Paper L1

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Answer the questions based on the information given below.

At a Halloween party where people were asked to dress as an object

that represented their professions, Quentin, Rachel, Sarah, Thomas, and
Ulysses were among the guests. The costumes included a flower, a pencil, a
spoon, a camera, and a thermometer.
The professions included a photographer, a florist, a doctor, an
accountant, and a chef.

 Quentin is a accountant.
 Neither Rachel nor Sarah was dressed as a spoon.
 None of the men is a doctor.
 Thomas is dressed as a camera
 Sarah is a florist.

1. Which person is dressed as a thermometer?

a. Quentin b. Rachel
c. Sarah d. Thomas

2. What is Ulysses’s profession?

a. Photographer b. Florist
c. Doctor d. Che

Complete the following series:

9. 1, 6, 15, ?, 45, 66, 91

a. 25 b. 26
c. 27 d. 28

14. 0, 7, 26, 63, 124, 215, ?

a. 305 b. 295
c. 342 d. 323

Two statements and some conclusions are given. Find which of the
conclusions follow the questions statement.

21. Statements:
All kings are clever.
Some foolish (persons) are kings.
I. All foolish (persons) are clever.
II. Some foolish (persons) are clever
III. Some clever (persons) are foolish.
IV. Some kings are foolish.
a. Only I and II b. Only II, III and IV
c. All d. None of these
22. Statements:

All swords are weapons.
Some guns are not weapons.
I. Some guns are not weapons.
II. Some weapons are not guns.
III. Some weapons are sword
IV. All guns are sword.
a. Only I and II b. All
c. Only II and III d. Only, I, II and III

23. Statements:
All engines are students.
No student is professional.


I. Some students are engineers.

II. No professional is student.
III. All engineers are professional.
IV. Some professionals are engineers.

a. Only III and IV b. Only I and III

c. Only I and II d. None of these

24. A clock is set right at 6 a.m. The clock loses 16 minutes in 24 hours.
What will be the true time when the clock indicate\s 10 p.m. on 4th day?
a. 12 a.m. b. 6 a.m.
c. 11 p.m. d. 10 p.m.

25. Facing the east, Rajesh turned left and walked 10 metres, and then he
turned to his left again and walked 10 m. He then turned 45 0 towards his
right and went straight to cover 25 metres. In which direction from his
starting point is he?
a. South-west b. South-east
c. North-west d. North-east

37. If bangle is called cassette, cassette is called table, table is called games
and game is called cupboard, then which is played in the tape recorder?
a. Bangle b. Cassette
c. Table d. Cupboard

1 B 51 C 101 C
2 D 52 A 102 C
3 D 53 D 103 D
4 D 54 A 104 A
5 C 55 C 105 C
6 C 56 A 106 D
7 C 57 B 107 B
8 C 58 D 1085 B
9 D 59 A 109 A
10 C 60 B 110 A
11 C 61 C 11 A
12 C 62 A 112 A
13 A 63 C 113 A
14 C 64 D 114 C
15 B 65 C 115 B
16 B 66 C 116 A
17 D 67 A 117 B
18 C 68 D 118 A
19 A 69 D 119 A
20 A 70 B 120 B
21 B 71 B 121 D
22 A 72 C 122 C
23 C 73 C 123 A
24 C 74 C 124 D
25 C 75 A 125 C
26 C 76 B 126 D
27 D 77 C 127 C
28 B 78 D 128 B
29 B 79 A 129 D
30 B 80 D 130 A
31 D 81 A 131 A
32 C 82 C 132 B
33 D 83 A 133 D
34 D 84 B 134 C
35 C 85 A 135 C

36 A 86 A 136 C
37 C 87 B 137 A
38 D 88 D 138 A
39 D 89 C 139 C
40 C 90 B 140 C
41 C 91 D 141 C
42 B 92 A 142 A
43 C 93 D 143 A
44 B 94 D 144 B
45 C 95 B 145 D
46 B 96 A 146 A
47 B 97 C 147 A
48 B 98 B 148 B
49 D 99 C 149 D
50 D 100 C 150 C

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