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Research Methodology - Assignment - October

25, 2018

A company was producing metal powder, which varied considerably in

particle size. A metallurgical engineer in technical sales was given the
task of developing new customers in the alloy steel industry for the
powder. Some potential buyers said they would pay a premium price
for a product that was more closely sized. After some discussion with
the management of the plant, specifications for the closely sized
particle were developed. An order was obtained for new product. Two
batches of the new product under similar production conditions were
produced (assume that the mean size of the particle meets the
specified requirement range). As an engineer, which batch would you
recommend for the buyer and justify your choice of the batch.

Particle size (in Particle size (in

micron) micron)
145 138
141 146
138 141
140 139
146 152
150 149
139 145
138 143
151 146
144 136

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