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Direction: From question 1 to 7 each question has four Terms. Three terms are alike in some way. One term is
different from three others. Find out the correct term which is different from three others and write its
alternative number on your answer sheet against the proper question number-

1. (1) 2008 (2) 2012 (3) 2016 (4) 2018

1. 4
Sol. Except 2018 all are multiple of 4.

2. (1) S-190 (2) L-144 (3) P-256 (4) T-400

2. 1
Sol. S – 19
192  361
S – 190 is not correct

3. (1) Magazine (2) Book (3) Copy (4) News-Paper

3. 3
Sol. Except copy all are readings

4. (1) 11, 14, 17 (2) 19, 16, 13 (3) 2, 5, 7 (4) 25, 29, 32
4. 2
Sol. Except option (2) all are in increasing order.

5. (1) DAC (2) SJG (3) MKB (4) YTE

5. 2
Sol. Except (2) order of middle term difference of extremes


1 2 3 4
6. 4
Sol. Except (4) all the options contain two identical figure.


1 2 3 4
7. 3
Sol. Except (3) all figure have corners
Direction: Question 8 to 12 there are food terms/ figure in each question. The terms right to the symbol: : have
same relationship as the two terms of the left symbol : : Out of the food terms. Figure one is missing,
which is shown bold (?). Four alternative are given for each question. Find out the correct alternative and
write its number against the corresponding question on your answer sheet-
8. News paper: News: : Book: ?
(1) Writer (2) Chapter (3) Knowledge (4) Page
8. 3
Sol. News paper gives news, Book gives knowledge

9. BHC : FLG :: JPK ?

(1) MSP (2) NTO (3) EKF (4) SYT
9. 2
Sol. B  F

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H  L
C  G
Similarly, JPK  NTO
10. : 92 :: : ?
(1) 27 (2) 11 (3) 121 (4) 152
10. 4
Sol. D–4
4  23  92
8 × 19 = 152


   
    ?


1 2 3 4
11. 4
Sol. Lines increase by 1


  
 lll   ll 
llll  ?


l lll llll l

1 2 3 4
12. 1
Sol. Sides in figure increase by 1 and lines decrease by 1.

Direction: Question from 13 to 18 are based on number/ letter/ figure series. In each series missing term is
mentioned by question mark (?). Find out the missing term in given alternatives and write its alternative
number against the correct question number on your answer sheet-

FIITJEE Ltd., Ghaziabad Centre, Inspiration Plaza, D -6 & 7 RDC, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad, Pin-201001 Ph- 0120-2820004
13. 213, 768, 132, 687,? 876, 213,?
(1) 312, 786 (2) 321, 768 (3) 321, 867 (4) 123, 678
13. 2
Sol. Digits are rotating in cyclic order

14. BA, ZY, DC, XW, FE, VU,TS, JI ?

(1) GH, QR (2) QR, GH (3) HG, RQ (4) GH, RQ
14. 3
Sol. B & Y ; A & Z; have same distance from beginning and end respectively and so on.

15. 1, 4, ?, ?, 125, 36,?

(1) 27, 16, 49 (2) 9, 16, 49 (3) 27, 64, 49 (4) 27, 16, 343
15. 4
Sol. 13 ,22 ,33 ,42 ,53 ,62 ,73

16. , ,?, , ,
16 13 19 40 52
(1) , (2) , (3) , (4) ,
25 28 28 25 26 20 24 32
16. 2
Sol. , , , , , ,
2  8 11  2 2  14 17  2 2  20 23  2 2  26

 
  ?

   

1 2 3 4

17. 2
Sol. Small arrow rotating 90° clockwise in every step and big arrow rotating 45° anticlockwise in every step.


 ?
 


 

1 2 3 4
18. 1
Sol. Arrow is rotating 45° anticlockwise and is rotating 135° clockwise and 45°anticlockwise alternatively.

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Direction: Question 19 to 21 the letters in column I are coded in the form of numbers. Which are written in column
II, but the order of numbers is different. Read carefully code of letters. Find out correct answer in given
alternative and write its alternative number against the corresponding question number on your answer
Column- I Column- II
STE 376
KSN 324
DRQ 815
EKR 562
DNR 415
19. What will be code of RKT
(1) 257 (2) 527 (3) 235 (4) 764
19. 2
Sol. S3; K2; R5; T7; Q8; D1; E6; N4;

20. What will be code of SEND ?

(1) 6413 (2) 5614 (3) 3641 (4) 4631
20. 3
Sol. S3; K2; R5; T7; Q8; D1; E6; N4;

21. What will be code of QRK ?

(1) 583 (2) 625 (3) 278 (4) 852
21. 4
Sol. S3; K2; R5; T7; Q8; D1; E6; N4;
22. If in certain code language SATURDAY written as UTASYADR. How is HOSPITAL written in that code?
22. 1
Sol. First four and last four letters are written in reverse order.
23. If in a certain code language TABLE written as SBAMD. How is COVER written in that code?
23. 4
Sol. T  S
A  B
B  A
L  M
E  D

24. If in certain code language ROPE is written as 6821 and CHAIR as 73456. How will be CRAPE written in
that code ?
(1) 77246 (2) 76421 (3) 73456 (4) 73214
24. 2
Sol. R6

Direction: From Question 25 to 30 the equations have become wrong because of the wrong order of signs. Choose
the correct order of signs from the four options given below so as to make the equations right. Write the
alternative number of the correct option on the answer sheet against the corresponding question

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25. 11  2  1  10
(1)    (2)    (3)    (4)   
25. 1
Sol. 11 – 2 + 1 = 10

26. 15  3  5  50
(1)   (2)   (3)    (4) 
26. 2
Sol. 15 × 3 + 5 = 50

27. 93  7  13  113
(1)    (2)    (3)    (4)   
27. 3
Sol. 93 + 7 + 13 = 113

28. 27  5  11 – 2
(1)  (2)  (3)   (4)  
28. 4
Sol. 27 – 5 = 11× 2

29. 72  8 12  21
(1)    (2)    (3)    (4)   
29. 1
Sol. 72  8  12  21

30. 12  4  12  3  9
(1)    (2)    (3)    (4)  
30. 4
Sol. 12  4  2  3  9

Direction: Question 31 to 36 numbers are placed in figure on the basis of some rules. One place is vacant which is
indicated as (?). figer out the correct alternative for the vacant place and write its number against the
proper question number on your answer sheet-
31 26 15
27 ? 9
(1) 13 (2) 24 (3) 18 (4) 12
31. 3
Sol. (31 – (3+1))= 27
(15 – (1+5)) = 9
(26-(2+6)) = 18

32. 2 3 2 4 1 0

15 12 ?

1 2 1 1 3 4
(1) 7 (2) 13 (3) 1 (4) 8
32. 1
Sol. (3 + 2) × (2 + 1) = 15
(4 + 2) × (1 + 1) = 12
(1 + 0) × (3 + 4) = 7

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13 25 34
12 30 ?

(1) 32 (2) 36 (3) 27 (4) 39

33. 1
Sol. (1 + 1) × 3×2 = 12

34. 2 7 4

9 7 ?

16 1 21 4 12 2

(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6

34. 3
Sol. 1 9

1 1 32
1 2 ?

1 8 2
(1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 16 (4) 12
35. 2
Sol. Middle Term is the cube root of extremes.

36. 8 7 5

2 38 3 0 24 1 2 ? 2

6 4 4

(1) 13 (2) 15 (3) 26 (4) 48

36. 3
Sol. (8 + 3 + 6 + 2) × 2 = 38
(7 + 1 + 4 + 0) × 2 = 24
(5 + 2 + 4 + 2)× 2 = 26

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Direction: Each of the following question 37 to 42 has a group of the words which are related to each other in
some way. This relationship can be represented by one of the four figure alternative given in the
beginning. Find out the correct figure alternative and write its number against the corresponding
questions on your answer sheet-
1 2 3 4

37. Rose Lion Animal

(1) 4 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) 3
37. 4
Sol. Lion is a Animal

38. Police Teacher School

(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 1
38. 2
Sol. Teacher is a part of school.

39. Dog Fish Bird

(1) 4 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 3
39. 1
Sol. All are different.

40. Doctor Nurse Hospital

(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 2 (4) 1
40. 3
Sol. Doctor & Nurse both the parts of Hospital, but both jobs are different

41. Library Almirah Book

(1) 4 (2) 3 (3) 2 (4) 1
41. 4
Sol. Books are in Almirah and Almirah are in Library.

42. Family Brother Sister

(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 1 (4) 4
42. 1
Sol. Both Brother and Sister are the parts of family.

Direction: In Question 43 to 46 are based on the diagram given below. In the diagram Triangle represents
students, circle represents player and square represents boys. Read carefully the digits written within the
diagram to choose the correct answer from given alternative and write its numbers against the proper
question number on your answer sheet-

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8 Boys

21 Students
43. How many boys are students
(1) 13 (2) 34 (3) 19 (4) 15
43. 1
Sol. Sum of numebrs which come under the square and triangle

44. How many students are there

(1) 13 (2) 34 (3) 26 (4) 35
44. 2
Sol. Sum of numbers which come under triangle

45. How many boys are students but not player?

(1) 8 (2) 21 (3) 2 (4) 5
45. 4
Sol. Number which come under square and triangle but not circle.

46. How many boys are player?

(1) 8 (2) 36 (3) 15 (4) 19
46. 4
Sol. Sum of numbers which come under square and circle.

Direction: Question 47 to 50 are based on informations given below. Under each question options are given for
answer. Read the information carefully and write serial number of correct option against corresponding
question on your answer sheet-
1. Ram plays football, Hockey and Volley ball
2. Shyam plays Cricket, Hockey and foot ball
3. Anil plays Hockey, Volley ball and Batminton
4. Deepak plays Volley- ball, Cricket and Foot ball
5. Harish plays Foot- ball only.

47. Which game is played by the most of the boys-?

(1) Cricket (2) Hockey (3) Foot- ball (4) Volley- ball
47. 3

48. How many boys play Hockey-?

(1) Two (2) Three (3) Five (4) One
48. 2

49. How many boys play Cricket-?

(1) Two (2) Four (3) One (4) Three
49. 1

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50. Which boys do not play Volley- ball-?
(1) Ram- Harish (2) Shyam- Deepak (3) Anil- Shyam (4) Shyam- Harish
50. 4
Sol. for Q.47 to Q.50.
Football Hockey Volleyball Cricket Badminton
Ram   
Shyam   
Anil   
Deepak   
Harish 

47. (3)

48. (2)

49. (1)

50. (4)

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101. The sky appears blue due to:
(1) reflection of light (2) refraction of light
(3) total internal reflection of light (4) scattering of light
101. 4
101. Due to scattering of light.

102. Fe2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Fe , this reaction is an example of a:

(1) combination reaction (2) double displacement reaction
(3) decomposition reaction (4) displacement reaction
102. 4
102. Fe2O3  2Al  Al2O3  2Fe
This reaction is an example of displacement reaction.

103. The chemical formula of banking soda is:

(1) NaHCO3 (2) Na2CO3
(3) CaOCl2 (4) CaSO4
103. 1
103. NaHCO3 , sodium bicarbonate is commonly called as baking soda.

104. Which one of the following types of medicines is used for treating indigestion:
(1) antibiotic (2) analgesic
(3) antacid (4) antiseptic
104. 3
104. Antacids like Mg  OH2 Milk of magnesia are used for treating indigestion.

105. The kidney in human being are a part of the system for:
(1) nutrition (2) respiration
(3) excretion (4) transportation
105. 3
105. The filtration of blood takes place in kidney.

106. The xylem in plants are responsible for:

(1) transport of water (2) transport of food
(3) transport of amino acid (4) transport of oxygen
106. 1
106. Transport of water in plants is through Xylem.

107. The least distance of distinct vision for a young adult with normal vision is about:
(1) 25 meter (2) 2.5 cm
(3) 25 cm (4) 2.5 meter
107. 3
107. 25 cm

108. The plant hormone is:

(1) insulin (2) thyroxine
(3) oestrogen (4) cytokinin
108. 4
108. The plant hormones include Auxin, Cytokinin, Gibberellins, Abscisic acid, ethylene.

109. The gap between two neurons is called a:

(1) dendrite (2) synapse
(3) axon (4) impulse
109. 2
109. The gap between two neurons is called synapse.

