly. The In the financial analyst’s trade, ratios are frequently
best laid plans of management may come to naught if used tools which must be employed with diagnostic
demand for the firm’s product declines steadily. Vice skill, empirical sense, and good judgement. Yet these
versa, some ill conceived plans may ride high on the tools are often blunted or rendered useless by the
soaring waves of rising product demand. corrosive powers of redundant ratio computations,
On a general conceptual level, and in essence, ratio ignorance of empirical facts and lack of interpretive
analysis can be described as a quantitative technique sophistication. There exists a persistent tendency to
which employs the ratios of several pairs of quantities compute too many ratios and to present them as if they
generated by the firm to represent objectively, out- were, truly and logically, independent units of evi-
comes of decisions made by the firm and results of dence. A ratio of an individual company is often com-
outside conditions surrounding the firm. For example, pared to the average ratio of the industry of which the
when a ratio analyst wishes to evaluate the way in company is a member without knowledge of the degree
which a firm combines inputs he may compute ratios of divergence which can be considered normal for the
of each input to total product or of each input to the industry. There exists a tendency to ignore the
total of inputs. If an analyst is interested in evaluating possibility that a significant divergence of a financial
the way in which the services of capital were secured, ratio from the industry average can reflect favourable
he may compute ratios of debt to total assets and conditions at one time; yet at another, unfavourable
ratios of leased property to total assets. The perform- conditions, depending on the level of profit expecta-
ance of the company as a whole may be represented by tions facing the company and the environment in which
profit ratios. it operates.
‘Financial ratio analysis’ is essentially a subset of This paper indicates the difference between
S P R I N G 1971 I75
repetitive-redundant and informative-independent chosen by the analyst is smaller than total assets and/or
ratios, considers the importance of the point of view the sum of the chosen categories in the liability and
by which the analysis is to be guided, and views the net worth section is smaller than the total value of the
conditions under which the analysis is meaningful and liabilities plus net worth. Under these conditions the
relevant. In addition, the paper emphasizes the need number of independent ratios, m, equals the number,
for empirical knowledge of the variability normally n, of chosen categories minus one.
inherent in financial ratios and highlights the impor-
tance of awareness of underlying conditions and Case I
prospects of the company for the evaluation of a given We show Case I in the context of a particular
ratio divergence. balance sheet income statement breakdown which in-
cludes five categories for assets, three categories for
II. Logical redundancy and liabilities and ownership, and three categories for
independence sales. The specific categories are:
Logically redundant financial ratios are often com- Assets :
puted in the preparation of financial reports and (I) cash
treated as independent information units. T o the (2) receivables
extent that a given ratio is merely another form of a (3) inventories
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ratio or of ratios already computed, it is redundant (4) securities

i.e. it does not add any new information. Such a ratio (5) fixed assets
is often computed with no cognisance of its depen- Liabilities and Net Worth :
dency, in which case it may appear to reinforce the (I) current liabilities
particular message contained in the ratio or ratios from (2) long term debt
which it can be logically derived and thereby bias the (3) equity (net worth)
conclusions based on financial ratio analysis. Sales :
If a financial ratio of A to Band A to C is given, then (I) sales [total revenue)
the provision of the financial ratio of B to C is a pro- (2) net profits
vision of a redundant piece of information. The first (3) interest payments
two ratios clearly and unequivocally imply the third. This classification consists of 11 categories in all.
If A/B equals four and A/C equals five, then clearly Several points are worth noting. The sum of the first
B/C equals 1-25(A/C divided by A/B). The repre- group of five categories equals total assets. The sum of
sentation of B/C as independent and logically separate the second group of three categories equals total
information is clearly misleading. Similarly, when the liabilities plus net worth. The sales categories con-
ratio of E to F (E/F) and the sum of E/F and G/H templated initially were: (I)‘costs other than interest
(E/F+G/H), are given, the ratio G/H is a logical payments’, (2) net profits and (3) interest payments.
consequence. Numerically, if E/F equals ten and We chose, however, to represent these three categories
(E/F+G/H) equals I I, then we can easily infer that G via the following three: (I) sales, which is the sum of
is equal to H or G / H equals unity. the three, (2) net profits and (3) interest payments.
