Divine Yogodans Telegram Group Guidelines: Please Read It Carefully

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Jai Guru! Jai Maa!

Divine Yogodans Telegram Group Guidelines

Please read it carefully
Personal Behavior:
 Always spread love, positive & Divine thoughts among all members.
 Always be helpful, Respectful and lovable in group.
 No derogatory remarks against any one.
 No comments on particular cast/religion/tradition/custom/language/Country.
 Never discuss any political or public news in this group. (TV/Newspapers are enough for that.)
 Never use any cheap words or comments for any post.
 Don’t be advertiser for anything or information except for Guruji’s teachings.

Posting Guidelines:
 Brother/Sister disciples should share only our Beloved Guruji’s-YSS/SRF teachings. Guruji’s
YSS/SRF authorized books images, audio or video can also be posted in the group. (Please
mention the source of the content – this will encourage others to read or listen.)
 Please do not share anything from lessons and don’t discuss about any techniques or Pravidhi.
(Example : Hansa Pravidhi/Technique, Om Pravidhi/Technique).
 If anybody requires any help on lessons or techniques then he/she may contact nearest
Ashram/Center or Ranchi Headquarter. (If He/She requires any address or contact details then
we will provide them.)
 This group is dedicated only to Guruji’s teachings but we have to be broad-minded allowing
the wisdom-quotes of all great saints also, but under these conditions:
o Other Saint’s quote or teaching can only be post after verification from admin.
o Only 1 post is allowed only in a day.
o Post must contain information of its source.
 No Spamming allowed in the group which means:
1. Never repeat same post text/image in a day.
2. No one allowed to post more than 3 images or posts in a day. (it increases our patience)
 Please try to post as small as you can because short and concise message effects more. Avoid
posting long messages until it is necessary.
 Try not to copy-paste or forward post shared by someone else somewhere or from some
other group but we all must try to make efforts to type on our own or share images
taken/created by oneself, this deepens our personal insight into the words of wisdom, also it
is better way to serve.(Optional)
 No messages or posts during IST 11:00 pm to IST 5:00 pm. (In Summer 23 March – 20
 No chats or posts during IST 10:00 pm to IST 5:00 pm. (In Winter 21 September – 22 March)

Divine Yogodans (Telegram Group Guidelines)

Spreading Thoughts of Beloved Guru Dev Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda ji Page No. 1 2 3
universalyogodan , More info : https://t.me/universalyogodan
Jai Guru! Jai Maa!

 In emergency or any urgency a person can text on any important matter. (It will help us if
before doing so he confirms with the admin & if admin is not available on Telegram then one
can call him for instant permission.)
 If any person wishes to upload any videos related to Guruji or YSS/SRF, then he may forward
that content to admin before uploading. It will ensure authenticity of that content. After
written approval from the admin, one can post it in the group.
 Getting checked is better than being wrong, so if you have any doubt related to anything then
please ensure its approval from admin.
 If anyone breaks the rule by any post that post will be immediately delete by the admin and
after then admin will warn him if a person repeats it three times then admin can remove or
suspend that person for 7 days. If a person was removed more than 3 times but still he/she is
not adhering to Group-Guidelines then that person will be removed permanently from the
 Check twice before posting anything as it helps to share precise & errorless post, also it helps
to assimilate the wisdom deeper.
 Never Ever post any Cosmic Chant Audio or Video in our group.
 this is a global group so in this group only YSS/SRF Asharam or YSS/SRF Monks activities are
broadcast for your information. Please do post if your local center have any special activities
but In this group please never ever post any local kendra/mandali information.

Group Activities by the admin group.

 Daily sharing of Spiritual Thought in English & Hindi in the morning by admin group.
 Daily sharing of affirmations & words of a particular Cosmic Chants at night .
 YSS/SRF Books or Magazine quotes in Hindi & English sharing daily in the Group.
 Sharing/Broadcasting information about any program at YSS/SRF Ashram or Monks visit,
activities, also sharing the details of any special program scheduled on any particular
occasions at any kendra.

Request: (Optional)
 Devotees may send their contact particulars to admin, it will help us to inform about any
particular Volunteering or Service (if required) relating to Guruji’s work at your specific
location. Your Contact details are safe with us & we never ever share any personal
information to anyone by any means.
 Please refrain from sharing images/audio/video to the minimum you can.
 Try not to copy-paste or forward post shared by someone else somewhere or from some
other group but we all must try to make efforts to type on our own or share images
taken/created by oneself.
 Please never every post any non YSS/SRF post to any group members personally.
 if you have any suggestion or concern related to this group activities then please share it
without hesitation with group admin.

Divine Yogodans (Telegram Group Guidelines)

Spreading Thoughts of Beloved Guru Dev Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda ji Page No. 1 2 3
universalyogodan , More info : https://t.me/universalyogodan

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