Gecolea, Jazztine Andrei A ME130 B2 Quiz 2

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Quiz No.

Fluid Mechanics (ME 130-2)
Name:__________________ Date:_______________

Solve the following problems in separate sheets of paper. Use only BLACK INK and must be of YOUR
OWN HANDWRITING. Also place your final answer in a box.

1. A Gate AB shown in the figure is a homogeneous mass of 180 kg, 1.3 m wide into the paper, resting on
smooth bottom B. The fluids are water and glycerin (γ = 12,360 N/m3). Draw the free body diagram
showing all forces and find the water depth h that will make the force at point B become zero?

2. In the figure shows a siphon discharging oil (S.G. = 0.84) from a reservoir into the open air. If the
velocity of flow in the pipe is 𝑣, the head loss from point 1 to point 2 is 3𝑣2/2g, and the head loss from
point 2 to point 3 is 2𝑣2/2g, determine a) the volume flow rate in the siphon pipe, ft 3/s b) the absolute
pressure at point 2, psi. Consider a standard atmospheric condition.

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