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Name of the student: HASAN AKHMEDOV

Group number: 101
Deadline: 13 April

Activity 1
Match the terms of the notions belonging to paradigm theory with their definitions
and write down the answers into the table below:
1. Paradigm a) at this stage the existing theory comes to a
deadlock, being unable to explain many
phenomena. As a result, alternative theories, new
approaches and methods are searched for
2. Paradigm shift b) the aim of which was to establish the genetic
relationships of the world languages
3. Comparative historical c) the emergence of a new scientific paradigm.
4. Structural paradigm d) concentrates its attention on the user of the
language, his linguistic competence, knowledge
structures reflected and fixed in the language
5. Anthropocentric e) universally recognized scientific achievements
paradigm that, for a time, provide model problems and
solutions for a community of researchers
6. Scientific crisis f) focused not on the use of language
(parole/speech), but rather on the structural
system of language (langue).

Fill the answers

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6

Activity 2
Do the frame analysis (frame-situation and frame-scenario) of one of these stereotyped

Trip Lesson
Quarantine Funeral






Activity 3
Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the appropriate words listed
Linguistic units, usage-based, mechanisms, meaning,
modality, mental, qualitative, construction,

1. Cognitive Semantics deals with the conceptual theory of MEANING, which

presupposes the multilevel interpretation of both linguistic and non-linguistic
2. Cognitive Semantics aims to interpret linguistic meaning on the basis of knowledge
structures and evaluations represented by LINGUISTIC UNITS.
3. Meaning in its cognitive sense is characterized by a number of features: it is
encyclopedic, it depends on the cognitive contexts, it is USAGE-BASED.
4. Cognitive Grammar places a great emphasis on the cognitive MECHANISMS that
underlie grammar.
5. Cognitive Grammar underpins the division of cognitive expressions in two major
classes: nominal and rational PREDICATIONS.
6. In Cognitive Grammar, a complex composite symbolic structure is a
CONSTRUCTION, which has a central place in Cognitive Grammar.
7. Accepting the idea of a lexicon-grammar continuum some linguistics underline the fact
that there is a QUALITATIVE distinction between the lexical and grammatical
8. According to P. Simpson Cognitive Stylistics makes the emphasis on MENTAL
representation rather than on textual representation.
9. Cognitive style is regarded as a style of the author’s individual world picture, creative
process of thinking and subjective MODALITY.
Activity 4
Match the main areas of investigation with appropriate trends of Cognitive Linguistics

Trend Area of investigation Answer

A Cognitive Grammar The peculiar features of grammatical meaning A
B Cognitive Semantics The implicative aspects of textual communication C
C Cognitive Stylistics “Figure and ground” theory C
Cognitive case study, tense, mood, aspect A
Conceptual theory of meaning B
Word classes in terms of categorization A
The conceptual basis of grammatical categories A
and functions
the theory of cognitive metaphor C
Cognitive basis of stylistic devices C
Interpretation of linguistic meanings B
Conceptual nature of linguistic meanings B
Cognitive account of grammatical constructions A
Active and passive constructions in the framework A
of the figure-ground theory
Cognitive principles of text production and text C
The problems of cognitive style C
The problem of conceptualization of stylistic C
Cognitive interpretation of deictic expressions, A
determiners, auxiliary verbs, modal verbs, etc.

Activity 5
Match the linguistic phenomenon and their definitions and write the answers in the
table below
№ The linguistic phenomenon The definitions
and notions
1. Frame A a stereotyped dynamic sequence of
events, episodes, facts, f.e. visit to the
stadium, football match, examinations
2. Concept B Unсonsсious pеrсеptual mесhanisms to
сonstruсt the wholеs or gеstalts out
оfinсomplеtеpеrсеptual inputs
3. knowledge structures C the result of cognition and
conceptualization of language system
and structure, its main units and
categories, principles and mechanisms
of forming and transforming different
senses via language
4. Schema D a sсhеmatisation of ехpеriеnсе,
representing some stereotyped situation
5. linguistic knowledge E presupposes general knowledge about
geographical positions, history of the
world, main events in politics and
economics, etc.;
6. scripts, scenario F thеfundamеntal structured and
organized unit of knowledge structure
сеntral to сatеgorisatiоn and
7. encyclopedic (non-linguistic) G the result of cognition and
knowledge categorization of the surrounding world,
as an adequate reflection of reality in
the human mind, as a product of
processing verbal and non-verbal
8. Gestalts H a way of organizing knowledge; a
cohesive, repeatable action sequence
possessing component actions that are
tightly interconnected and governed by
a core meaning

Fill in the answers

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Activity 6
Analyze the following fragments of the text and define the types of knowledge structures
"No," Johnny said, surprised at the hoarseness in his own voice "That's never an
answer. Never." ...No. Killing only sows more dragon's teeth. I believe that. I believe it with
all my heart (King, the Dead Zone, p 313).

(In this fragment of the text is implemented abstract knowledge of structure,

because of implementing emotions and feelings). Additionally, knowledge of
communicative aim is also utilized in this text.)

Barney had had enough. He turned toward the door, tossing a dismissive, "See you
around, Lance," over his shoulder. At which the young man leapt from his Eames chair and
chased after Barney like Apollo pursuing Daphne. "Hold on a minute, Livingston - don't
you want the microscope?" (Segal, Doctors, 146).