110. The device used for measuring electric current is:

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(1) generator (2) galvanometer
(3) ammeter (4) motor
110. 3
110. ammetre

111. The image produced by a concave lens is always:

(1) real (2) virtual
(3) inverted (4) enlarged
111. 2
111. Virtual

112. The unit of electrical energy is:

(1) watt (2) kilowatt
(3) kilowatt per hour (4) kilowatt hour
112. 4
112. kilowatt hours.

113. A solution turns red litmus into blue, its pH is likely to be:
(1) 1 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 10
113. 4
113. A solution of pH 10 would be basic and will turn red litmus into blue.

114. The anther contains:

(1) sepals (2) ovules
(3) carpel (4) pollengrains
114. 4
114. Anther is the male part of a flower and contains male gametes in pollen grains.

115. The main factor of depletion of ozone layer is:

(1) chlorofluorocarbons (2) oxygen
(3) sulphur (4) nitrogen
115. 1
115. CFCs react with ozone  O3  and thus deplete the ozone layer.

116. Which part of the human brain is most developed:

(1) cerebrum (2) cerebellum
(3) hypothalamus (4) medulla oblangeta
116. 1
116. Since birth, cerebrum is the most developed part of the human brain.

117. The full form of T. S. H is:

(1) thyroxin stimulating hormone (2) thymein stimulating hormone
(3) tyrocin stimulating hormone (4) thyroid stimulating hormone
117. 4
117. TSH = Thyroid Stimulation Hormone

118. The drugs obtain from plant is:

(1) caolin (2) insulin
(3) magnesium sulphate (4) morphine
118. 4
118. It is an analgesic and narcotic drug obtained from opium (poppy plant)

119. Artificial soap is:

(1) sodium stearate (2) lloril sulphuric acid
(3) lloril alcohol (4) sodium lloril sulphate
119. 4

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119. Sodium lauryl sulphate. Soaps are sodium salts of fally acids whereas as detergents are sulphate salts of fally

120. The example of thermosetting plastic is:

(1) polythene (2) polyvionyl chloride
(3) bakelite (4) polystyrene
120. 3
120. Thermosetting plastics are those which cannot be remoulded. Eg. Bakelite

121. The suitable catalyst in hydrogenation of oil is:

(1) Fe (2) Pt
(3) Ni (4) Mo
121. 3
121. H2 adsorbed on Ni, Pt or Pd is used for the hydrogenation of vegetable oil to vegetable ghee.

122. Sphygmomanometer measure:

(1) blood pressure (2) pulse-rate
(3) heart beat (4) sugar level
122. 1
122. Sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure.

123. A lens have power +5D. This lens will be:

(1) a convex lens of focal length 0.20 m (2) a concave lens of focal length 0.20 m
(3) a convex lens of focal length 0.20 m (4) a concave lens of focal length 0.05 m

123. 3
123. A convex lens of focal length 0.20 m as P D  
f m

124. The magnetic field inside a long straight solenoid carry current:
(1) is zero (2) decreases as we move towards its end
(3) increases as we move towards its end (4) is the same at all points
124. 4
124. Is same for all points µ0ni

125. Which of the following is incorrect:

(1) 1 ampere × 1 second = 1 coulomb (2) 1 coulomb × 1 joule = 1 volt
(3) 1 volt × 1 coulomb = 1 joule (4) 1 volt × 1 ampere = 1 joule per second
125. 2
125. As W = QV  1C × 1J  1 volt. So option 2 is in correct.

126. Gene are present:

(1) in cell (2) in nucleus
(3) in mitochondria (4) on chromosomes
126. 4
126. Genes are segement of DNA present on chromosomes.

127. Which of the following is made in anaerobic respiration:

(1) ethyl alcohol (2) ethylene
(3) glucose (4) glycerol
127. 1
C6 H12O6 
 2C2 H 5OH  2CO2  2 ATP
Glucose Ethyl Alcohol

128. Explosive material is:

(1) picric acid (2) tetracycline

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(3) cellulose nitrate (4) Bakelite
128. 1, 3
128. Both picric acid and cellulose nitrate are used as explosives.

129. A simple pendulum perform 18 oscillation per second the mechanical wave produced by it will be:
(1) sound wave (2) ultrasonic wave
(3) subsonic wave (4) electromagnetic wave
129. 1
129. Sound wave but of frequency which is less then audible range.

130. The power of electric power station is 200 mega watt, the electrical energy produced by it daily, will be:
(1) 200 mega watt hour (2) 4800 mega watt hour
(3) 4800 mega watt (4) 48 joule
130. 2
130. Energy produced in 1S  200  106 J.
Energy produced in 1 day
 200  106  86400S
 1728  1010 J
1728  1010
In KWHs =   4800 megawatt hour
3.6  106

131. MPO4 is the formula of phosphate of an element. The molecular formula of its nitrate will be:
(1) MNO3 (2) M  NO3 3
(3) M 2  NO3  (4) M  NO3 2
131. 2
131. The valeney of the metal is 3. The cation formed is M3 , thus the formula of its nitrate will be MNO3 3

132. It is written 100 watt – 250 volt on any bulb its resistance will be:
(1) 25000 ohm (2) 625 ohm
(3) 25 ohm (4) 2.5 ohm
132. 2
132. P V 2 / R

133. Food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc because:
(1) zinc is costier than tin (2) zinc has a higher melting point than tin
(3) zinc is more reactive than tin (4) zinc is less reactive than tin
133. 3
133. As zinc is more reactive than tin thus food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc.

134. The refractive index of glass is maximum for:

(1) red colour (2) yellow colour
(3) violet colour (4) green colour
134. 3
134. Refractive index increases as wave length decreases

135. The human eye can focus objects at different distances by adjusting the focal length of the eye-lens. This
is due to:
(1) presbyopia (2) near-sightedness
(3) accommodation (4) far-sightedness
135. 3

136. Which one of the following is not an acidic salt:

(1) NaHSO4 (2) NaH 2 PO4
(3) Na3 PO4 (4) Na2 HPO2

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136. 3
136. Na3PO4 is a simple or normal salt. As it does not release H ions in solution.

137. The water solution of SO2 is:

(1) sulphurous acid (2) sulphuric acid
(3) pyrosulphuric acid (4) None of these
137. 1
137. SO2 on dissolving in water forms sulphurous acid
H2O  SO2  H2SO3

38. Which one of the following is not a semiconductor:

(1) pure silicon (2) pure germanium
(3) germanium with arsenic (4) silver
138. 4
138. Silver is the best conductor of electricity.

139. By which reaction metals are obtained from metal oxide:

(1) liquefaction (2) reduction
(3) calcinaton (4) roasting
139. 2
139. Metal oxides on reduction with a suitable reducing agent are converted into metals.

140. One nano meter is equal to:

(1) 109 meter (2) 106 meter
(3) 10-9 meter (4) 10-6 meter
140. 3
140. One nano meter 1nm  109 m

141. By whom ‘Saka Era’ was start:

(1) Kanishka (2) Ashoka
(3) Harshvardhan (4) Chandra Gupta Second
141. 1
141. Shaka Era was started by Kanishka.

142. ‘Avesta’ belongs to which religion:

(1) Muslim (2) Hindu
(3) Parsis (4) Christian
142. 3
142. Avesta belongs to Parsis.

143. Which city was founded by Sikandar:

(1) Allahabad (2) Sikandrabad
(3) Jaunpur (4) Agra
143. 4
143. Agra was founded by Sikander Lodi in 1504.

144. ‘Din-E-lllahi’ was related to:

(1) Akbar (2) Jhangir
(3) Shahjahan (4) Shershah
144. 1
144. Din-e-Illahi was started by Akhar.

145. Who devided the Bengal:

(1) Lord Curzon (2) Lord Minto
(3) Lord Erwin (4) Lord Mountbettan
145. 1
145. Lord Curzon divided Bengal in 1905.

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146. Who among the following was associated with news paper ‘Kesari’:
(1) Mahatma Gandhi (2) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(3) Subhas Chandra Bose (4) A. O. Hume
146. 2
146. Bal Gangadhar Tilak started the news paper Kesari.

147. Who wrote ‘ Chandrakanta’:

(1) Srinivas Dass (2) Deviki Nandan Khatri
(3) raja ram mohan ray (4) mahatma Gandhi
147. 2
147 Devki Nandan Khati wrote Chandrakanta Santati.

148. Who is called the ‘Grand Old Man’ of India:

(1) Surendra Nath Banerjee (2) Firozshah Metha
(3) Dadabhai Navroji (4) Motila Nehru
148. 3
148. Dadabhai Navraji was also called ‘Grand Old Man of India’.

149. The first women President of the Indian National Congress was:
(1) Sucheta Kriplani (2) Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
(3) Sarojini Naidu (4) Annie Besant
149. 4
149. Annie Besant was the first woman President of Congress in 1917 session of Calcutta.

150. Sankhya Darhan is related with:

(1) Kapil (2) Gautam
(3) Jaimini (4) Patanjali
150. 1
150. Sankhya Darshan is related with Kapil.

151. The Chipko Movement is associated with:

(1) Women rights (2) Child rights
(3) Political rights (4) Forest conservation
151. 4
151. Chipko Movement is associated with Forest conservation.

152. The father of ‘Green Revolution’ in India is:

(1) Nagarjun (2) M. S. Swaminathan
(3) A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (4) Ramanujam
152. 2
152. M.S. Swaminathan is the father of Green Revolution in India.

153. Jharia, Raniganj & Bokaro are famous for:

(1) Petroleum (2) Bauxite
(3) Coal (4) Diamond
153. 3.
153. Jharia, Raniganj & Bakaro are famous for Coal.

154. When was the ‘Project Tiger’ launched:

(1) 1973 (2) 1976
(3) 1978 (4) 1980
154. 1
154. ‘Project Tiger’ was launched in 1973.

155. Nepanagar is situated at:

(1) Uttar Pradesh (2) Madhya Pradesh
(3) Bihar (4) Rajasthan

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155. 2
155. Nepanagar is situated in Madhya Pradesh.

156. Extreme heat is found on

(1) Tropic of Cancer (2) Equator
(3) Tropic of Capricorn (4) Antarctic line
156. 2
156. Extreme heat is found on equator.

157. The world’s highest peak is found in

(1) Asia (2) South America
(3) North America (4) Europe
157. 1
157. World’s largest peak is found in Asia.

158. It is called the Earth’s twin sister

(1) Mars (2) Saturn
(3) Pluto (4) Venus
158. 4
158. Venus is called as Earth’s twin sister.

159. Gift of Nile river is called

(1) China (2) Ethophiya
(3) Egypt (4) Sudan
159. 3
159. Egypt is called as gift of Nile river.

160. Air pressure is commonly measured by an instrument called

(1) Speedometer (2) Windvane
(3) Barometer (4) Anemometer
160. 3
160. Air pressure is measured by Barometer.

161. Etna volcano is situated at

(1) Chile (2) Sicily Island
(3) Japan (4) Philippines
161. 2
161. Etna Volcano is situated in Sicily Islands, Italy.

162. The deep narrow valley found in mountaneous region is know as

(1) Gorge (2) Meander
(3) Cliff (4) None of these
162. 1
162. Deep Narrow valley in mountaneous region is called as Gorge.

163. Who was the first chairman of planning commission

(1) Mahatma Gandhi (2) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(3) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (4) Lal Bahadur Shastri
163. 2
163. Nehru was the first chairman of Planning Commission.

164. The lowest level of trilevel Panchayati raj is

(1) Nyay Panchayat (2) Block Panchayat
(3) Village Panchayat (4) Zila Panchayat
164. 3
164. Village panchayat is the lowest level of Tri level Panchayati Raj.

165. United Nations organization was founded in

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(1) 24 September 1943 (2) 28 September 1944
(3) 1 November 1944 (4) 24 October 1945
165. 4
165. UN was founded on 24 October 1945.

166. How many seats are there in Rajaya Sabha

(1) 250 (2) 245
(3) 233 (4) 145
166. 2
166. Rajya Sabha has maximum 250 seats but now at present it is 245 seats.

167. Which of the following is not the fundamental right

(1) Right against exploitation (2) Right to property
(3) Right of freedom of religion (4) Right of equality
167. 2
167. Right to property is not the fundamental right but it is a legal right (Article 300A).

