Case Study Analysis

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Cyber harassment alludes to online badgering. Cyber harassment or

bullying is the utilize of mail, moment informing, and disdainful websites
to bully or something else annoy a person or bunch through individual
assaults. Cyber harassment can be within the frame of flares, comments
made in chat rooms, sending of hostile or unfeeling mail, or indeed
annoying others by posting on blogs or social organizing locales. Cyber
harassment is regularly troublesome to track as the individual capable for
the acts of cyber harassment remains mysterious whereas debilitating
others online. This ordinarily applies to school-age children.

In many ways, social media platforms have created great benefits

for our societies by expanding and diversifying the ways people
communicate with each other, and yet these platforms also have the
power to cause harm. Posting hurtful messages about other people is a
form of harassment known as cyberbullying. Some acts of cyberbullying
may not only be considered slanderous, but also lead to serious

After discovering that one of her college students tweeted foul language
about her, a school instructor confronted the teenager for the duration of
a lesson on social media etiquette. Inquiring why the scholar would post
such hurtful messages that ought to harm the teacher's reputation, the
scholar spoke back that she was once upset at the time. The trainer spoke
back that she used to be very upset via the student's actions. The trainer
demanded a public apology in the front of the class, and the pupil
apologized. The instructor later mentioned that she would not allow
younger brats to name her those names.


1. Who are the major stakeholders in this situation?

2. What punishment does the student deserve? Why?

3. How is cyberbullying different from traditional bullying? Is one more

harmful than the other? Explain.


Question 1: Who are the major stakeholders in this situation?

Idalia Hernández Ramos, a center school educator in Mexico, was a

casualty of cyber badgering. After finding that one of her understudies
tweeted that the instructor was a “bitch” and a “whore,” Hernández stood
up to the young lady amid a lesson on social media behavior. Asking why
the young lady would post such destructive messages that seem hurt the
teacher’s notoriety, the understudy compliantly answered that she was
disturbed at the time. The instructor reacted that she was exceptionally
disturbed by the student’s activities. Requesting an open statement of
regret before the lesson, Hernández expressed that she would not permit
“young brats” to call her those names. Hernández transferred a video of
this encounter online, pulling in much consideration.

Whereas Hernández was subject to cyber badgering, a few felt she

went as well distant by going up against the understudy within the
classroom and posting the video for the open to see, raising concerns over
the security and rights of the understudy.

Question 2: What punishment does the student deserve? Why?

Cyberbullying is a large trouble for students. According to, “Over 25 percentages of youngsters and
young adults have been bullied over and over through their phone
telephones or the Internet.” However, many colleges refuse to punish
cyberbullying because it takes place off campus. This is a large trouble
that faculties want to address.

Students who get bullied online ought to later get bullied in school.
According to, “Additionally, lookup indicates that
when college students are cyberbullied, more regularly than not, they’re
additionally being confused at school. Online abuse, therefore, can
indicate school-based bullying, which faculties are required to respond
to.” Schools will need to punish the cyberbully anyways, even if it in the
beginning was off campus, due to the fact it would possibly lead the
sufferer to additionally being bullied during school. Also, if faculties deal
with cyberbullying early on, they should keep the victim from really being
bullied face to face.

Cyberbullying will only give up when the bullies realize there is a

punishment for their actions. According to, “their
research suggests that college students who believe faculties will punish
them for cyberbullying are much less possibly to torment their classmates
than those who don’t worry punishment. If educators surely convey that
college students who have interaction in cyberbullying will face penalties
at school, the conduct will probably decrease.” If there are no
consequences for their actions, the bullies won’t see any motive to stop.

Bullying negatively influences the victim’s performance in school.

According to, “We accept as true with that faculties
ought to intervene as it can not only have an effect on the pupil backyard
of school, but also in school. It can cause the pupil to be angry, tired, or
unhappy with a horrific wellbeing. It might also have an effect on a child’s
learning ability, social life, and how they take part in class. All of these
problems manifest in school.” If cyberbullying is affecting how a student
does in schools, then faculties have even extra motive to get involved.
After all, college students shouldn’t have to do poorly in faculty due to the
fact of cyberbullying.

