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Ganpat University

M. Tech. Mechanical Engineering

(Advanced Manufacturing Systems)

Defining Research, Scientific Enquiry, Hypothesis, Scientific Method, Types of Research, Research
Process and steps in it. Research Proposals – Types, contents, sponsoring agent’s requirements, Ethical,
Training, Cooperation and Legal aspects

Research Design:
Meaning, Need, Concepts related to it, categories; Literature Survey and Review, Dimensions and
issues of Research Design, Research Design Process – Selection of type of research, Measurement and
measurement techniques ,Selection of Sample, Selection of Data Collection Procedures, Selection of
Methods of Analysis, Errors in Research.

Research Problem:
Problem Solving – Types, Process and Approaches – Logical, Soft System and Creative; Creative
problem solving process, Development of Creativity, Group Problem Solving Techniques for Idea
Generation – Brain storming and Delphi Method.

Research Modeling:
(a) Mathematical – Classification of Models, Development of Models, Stages in Model building,
Principles of Modelling, Use of Analogy, Models as Approximations, Data consideration and Testing
of Models
(b) Heuristics and Simulation – Definition, Applications and reasons for using Heuristics, Heuristic
Methods and approaches, Meta-Heuristics; Simulation – Meaning, Applications and Classification of
Simulation Models, Process of Simulation, Steps and Features of Simulation Experiments and their

Objective, Strategies, Factorial Experimental Design, Applications of Experimental Design, Basic
Principles – Replication, Randomization and Blocking, Guidelines for designing experiments;
Laboratory Experiments, Methods of manipulating Variables, Errors in Experiments, Steps in Design of
Experiments, Basis

Process Optimization:
Factorial Design principles, Two factor Factorial Design, General Factorial Design, Fitting response
Curves and Surfaces, Blocking, Taguchi Approach to Parameter Design, Robust Design

Analysis of Variance and Co-variance, Hypothesis Testing – Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests,
Uni-variate and Bi-variate analysis

Report Writing: Pre-writing Considerations, Principles of Thesis Writing, Format of Report Writing,
Format of Publication in Research Journals, Oral Presentations (Briefing)

Term work:
• Collection and review of literature on a specific topic related to design or manufacturing
• Assignment on data collection processing, analysis, interpretation, inferences and conclusions for
an engineering problem.
• Assignment on design of experiments using Taguchi technique.
• Assignment on modeling and simulation of an engineering problem.
• Presentation of any one above using MS power-point or similar.
PG_AMS - 1
Reference Books:
1. Krishnaswamy, K.N., Sivakumar, Appa Iyer & Mathirajan M. “Management Research
Methodology: Integration of Principles, Methods & Techniques” (New Delhi, Pearson Education,
2. Montgomery, Douglas C. “Design & Analysis of Experiments”, (New York, John Wiley & Sons,
3. Kothari, C.K. “Research Methodology, Methods & Techniques” (New Delhi, New Age
International Ltd. Publishers, 2004)
4. Ross, Phillip J. – “Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering”. (New York, McGraw Hill 2008)
5. Rao S. S. “Engineering Optimization Theory & Practices” (New Delhi, New Age International
Ltd., Publishers, 2010)
6. Trochim, William M.K.“Research Methods” (New Delhi, Biztantra, Dreamtech, 2008)

PG_AMS - 2
Ganpat University
M. Tech. Mechanical Engineering
(Advanced Manufacturing Systems)

Introduction to world class manufacturing, Historical perspectives, World class Excellent organizations
– American and Japanese Companies Deming Awards , Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award –
Globalization – Global Companies – Models for manufacturing excellence – Business Excellence.

Quality Systems:
ISO 9000-2000, IS 14000, Frame Work for Business Excellence - Malcolm Baldridge Award,
Deming’s Award

Definition, mission and objectives, managing benchmarking process, training and code of conduct,
future scope and benchmarking process. What to benchmark: concept of step zero, priorities, business
processes – linking to goals etc, investigation, documentation, performance measures, improving
business processes. Whom to benchmarks: Developing candidate list, systematic search, refining the
initial list.

Principals and Practices of WCM:

Data collection plan, research-internal public domain sources, outside experts etc. original research, site
visits, and code of conduct. Analyzing the gap: Top displaying data, deciding and combining best work
practices, Balance Score Card Technique, Value Stream Mapping, validation, recommendations etc

Six Sigma:
The Basics, The core of Six Sigma(DMAIC), design for Six Sigma, DFSS and the customer, Quality
time and the Bottom line , core of DFSS-IDOV method, DFSS Metrics, DFSS Infrastructure –People
and resources, Implementing DFSS

Activity Based Management:

(ABM): Introduction, Traditional Cost Systems, Activity Based activity Based Costing, Activity Based
Management, ABM Implementation, and Case Study.

Theory of Constraints (TOC):

Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

Reference books:
1. Richard J. Schonberg “World Class Manufacturing” New York: Free Press, 2008.
2. Haynes A. “Effect of world class manufacturing on shop floor workers”, Journal European
Industrial Training 1999;

PG_AMS - 3
Ganpat University
M. Tech. Mechanical Engineering
(Advanced Manufacturing Systems)
3ME303 - DISSERTATION PART – 1 [0 0 16 0 8]

Students will carry out a research project in any area of his/her interest with concern of faculty member
(Guide) throughout the semester.

PG_AMS - 4
Ganpat University
M. Tech. Mechanical Engineering
(Advanced Manufacturing Systems)
3ME401 - DISSERTATION PART – 2 [0 0 24 0 12]

Students will carry out a research project in any area of his/her interest with concern of faculty member
(Guide) throughout the semester.

PG_AMS - 5

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