History of Swimming: 1.freestyle Stroke/Crawl: Get A Full-Body Workout and Tone Up Overall

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Jude Marcial C.



Competitive swimming in Britain started around 1830, mostly using breaststroke.

Swimming was part of the first modern Olympic games in 1896 in Athens. In 1908, the
world swimming association, Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA), was formed.


1.Freestyle Stroke/Crawl: Get A Full-Body Workout And Tone Up


The front crawl or freestyle stroke needs you to keep your body straight and time
breaths with your strokes, tilting your head sideways to breathe at fixed intervals. Kick
hard with the feet and alternate raising arms overhead, bringing one into the water as
the other rises out on the other side.

2. Breaststroke: Work Those Leg Muscles And Tone Your Back

you move your legs in a manner similar to a frog kick, with the knees bending, and
kick out below you inside the water. Your arms move in one stroke, starting at breast
level. As you push the water away with your arms, it propels the head out of the water
naturally, allowing you to take a breath. The breaststroke is the swimming stroke that
is linked to the lowest number of shoulder pain complaints from swimming. Although
you do need to lift your head to breathe, the way you lift your upper body is more
natural than in the butterfly stroke, so your lower back and spine are less likely to
experience strain as well.

Jude Marcial C. Pangilinan

3. Butterfly Stroke: Strengthen Your Core And Work Your Upper


The butterfly stroke is seen as one of the more challenging strokes. When you do this,
you need to raise both your arms above your head simultaneously and then push
down into the water with them to propel the body forward. Your legs move in a
dolphin kick motion – straight and held together as you kick down with them.

4. Backstroke: Improve Your Posture And Work That Spine

With the backstroke, the principle remains similar to the crawl – only you lie on your
back and float instead of face down in the water. When you begin, your lungs should
be at the surface but the rest of you must be below the water level. Try and keep the
body as perfectly horizontal as you can while you move. Kick with your legs and
alternately raising one arm at a time. Bring it back into the water in a vertical arc, so
that the water that is pulled below your body propels you forward.

At the 1896 Summer Olympics, four swimming events were contested, all for men. They were planned
and organized by the Sub-Committee for Nautical Sports. All events took place on 11 April in the Bay of
Jude Marcial C. Pangilinan
Zea. There was a total of 13 participants from 4 countries competing. (Hungary was the overall champ
with 2gold medals)

At the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris, seven swimming events were contested. Only men competed

in the swimming competition. There was a total of 76 participants from 12 countries competing. The
games are referenced in Yann Martel's 2001 novel Life of Pi. (Great Britain was the overall champ with
2Gold Medals)

The swimming competitions at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney took place from 16 to 23

September 2000 at the Sydney International Aquatic Centre in Homebush Bay. It featured 32 events
(16 male, 16 female), and a total of 954 swimmers from 150 nations.

The swimming competitions at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro took place from 6 to 13

August at the Olympic Aquatics Stadium. The women's open-water marathon was held on August
15, and the men's open water race on August 16 in Fort Copacabana.

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