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Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME6235D Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics, Assignment-2

A Poisson equation for a two-dimensional function φ(x, y) is given as

∇2 φ = −(m2 + n2 )π 2 cos(nπx) cos(mπy)

in a domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1. The boundary conditions given are

• Case 1: Dirichlet at all the four boundaries; i.e., φ(x = 0, y) =

cos(mπy), φ(x = 1, y) = cos(nπ) cos(mπy), φ(x, y = 0) = cos(nπx),

φ(x, y = 1) = cos(nπx) cos(mπ)

• Case 2: Neumann at all the four boundaries; i.e., φx (x = 0, y) =

φx (x = 1, y) = φy (x, y = 0) = φy (x, y = 1) = 0.

Note that the exact analytical solution is

φ(x, y) = cos(nπx) cos(mπy)

Use 2nd −order central difference scheme to discretize the Poisson

equation in a uniform grid, N × M . Solve the resulting set of lin-

ear algebraic equations by the following methods for the two cases

mentioned above: Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, Successive over-relaxation

(SOR), Incomplete LU factorization (ILU). Strongly Implicit procedure

(SIP), Bi Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method (BiCGSTAB), Precon-

ditioned BiCGSTAB.

Use m = 5, n = 3, N = M = 256, ω = 1.5 (SOR) and α = 0.9 (SIP).

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