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We are all born out of sexuality. It is already part of our nature as

humans. It serves as a powerful gift given to us by God in accordance to His
will. We all have our sexuality in order to be united to someone and love
him/her unconditionally. Sex is both a gift and a blessing because it enables
us to continue human race since its purpose is procreation. In relation to that,
it must be rooted out of Love and Faith in order for a relationship to last.
Christ must be the center of Love of all relationship. When we engage in sexual
activity, we are to give ourselves completely to someone we love with all of our
hearts, mind and soul. It also requires us to have a sense of responsibility and
commitment to our partner.

The problem with today’s generation is the lack of education about

human sexuality as well as sexual activities. Other people especially teenagers
are going beyond limitations when it comes to sexual act. Peer pressure and
Social media are what influences one’s decision in life. Our actions cannot be
changed after executed that’s why we need to be more careful of the things that
we will do in life. One action can completely change our way of living. Teenage
years is the most crucial part because we became more curious about things
and tend to be tempted to try all of it. Proper guidance must be given to us in
order to have a sense of direction in our lives. We need to have faith in God and
act according to His will for us to live our lives to the fullest.

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