168. Which is the 29th state of India

(1) Telangana (2) Purvanchal
(3) Uttaranchal (4) Jharkhan
168. 1
168. Telangana is the 29 state of India.

169. The First Indian Scientist who got Noble Prize was
(1) Prafulla Chand Roy (2) Meghanath Saha
(3) Birbal Sahani (4) C.V. Raman
169. 4
169. C.V. Raman was the first Indian Scientist who got Noble prize.

170. Who among the following has been Vice President of India
(1) Justice H.J. Kania (2) Justice Y.V. Chandrachud
(3) Justice M. Hidayatulla (4) Justice M.N. Venkatchelianh
170. 3
170. Justice M. Hidayatulla has been appointed vice-president of India.

171. The retirement age of Supreme Court judges is

(1) 60 Years (2) 62 Years
(3) 65 years (4) 68 years
171. 3
171. The retirement age of supreme court judge is 65 years.

172. The Pradhanmantri Jan-Dhan Yojna is related to

(1) Road Construction (2) Education
(3) Banking (4) Drinking water
172. 3
172. Pradhanmantri Jan-Dhan Yojana is related to Banking.

173. When did the community development programme start in India

(1) 1951 (2) 1952
(3) 1958 (3) 1961
173. 2
173. Community development programme started in 1952 in India.

174. The chairman of Neeti Aayog is

(1) Prime Minister (2) President
(3) Vice President (4) Finance Minister
174. 1
174. Prime minister is the chairman of ‘Neeti Aayog’.

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175. The duration of the 12th five year plan in India is

(1) 2012-2017 (2) 2014-2019
(3) 2013-2018 (4) 2015-2020
175. 1
175. Duration of 12 five years plan is India is 2012-2017.

176. Who built the ‘Khajuraho’ temple

(1) Holkars (2) Parmar
(3) Pallav (4) Chandela
176. 4
176. Chandela rulers built Khajuraho Temple.

177. Which of the following is not a source of income of central Government

(1) Custom Duty (2) Income Tax
(3) Central Excise Duty (4) Land Revenue
177. 4
177. Land revenue goes to state government.

178. Which among the following is a developing country

(1) France (2) Japan
(3) Argentina (4) Britain
178. 3
178. Among the following Argentina is a developing Country.

179. A crop grown in Zaid is

(1) Water mealon (2) Wheat
(3) Maize (4) Jute
179. 1
179. Water Mealon is a Zaid Crop.

180. White revolution is related with

(1) Agricultural (2) Dairy
(3) Fisheries (4) Poultry
180. 2
180. White revolution is related with Dairy.
181. The value of sin 2   is
1  tan 2  
(1) sin  (2) cos 
2 2

(3) Sec 
(4) 1
181. 4
1 1
181. sin2    sin2    sin2   cos2   1.
1  tan 
sec 2 

P2 1
182. If sec  tan   P then the value of is
P2  1
(1) cos ec  (2) sin 
tan 
(3) (4) 1
sec 
182. 2 or 3
182. P2  1  sec2   tan2   2sec  tan   1  2tan2   2sec   tan 
 2tan   sec   tan 
P2  1  2sec   sec   tan 

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P2  1 2 tan   sec   tan   tan 
    sin .
P2  1 2sec   sec   tan   sec 

a b sin   a cos 
183. If tan   then the value of is
b b sin   a cos 
a 2  b2
(1) 1 (2)
a 2  b2
b2  a 2
(3) (4) 0
b2  a 2
183. 4
b sin   acos 
b sin   acos 
Dividing Nr. & Dr. by cos 
b a
b tan   a b 0
    0.
b tan   a a 2a
b  a

184. If sin   , then value of cos 2 is
(1) 8 / 5 (2) 3 / 5
(3) 7 / 35 (4) 7 / 25
184. 4
184. sin  
sin2  
cos 2  1  2sin2 
 1 2 


185. Each exterior angle of a regular Polygon of m sides is

 360   360 
(1)    degree (2)   degree
 m   m 
 180  2  180 
(3)    degree (4)   degree
 m   m 
185. 2
185. Sum of exterior angles of regular polygon of m sides = 360°.

 360 
 Each exterior angle   
 m 

186. If two equal circles of radius r passes through centre of the other, then the length of their common chord
(1) (2) r 3
(3) r 3 (4) r 2
186. 2

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186. In right angled  AMO A
OM2  AM2  r 2 ... (1)
In right angled  AMO
MO ( OA  OA given) O O
 AM2  r 2 ... (2) M
From (1) and (2)
OM  OM  B
  AM2  r 2 from (1)
 AM2  r 2
 AM  r
 AB  3 r
Alternate solution
Since OAO ' is an equilateral triangle
r 3
 AM 
 AB  2 AM  r 3
The H.C.F. of expression  x  1 x  1 and  x  1  x  1 is
2 2

 x  1 x  1 (2)  x  1

 x  1 (4)  x  1  x  1
2 2 2
187. 1
Let f  x    x  1 x  1 and g  x    x  1  x  1
2 2
 HCF = (x + 1)(x – 1)

188. If a, b and c are any positive real number then the value of a 1b. b1c . c 1a is
(1) 1/ 2 (2) 0
(3) 1 (4) 1
188. 3
b c a
188. a1b  b1c  c 1a     1  1.
a b c

If roots of equation 2 x  8x  c  0 are equal. Then the value of c will be

(1) 2 (2) 4
(3) 6 (4) 8
189. 4
189. Roots of the equation in equal.
 b2  4ac  0
  8   4  2  c  0

 64  8c  0

190. If mean of 5,10,15,P,20,35,40 is 21. Then the value of P will be

(1) 18 (2) 22
(3) 25 (4) 30
190. 2
5  10  15  P  20  35  40
190. Mean 

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 21 × 7 =125 + P
 147 – 125 = P
 P = 22

191. The median of first 10 prime numbers will be

(1) 5 (2) 11
(3) 12 (4) 13
191. 3
191. First 10 prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29
th th
 10   10 
 2    2  1
  5  6  11  13  12
th th
Medium    
2 2 2

192. The equation of a line which passes through points P (4,0) and Q(0,-3) will be
x y x y
(1)  1 (2)  7
4 3 3 4
x y x y
(3)  1 (4)  7
4 3 3 4
192. 3
192. Using intercept form
x y
  1 Here, a = 4, b = – 3
a b
x y
 Equation of line will be   1.
4 3

193. If a numbers is divided by 6, the remainder is 3 then what will be the remainder when the square of the
same numbers is divided by 6 again
(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 2 (4) 3
193. 4
193. Let P be the number
P = 6q + 3
P2   6q  3 

 36q2  36q  9  36q2  36q  6  3

 6 6q2  6q  1  3 
 Remainder = 3

194. The radius of a sphere is r and radius of base of a cylinder is r and height is 2r. The ratio of their volumes
will be
(1) 2 : 3 (2) 3: 4
(3) 4 : 3 (4) 3: 2
194. 1
4 3 4 3
r r
Volume of sphere 2
194.  3 2  3 3   2:3
Volume of cylinder r h 2 r 3

195. In two spheres, the radius of first is half than second. Then what will be volume of second in comparison
of first
(1) 2 times (2) 4 times
(3) 8 times (4) times
195. 3
195. Let R1  r

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R2  2r
4 3
R2 3
V2 3  2r 
   8
V1 4 3  r 
 V2  8V1

196. The length of line segment is 3 which is perpendicular on line 4 x  3 y  C  0 from the origin. Then
value of c will be
(1) 0 (2) 7
(3) 10 (4) 15
196. 4
196. Length of perpendicular from point P  x1,y1  to line ax + by + c is given by
ax1  by1  c
a2  b2
d = 3, Point (0, 0)
line 4x + 3y + c = 0
40  30  c
32  42
3  c  15

197.  
if x  3  8 , then  x 2 

1 
 will be
x2 
(1) 38 (2) 36
(3) 34 (4) 30
197. 3
197. x 3 8
3 8
x  3 8 3 8  6
x 2  2  2  36
x  2  34

x 1 x 3
a b
198. If     then the value of x will be
b a
(1) 1 (2) 1
(3) 2 (4) 3
198. 3
x 1 x 3
a b
198. b  
  a
x 1 3x
a a
   
b b
On comparing the exponent, as base is same
 2x = 4

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199. If x  y  5, xy  24 then the value of x 2  y 2 will be
(1) 23 (2) 73
(3) 65 (4) 74
199. 2
199. x – y =5. xy = 24
 x  y
 25
 x  y 2  2xy  25

 x 2  y 2  25  48
 x 2  y 2  73

200. If mode of any series is 9 and median is 7 then mean of that series will be
(1) 6 (2) 6
(3) 5 / 3 (4) 5 / 3
200. 2
200. Using formula
mode = 3 median – 2 mean.
 2 mean = 3 median – mode
37 9
 mean 
 mean = 6

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NTSE STAGE 1(2016 - 17)
(For Students of Class X)
Time Allowed : 45 Min. Maximum Marks : 50

Direction: From question 1 to 6 each question has four Terms. Three terms are alike in some way. one term
is different from three others. Find out the correct term which is different from three others and write
its alternative number on your answer sheet against the proper question number-

1. (1) G I L P (2) D F J O (3) B D J K (4) E G J N

1. 3
2. (1) Iron (2) Copper (3) Brass (4) Bronze
2. 3
3. (1) 512 (2) 343 (3) 125 (4) 729
3. 1
4. (1) I J M R (2) C D G L (3) G H L R (4) E F I N
4. 3


1 2 3 4
5. 2


1 2 3 4
6. 4
7. CHJN : AEHK : : ELIP : ?
(1) CFJM (2) CGJN (3) BFKM (4) BHLO
7. 1
8. GCAE : 4 : : JEBH : ?
(1) 6 (2) 7 (3) 5 (4) 8
8. 3
9. 4096 : 8 : : 1296 : ?
(1) 7 (2) 9 (3) 11 (4) 6
9. 2
10. Drop : Ocean : : Constellation : ?
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(1) Shine (2) Sky (3) Light (4) Star
10. 2
11. 6 : 12 : : 9 : ?
(1) 39 (2) 36 (3) 27 (4) 33
11. 3
Direction:- Question from 12 to 17 are based on number/figure series. In each series missing term is
mentioned by question mark (?). Find out the missing term in given alternatives and write its
alternative number against the correct question number on your answer sheet-
12. 16, 19, 28, 43, 64, ?
(1) 91 (2) 86 (3) 97 (4) 76
12. 1
13. 63, 58, 51, 40, 27, ?
(1) 8 (2) 12 (3) 10 (4) 14
13. 3
14. 7, 25, 61, 121, ?
(1) 230 (2) 216 (3) 208 (4) 211
14. 4
15. 3, 4, 8, 17, 33, 58, ?
(1) 76 (2) 94 (3) 84 (4) 98
15. 2
Question Figures


Answer Figures

1 2 3 4

16. 4
Question Figures

Answer Figures

1 2 3 4
17. 4
Direction:- Question 18 to 21 the letters in column I are coded in the form of numbers. Which are written in
column II, but the order of numbers is different. Read carefully code of letters. Find out correct answer

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in given alternative and write its alternative number against the corresponding question number on
your answer sheet-
Column-I Column-II
CJL 359
EJP 092
PCK 304
KND 478
NEV 721
18. What will be code of K N P –
(1) 870 (2) 327 (3) 951 (4) 470
18. 4
19. What will be code of C J E –
(1) 123 (2) 392 (3) 724 (4) 803
19. 2
20. What will be code of L J K –
(1) 270 (2) 903 (3) 594 (4) 741
20. 3
21. What will be code of P V D –
(1) 018 (2) 372 (3) 209 (4) 743
21. 1
22. If in certain code language E J N P is written as C G J K. What will be code of C H L R in same
(1) A D H N (2) B E J M (3) E J I O (4) A E H M
22. 4
23. If in certain code language G L R T is written as 14. What will be code of C H N S in same language.
(1) 13 (2) 11 (3) 17 (4) 19
Direction:- Question 24 to 28 are based on definite series, In given question some symbols are missing
shown by (-). The missing symbols are given in proper sequence as one of the four alternatives given
under each question. Find out the correct alternative and write number on the answer sheet against
the question number-
24. -C P- D - P - DC–I
(1) D I C I P (2) E I C P D (3) I D P C D (4) P C I D C
24. 1
25. - - J - V- J W -U- -
(1) W U V U V U J (2) V W U V W U J (3) V U W U V J W (4) J V U V J V J
25. 3
26. --J–F–JM–SJ
(1) S F M S F S (2) F S M S F M (3) M F S S F M (4) F M S M S F
26. 2
27. --K–E–KX–P–X

