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EECS 126 Notes Tyler Zhu

20 Thursday, April 11th

Lab 6 is due tomorrow, projects due 4/19, and HW 10 due next Wed. Readings for MLE/MAP
are W 5.1-5.4, B&T 8.1-8.2, 9.1. For Hypothesis Testing, readings are W 5.5,5.6,6.5 and B&T

20.1 Wrap up MLE/MAP

Recall that the basic premise is that we have n causes and an observed symptoms, and we are
trying to perform inference on the causes. Refer to Figure 13 for more details. Then with this
convention, MAP = arg maxi pi qi and MLE = arg maxi qi . where pi are our priors and qi are
the posteriors. Let’s see how we could model this in digital communications.
Suppose we have a Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC). Then using the MAP rule, we can
derive a formulation for the likelihood...

20.2 Gaussian Channel

Now suppose we have a setup with a Gaussian channel. Then,
1 2 2
f0 (y) = √ e−y /2σ .
1 2 2
f1 (y) = √ e−(y−1) /2σ .
Then by MAP, we find
p0 q0 ≷ p1 q1
p0 f0 (y) ≷ p1 f1 (y).

We can interpret this as

We would call the thing on the left the likelihood L(y). One thing we can do is take logs to
make this easier to evaluate (hence the term log-likelihood ). This gives

0 p1
ln f0 (y) − ln f1 (y) ≷ ln( )
1 p0
y2 (y − 1)2 0 p1
− 2+ 2
≷ ln( ).
2σ 2σ 1 p0
Solving for y gives us a MAP of
0 1 p0
MAP: y ≶ + σ 2 ln( ) .
1 2 p1
Of course, we can also solve for the MLE, since we just set all of our priors equal, i.e. p0 = p1 .

0 1
MLE: y ≶ .
1 2

Example 20.1
Suppose p1 = e, and σ 2 = 0.1. Then our MAP decision would be y ≶ 0.6.

Read Chapter 5 of Walrand for details of applications to digital communications.


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