The number of basic, logically independent, and The two representations are logically identical
non-spuriously informative ratios depends on the because of the basic notion expressed in the identity
number of categories of the balance sheet and income known as: ‘the whole is the sum of its parts’. ‘Sales’
statement chosen by the analyst. The more detailed minus ‘net profits’ minus ‘interest payments’ will
the classification and the finer the breakdown, the yield ‘costs other than interest payments’. ‘Net profits’
larger is the number of independent ratios. Generally plus ‘interest payments’ plus ‘costs other than interest
speaking, the number, m, of independent ratios will payments’ will give ‘sales’.
be equal to the total number, n, of categories chosen to Since we are dealing with ratios, we are not con-
represent assets, liabilities, net worth, and income cerned with the value of the variables as such. It is the
statements (sales) items, minus one or minus two. I n relation of the variables to some meaningful base
Case I, the balance sheet asset categories chosen by which is of interest. Since, in principle, any one of the
the analyst sum up to total assets, and the balance 11 categories can be chosen as a base and the remain-
sheet liability and net worth categories chosen by the ing ten compared against that base, the choice of the
analyst sum up to total liabilities and net worth. 11 categories implies the choice of ten independent
Under these conditions, the number of independent ratios. The ten will be independent in the sense that
ratios, my equals the number, n, of categories chosen none could be derived by means of formal logic from
to represent balance sheet and income statement items the others. A large number of sets of ten independent
minus two. In Case I1 the sum of asset categories ratios can thus serve as basic independent information
units. The particular set which will be chosen should of numerical values into the logical statements.
be that set of mutually independent ten ratios which (A) assets/sales=0-30 (sum of ratios I, 2, 3, 4, 5
best instructs and informs the party for whose point above)
of view the financial report is prepared. (B) liabilities/sales==o.Io (sum of ratios 6 and 7
T o generalise, a set of n meaningful categories of (C) net w o r t h / s a l e s = o ~ ~ o - o ~ ~ o = = o ~ ~ o .
balance sheet and income statement data will yield a The derivation of the ratio of profits to total assets
set of n - I independent ratios. The choice of cate- from the basic set can serve as another example. The
gories is to be governed by the point of view and ratio of profits to sales (given), over the sum of the
interest of the user. ratios of current assets to sales and fixed assets to sales
But even the n - I ratios in our case or the ten ratios (given) will yield the desired result.
in our example, are not all truly independent. In our o~o20/(o~1oo+o~o20+o.030 +O.OIO +0.140) =0*066
case we have all the categories of assets and all the The number, n, of basic categories to be chosen
categories of liabilities and net worth. Consequently will depend on the interests of the consumers of ratio
we can utilise a well-known accounting identity to information. Take our preceding example as a bench-
advantage. The identity : assets equal liabilities plus mark. Suppose that keen interest now develops in
net worth, is built into accounting information auto- sub-categories of inventories. As a result, inventories
matically by the accounting rules for information will no longer be represented appropriately by a single
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handling. In terms of ratios the accounting identity category but rather by perhaps three separate
simply means that the ratio of assets to the sum of categories: (a) raw material inventories, (b) work in
ZiabiZities plus net worth will be identically equal to process inventories and (c) finished goods inven-
unity, an additional piece of ratio information given tories. Thus, with this new interest there will be
gratis under the conditions of this case. And as double seven rather than five asset categories, (I) cash, (2)
entry accounting system and this identity are in- receivables, (3) raw materials inventories, (4) work in
separable, and since information emanating from such process inventories, ( 5 ) finished goods inventories, (6)
a system is sure to reflect this identity, we need be securities and (7) fixed assets. Consequently the
given only nine independent ratios for the I I classifi- number of basic categories, 12, increases from I I to 13
cation categories in our example. More generally, and the number, m, of independent ratios increases
n minus 2 basic ratios are needed to represent logically from 9 to 11.
independent ratio relationships between n classifica-
tion categories of the balance sheet and income state- Case 11
ment when all categories of assets and all categories of Case I1 differs from Case I in that the balance sheet
liabilities and net worth are given. asset categories which are of interest do not sum up to
The numerical example below provides an illustra- the totality of assets and/or the balance sheet liabilities
tion of a set of nine independent ratios necessarv to and net worth categories which are of interest do not
represent the independent ratio information contained sum up to the totality of liabilities plus net worth.
in the I I classification categories above : Under these conditions the equality between total
assets and total liabilities and net worth, and its
(I) inventories/sales =0-100
concomitant implication that the ratio of total assets to
(2) receivables/sales =0.020
liabilities plus net worth is unity, can no longer be
(3) cash/sales =0.030
relied on. Consequently, one more independent ratio
(4) securities/sales =O*OIO
is required, and n basic categories produce n - I
( 5 ) fixed assets/sales =0.140
independent ratios rather than n - 2 . T o illustrate, let
(6) current liabilities/sales =0.040
us return to the original Case I example above as a
(7) long term debt/sales =0.060
benchmark. Recall that in it the sum of the five
(8) profits/sales
(9) interest/sales
categories of assets, (cash+receivables +inventories +
securities +fixed assets), equalled the totality of assets.