(In this fragment of the text is implemented encyclopedic knowledge of

structure, because of implementing main historical events. Additionally, knowledge of
empirical is also utilized, which based on logical assumptions in this text.)

I’ve won the America’s cup. It’s considered the Holy Grail of yachting (Terkel,
American Dreams: Lost and Found).

(The concrete structure of knowledge is seen in this text, which is mainly

connected with statistics and real facts.)

Mrs. Todd rocked gently for a time, and seemed to be lost, though not poorly, like
Macbeth in her thoughts (Orne Jewett. A Dunnet Shepherdess)

(Individual knowledge structure is utilized in this short fragment of the text, which
personal qualitative and quantitative features of collective knowledge is clarified).

Wexler's terseness is not unexpected. It is a feature of these meetings, known to

everybody present, that a curse, if not an outright embargo, hangs over the use of Lederer's
name. Lederer is their Cassandra. Nobody ever asked Cassandra to preside over a meeting
on damage limitation [Le Carre, A Perfect Spy, 1987:P.311].
(The last text is mainly about conceptual knowledge of structure, where the
connection of events and situations are described turn by turn. Moreover, descriptive
and propositional knowledge structures are also mentioned).

Activity 7
GIVE 10 EXAMPLES (not those given in the lectures):
Superordinate Basic Subordinate
For ex.
Furniture Table card table
MONEY Pound British pound
METAL Iron Ironman
ANIMAL Fish Starfish
WEATHER Rain Raincoat
LIQUIDS Water Waterfall
ABSTRACT NOUN Beauty Pretty beauty
MATERIAL Wood Small wood
ACTIVITY Swimming Swimming pool
LIQUIDS Tea Teapot
WEATHER Ice Ice-cream

Activity 8
Match the notions with their definitions and write the answers in the table below
# Terms Definitions
A recurring structure within our cognitive
1 Source domain A processes which establishes patterns of
understanding and reasoning
A conceptual metaphor that involves spatial
2 Mapping B
The conceptual domain from which we draw
3 Conceptual domain C
metaphorical expressions
A conceptual metaphor in which one complex
4 Image schema D concept (typically abstract) is presented in terms
of some other (usually more concrete) concept
The conceptual domain that we try to
5 Conduit metaphor E understand, in term of which a notion is
Any coherent organization of human experience.
6 Ontological metaphor F It is used to make conceptual distinctions and
organize ideas
A conceptual metaphor in which one conceptual
7 Target domain G domain is supposed to be “in” another
conceptual domain
A conceptual metaphor which operates
whenever people speak or write as if they
"insert" their feelings, meanings, thoughts, etc.
8 Container metaphor H
into "containers" (words, phrases, sentences,
etc.) whose contents are then "extracted" by
listeners and readers
A type of conceptual metaphor in which some
9 Structural metaphor I events, activities, emotions or ideas are viewed
as entities or substances
The systematic set of correspondences that exist
10 J between constituent elements of the source and
the target domain

Fill in the answers

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Activity 9
Instruction: Match the terms with their definitions and write the answers in the table
# Terms Definitions
1 Concept a. A new meaning , the result of two interaction
2 Conceptual blending b. Is a body of knowledge that organizes elated concepts
3 Conceptual domain c. Is a mental spaces in which the process of CB is built
4 Source domain d. Input 2, that is a concept which has own lexical
meaning and characterized by conceptual feature
5 Target domain e. Input 1, that is a concept which has own lexical
meaning and characterized by conceptual feature
6 Generic space f. It is a relation between conceptual domain that can be
based on identity, similarity and analogy
7 Blend g. Is a complex mental unit, a means of representing
knowledge structure
8 Cross-mapping h. Is the consequence of interaction of two conceptual
domains, the emergence of new conceptual sentence
9 Emergent structure i. Is all conceptual feature that input 1 and input 2 have
in common
10 Conceptual integration j. Is a process or creating a new meaning from already
network existed concept which have own particular meaning

Fill in the answers

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Activity 10
Match the following notions with their meanings and write the answers in the table
Notion Definition
1 information a the recurrence of the same elements in the same positions
2 prospection b stimulation of certain parts of the brain in the process of speech
activity under the influence of verbal signals aimed to represent
certain knowledge structures
3 Foregrounding c one of the main processes of the human cognitive activity
connected with composing knowledge structures on the basis of
text data and background information, mechanisms of inferences
4 Categorization d is an accumulation of many stylistic devices and expressive
means of the language within one fragment of the text
5 Retrospection e marks out the most essential, relevant fragments of the text, thus
guiding its interpretation
6 Frame f when events are given in a progressive order and the sequence of
tenses is strictly observed.
7 convergence g is knowledge represented and transferred by language forms in
of stylistic the process of communication
8 Activization h a mental process of taxonomic activity in which various
phenomena classified according to their essential, categorial
9 Coupling i when the sequence of events is violated, and the reader first gets
acquainted with the events which happened earlier (flash -back)
or later (flash - forward)
1 conceptualiza- j is a hierarchical structure of linguistic data representing a
0 tion stereotyped sit

Fill in the answers

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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