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(1) P E X E P K (2) P K E X E K (3) K E P E X K (4) E P X P E K
27. 4
28. -FS–G–S–GF–L
(1) G L F L S (2) L G F L S (3) S G L F L (4) F L G S F
28. 1
Direction:- Question no. 29 to 31 are based on the information given below. Read the information carefully,
and find out the correct answer from the four alternative and write its alternative number on your
answer sheet against the proper question number-
For being graduate Dinesh opted Sanskrit, Science and Hindi, Ganesh opted English, Mathematics
and Hindi, Umesh opted English Science and Hindi. Nita opted Sanskrit Science and Hindi. While
Gita opted English, Sanskrit and Hindi. Then answer the following question.
29. Which subject opted by the most students-
(1) Sanskrit (2) Science (3) Hindi (4) English
29. 3
30. Which subject opted by the least student-
(1) Science (2) Mathematics (3) English (4) Sanskrit
30. 2
31. How many student opted sanskrit subject-
(1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 3
31. 4
Direction:- In Question 32 to 36 number are placed in figure on the basis of some rules. One place is vacant
which is indicated as (?). Find out the correct alternative for the vacant place and write its number
against the proper question number on your answersheet-
64 36 ?
6 5 7
48 30 35

(1) 36 (2) 25 (3) 49 (4) 18

32. 2

4 5 6

33. 12 60 ?
2 3 3 4 4 5

(1) 72 (2) 48 (3) 15 (4) 60

33. 1

12 25 30
3 5 ?
6 9 15 4 12 18

(1) 8 (2) 2 (3) 6 (4) 15

34. 3

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6 6 5
8 14 4 9 15 7 7 ? 6

3 8 7

(1) 7 (2) 9 (3) 11 (4) 13

35. 1

6 3 7
2 74 3 4 125 6 4 ? 1

5 8 5

(1) 94 (2) 91 (3) 86 (4) 90

36. 2

Direction:- The following question from 37 to 41 are based on the information given below. Read the
information carefully and find out the correct answer from the four alternative and write its alternative
number on your answer sheet against the proper question number. There are six person P,Q,R,X,Y
and Z, R is the sister of Z, Q is the brother of y’s husband, X is the father of P and grand father of Z.
There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the group-
37. Who is y’s husband-
(1) Q (2) P (3) X (4) Z
37. 2
38. Who is the mother-
(1) X (2) Q (3) P (4) Y
38. 4
39. How many male members are there in the group-
(1) 2 (2) 1 (3) 4 (4) 3
39. 3
40. Which of the following is group of brothers-
(1) P Q X (2) P Q Z (3) Q Z R (4) Q X Z
40. 2
41. How is Z related to Y –
(1) Son (2) Uncle (3) Daughter (4) Husband
41. 1
Direction:- In question 42 to 45 the questions have become wrong because of the wrong order of signs.
Choose the correct order of signs from the four options given below so as to make the equations right.
Write the alternative number of the correct option on the answer sheet against the corresponding
question number-
42. 16  8  2  7
(1)     (2)     (3)     (4)    

42. 2

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43. 12  6  2  3  1
(1)     (2)     (3)     (4)    

43. 3
44. 2  4  6  4 10
(1)     (2)     (3)     (4)    
44. 1
45. 15  5  2  1  7
(1)     (2)     (3)     (4)    

45. 4
46. Two person are sitting back to back. If the first person face is towards north. In which direction will be
right hand of the second person-
(1) South (2) East (3) West (4) North
46. 3
47. Two person are working facing one-another if the face of the first person is towards the west. In which
direction will be the right hand of the second person-
(1) South (2) East (3) North (4) West
47. 1
Direction:- Read the following statement carefully and answer the question no 48 and 49. Write the correct
alternative number on your answer sheet-
Ramu, Ganesh, Satish, Umesh and Ramesh are five brothers, Ganesh is 6 year younger to Ramu
and 5 years to Ramesh, Ramu was born in 1985, Ramu is 4 year younger to Satish and 3 year elder
to Umesh.
48. Who is eldest among five brothers-
(1) Ramesh (2) Satish (3) Ganesh (4) Umesh
48. 2
49. Who is youngest among five brothers-
(1) Ramesh (2) Umesh (3) Ganesh (4) Ramu
49. 3
50. A person earn two rupees on the first day. If he earns daoble evey next day. What will be his earning
at the 11th day-
(1) 1976 (2) 2056 (3) 1850 (4) 2048
50. 4

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NTSE STAGE 1(2016 - 17)
(For Students of Class X)
Time Allowed : (90 Minutes) Maximum Marks : 100

101. The scientist related to law of electromagnetic induction is

(1) Einstein (2) Rutherford (3) Newton (4) Faraday

101. 4

102. The S.I. unit of temperature is

(1) Degree celcius
(2) Degree farenheit
(3) Kelvin
(4) None of these

102. 3

103. How many light year (ly) in one metre is

(1) 1.057  10 16 ly (2) 9.46  1015 ly (3) 2.26  106 ly (4) 9.48  1015 ly

103. 1

104. Two different light sources of A and B have wave length 0.7  m and 0.3  respectively. Then which
of the following statement is true
(1) A has greater energy than B
(2) B has greater energy than A
(3) Both has equal energy
(4) None of these

104. 2

105. Which types of radiation absorbed by CO2 molecules in atmosphere are

(1) x-rays (2) gamma rays (3) infra-red rays (4) UV rays

105. 3

106. If n conducting wire, each of resistance 4 is connected in parallel, then its equivalent resistance will
(1) 4n (2) 4/n (3) n/4 (4) 4n2

106. 2

107. The speed of sound in air and sea water are 332 m/s and 1440 m/s respectively. A ship sends a
strong signal down the sea and detect its echo after. 1.5 second. The depth of the sea at that point is
(1) 2.16 km (2) 1.08 km (3) 0.51 km (4) 0.255 km

107. 2

108. Two body of mass 1 gm and 4 gm are moving with equal kinetic energies. The ratio of the magnitude
of their linear momentum is

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(1) 4 : 1 (2) 2:1 (3) 1:2 (4) 1 : 6

108. 3

4 3
109. The refractive index of water and glass with respect to air are and respectively. The refractive
3 2
index of glass with respect to water will be
17 1 9
(1) (2) (3) 2 (4)
6 6 8
109. 4

110. A technician has 10 resistor each of resistance 0.1 . The largest and smallest resistance he can
obtain by combining these resistors are
(1) 10  and 1  respectively
(2) 1  and 0.1  respectively
(3) 1  and 0.01  respectively
(4) 0.1  and 0.01  respectively
110. 3

111. The wire of heater should made of that material whose

(1) Specific resistance more and melting point high
(2) Specific resistance more and melting point low
(3) Specific resistance low and melting point low
(4) Specific resistance low and melting point high

111. 1

112. The total internal reflection of light is not possible, When light travels from
(1) Glass to water (2) Water to glass (3) Water to air (4) Glass to air

112. 2

113. The frequency of second pendulum is

(1) 0.5 Hz (2) 1.0 Hz (3) 2.0 Hz (4) 1.5 Hz

113. 1

114. Two bodies with kinetic energy in the ratio of 9 :4 are moving with equal linear momentum. The ratio
of their masses is
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 1 : 1 (3) 4 : 9 (4) 3 : 2

114. 3

115. The electronic configuration of an ion M+2 is 2, 8, 14 if its mass number of neutrons in its nucleus is
(1) 30 (2) 32 (3) 34 (4) 42

115. 1

116. In the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid, acetic acid react with ethyl alcohol to produce
(1) aldehyde
(2) alcohol
(3) ester
(4) carboxylic acid

116. 3

117. Which one of the following metal oxides shows both acidic and basic characters
(1) Na2O
(2) K2O
(3) CuO
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(4) Al2O3

117. 4

118. The molecular formula of potash alum is

(1) K2SO4  Al2  SO4 3 24H2O
(2) Ca OCl  Cl
(3) K2SO4
(4) Al2  SO4 3 24H 2O

118. 1

119. The concentration of hydroxide ion in a solution is 1  10 10 mole per litre. Its pH value will be
(1) 4 (2) 8 (3) 10 (4) - 10

119. 1

120. Which of the following gas is known as tear gas

(1) methyl isocyanide
(2) sulphur dioxide
(3) chloropicrin
(4) nitrous oxide

120. 3

121. The number of carbon atom in kerosene oil is

(1) C6  C11 (2) C20  C30 (3) C11  C16 (4) C18  C22

121. 3

122. Which of the following salt does not contain the water of crystallization
(1) blue vitriol
(2) baking soda
(3) washing soda
(4) gypsum

122. 2

123. Acidic solvents are

(1) those who donate proton
(2) accept proton
(3) either can give or accept proton
(4) neither give nor accept proton

123. 1

124. The method to purify the colloidal solution is

(1) peptization
(2) coagulation
(3) dialysis
(4) breadig’s arc method

124. 3

125. The dispersion of any liquid in a liquid is known as

(1) gel (2) gum (3) gelatin (4) emulsion

125. 4
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126. Which of the following is made by hydrolysis of starch

(1) glucose (2) fructose (3) sucrose (4) maltose

126. 1

127. Amalgam is
(1) submetal (2) alloy (3) compound (4) heterogeneous mixture

127. 2

128. The number of salivary glands in human is

(1) two pairs
(2) three pairs
(3) four pairs
(4) five pairs

128. 2

129. Wings of birds and insects are

(1) vestigial organs
(2) homologous organs
(3) analogous organs
(4) none of these

129. 3

130. Cramps in the leg muscles after running a long distance are because of
(1) build up of lactic acid
(2) build up of acetic acid
(3) build up of oxalic acid
(4) build up of pyruvic acid

130. 1

131. Translocation of food by phloem is in the form of

(1) sucrose
(2) protein
(3) harmones
(4) fat

131. 1

132. Enzyme responsible for digestion of protein is

(1) ptylin
(2) pepsin
(3) amylopsin
(4) steapsin

132. 2

133. Ethylene harmone is found in the form of

(1) gas
(2) liquid
(3) solid
(4) all of the above

133. 1

134. Calciferol is
(1) vitamin A

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(2) vitamin B
(3) vitamin C
(4) vitamin D

134. 4

135. Sodium bebnzoyate is

(1) tranquilizer
(2) edible colour
(3) preservative
(4) antibiotic

135. 3

136. The beehive is made of

(1) cellulose
(2) chiten
(3) cork
(4) wax
136. 4

137. In which of the following blubber is found

(1) frog
(2) lizard
(3) elephant
(4) fish

137. 3

138. In leukemia
(1) there is lack of oxygen in body
(2) white spot made on skin
(3) proliferation of white blood corpuscles takes place
(4) red blood corpuscles increases

138. 3

139. Hydrophobia is due to

(1) bacteria
(2) virus
(3) protozoa
(4) fungus

139. 2

140. Silver fish is a

(1) insect
(2) cnidarians
(3) crustacean
(4) fish

140. 1

141. ‘Tripitaka’ texts are related with which religion

(1) Vedic religion (2) Buddhism (3) Jainism (4) Shaivism

141. 2

142. The language of sangam literature was

(1) Tamil (2) Bengali (3) Hindi (4) Marathi

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142. 1

143. Ashoka was the son of

(1) Chandragupta Maurya
(2) Brihdrath
(3) Bindusar
(4) Ramgupta

143. 3

144. Who was the last emperor of Mughal dynasty in India

(1) Aurangzeb
(2) Shahjahan
(3) Jahangir
(4) Bahadurshah Zafar

144. 4

145. The grave of Maharani Laxmibai is situated at

(1) Varanasi
(2) Kanpur
(3) Allahabad
(4) Gwalior

145. 4

146. Malik Kafur was trusted general of

(1) Ala-uddin Khilzi
(2) Firoz Tughlak
(3) Iltutmish
(4) Muhammad-bin-Tughlak

146. 1

147. Ibrahim Lodhi was defeated

(1) In the first battle of Panipat
(2) In the second battle of Panipat
(3) In the first battle of Talikota
(4) In the first battle of Tarain