Any other ratio can be derived from this basic set of Now assume that everything else in that example re-
nine. For example, the ratio of net worth to sales, not mained unchanged except that interest is focused only
given above, can be stated logically as follows : on two asset categories rather than five, say on cash
(a) assets=liabilities plus net worth (known ac- and receivables only. Under this assumption the
counting identity) accounting identity between the sum of all assets and
(b) assets/sales=(liabilities plus net worth)/sales the sum of all liabilities and net worth would no
(c) net worth/sales =(assets/sales) minus (liabilities/ longer be in effect for the chosen categories because
sales). the two asset categories do not sum up to total assets.
And then derived numerically through the substitution Consequently one ‘free’ piece of information is no
S P R I N G 1971 I77
longer available and the number of independent ratios between stock items on the balance sheet and their
would be n - I rather than n - 2. Thus, focusing on flow counterparts on the income statement and con-
two rather than on five asset categories changes the sequently between the ratios of stock and flow items to
total number of focal categories, n, in the original a common base. Flows can usually be predicted from
example from 1 1 to eight and the number of inde- their respective stocks within a range of predictable
pendent ratios, n - I , from nine to seven. If you further error and vice versa. The net informational benefit
assume that interest lies in only two of the three derived from including in the same set both the ratio
categories in the liabilities plus net worth section, say of a particular stock to a given base and the ratio of
only in long term debt and in equity, then our chosen the flow counterpart of this stock to the same base will
number of focal categories, n, will go further down to be far smaller than the amount of information obtained
sevenandthenumberofindependentratios,n- I, tosix. from two stochastically independent ratios. Therefore,
it may often be quasi-redundant to include a stock
111. Stochastic or correlational ratio and its related flow ratio in the same basic set.
dependence Of the nine basic logically independent ratios included
I n the preceding section, the concept of logical in the previous section, the interest payments to sales
independence between financial ratios was discussed, ratio adds little information to the ratio of short and
the need for logical independence between the basic long term debt to sales and might be excluded from
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ratios was pointed out and the basic set of independent the set with relatively little informational loss.
ratios was concluded to be smaller than the number of
balance sheet and income statement classification IV. The vantage point
categories. A ratio was said to be independent from Numerous combinations of m logically independent
other ratios when it could not be derived from them by ratios may be selected to represent the set of inde-
means of logic. But logical independence between the pendent ratios for IZ meaningful categories. In the first
basic ratios is not the only relevant consideration for example for Case I, many other sets of mutually
the selection of ratios. The choice of the basic set of independent groups of nine ratios could have been
independent ratios should also be governed, as much selected to represent basic relationships. What then is
as possible, by the extent of the stochastic indepen- a best basic set? The determination of the most appro-
dence of the ratios under consideration. All other priate set depends on the point of view of the party or
things being equal, the basic set should have the group for whose benefit financial ratios are computed.
smallest stochastic or correlational dependence The interested groups may have diverse and some-
between the ratios of the set. times conflicting interests. Stockholders, lenders,
Stochastic dependence of any two ratios can be management, or a private group interested in a pros-
defined operationally as the extent of the correlation pective merger will be interested in ratio information
across firms between the two ratios. Thus, high for different purposes. The interests of such diverse
correlation defines operationally high stochastic groups may be sufficiently different to call for different
dependence; low correlation, low stochastic depend- representation of the m basic ratios, to suggest the
ence. What constitutes the dividing line between necessity for more than one base, and even to affect the
high and low correlation is a matter of the context very choice of the basic number of classification
within which the financial ratios are computed. categories, 7z.l
Stochastic dependence can be illustrated by the The different sets of basic ratios can differ from each
relationship between ‘total debt to sales ratio’ (the other in several respects. ( I ) The ratios may be taken
sum of the ratios of current liabilities to sales and long relative to two, three or more bases, not necessarily one.
term debt to sales in the preceding example) and the In the first example of Case I above, any one of the I I
interest payments to sales ratio. The ratio of interest categories could have served as a base for the remain-
payments to sales would be expected to vary directly ing ten. (2) The ratios may have two or more bases
with the ratio of total debt to sales because ( I ) interest linked indirectly. Many combinations of m indirectly
payments depend on the amount of debt outstanding, linked ratios are possible for a given set of n classifica-
and (2)because the interest rate varies within more or tion categories. For an illustration of indirect linkage,
less prescribed bounds, say between 4 and 6 per cent. consider hypothetical categories C,, C, and C,. A
Across a group of firms in the same industry, one common linkage for these categories will be C,/C,,
would observe empirically that high debt to sales Ideally, management should be interested in the view-
ratios areassociatedwith high interest to sales ratios and points of the various consumers of accounting information
low debt to sales ratios with low interest to sales ratios. and provide a basic set of n categories sufficiently detailed to
enable the collapsing of smaller categories into larger ones
As in the debt-interest example above, one might as needed and the computation of ratios from different
expect in general a high positive relation across firms vantage points.
