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2ND PART OF USE OF FORCE Another important thing you need to remember

is, until the Security Council has taken measures

to ensure international peace and security.
In Nicaragua, the United States justified its What does it mean? It means that kinsa mu-una
military action as collective self-defense, first? Ang self defense or ang reaction ni
allegedly kinsa man ang mga affected states Security Council? It should be self-defense,
ato? Honduras and El Salvador. Central right? For all you know, the UN Security Council
American States. Ang kontra nila is Nicaragua. will not act on the matter, so you are basically
for nothing. A state must not be held hostage
by the caprices, the whimsical arbitrariness
The United States said that this is in the exercise character of the UN Security Council. Therefore,
of collective self-defense. Why? Di man maka it is allowed by Art. 51 to act first until the UNSC
exercise si USA ug individual self-defense says, “stop! I’ll take it forward, henceforth”. The
because it was never attacked. It was not War in Iraq is pursuant to a UNSC resolution. It
attacked by Nicaragua. To justify its actions makes sense that self-defense ang una because
therefore, it invoked collective self defense. But ang person na imo gi-expect that would assist
was the US successful in doing so? Why not? you will not end up not helping you, but the
Because there was no call for help. moment there is assistance then you should
stop na. Because the UNSC has the ultimate
power with respect to abuses of wars.
For you to invoke self-defense and you not a
directly affected state, there has to be a request
of help from the affected state. In this case, Except that, we have to know what constitutes
there was no call for help from Honduras or El an armed attack. Because it is only armed attack
Salvador. that justifies the use of force. Armed Attack was
first described in 1986 in the Nicaragua case
and the paradigm will always be “invasion of
In the Oil Platforms Case, United States again the regular armed forces of one state to the
invoked Collective Self Defense. Why man? Kay territory of another state.” It doesn’t make
daghan mines sa Persian Gulf. Ana si US na dili sense if you compare that to the advent of
ako lang vessel ang affected. So many vessels modern weapons and modern military systems.
from other countries are affected because of Gone are the days na face to face ang war.
the laying of the mines. Your ICJ said, I’ll Gone are the days where you have to wait for
respond in 2 points: you’re not even sure if it the adverse party to come to your shares. Those
was Iran who laid down the mines because it are things of the past. You don’t expect Iran to
could be Iraq. Both countries were at war so send its armed forces to the US just for the
both parties were laying mines in the Persian reason for actual armed attack. Unfortunately,
gulf. Second: even assuming that it was Iran this definition is maintained even in the 2005
that laid down the mines, you cannot invoke case of Armed Activities in the territory of
self defense because there was no request from Congo. There has to be an involvement with the
the affected states. regular armed forces crossing borders to the
territory of another State.
Armed attack by whom? The Bush Doctrine says TO HALT A FUTURE THREAT. Don’t the mean the
that it could be from a non-state entity. same thing? This only goes to show that there is
Remember about instant custom? George W. no standard to begin with. It is very difficult to
Bush in its War on Terror justified its aggression come up with a legal framework with
on certain locations of Afghanistan. Dili man anticipatory self defense. Because where does
Afghanistan iya kontra. It just so happened that imminence end and where does imminence
Al-Qaeda Is in Afghanistan and so when we begin?
questioned of the propriety of that exercise of
self-defense, ingon si George W. Bush that “this
is self-defense”. Because Article 51 does not There are certain examples given by scholars.
mention of the source of the attack. It only First, Kim Jong Un issues a public declaration on
mentions that the attack must be against a TV to the effect that it would launch an attack
member of the UN. It never said that the attack against the US, several minutes after that, iya
must come from the member of the UN. It gidisperse iya naval forces then nagpabuto sila
could extend to non-state actors. And for good in their own territorial waters. Several days
reasons! Non-state actors are much more after that, the coordinates of all its nuclear
capable in launching attacks than state actors. arsenal was directed towards Texas, USA. Under
And then the question of gravity, there has to the circumstances, the US will say that this calls
be gravity and it was impliedly recognized in for the application of anticipatory self defense.
Nicaragua. WHY? They have commenced all the overt acts
leading to the crime. But NO, this was not
accepted because it promotes paranoia. It
Let’s talk about 3 types of self defense (Lex promotes speculation and more than that,
ferenda) - anticipatory self defense, pre- scholars are not willing to accept it because of
emptive self defense, preventive self defense. the difficulty of coming up with a legal
Some scholars say that you cannot wait for an framework on the matter.
actual armed attack with the advent of modern
weapons. Self defense will be rendered
meaningless if ang gigamit na weapon is a Besides, the very reason why States proliferates
nuclear weapon. You don’t expect a state na gi nuclear weapons is not because they will use it.
attack na ug nuclear weapons to be capable of It’s really intended for deterrence, policy of
exercising self-defense. Therefore, other deterrence. It’s all for machismo, HINAMBOG
countries say that we must have what we call BA. It’s intended to say na “don’t touch me
anticipatory self defense, meaning you can because the moment you do, it will be the
exercise self defense in an anticipatory manner tragedy of the commons – the end of the
because you do know that the harm is world”. We should not be paranoid because we
forthcoming. SO meaning if walay actual armed don’t expect these states to use their nuclear
attack or explosion, you can launch an attack weapons. Ngano man? They know that the
against another state. Other scholars say that moment they use the weapons, it will be the
“NO, it must be pre-emptive, others say that it end of the world. Not just for their enemies but
must be preventive”. But what’s the difference for the entirety of the world.
ATTACK. The second one says, TO HALT A
The POLICY OF DETERRENCE is in fact Kuwait because there has been an ongoing war
acknowledged by your Nuclear Weapons between Iran and Kuwait at the time. Ingon si
Advisory Opinion. The question was that ICJ, wala ang element na directed against a
whether nuclear weapons are allowed under member of the UN because there was no
international law? Your ICJ said, there is no showing that it was intended against the United
opinion juris prohibiting the use of nuclear States of America. It just so happened that ang
weapons. Ngano man? It is basically the policy naigo na vessel kay iyaha. Therefore, since there
of deterrence that impels state to come up with was no armed attack, there was no justification
their nuclear weapons. It’s not really for use. for self defense in bombing the oil platforms.
When man ta nag prohibit? Since 1945 because
of the atomic bombs diba and how many years
has it been since then? On the second argument of US, it also failed to
establish that the mines underneath were
planted by Iran. The ICJ said that Iraq and Iran
Because of the policy of deterrence and the have been planting mines at the Persian Gulf
legal framework difficulty, we will maintain the because they are at war man. They planted
traditional notion of armed attack – INVASION mines in the hopes na muigo sa ilang kontra. So
OF AMED FORCES. You don’t need to send your ingon si ICJ, what Is your proof na ang naka
men actually, a drone is enough because once explode sa SamueL Roberts kay ang mines
the drone enters the air space, it means planted by iran when there is no evidence of
invading of territory already. And the drones the debris, serial numbers etc. So wala ghapon
are operated by your armed forces so musulod armed attack. Kay ingon si ICJ, sorry nalang
ghapon siya sa traditional criteria. because it was not specifically targeted against