147. 1

148. Who led the revolt of 1857 in Bihar

(1) Khan Bahadur Khan
(2) Tatiya Tope
(3) Kunwar Singh
(4) Mangal Pandey

148. 3

149. Who is famous as Deshbandhu

(1) Chandrashekhar
(2) A.O.Hume
(3) Chittranjan Das
(4) Veer Savarkar

149. 3

150. ‘Satyarth Prakash’ was composed by

(1) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(2) Mahatma Gandhi

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(3) Swami Vivekanand
(4) Ram Krishna Paramhans

150. 1

151. Which among the following is not correctly matched

(1) Buland darwaja-Akbar
(2) Alai Darwaha - Ala-uddin- Khilzi
(3) Tajmahal - Shahjahan
(4) Red Fort - Babar

151. 4

152. Gulbadan Begum was the daughter of

(1) Babar
(2) Humayun
(3) Akbar
(4) Shahjahan

152. 1

153. The Bardavli satyagriha was led by

(1) Vitthalbhai Patel
(2) Sardar Ballabhbhai Patel
(3) Mahadev Desai
(4) Mahadev Govind Ranade

153. 2

154. Who was the founder of Brahma Samaj

(1) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(2) Swami Vivekanand
(3) Raja Rammohan Roy
(4) Swami Ram Krishna Paramhans

154. 3

155. M.S. Swaminathan is associated with

(1) White revolution
(2) Blue revolution
(3) Red revolution
(4) Green revolution

155. 4

156. Panna is famous for

(1) Petroleum
(2) Diamond
(3) Coal
(4) Gold

156. 2

157. India’s biggest desert is

(1) Thar
(2) Sahara
(3) Atakama
(4) Gobi

157. 1

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158. The best quality of coal is
(1) Peat
(2) Bituminus
(3) Anthrectie
(4) Lignite

158. 3

159. Rihand Valley project is located in

(1) Uttar Pradesh
(2) Bihar
(3) Rajasthan
(4) Madhya Pradesh

159. 1

160. Which of the following is not fibre crop

(1) Cotton
(2) Jute
(3) Hemp
(4) Rubber

160. 4

161. 5th June is celebrated as

(1) World Environment day
(2) World Population day
(3) Earth Day
(4) World Health day

161. 1

162. Max Muller was a famous ___________ scholar

(1) Russian
(2) German
(3) Italian
(4) French

162. 2

163. Ankleshwar is situated at

(1) Gujrat
(2) Tamilnadu
(3) Kerala
(4) Punjab

163. 1

164. Which among the following is not correctly matched

(1) Heerakund - Mahanadi
(2) Bhakhranangal - Satluj
(3) Nagarjun - Krishna
(4) Matateela - Ganga

164. 4

165. The capital of Arunachal Pradesh is

(1) Agartalla
(2) Imphal
(3) Gangtok
(4) Itanagar

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165. 4

166. Satluj, Beas, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum are the tributaries of
(1) Indus
(2) Tapti
(3) Kaveri
(4) Krishna

166. 1

167. Kaziranga National Park is situated in

(1) Uttar Pradesh
(2) Assam
(3) Gujrat
(4) Madhya Pradesh

167. 2

168. The famous Sanchi Stupa is in

(1) Maharashtra
(2) Uttar Pradesh
(3) Madhya Pradesh
(4) Rajasthan

168. 3

169. In which state is the Pushkar Fair held

(1) Punjab
(2) Rajasthan
(3) Himachal Pradesh
(4) Uttar Pradesh

169. 2

170. Who is the present Vive-President of India

(1) Smt. Sumitra Mahajan
(2) Sri. Rajnath Singh
(3) Sri. Manoj Sinha
(4) Sri. Hamid Ansari

170. 4

171. The Chairman of the drafting committee of Indian constituent assembly was
(1) Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar
(2) Sardar Patel
(3) Jawaharlal Nehru
(4) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

171. 1

172. The Indian Economy is

(1) Liberal Economy
(2) Socialist Economy
(3) Mixed Economy
(4) Marxisim Economy

172. 3

173. The Panchsheel agreement was signed between

(1) India and China

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(2) India and Bhutan
(3) India and Nepal
(4) None of the above

173. 1

174. Who is the Chief Commander of Indian Armu

(1) Prime Minister
(2) Defence Minister
(3) President
(4) Vice President

174. 3

175. The tenure of Lok Sabha member is

(1) 5 years
(2) 6 years
(3) 3 years
(4) 4 years

175. 1

176. International Insitution related to child welfare is

(2) ILO
(3) FAO
(4) CNT

176. 1

177. The main strategy adopted in the new economic policy of 1991 was
(1) Liberalisation
(2) Privatisation
(3) Globalisation
(4) All of the above

177. 4

178. Who is the author of ‘Arthashastra’

(1) Kalidas
(2) Valmiki
(3) Vedvyas
(4) Kautilya

178. 4

179. Who among the following received Nobel Prize in the field of economics
(1) Mother Teresa
(2) Rabindranath Tagore
(3) Amartya Sen
(4) C V Raman

179. 3

180. Who was the Chairman of the Committee, which proposed Democratic Decentralisation and
Panchayati Raj-
(1) K.M. Pannikar
(2) Balwant Rai Mehta
(3) Mahatma Gandhi
(4) H.N. Kunjru

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180. 2

181. cos  sec 2   1 is equal to

(1) sin  (2) cot  (3) sec  s (4) 1
181. 1

182. For the maximum value of sin x , value of x is

  3
(1) (2) (3)  (4)
4 2 2
182. 2

183. If 2x  3y  z  0 then 8x3  27y 3  z3  xyz is equal to

(1) 0 (2) 6 (3) 18 (d) 9

183. 3

184. The sum of the roots of quadratic equation 2x   9 is
7 9 9
(1) (2) (3) 3 (4) 
2 2 2
184. 2

185. If the volume of two spheres are in the ratio is 64 : 27 then the ratio of their surface area is
(1) 3 : 4 (2) 4 : 3 (3) 9 : 16 (4) 16 : 9

185. 4

186. If the H.C.F. of the expression  a 2  1 and pa2  q  a  1 is  a  1 then relation between p and q will
(1) pq
(2) p  2q
(3) p  2q  1
(4) p  q 1

186. 2

187. The measures of the five angles of a hexagon are equal and the sixth angle measures 100 0 , then the
measure of each of the five angle is
(1) 120 0
(2) 124 0
(3) 128 0
(4) 130 0

187. 2

 0.7 0   0.11
188. The value of 1 3 1
 3  3  1
     
8  2  3
3 2
(1)  (2) (3) 3 (4) 2
2 3

188. 1

189. If the angles of elevation of the top of a tower from two point at distances ‘a’ and ‘b’ from the foot of
the tower and are in the same line, are complementary, the height of the tower is

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(1) ab (2) b (3) a (4) ab

189. 4

1 1
190. If p  x  then the value of p  will be
x p
(1) 3x
x4  x2  1
x3  x
x 4  3x 2  1
x3  x

190. 3

191. If log5 log2  log3 x    0 then the value of x is

(1) 3 (2) 6 (3) 9 (4) 0

191. 3

192. Angle between the lines 6  x  0 and 3  y  0 will be

(1) 00
(2) 90 0
(3) 180 0
(4) 60 0

192. 2

193. If number 6,8,2,x  5,2x  1,15,17 ,20 and 22 are in ascending order and its median is 14 then the
value of x will be
(1) 14 (2) 7 (3) 15 (4) 20

193. 2

194. If U  1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ,8

A  3,4,5,6 and B  1,3,5,7  then the value of  A' B' is
(1) 2,8
(2) 3, 5
(3) 1,7
(4) 1,2,4,6

194. 3

1 2
195. Factors of c  2c  9 are
1 
(1)  c  3   c  3 
 3 
1 
(2)  c  3   c  3 
3 
 1 
(3)  c  3   c  3 
3 

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 1
(4)  c    3c  1
 3
195. 3

1 2 3
196. If Rs. 810 divided among A, B and C are in ratio : : 1 then the share of A will be
4 5 8
(1) Rs 100
(2) Rs 160
(3) Rs 550
(4) Rs 200

196. 1

197. The radius of a wheel is 0.25m. The number of revolution to travel a distance of 11 km will be
(1) 1000
(2) 4000
(3) 8000
(4) 7000
197. 4

198. Sum of odd numbers between 0 and 50 is

(1) 625
(2) 600
(3) 900
(4) 1200

198. 1

199. A father is 7 times as old as his son. Two years ago, the father was 13 times as old as his son.
Father’s present age is
(1) 24 years
(2) 28 years
(3) 30 years
(4) 32 years

199. 2

200. The areas of three adjacent faces of a cuboid are a,b and c respectively. Twice of its volume is
(1) 2abc m3
(2) 2 a2  b2  c 2 m3
(3) 2 abc m3
(4) 6 abc m3

200. 3

FIITJEE Ltd., B – 4, Sec – 16, Noida (U.P), 201301, Ph : 0120 – 4754800/804/811/814 www.fiitjeenoida.com
FIITJEE Towers, C – 56 A/26 Institutional Area, Sec – 62, Noida (U.P), 201307, Ph : 9871113448

National Talent Search State Level Examination – 2018

Answer Key & Solutions
1. 3 2. 1 3. 4 4. 3 5. 4
6. 3 7. 2 8. 1 9. 3 10. 4
11. 2 12. 1 13. 2 14. 4 15. 3
16. 1 17. 2 18. 4 19. 3 20. 1
21. 2 22. 4 23. 3 24. 2 25. 1
26. * 27. 3 28. 1 29. 2 30. 3
31. 4 32. 1 33. 2 34. 3 35. 2
36. 1 37. 3 38. 4 39. 2 40. 1
41. 1 42. 4 43. 2 44. 3 45. 2
46. 3 47. 4 48. 4 49. 3 50. 2
51. 4 52. 1 53. 1 54. 2 55. 4
56. 2 57. 2 58. 3 59. 3 60. 1
61. 2 62. 4 63. 3 64. 1 65. 4
66. 3 67. 1 68. 1 69. 4 70. 2
71. 2 72. 2 73. 2 74. 4 75. 1
76. 2 77. 2 78. 1 79. 1 80. 4
81. 3 82. 4 83. 3 84. 4 85. 2
86. 2 87. 2 88. 3 89. 4 90. 3
91. 4 92. 1 93. 4 94. 1 95. 4
96. 1 97. 3 98. 4 99. 4 100. 4
101. 3 102. 3 103. 4 104. 4 105. 3
106. 2 107. 2 108. 1 109. 1 110. 1
111. 1 112. 3 113. 3
114. 3 115. 1 116. 2 117. 3 118. 1
119. 1 120. 2 121. 1 122. 3 123. 4
124. 3 125. 4 126. 4 127. 2
128. 4 129. 1 130. 2 131. 1 132. 2
133. 3 134. 4 135. 1 136. 4 137. 2
138. 3 139. 1 140. 4
141. 2 142. 2 143. 2 144. 3 145. 1
146. 1 147. 4 148. 3 149. 3 150. 1
151. 1 152. 2 153. 1 154. 4 155. 3
156. 2 157. 3 158. 2 159. 3 160. 4
161. 1 162. 1 163. 2 164. 2 165. 3
166. 4 167. 4 168. 2 169. 1 170. 3
171. 4 172. 3 173. 2 174. 1 175. 3
176. 2 177. 2 178. 3 179. 2 180. 3
181. 4 182. 1 183. 3 184. 1 185. 2
186. 2 187. 3 188. 2 189. 4 190. 3
191. 3 192. 1 193. 2 194. 1 195. 1
196. 3 197. 3 198. 3 199. 1 200. 2

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-3067183, 3067185. www.fiitjeelucknow.com
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.

4. 3
perfect square
10. 4
(64 – 6)
13. 2
14. 4
differences (3, 0, 6, 1, 9, 2, 12, 3)
16. 1
n3 + 1
19. 3
20. 1
34. 3
35. 2
(4  8) × 6
36. 1
37. 3
3 + 6 + 4 = 13 = 1 + 4
38. 4
add  3
41. 1


101. 3
Resistance is obstruction to the flow of electric current.