C,/C,, where the common base is C,. An indirect 3. Ability on the part of managers to learn from their
linkage for the same categories is C,/C,, C,/C,, where resource combination and financing experience
there are two bases, C , and C,. In principle, it is over time, the optimal utilisation of resources and
always possible to transform by means of logic, any sources of capital.
group of indirectly linked m ratios with a given amount 4. Similarity in the personal tastes and preferences
of information into a group of m ratios linked directly of managers in regard to risk.
to a common base and representing the same amount 5. Similarity in technologies of the various firms in
of information. For m independent ratios, some the group.
indirect linkage combinations are suggested naturally 6. Similarity in the accounting practices of the
by the vantage point of the user of financial ratios. various firms as to depreciation,inventory valuation,
Stockholders may be most interested in an evalua- etc.
tion of the management of the firm and the objective Firms which produce the same product, which are
market conditions facing the firm. They are primarily subject to the same production constraints and
interested in return on assets and more importantly in market conditions, which have similar accounting
returns on net worth. Given the nine basic ratios in practices and which are not dissimilar in other relevant
the first illustrative example of Case I as a starting respects will tend to end up with similar mixes of
point, stockholders will probably prefer to substitute resources and capitalisation optima, and, therefore,
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a ratio of profits to net worth for a ratio of profits to similar financial ratios. On the basis of the preceding
sales. As they are also interested in the safety of their rationale, ratio analysis should be performed against
equity investment, they may prefer to have the long the background of the average of the relevant group
term debt to sales ratio replaced by the debt to net or the industry and against the ‘expected’ or ‘intrinsic’
worth ratio to obtain an instant picture of leverage. or ‘normal’ variability in this group or industry.
Short term lenders, like suppliers and bankers, tend As a consequence of the preceding discussion, a
to view the indebted firm as (I) a going concern, (2) warning must be sounded. Financial ratio analysis
an entity subject to the possibility of sudden disaster. often does not apply! With firms merging and
They would like to evaluate the ability of the firm to diversifying more than ever it is becoming increasingly
pay short term liabilities from the nmmal sources of more difficult to find groups of firms or ‘industries’
cash, i.e. cash sales and collections from accounts producing a reasonably homogeneous product. As a
receivable outstanding. They would also be interested result of increasing diversification, it has become
in knowing the extent of the protection afforded them increasingly less useful to apply financial ratio
in abnormal times of liquidation. Their first interest analysis to legal entities like corporations. It is
may require an altogether different set of basic becoming almost mandatory for intelligent financial
classification categories, specifically, a more detailed ratio analysts to obtain their basic information from
classificationyielding, separately, collections, cash sales the level of the plant or the subsidiary which produces
and categories of interest payments. Their second one product and compare it against information from
interest may call for a substitution of the ratio of other plants producing the same product. It is not very
current assets to current (or total) liabilities for the useful to compute ratios from the level of the whole
ratio of current assets to sales in the illustrative nine multiproduct corporation, unless, and it is unlikely,
ratio example above, so that the extent to which the mix in the group is highly similar.
current liabilities may be met by the liquidation of
current assets in times of need may be directly VI. Expected or ’normal’ variability
evaluated. Too often, medians or means but no variability
estimates of industry ratios are provided by financial
V. Why and when should financial services to serve as yardsticks of comparison. This is
ratios cluster? not enough. In order to determine whether the diver-
The existence of the conditions listed below will gence of a ratio of any particular firm from the indus-
contribute to similarity, and therefore will bring about try average is significant, one must have empirical
a smaller variability or clustering of financial ratios in knowledge of what constitutes, in the industry under
a given group of firms. consideration, a ‘normal’ divergence. A given diver-
I. Homogeneity of the product or service produced gence from an averagemay be ‘normal’ in one industry
by the group. but highly unusual and therefore ‘abnormal‘ in
2. Rational and consistent behaviour on the part of another. For this reason, a computation of the standard
the managers of the firms in the group and a deviation or some other measure of variance (as the
persistent attempt to maximise the value of the firm range) must be provided befme meaningful comparisons
on the part of managers. can be made. These direly needed measures of diver-
SPRING 1971 I79
gence are seldom available. As a result, the comparison of sales overtime is an absolutelyindispensable datum for
of single firm ratios to industry averages is rendered the interpretation of a divergent inventory to sales ratio.