Question 3: How is cyberbullying different from traditional

bullying? Is one more harmful than the other? Explain.

Agreeing to a consider discharged by the College of British Columbia

cyberbullying may be a huge issue, indeed more common than
conventional bullying.

In traditional bullying you're usually working with a bully, victim or

bystander but that's not the case in cyberbullying. In fact, it's not
uncommon to play multiple roles such as cyberbully, target and witness.
Previous research indicates that cyberbullying is rarely pre-meditated like
traditional bullying, where the bully plans his or her line of attack. In many
cases cyberbullying is done impulsively and not planned out like in
traditional bullying where the bully pre-meditates the next attack.

So, what makes cyberbullying so different from traditional bullying?

There are some differences between cyberbullying and traditional

1. Traditional bullying is more predictable, cyberbullying can

happen anytime and anywhere.
 Traditional bullying is as a rule constrained to certain times
and places, for case, the play area or the way to school. This
gives the target a few (in spite of the fact that restricted)
sense of consistency, and there are times and places where
he or she can feel secure. In differentiate, innovation is all
over: we have our phones and computers around us all the
time. Cyberbullying can happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week and 356 days a year. It can happen in our near vicinity
or through incredible separations. It is troublesome for the
target to discover a secure space.
2. Traditional bullying is done face-to-face, cyberbullying can
be anonymous.
 Cyberbullying is “an easier way to bully because unlike
traditional bullying it doesn’t involve face to face
interaction.”3 Hiding behind the computer decreases empathy
the bully feels toward the target. When we do not see the
person’s reaction to what we post or text them, we might not
know that we have gone too far. Desensitized by the
computer screen, it becomes easier to say or do things we
would not do to a person’s face. Furthermore, while
“traditional” bullies can mostly be identified, it can be very
difficult to find out who the anonymous cyberbullies are,
making it easier for bullies to avoid seeing and facing the
consequences of their actions.

3. Traditional bullying is done in secret; cyberbullying can go

public and viral.
 A particularly tricky perspective of cyberbullying is that it
regularly has numerous, numerous spectators. Conventional
bullying is more frequently tired private than in open. But in
cyberbullying, innovation makes it simple to rapidly spread
substance to an expansive number of individuals. Online
bullying can rapidly end up exceptionally open or indeed viral.
This wide gathering of people makes the encounter
particularly troublesome and humiliating for the target.
Cyberbullying could be viewed as more of a threat than traditional
bullying because:

1. Anonymity, impersonation and decreased fear of being

 Cyberbullying contrasts from traditional shapes of bullying in
that the character of the culprit is frequently covered up from
the casualty by making a untrue personality (frequently by
implies of a wrong e-mail account and social organizing
profile). This has dangerous consequences for the victim of
cyberbullying, as online environments provide a platform
where the expression of negative emotions is allowed to
flourish, minimizing the perpetrator’s fear of punishment.

2. Lack of supervision
 Usually a one of a kind include of cyberbullying which has
stressing results for the casualty. In spite of the fact that
social organizing destinations and chatrooms are making a
few exertions in respect to security and security of their
individuals by policing possibly hostile discussions and making
it less demanding to report manhandle online, it is vague how
viable these measures are in diminishing the impacts of
cyberbullying on victims. Furthermore, mail communication
and content messages are troublesome to screen. Nearby
this, numerous youthful individuals have computers in their
rooms with the potential to cover up their conduct from
guardians or kin, which may compound their conduct.
3. Victims feel imprisoned in their own homes
 Not at all like casualties of traditional shapes of bullying who
are able to elude from the torments of the face-to-face bully
once they are at domestic, cyberbullying casualties don't have
that alternative. Cyberbullies take advantage of the reality
that the lion's share of youthful individuals utilize innovation
on a standard premise which gives them with the opportunity
to bug their casualty at any time and in any put, consequently
they are likely to feel detained in them possess homes, with
no ‘safe place’ to go.