102. 3
Conduction and convention needs medium to travel, while radiation does not need medium to

103. 4
1000 cubic centimeter
1 litre = 103m3
1 meter = 100 cm
 1 litre = 103 100 cm   103  106 cm3

1 litre = 103 cm3

104. Irregular & non – periodic vibration
Music is produced by regular and periodic vibrations
Noise is produced by irregular & non – periodic vibrations.
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-3067183, 3067185. www.fiitjeelucknow.com
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.

105. 3

Ray which passes through optical centre remains undeviated.

106. 2
C F  32 
C F  32

100 180
 C  F  32
 C  F  32 

107. 2
Due to refraction when a light ray passes from dense medium is rarer medium it bends away
from normal.

108. 1
4 Meter. Image formed by the plane mirror is at equal distance as that of the object from plane

109. 1
According to the law of floation weight of a floating body is equal to the weight of displaced
 Ans (1) wt. of displaced liquid.

110. 1
Re q  R1  R2
  2  2 
1 1 1
 
Re q R1 R2
1 1 2
   1
2 2 2
1 4 ,1 

111. 1
Second’s needle of clock completer one revolution in one minute. Therefore its time period
will be 1 minute.

112. 3
When an object is placed between two plane mirror infinite number of images will be formed.

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-3067183, 3067185. www.fiitjeelucknow.com
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.

113. In long lightens images is formed behind Retina.

114. 3
Ethylene double Bond
115. 1
All non-metal oxide on reacting with water gives Acidic solution
116. 2
Stainless steel contains Iron, Chromium, Carbon
117. 3
Anthracite has maximum percentage of carbon
118. 1
119. 1
Zn  2HCl  ZnCl2  H2 
120. 2
Bromine liquid at room temperature
121. 1
Na reacts with cold water to give H2 gas
122. 3
123. 4
Flint glass (Factual)
124. 3
Controlled nuclear fission required in nuclear reactor.
125. 4
126. 4
CaC2  H2O  C2H2  Ca(OH)2
127. 2
Fog  liquid in gas

128. 4
Measles, Rabies & Polio are caused by viruses while Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease
caused by Mycobacterium tuberculii.
129. 1
Marasmus is a PEM (Protein energy Malnutrition) caused in children between 0-1 years.
130. 2
Sonalika is a high yielding variety of wheat.
131. 1
Red Blood Corpuscles are cells without nucleus.
132. 2
Lamarckism is based on – (i) Use and disuse of organs (ii) Inheritance of acquired characters.
Other three options are related to Darwinism.
133. 3
Pepsin is not found in pancreatic juice but found in gastric juice secreted by stomach.
134. 4
Sodium benzoate is a chemical used as preservative in Jams and jelly.
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-3067183, 3067185. www.fiitjeelucknow.com
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.

135. 1
Retinol is common name of Vitamin A.
136. 4
Thiamine is scientific name of vitamin B1, not found in RNA.
137. 2
Maize is anemophilous flower in which pollination takes place by air.
138. 3
Platypus is an egg laying mammal, most primitive mammal.
139. 1
Silver fish is an insect belongs to phylum – Arthropoda, not a true fish.
140. 4
BCG is a vaccine for tuberculosis developed by Calmette-Guerin.

181. 4
x 4  4y 4
x 2   2y   4x 2 y 2

x 
 2y
182. 1
24 6 10
 6  8  24
183. 3
10  25  11  10  6  16  4
184. 1
1 5  b   3  b  2   0   0
 5  b  3b  6  0
2b  1
b  1/ 2
185. 2
t 3
 2t  1 
186. 2
radii 2r, 3r
higt 4h,3h
1 2
r h
3 4r 2 4h 16 16
   
r h
3  9r 2 3h 27  3 81
187. 3
2r  14
22 14
2rh  14  20  280 cm2
188. 2
5  180  

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-3067183, 3067185. www.fiitjeelucknow.com
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.

6  180
  30
189. 4
13  k 1  111  6  0

k  1  6  0
190. 3
20 70


191. 3


192. 1
1 1 1
 
x 50  x 12
50  x  x 1

x  50  x  12
600  50x  x 2
x 2  50x  600  0
x 2  30x  20x  600  0
x  30,20
193. 2
5cos A  12 In A
tan A  5 / 12
tan A  1 12

2  tan A 5
 12 
19 19
194. 1
ax  ax  ax  ax b 1

ax  ax  ax  ax b 1
2 ax b 1 a  x b2  1  2b
 squaring, 
2 ax b 1 a  x b2  1  2b
Again using compodendo & dividend 0 rule.

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-3067183, 3067185. www.fiitjeelucknow.com
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.

a  x  a  x 2 b 1

 
a xa x 4b

a 2 b 1


4ab 2ab
x 4b 2 b 1 b 1
2 2
 
195. 1
log4 log2 x  1
log2 x  4
x  24  16
196. 3
8000   800
8800   1760
8800  1760  10560
197. 3
5  k1/p
7  k1/q
5  7  k 1/q
k1/p  k1/q  k 1/r
1 1 1
  0
p q r
198. 3
h  100
tan60 
3x  h  100
3h  300  h  100 h  100
tan30  ,x  h 3  100 3
2h  400 x
h  200

199. 1
 x1  x 2  ......x 8 
   152
 8 
 x1  x2  ..........x8   152  8
 x  x2  .........x8   143  156
New mean = 1
152  8  143  156
 151.5
200. 2
x  0.6666 ........... i 
10x  6.6666 .......... ii 
subtract ii  from i  ,9x  6
6 2
x  ,q  3
9 3

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-3067183, 3067185. www.fiitjeelucknow.com
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.




FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.


Time: 120 Minutes Maximum Marks: 100

Direction: In question No. 1 to 10 each question has four Terms. Three terms are alike in some way.
One term is different from three others. Find out the correct term which is different from three others
and write its alternative number on your answer sheet against the proper question number –

1. (1) Q 144 (2) M 54

(3) U 16 (4) N 60

2. (1) Poland (2) Korea

(3) U 16 (4) N 60

3. (1) Sound (2) Magnet

(3) Light (4) Heat

4. (1) 14, 9 (2) 60, 6

(3) 37, 30 (4) 53, 23

5. (1) May (2) July

(3) January (4) March

6. (1) 4578 (2) 3721

(3) 2516 (4) 1328

7. (1) T20 (2) IPL

(3) PAC (4) ODI

8. (1) DGLS (2) MPSV

(3) HKPW (4) KNSZ

9. (1) CFIL (2) GIKN

(3) FHKN (4) LORD

1 2 3 4

Direction: In Questions 11 to 20 there are four terms in each question. The relationship that exist
between the terms left to the symbol : : is the same between the terms right to the symbol : :. Out of the
four terms one terms is missing in each question. The missing term is one of the four alternatives given
below each question. Find out the correct alternative and write its number on your answer sheet against
the proper question –

11. Thermometer : Temperature : : Barometer : ?

(1) Atmospheric Pressure (2) Wind speed
(3) Weight (4) Blood Pressure

12. Tree : Root : : Building : ?

(1) Brick (2) Foundation
(3) Door (4) Labour
c G
13. : 72 :: : ?
x U
(1) 154 (2) 140
(3) 147 (4) 126

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

14. Rajghat : Mahatma Gandhi : : Abhayghat : ?

(1) Rajiv Gandhi (2) Indira Gandhi
(3) Ch. Charan Singh (4) Morarji Desai

18 23
15. : 5832 :: :?
3 2
(1) 46 (2) 184
(3) 92 (4) 529

16. GHIJ : FEDC : : QRST : ?

(1) MNOP (2) PONM
(3) NMPO (4) PNMO

17. BHC : FLG : : JPK : ?

(1) MSP (2) EKF
(3) NTO (4) SYT

18. 5748 : 1120 : : 2186 : ?

(1) 80 (2) 96
(3) 144 (4) 32



Direction : In question from 21 to 25 the letters in column I are coded in the form of numbers which are
written in column II, but the orders of numbers is different. Read carefully code of letters. Find out
correct answer in the given alternative and write its alternative number against the corresponding
question number on your answer sheet –
Column I Column II
ELN 732
GLR 385
REO 574
MOJ 490
IMN 692

21. What will be the code for word OEL–

(1) 473 (2) 673
(3) 734 (4) 594

22. What will be the code for word JMI –

(1) 098 (2) 089
(3) 096 (4) 069

23. What will be the code for word RGL –

(1) 385 (2) 583
(3) 574 (4) 490

24. What will be the code for word NEJ –

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

(1) 370 (2) 375

(3) 285 (4) 270

25. What will be the code for word ENM –

(1) 829 (2) 729
(3) 629 (4) 529

Direction – Question 26 to 35 are based on number/letter/figure series. In each series missing term is
indicated by question mark (?). Find out the missing term out of the four alternatives given below and
write its alternative number against the correct question number on your answer sheet –

26. aa_aabb_b_aa_aabb_bb
(1) b b b a a (2) a a b b b
(3) b a b b a (4) b b b a a

27. _sr_tr_srs_r_srst
(1) t s t r t t (2) t s t t t r
(3) t t s s r (4) t s r t s r

(1) L K L M (2) L K M L
(3) L K M K (4) L K M M

(1) D B A G (2) D E A G
(3) E C A G (4) E B D G

30. _BO_C_O_CB_F
(1) C F B F O (2) C F F B O
(3) F C B F O (4) F C F B O

31. _DR_E_R_ED_J
(1) E D J J R (2) E J R J R
(3) E J D J R (4) E D J R J
32. _ ES_F_S_FE_H
(1) H F E H S (2) F H E H S
(3) S H F E S (4) F E H H S

33. _ER_F_R_FE_J
(1) F E J J R (2) J E F R J
(2) E J F R J (4) F J E J R

34. _YL_B_L_BY_E
(1) E B Y E L (2) B E Y E L
(3) L E E B Y (4) Y B E L E

35. _L_F_LY_R_Y
(1) F R L Y R F (2) Y R F L R F
(3) F R Y R F L (4) R Y F R L F

Direction in Question NO. 36 to 45 the equations have become wrong because of the wrong order of
signs. Choose the correct order of signs from the four options given below so as to make the equation
right. Write the alternative number of the correct option on the answer sheet against the corresponding
question number –

36. 61  2  200  78
(1)    (2)   
(3)    (4)  

37. 23  11  102  3
(1)    (2)   
(3)    (4)   
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

38. 76  2  12  50
(1)    (2)   
(3)    (4)   

39. 97  73  144  6
(1)    (2)   
(3)    (4)   

40. 16  8  7  2  12
(1)     (2)    
(3)     (4)    

41. 27  6  7  3
(1)    (2)   
(3)    (4)   

42. 85  2  95  75
(1)    (2)   
(3)    (4)   

43. 108  9  9  21
(1)    (2)   
(3)    (4)   

44. 66  27  13  3
(1)    (2)   
(3)    (4)   

45. 43  32  12  6
(1)    (2)   
(3)    (4)   

Direction – For question 46 to 55 four sets of circles has been given below. Three circles of set have
some relation with each other. Questions given below have three words each other in some that in one
of the sets of circles. Find it out form the four options given below each question and write its serial
number against corresponding question number on your answer sheet –


46. Family, Mother, Father

(1) 2 (2) 4
(3) 3 (4) 1

47. Book, Page, Words

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 1 (4) 2

48. Math, Alezebra, Geography

(1) 2 (2) 1
(3) 4 (4) 3
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

49. Hindi, Math, Science

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 1 (4) 2

50. House, Door, Window

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 1 (4) 2

51. Year, Month, Weather

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 1 (4) 2

52. Asia, India, Kerala

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 1 (4) 2

53. Mahesh Bupati, Ajiagya Rahare, Sangram

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 1 (4) 2

54. Uttar Pradesh, Agra, Tajmahal

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 1 (4) 2

55. Raipur, Ranchi, Patna

(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 1 (4) 2

56. In a code language CFJN is written as EINS. What will be code of GIOT in the same language
(1) L R I Y (2) I L R Y
(3) R I Y L (4) Y R I L

57. In a code language DGJN is written as CEGJ. What will be code of FHOS is the same language
(1) F O E L (2) O F L E
(3) L E F O (4) E F L O

58. In a code language BJMT is written as ELPV. What will be code of EHLR in the same language
(1) H J O T (2) T O J H
(3) O T J H (4) J O H T

59. If in a code language HKOR is written as MORT. What will be code of JLPU in the same language
(1) P S W O (2) S W O P
(3) O P S W (4) W O P S

60. If in a certain code language BREAD is written as 30. What will be code of NURSE in the same
(1) 82 (2) 63
(3) 72 (4) 77

Direction – Question no. 61 to 65 based on the information given below. Read the information
carefully, and find out the correct answer from the four alternative and write its alternative number on
your answer sheet against the proper question number -
There are five person P, Q R, S and T. One is football player, one is chess player, and one is hockey
player. P and S are unmarried ladies and do not participate in any game. None of the ladies players
chess or football. There is a married couple in which T is the husband. Q is the brother of R and is
neither a chess player nor a hockey player.