highly subjective and arbitrary. Similar additional information is often required for
The variance of balance sheet and income state- other ratios in the traditional set provided in the
ment ratios within an industry is likely to vary with example above. A relatively high receivables ratio may
the homogeneity of the product or product markets reflect worsening control of the collection period. But
of the various firms constituting the industry. The it may also reflect an aggressive and businesslike
more homogeneous the product and the more similar policy of granting credit by the firm, a policy whose
the market conditions, the less variant are the ratios. final outcome may be increased sales and increased
profits. Without information about such aspects of the
VII. Are ’large‘ deviations from the company’s operation no unequivocal conclusion can
mean ’good‘ or ’bad’? be made.
One may go through a whole sequence of steps to Ratios of securities and cash to sales (or to some
computc a financial ratio and thc extent to which it other base) which are higher than usual may reflect
deviates. What does it all mean when all is computed? ‘under-optimal’ caution. But they may also reflect a
Unfortunately, in most cases, the interpretation of preparation for fixed assets acquisition. And again,
deviations can only be said to be unequivocally more information is needed about underlying con-
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questionable. A given deviation of 3 financial ratio ditions. A larger than usual positive divergence of one
from the norm, even if it is way out of the normal firm’s ratio of fixed assets to sales from the average of
range, does not necessarily spell out one particular the group can be ‘good’ if it reflects investment in
interpretation independently of other considerations. fixed assets motivated by confidence and ‘bad’ if it
A given deviation may sometimes reflect success and reflects a contraction which, due to lags in adjustment,
sometimes failure depending on other conditions. For reflects itself first in current assets and only later in
example, an unusually high debt to equity ratio may fixed assets. And again, as before, more information is
result from both favourable and unfavourable circum- needed about the background of events, underlying
stances. On the favourable side this may have resulted conditions and historical framework. Similar state-
from the fact that prospects of the company are very ments can be made about almost any other ratio.
good, i.e. expected income is much higher than It must therefore be borne in mind that the diver-
current income and therefore planned expansion gence of financial ratios out of the normal ranges of
through borrowing occurred to utilise the rising level variability should be usually taken only as signalling
of opportunities. On the unfavourable side, it may the need for obtaining more information about the
result from ( I ) mismanagement, i.e. lack of under- time pattern of the company’s fortunes and its future
standing of the true risks involved in the increase in prospects. A useful practical dictum to bear in mind
debt; or (2)past losses which have reduced the equity in this connection is: obtain time series data for the
of the firm. The appearance of relatively high debt to basic quantities on which the ratios are based and
equity ratio cannot serve as a basis for an automatic let them illumine the message of the financial ratios.
decision that the underlying conditions are favourable
(or unfavourable). The past profit performance of the VIII. Some concluding comments
firm and/or its future prospects must be brought into We have attempted to point out the pitfalls associated
the picture and considered before interpretation is with an indiscriminate proliferation of ratios. We have
attempted. If the firm has been losing money, then a suggested that once a classification of basic income
higher than average debt-equity ratio is ‘bad’. If the statement and balance sheet items, n categories in
firm has been growing steadily, a higher than average number, is decided upon, the number, m, of inde-
ratio may simply reflect the increasing level of con- pendent ratio computations is automatically deter-
fidence and as such may be a ‘good’ sign. mined. The choice of the particular basic classifica-
Ratios of inventories to sales (or to any other base) tion of n items and its associated set of rn ratios should
fall in a category similar to that of the debt-equity be determined by the point of view of the party for
ratio. The mere appearance of high or low relative whose benefit analysis is conducted. We have em-
levels of inventories does not necessarily imply any phasised that the deviation of a particular ratio from
one unequivocal interpretation. Relatively high the average of the industry must be evaluated in the
inventories can occur as a result of ‘stocking up’ in light of the average deviation of ratios in the industry,
response to current expectations of pepped up future lest comparisons become arbitrary. Finally, we have
sales or as a result of ‘being stuck‘ because past warned about unsophisticated interpretation of large
expectations about current sales were too optimistic. deviations and suggested the need for time series data
Again, knowledge of the trend is necessary. The trend of the basic classification categories.

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