Cyberbullying is not more of a threat than traditional forms of bullying


1. Cyberbullying is an extension of traditional bullying

 This contention takes after that cyberbullying is related to
conventional (face-to confront) bullying since regularly
casualties of cyberbullying are too casualties of conventional
bullying. Essentially, cyberbullies are frequently bullies within
the physical world as well. In any case, while the cover
between cyberbullying and conventional bullying exists,
scholastics caution that the overlap is little which
cyberbullying can be separated from conventional bullying in
a number of ways (as talked about within the past segment).
2. Harm
 A few shapes of cyberbullying are said to have a rise to effect
on casualties of conventional bullying and a few shapes of
cyberbullying are considered to be less destructive than
shapes of conventional bullying. Subsequently cyberbullying
isn't considered to be more of a danger. Smith and others
found that bullying by means of content and social organizing
destinations was of break even with affect to conventional
bullying, while bullying through e-mail, chatroom or moment
informing were thought to have a lesser affect than
conventional shapes of bullying. Investigate by Ortega and
others found that cyberbullying casualties were not that
concerned approximately their badgering. Interests, they too
found that cyberbullying casualties detailed less negative
feelings than casualties of conventional bullying.


Cyberbullying happens when electronic communications such as
content messages, emails, moment messages, and social media overhauls
are utilized to undermine or mortify somebody. Individuals of any age can
be cyberbullied, but it happens most regularly to teenagers and
youngsters. Its results can be fair as genuine as the impacts of bullying
that happens in individual. Cyberbullying is never the victim’s blame.

Here are some solutions or recommendations to prevent the


1. Just let him or her be

 This cyber bully burns their passion. As the target person
begins to react, the bully becomes more and more involved.
So, don't worry or treat them.

2. Keep all the evidence

 What can be done as a precaution is to document it. Any
comments or words of any kind whether written, audio or
video should be kept. If it goes too far, it can be used as
evidence to confront the authorities.

Here are practical tips to help parents and schools prevent and stop

1. Learn how various social networking apps and sites work

 Become familiar with Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter. Ask the kids or children if they will exhibit their profile

2. Build trust with the children

 Set time limits, explain a reasons for them, and discuss rules
for online safety and Internet use. Ask them to contribute to
establishing the rules then they'll be more inclined to follow


1. Adopt a zero-tolerance policy for all types of bullying

 Make it clear that any intimidation, harassment, or
threatening conduct will be dealt with unexpectedly and

2. Engage students, parents, and teachers in discussions about

bullying prevention
 Have pupil councils or scholar panels address the problem to
their peers at school-wide assemblies, PTA meetings, and
different school-wide events. Get everyone involved!

Cyberbullying is a hassle in societies that are advanced enough to
have the technological know-how to connect with different human beings
on-line and is not effortlessly fixable. Cyberbullying can affect all and
sundry however is most prominent in today’s youth. two If we can curve
out this awful conduct early in their age, they are unlikely to continue
down that path. Unfortunately, this is no longer a convenient task. This
will require schools, and especially mother and father to be conscious of
the hassle and act on it. Eliminating cyberbullying will take a combined
effort and won’t be eliminated overnight. two If the authorities are willing
to accept that cyberbullying is a problem, laws can be put in vicinity to
help discourage this activity. Even still, parents and colleges must get rid
of and give up this behavior now, then laws shouldn’t be necessary. So
colleges and parents, be conscious of what kids are doing on the internet
and their phones, and act if they are doing something that they shouldn’t

Parents, law enforcement and educators all want to take caution

with gazing over kids in order to forestall cyberbullying. If anyone comes
together consisting of educators, law enforcement and the biggest role,
the parents, then cyberbullying can be stopped. The next time these 12 to
17 years log onto the internet, maybe they won’t be affected by way of
cyber bullying if everybody begins to work together.

Schulten, K. (2010, October 04). What Should the Punishment Be for Acts
of Cyberbullying? Retrieved from The Learning Network:

How is Cyberbullying Different from ‘Traditional’ Bullying? (n.d.). Social

Academija, chapter 3.

Raychelle Cassada Lohmann Ph.D., L. (2012, May 14). Cyberbullying

versus Traditional Bullying. Retrieved from Physcology Today:


(2014, September 04). Retrieved from THE CYBERSMILE

UNODC. (2018, October). The Doha Declaration: Promoting a culture of

lawfulness. Retrieved from Case studies for professional ethics:

Bain, C. (2019). Ethics Unwrapped. Retrieved from cyber harassment:

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