61. Who is the football player

(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S
FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

62. Who is the hockey player

(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) T

63. Who is the chess player

(1) T (2) S
(3) P (4) Q

64. Who is the wife of T

(1) P (2) Q
(3) R (4) S

65. The three ladies are

(1) P, Q, R (2) Q, R, S
(3) P, Q, S (4) P, R, S

Direction – Question no. 66 to 70 number are placed in figure on the basis of some rules. One place is
vacant which is indicated as (?). Find out the correct alternative for the vacant place and write its
number against the proper question number on your answer sheet.


(1) 84 (2) 195

(3) 240 (4) 140


(1) 16 (2) 21
(3) 61 (4) 81


(1) 13 (2) 15
(3) 17 (4) 19


(1) – 9 (2) – 18
(3) 18 (4) 8


(1) 20 (2) 25

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

(3) 50 (4) 75

71. Gopal shorter than Krishan, Mohan taller than Girdhar, Gopal taller than Mohan, Krishan shorter than
Murli, Respectively who’s tallest and shortest.
(1) Murli, Mohan (2) Girdhar, Murli
(3) Murli, Girdhar (4) Gopal, Girdhar

72. A and B respectively brother and sister, If C father of A, D sister of C and E mother of D than what
relationship of B to E
(1) grand daughter (2) mother
(3) maternal aunty (4) daughter

73. If 1st October is Sunday, then 1st November will be

(1) Monday (2) Tuesday
(3) Wednesday (4) Thursday

74. How many days will there be from 26th January 2004 to 15th May 2004 (both days included)
(1) 110 (2) 111
(3) 112 (4) 113

75. Two person are working facing one an other. If the face of the first person is towards the east. In which
direction will be the right hand of the second person
(1) East (2) West
(3) North (4) South

76. A person is going toward south then turns to the right then turns left, again turns to left now in which
direction is he going
(1) East (2) West
(3) North (4) South

77. A man is going towards the north, then took three left turns now in which direction is he going
(1) East (2) West
(3) North (4) South

78. Two person are sitting back to back. If the first person’s face is towards the south. In which direction will
be the left hand of the second person.
(1) East (2) West
(3) North (4) South

79. A student walk’s 1/2 Km to the left from his school, then turns to the right and walks 1 Km, then he
turns right and walk ½ Km. Now how far is he from his school
(1) ½ Km (2) 1 Km
1 1
(3) 1 Km (4) 2 Km
2 2

80. Red, Pink, Purple, Yellow and White coloured flowers are put in a garland in a sequential order. Which
colour of flower will be there at the 18th place
(1) Red (2) Pink
(3) Purple (4) Yellow

Direction – Question 81 to 85 are based on the following figure. Triangle represents literate person,
circle represents women and square represents sports persons. See the picture carefully and find out
the correct alternative and write its number on your answer sheet

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

81. How many persons are literate

(1) 5 (2) 17
(3) 3 (4) 8

82. How many women are literate

(1) 6 (2) 4
(3) 19 (4) 9

83. How many sport women are there

(1) 4 (2) 2
(3) 13 (4) 7

84. How many persons are literate but not women

(1) 9 (2) 8
(3) 12 (4) 17

85. How many sports women are not literate

(1) 6 (2) 10
(3) 4 (4) 19

86. The average of 4.86 gm, 5.69 gm, 5.12 gm, 4.17 gm, 4.94 gm, 5.04 gm is
(1) 5.06 gm (2) 4.96 gm
(3) 5.00 gm (4) 4.59 gm

87. How many times in a day the hands of a clock are straight pointing opposite each other.
(1) 20 (2) 12
(3) 24 (4) 22

88. In a group of cows and hens, the number of legs was 14 more than the twice of the number of heads.
The number of cows was
(1) 5 (2) 7
(3) 10 (4) 14

2 4 3 1
89. The ascending order of the following fractions , , , is
3 5 8 2
2 4 3 1 2 4 1 3
(1) , , , (2) , , ,
3 5 8 2 3 5 2 8
4 2 1 3 3 1 2 4
(3) , , , (4) , , ,
5 3 2 8 8 2 3 5

90. Value of 16  4 is
(1) 12 (2) 16
(3) 48 (4) 8

Direction – The question no, 91 to 95 are based on the logical sequence of the words. In each
question is given 4, 5 or 6 words which has to be rearranged in a logical order. The words should be so
arranged that they are based on actual meaning and process.

91. 1. Birth 2. Death 3. Funeral 4. Marriage 5. Education

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

(1) 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 (2) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2
(3) 1, 5, 4, 2, 3 (4) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1

92. 1. Treatment 2. Doctor 3. Disease 4. Diagnose 5. Medicine

(1) 3, 2, 4, 5, 1 (2) 2, 4, 3, 5, 1
(3) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1 (4) 4, 2, 3, 5, 1

93. 1. Hecto 2. Centi 3. Deca 4. Kilo 5. Deci

(1) 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 (2) 1, 5, 3, 4, 2
(3) 2, 5, 3, 1, 4 (4) 5, 2, 1, 4, 3

94. 1. Major 2. Captain 3. Colonel 4. Brigadier 5. Lieutenant General

(1) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 (2) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3
(3) 2, 5, 3, 1, 4 (4) 5, 2, 1, 4, 3

95. 1. Wall 2. Sail 3. House 4. Room 5. Brick

(1) 5, 2, 1, 4, 3 (2) 2, 5, 4, 1, 3
(3) 2, 5, 1, 4, 3 (4) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Direction – In question no. 96 to 100 are based on the following information. Read the information
carefully and choose the correct alternative from four alternative given below each question and write
its alternative number against proper question number on your answer sheet.
Information – A man has five sons, named A, B, C, D and E, in which ‘C’ is elder than D but younger
than B, ‘B’ is elder than A and C but younger than E. ‘A’ is elder than D but younger than C.

96. Who is the younger son

(1) A (2) D
(3) B (4) E

97. Who is the eldest son

(1) A (2) B
(3) E (4) C

98. Who is the middle order

(1) D (2) A
(3) E (4) C

99. From whom ‘B’ is younger

(1) B – E (2) A – B
(3) B – D (4) E – A

100. Who is the at the second last from youngest

(1) B (2) D
(3) A (4) E

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.


Time: 120 Minutes Maximum Marks: 100


101. An object is placed at the centre of curvature of concave mirror. Its image is formed at
(A) infinite (B) cnetre of curvature
(C) principal focus (D) pole of the concave mirror

102. In a conducting wire 15 coulomb charge flows in 5 second. The current flowing in conductor is
(A) 3 Ampere (B) 5 Ampere
(C) 15 Ampere (D) 75 Ampere

103. The image of an object is formed by the human eye at its

(A) cornea (B) iris
(C) pupil (D) retina

104. One Kilowatt hour is equal to

(A) 1 Kilojoule (B) 36 Kilojoule
(C) 3600000 Joule (D) 360000 Joule

105. The device used for producing electric current is called.

(A) generator (B) galvanometer
(C) ammeter (D) motor

106. Light enters from air to glass. If refractive index of glass is 1.5 and speed of light in air 3  108 m/s .
Then speed of light in glass will be
(A) 4.5  108 m/s (B) 3.0  108 m/s

(C) 1.5  108 m/s (D) 2.0  108 m/s

107. An electric bulbs is rated 220 V and 100 W. It is operated on 110 V, then the power consumed will be
(A) 100 watt (B) 75 watt
(C) 25 watt (D) 50 watt

108. The focal length of a convex lenses is 20 cm. Its power is

(A) 20 dioptre (B) 5 dioptre
(C) 1/5 Dioptre (D) 1/20 dioptre

109. An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm from a convex mirror of focal length 15 cm. The distance of
image from the mirror is

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

(A) 15 cm (B) 10 cm
(C) 6 cm (D) 4 cm

110. If the velocity of sound in air is 340 m/sec and x is the minimum distance between sound source and
reflecting surface to get echo from general sound, then
(A) x = 17 m (B) 51 m
(C) x = 34 m (D) 68 m

111. Which of the following cell is used in the communication satellite.

(A) Dry cell (B) Solar car
(C) Voltaic cell (D) Daniel cell

112. If V1 and V2 are the volume of one gm water at 0o C and 4o C respectively, then
(A) V1  V2 (B) V1  V2

(C) V1  V2 (D) V1  V2

113. A piece of wire of resistance R is cut into 5 equal parts. These parts are then connected in parallel. It
the equivalent resistance of this combination is R1 then the ratio R/R1 is
(A) (B) 5
(C) (D) 25

114. The formulae of an oxide of an element M is MO. The formulate of its phosphate is
(A) M3 PO4 2 (B) MPO4

(C) M2 PO4 3 (D) M3PO4

115. Dry ice is

(A) Freon (B) Liquid Chlorine
(C) Solid Carbondioxide (D) Plaster of Paris

116. Which of the following has the maximum electronegativity

(A) Cl (B) F
(C) Br (D) I

117. The metal oxide which decomposes on heating

(A) ZnO (B) Al2O3
(C) MgO (D) HgO

118. Cinnabar is an ore of which metal

(A) Al (B) Cu

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

(C) Hg (D) Zn

119. The functional group of ethanal is

(A) > C = O (B) – CHO
(C) – OH (D) – COOH

120. The pH value of pure water is

(A) 0 (B) 14
(C) 1 (D) 7

121. The IUPAC name of C2H5OH is

(A) Ethanol (B) Methanol
(C) Methanal (D) Ethanal

122. In which of the following oxalic acid is found naturally

(A) Curd (B) Tamarind
(C) Tomato (D) Lemon

123. 15 ml of NaOH solution gets completely neutralized with 10 ml of HCl solution. What volume of the
same HCI solution will be required to neutralized 30 ml of the same NaOH solution -
(A) 5 ml (B) 10 ml
(C) 15 ml (D) 20 ml

124. The chemical formulae of baking Soda is

(A) NH4Cl (B) NaHCO3
(C) Na2CO3 (D) NaCl

125. Fe2O3  2Al  Al2O3  2Fe The type of the above reaction is

(A) Addition reaction (B) Double displacement reaction

(C) Dissociation reaction (D) Displacement reaction

126. Aluminium carbide is treated with water, we get

(A) Ethylene (B) Ethane
(C) Methane (D) Acetylene

127 Number of male gametes present in pollen tube are

(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4

128. Which of the following is an animal hormone

(A) Auxin (B) Gibberellin

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

(C) Insulin (D) Abscisic Acid

129. The source of Oxygen released during photosynthesis is

(A) Carbon dioxide (B) Water
(C) Glucose (D) Chlorophyll

130. Which of the following is known as ‘Currecy of Energy’


131. Food synthesized in leave is transported by

(A) Xylem (B) Phloem
(C) Cambium (D) Epidermis

132. This organ controls the reflex actions

(A) Spinal Cord (B) Heart
(C) Liver (D) Kidney

133. In herbaceous plants ‘guttation’ takes place by

(A) Stomata (B) Hydathodes
(C) Root hair (D) Flowers

134. Which of the following is also known as the Master gland

(A) Thyroid gland (B) Parathyroid gland
(C) Adrenal gland (D) Pituitary gland

135. Which of the following group of plants are also called as naked seeded plants
(A) Algae (B) Ferns
(C) Gymnosperms (D) Moss

