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My realization in the video I watched before about swimming
lesson. I realized that I swim like 50% correct according to this video. In
the breaststroke whenever I did TION
breaststroke I always looked like I was
drowning. I wouldn't even glide or pull water out with my hands. I
always moved so quick but swam so slow during breaststroke. Pulling
your feet after taking a breath is the most tricky part for me. I have
always found it easier to kick downwards with my front foot rather than
using the soles of my feet. I thought the hands are supposed to emerge
from the water surface when thrusting the arms forward. I used to do
legs and arms movement simultaneously. Now I'll try to do them
In the freestyle video show you how to fix the most common
freestyle mistakes. Specifically, by doing swimming exercises and drills
from the video, you will master arm stroke and breathing technique
really fast. I realized that feeling when you watch him swimming on
WRONG mode but for you it looks smooth and perfect. After that still
struggling to avoid mistakes in swimming. Breathing and lifting my head
is definitely a big issue for me. On the others I think I do it okay but now
that it's been highlighted I'm going too find out. I still have a lot
mistakes that must be fixed, I could reduce time and energy to swim
only for changing the arm stroke.


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