Unr Scholarship Writings-Portfolio

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UNR Scholarship Writings

Essay (1):​ ​There are a variety of events and experiences that have impacted my life in different
ways. One of the most influencing factors if not the biggest towards my development would
have to be when my aunt passed away. She was definitely one of the strongest people I have
ever met. She was diagnosed with 5 inoperable brain tumors in October of 2017. It was a very
difficult thing for me to process, but it taught me a lot about life and it helped me decide what I
wanted to do with mine. My aunt fought so hard to the point where she would be hurting and it
was almost as if you couldn't even tell. She continued to do this until the very last day. In the
month after she was diagnosed with the tumors, I spent a lot of time with both her and my
cousins. We went out to eat, we painted, watched some fun TV shows, and we tried to make the
most of the time we had. This was one of the events in my life that led me to discover what I
wanted to do and what I wanted to be. It showed me that no matter what, you never know when
your last day could be so you have to live life to its fullest. I also discovered that I loved helping
people and that I love portraying a positive mindset to others. After the unfortunate series of
events, I discovered that I definitely wanted to go into the medical field. Helping others is
something that makes me feel amazing. I love seeing people being positive and hopeful
regardless of how bad a current situation may be. Even though this wasn't the best experience
or event in my life, it had a very large and positive effect on who I am today and it helped me to
discover not only what I wanted to do for a career, but also how I want to live my life.

Essay (2): ​There's a lot that people hope or dream for in the future, but nothing comes without
work. Personally, I want to have a future where I can provide for myself and help those in need.
I want to do that by doing something I feel I would love which is having a career as a nurse
practitioner. I'm currently trying to set myself up to accomplish my goals by going into college to
study nursing. My goal is to attend college for 4 years to get my RN and then continuing on for
another 2 years to become a nurse practitioner. In order to give myself an idea for what it's
going to be like, I'm currently taking anatomy in high school to get a basic idea about what I will
be studying. I've also prepared myself a bit by joining some clubs at Coronado High School
called Interact Club, Environmental Club, and Cougars 4 Change. These clubs provide an
opportunity to experience the feeling of helping people in need. By becoming a nurse
practitioner, I'm going to be involved in helping those that aren't at their best. By joining the
clubs, I've experienced the magnificent feeling of seeing those that are thankful and happy
because of something I have contributed to. I've tried setting myself up for the future of my
dreams by doing things that not only make me happy, but also relate to my field of study.
Having a career as a nurse practitioner will allow me to accomplish my dreams of providing for
myself, being happy, and helping those in need.

Essay (3): ​I personally feel as though scholarships can in some circumstances, allow a person
to go further in their hopes and dreams. It provides students with more opportunities to do and
study what they would like. My goal is to become a nurse practitioner which takes 6 years of
college, rather than becoming a regular nurse that takes 4 years of college. A scholarship will
allow me to continue on in my study to become a nurse practitioner which is my dream career.
Those 2 years of college will make a major difference as to what my future career will be. I will
learn how to examine patients, diagnose people with illnesses, prescribe medication, and
provide the correct treatment to people. On the other hand, 2 years of college is quite a bit of
money, but a scholarship would allow me to go the extra step. The knowledge that I gain in
college, will greatly influence my career. A scholarship will allow me to continue college in order
to gain the information needed for the job of my dreams.

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