What happened in the Oil Platforms case?

Interpretation of the word commerce and Meaning, there is a CERTAIN DEGREE OF
maritime commerce. The US alleged that the INTENT. Your Article 51 mentioned against a
missile was from Iran. Basically, Iran attacked member of the UN, but in this case, dili siya
the vessel therefore it constitutes armed attack. deliberate armed attack.
Days after, US bombed the oil platforms. The ICJ
said that there was no armed attack because it
was not proven that the missile was from Iran. Let’s talk about PROPORTIONALITY AND
Because the testimony of US was that naa ra NECESSITY. In the Oil Platforms case, it was not
nakita sa taas. Because of the lack of evidence complied because the ICJ said that assuming
to prove the source of the missile, they’re there was armed attack, it was necessary to
actually called silkworm missiles. Ana ang US na bomb the oil platforms. But in the Samuel
pwede ra maka come up ato na missiles is Iran Roberts, the self defense of USA was not
but it was not proven by US, so walay armed necessary and proportionate because only one
attack. For all you know, it could have been vessel exploded but gibombahan niya ang Oil
directed by anyone. Wala man na prove that it Platforms, several warships of Iran and several
was indeed Iran was used the missile againt US. merchant vessels. Under the circumstances, it
It was directed toward Kuwaiti waters so it was not proportionate. It was also not
could have been that it was directed towards necessary because the oil platforms was not to
be involved. Failure to observe proportionality resorting to the use of force. THAT IS NECESSITY
and necessity means failure to adhere to CIL. IN JUS AD BELLUM.
These are inextricably linked to the exercise of
self defense. You will not consider it as valid self Proportionality requires that there be fair
defense if there is no compliance with the balance between the armed attack and the
requisites of proportionality and necessity. measures taken to stop it. This is where US
failed, because there was an explosion of
Samuel Roberts which was even a commercial
ship that was flying the US Flag. Meaning they
What does it mean to be Proportional and are actually of middle eastern origin but only
Necessary? In the Caroline incident, SO MANY flying the US Flag. Isa lang ang nibuto but US
QUIZ BOWLS COULD COME OUT IN THE bombed the platforms which is indispensable to
CAROLINE INCIDENT!!! The Caroline Incident the economy of Iran. Under the circumstances,
was merely an incident and not a case. It never the attack was not proportionate.
went out to the tribunals because the two
states eventually settled the matter. In fact, na In the Caroline incident, it showed that
acknowledge ni UK that it was at fault. proportionality requires that the means
employed must not be unreasonable or
The facts were that there was an uprising in excessive. Lex Ferenda is not binding because it
Canada and some of which were supported by is the future of the law. Lex Lata refers to
factions in the UK. Why? Because Caroline is a settled law.
steam ship that was used to transfer weapons
to Canada and UK was involved because Canada The accumulation of events doctrine refers to
was its former colony and still is part of the the series of minor incidents, taken together
Commonwealth states. So, when UK learned can be said to reach the threshold of an armed
about it, iyang gipasunog ang Caroline. attack. The 3 cases on this are the OIL
Obviously, US got mad because iyaha man to PLATFORMS CASE, ARMED ACTIVITIES IN THE
steam ship. Pag reklamo ni US, UK said that it TERRITORY OF CONGO AND THE SURINAME V.
was in its exercise of self defense and that it GUYANA CASES.
was necessary under the circumstances. Was it
correct? NO. US responded that you can only The ICJ acknowledged that this may have some
exercise self defense and apply necessity when value in assessing the different incidents
the situation is instant, overwhelming, leaving between parties to the conflict. It was not
no choice of means and no moment of categorically accepted as settled law.
deliberation. This is the test for necessity under
by International law. A test laid down not by a
judicial tribunal but by a specific person. If that
were the case, then the measures of UK was not
necessary because there was no need to burn it
and kill people to the ground.

What does necessity mean therefore? It means

if there are other means short of using force
that could potentially address the situation then
resort to those means. Meaning, there has to be
exhaustion of peaceful means. It must ascertain
that other peaceful means are available before

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