136. Which of the following is the genetic material

(A) Protein (B) Carbohydrate
(C) Vitamin (D) Nucleic Acid

137. Who is known as ‘father of genetics’

(A) Johan Gregor Mendel (B) Lamarck
(C) Charles Darwin (D) Hugo de Varies

138. Which of the following food material is made up of fungi

(A) Chilgoza (B) Mushroom
(C) Papaya (D) Mango

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

139. How many chambers are there in frog’s heart

(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4

140. Which of the following phytohormone helps in fruit ripening

(A) Auxin (B) Gibberallin
(C) Cytokinin (D) Ethylene
Social Science

141. The sixteen Mahajanpadas are menxianed in

(A) Mahabharat (B) Ramayana
(C) Anguttar Nikaya (D) Lalit Vistar

142. Who was the first muslim President of Indian National Congress
(A) Abul Kalam Azad (B) Shaukat Ali
(C) Mohammad Ali Jinna (D) Badruddin Tyabji

143. The author of ‘Hind Swaraj’ was

(A) B. G. Tilak (B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Bankim Chandra Chatterji (D) Subhas Chandra Bose

144. Father of history is called

(A) Dymekus (B) Talmy
(C) Herodotus (D) None of the above

145. Ashtadhyayi is composed by

(A) Patanjali (B) Panini
(C) Kalhar (D) Kalidas

146. Satyamav Jayate is taken from

(A) Vedas (B) Mundkopanishad
(C) Aranyak (D) Smrities

147. Old name of Mahabharat is

(A) Vijay Samhita (B) Parajay Samhita
(C) Jay Samhita (D) None of the above

148. ‘The capital of Vatsamahajanpad was

(A) Champa (B) Ujjain
(C) Kaushambi (D) Patliputra

149. Red Planet is called

(A) Mercury (B) Mars

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

(C) Venus (D) Jupiter

150. Which state has largest coastal line

(A) Maharashtra (B) Tamilnadu
(C) Kerla (D) Gujrat

151. Inkalab Jindabad slogan given by

(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru (B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Sardar Bhagat Singh (D) Subhash Chandra Bose

152. In which year planning commission transfarm in Niti Commission

(A) 2014 A.D (B) 2015 A.D
(C) 2013 A.D (D) 2016 A.D

153. National Song is taken by

(A) Geetanjali (B) Anandmath
(C) Kamayani (D) None of the above

154. National farmer commission established on

(A) 2004 A.D (B) 2006 A.D
(C) 2001 A.D (D) 2008 A.D

155. State flower of Uttar Pradesh is

(A) Bramh Kamal (B) Palash
(C) Rose (D) Burans

156. Siraj of east is called

(A) Varanasi (B) Gorakhpur
(C) Baliya (D) Jaunpur

157. National Youth day associated with

(A) Rajiv Gandhi (B) Swami vivekanand
(C) Dara Singh (D) Devanand

158. Green revolution associated with

(A) Dr. Verghese Kurien (B) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
(C) Dr. Salim Ali (D) Dr. Yashpal

159. Fibre of gold is called

(A) Silk (B) Jute
(C) Cotton (D) None of the above

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

160. Smallest National highway is

(A) N. H – 7 (B) N. H – 47 A
(C) N. H – 76 (D) N. H – 30

161. Dudhawa National Park is situated at

(A) Uttrakhand (B) Bihar
(C) Jharkhand (D) Uttar Pradesh

162. Total Number of Rajya Sabha members is

(A) 245 (B) 230
(C) 260 (D) 255

163. Which Highcourt has highest number of Judges

(A) Allahabad (B) Jabalpur
(C) Patna (D) Kolkata

164. How many state has legislative council

(A) 5 (B) 6
(C) 7 (D) 4

165. Annapurana scheme when started

(A) 2002 A.D (B) 2000 A.D
(C) 2003 A.D (D) 1998 A.D

166. Article-356 associated with

(A) National Emergency (B) Financial Emergency
(C) State Emergency (D) International Emergency

167. Chilka lake is situated in

(A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Karnatka
(C) Tamilnadu (D) Oddisa

168. Domodar is a tributary river

(A) Ganga (B) Hugli
(C) Yamuna (D) Suravan Rekha

169. Titan is the largest moon or satellite of

(A) Mars (B) Venus
(C) Jupiter (D) Saturn

170. The richest bio-diversity is found in

(A) Kashmir Vally (B) Silant Vally

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

(C) Surma Vally (D) Vally of flowers

171. International ozone day is celebrated on

(A) 16th September (B) 7th December
(C) 21st March (D) 22nd April

172. When the wild life protection Act was passed

(A) 1965 (B) 1970
(C) 1972 (D) 1977

173. The coast areas of which of the following oceans are called ring of fire
(A) Atlantic Ocean (B) Pacific Ocean
(C) Indian Ocean (D) None of the above

174. As per 2011 census the dencely populated state of India is

(A) Arunachal Pradesh (B) Sikkim
(C) Mizoram (D) Bihar

175. Which state grow more soyabeen

(A) Kerala (B) Maharashtra
(C) Madhya Pradesh (D) Punjab

176. Green revolution mainly associated with

(A) Millets Production (B) Pulse Production
(C) Wheat Production (D) Oil Seed (Tilhan) Production

177. The President of India can nominate

(A) 10 Members to Rajya Sabha (B) 02 Members to Rajya Sabha
(C) 15 members to Rajya Sabha (D) 12 members to Rajya Sabha

178. The 52nd amendment to the constitution of India deals with

(A) Reservation (B) Defection
(C) Election (D) Protection of Minorities

179. Who among the following belived in Blood and Iron policy
(A) Aibak (B) Balban
(C) Razia (D) Iltutmish

180. The department of public work was established for the first time by
(A) Alauddin Khaliji (B) Balban
(C) Firozshah Tughlag (D) Iltutmish

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

181. Find the zeroes of the polynomial 2x  5x  9x  18 if it is given that the product of its two zeroes is 3 -
3 2

3 1
(A) 2, (B) 1,
2 3
(C) 3, 1 (D) 3, 

182. If x  a, y  b is the solution of the equation x  y  2 and x + y = 4 then the values of a and b are
(A) 3 and 5 (B) 3 and – 1
(C) 5 and 3 (D) – 3 and – 1

183. Two vertices of a triangle are  1,4  and  5,2 if the centroid  0, 3  , find the third vertex

(A) (1, 4) (B) (4, 15)

(C)  1, 4  (D)  4, 15 

184. If tan   Sin  m and tan  Sin  n then find the value of m2  n2

(A) 4 m.n (B) 4mn.

(C) 2 m.n (D) m.n

185. Mean of 35 observation is 75. The mean of first 18 observation is 70 and the mean of last 18
observation is 80 find the 18th observation.
(A) 80 (B) 70
(C) 68 (D) 75

1 1
186. If x  and y = then find the value of x  y
32 2 32 2
(A) 3 (B) 0
(C) 6 (D) 1

187 The edges of a plane surface are

(A) Lines (B) Points
(C) Angles (D) Planes

188. If each exterior angle of a regular polygon is 18o find the number of sides of the polygon.
(A) 10 (B) 15
(C) 20 (D) 8

189. Find mean of x  1,x  3,x  4,x  8 is

(A)  x  1 (B)  x  3 

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

(C)  x  4  (D)  x  8 

190. The distance of the point P  6,8  from the origin is

(A) 8 (B) 10

(C) 2 7 (D) 6

191. The ratio of incomes of two persons A and B is 9:4 and the ratio of their expenditure is 3:1. If each of
them manages to save Rs. 1000, then the income of B is
(A) Rs. 3000 (B) Rs. 4000
(C) Rs. 9000 (D) Rs. 2000

192. The sum of areas of two squares is 468 cm 2. If the sum of their perimeters is 120 cm, then the
difference of their side is
(A) 1.5 cm (B) 2 cm
(C) 4 cm (D) 6 cm

193. The areas of two similar triangles DEF are 48 cm2 and 12 cm2 respectively. If EF = 3 cm then BC is
(A) 6 cm (B) 4 cm
(C) 2 cm (D) 12 cm

194. A parallelogram has sides 6 cm and 4 cm and one of its diagonals is 8 cm, then its area is

(A) 36 cm2 (B) 3 15 cm2

(C) 6 15 cm2 (D) 12 210 cm2

195. The radii of a right circular cone and a right circular cylinder are in the ratio 4:3 and their heights are in
the ratio 2:3. The ratio of their volumes is
(A) 32 : 27 (B) 32 : 9
(C) 32 : 81 (D) 27 : 32

196. If sin   , then the value of sin2 is
6 4
(A) (B)
5 5
12 24
(C) (D)
25 25

197. If a and b are odd integers, then which of the following is an even integer
(A) ab (B) 2a + b
(C) ab + I (D) a + 2 b

198. The sum of 0.6 and 0.7 is

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.

(A) 1.3 (B) 1.3

(C) 1. 4 (D) an irrational number

1 1
199. If x   3, then the value of x 3  3 is
x x

(A) 2 3 (B) 3  
3 1

(C) 3 3 (D) 0

200. If 5x 1  52 x  126 then x is equal to

(A) 2, 1 (B) 1, 2

(C) 1,3 (D) 2, 1

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010. Ph: 0522-2724960, 2724961.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644, 4114645.
FIITJEE Ltd., Near Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464, 4976465.
NTSE-2018 (UP)
1. 4 2. 2 3. 2 4. 2
5. 2 6. 2 7. 3 8. 2
9. 1 10. 3 11. 1 12. 2
13. 3 14. 4 15. 4 16. 2
17. 3 18. 2 11. 1 20. 4
21. 1 22. 2 23. 2 24. 4
25. 2 26. 3 27. 2 28. 2
29. 3 30. 1 31. 3 32. 2
33. 4 34. 2 35. 3 36. 1
37. 3 38. 2 39. 3 40. 2
41. 1 42. 3 43. 2 44. 1
45. 1 46. 1 47. 3 48. 3
49. 1 50. 4 51. 4 52. 1
53. 3 54. 1 55. 3 56. 2
57. 4 58. 1 59. 3 60. 4
61. 2 62. 3 63. 1 64. 3
65. 4 66. 2 67. 1 68. 2
69. 2 70. 3 71. 3 72. 1
73. 4 74. 1 75. 3 76. 1
77. 1 78. 2 79. 3 80. 3
81. 2 82. 4 83. 3 84. 2
85. 3 86. 2 87. 4 88. 2
89. 4 90. 4 91. 3 92. 1
93. 2 94. 4 95. 1 96. 2
97. 3 98. 4 99. 1 100. 1

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-3067183, 3067185. www.fiitjeelucknow.com
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644,
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.
NTSE-2018 (UP)
101. 2 102. 1 103. 4 104. 3
105. 1 106. 4 107. 3 108. 2
109. 3 110. 1 111. 2 112. 1
113. 4 114. 1 115. 3 116. 2
117. 4 118. 3 119. 2 120. 4
121. 1 122. 3 123. 4 124. 2
125. 4 126. 3 127. 2 128. 3
129. 2 130. 3 131. 2 132. 1
133. 2 134. 4 135. 3 136. 4
137. 1 138. 2 139. 3 140. 4
141. 3 142. 4 143. 2 144. 3
145. 2 146. 3 147. 3 148. 3
149. 2 150. 4 151. 3 152. 2
153. 2 154. 1 155. 2 156. 2
157. 2 158. 2 159. 2 160. 2
161. 4 162. 1 163. 1 164. 3
165. 2 166. 3 167. 4 168. 2
169. 4 170. 1 171. 1 172. 3
173. 2 174. 4 175. 3 176. 3
177. 2 178. 2 179. 2 180. 3
181. * 182. * 183. 4 184. 1
185. 4 186. 3 187. 1 188. 3
189. 3 190. 2 191. * 192. 4
193. 1 194. 3 195. 3 196. 4
197. 3 198. 3 199. 4 200. 4

Note: (*) Incorrect Questions

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE Kathauta Chauraha, Vinamra Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. Ph: 0522-3067183, 3067185. www.fiitjeelucknow.com
FIITJEE Ltd., Near M.G. Convent School, Sector - G, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Aashiana, Lucknow - 226012. Ph: 0522-4114644,
FIITJEE Ltd., Four Season House, A-1/3, Sector - C, Aliganj, Lucknow - 226024. Ph: 0522-4976464.

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