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Lab Safety Review (quizzes/Exam)

Autotroph? Anaerobes? Heterotrophs? Aerobes?

What does a Microorganism need to grow?

What does a Susceptible host mean?

What is a Bacterial Spore?

Antiseptic used for what?

What is the best growth temperature for a microorganism?

What is Sterilization mean? (Autoclave points, temperature, water type? Wrapping? How to load articles
into the Autoclave? Time for sterilizing articles? Culture test (Biological indicator test)?

What is Sanitization mean? Chemical disinfection? Dry heat Oven?

What does it mean to have a sterile article? When do we Sterilize glassware?

1% Hypochlorite used for what? 2% Glutaraldehyde used for what?

What is an Aerosol? What to do with potential Aerosols? PPE? (details) What are Biohazards? Oxidizing

What are Physical Hazards? What should be on a Label? What is a Scald? What are the Isolation
departments? name all of them.

A needle Prick occurs what should the individual do next?

When are Gloves not to be worn?

What is dangerous about Mercury? Picric Acid? Cyanide? Crystal Violet?

When is a disinfectant commonly used?

Flammable solvents stored in?

Storage of small and large amounts of Acids, and Bases?

Centrifuge Principles? And types of Centrifuges.

MSDS(SDS)? Review the 16 sections,

what is TLV?

LD. 50?

LC. 50?


Biological safety Cabinets?

Be familiar with Hazard Symbols.

What goes in Sharps Container?

Biohazard Bags?

Regular garbage?

What should be Sterilized? And what should be Disinfected? Ex=> Scalpel? Stethoscope?

There will be a MSDS question that you will have to refer to the MSDS sheet that I will provide you with
to answer a few questions.

Review Chapter 2 from clinical procedures text book.

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