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MONIQUE September 10, 2018

ABM - 2E

Reaction Paper

Ricardo Saludo, the former chairperson of the Philippine Civil Service Commission,
presented fake news through his article Fake news in PH : Here’s the real story. And there, he
elucidated the cradle of fake news in politics, on how it works, spreads, and develop throughout.
Moreover, ways to prevent being a victim of it were stated. Thus, fake news leads us to the
wrong information, confused citizens over what’s true and not, propensities to obviate it are the
effective actions to perform.

Nowadays, minds diversion of people are currently in trend, that signifies the probability
of having chaos in a community, country rather, decreasing the chance of having an harmonious
place we could live in. Withal, through this article’s accuracy, fake news factors could now be
examined. And as what did Saludo discussed regarding fake news, its origin was from those
multiple political parties strengthening its influence towards their own convenience. Making
their customized “click armies” defend or promote their side, serving iniquitous informations
against their opponents (Architects of Networked: Behind the Scenes of Troll Accounts and Fake
News Production in the Philippines). Stating the naked truth were facing as of now, that seems
unrightful due to the erroneous ideas they tend to mark up on people’s belief regarding a certain

Moreover, ubiquitous fake news that spreads in a minimum of seconds were further
elaborated by Ricardo Saludo, through revealing the seven truths of it, via quoting this for the
first finding, “The use of fake accounts and paid influencers on Facebook and Twitter for
political operations is widespread.” As well as for the second finding, “Politicians often employ
campaign strategies from local “boutique” advertising and PR agencies as chief architects of
networked disinformation campaigns.” Then, digital influencers presence are certainly required
in the third finding due to the campaign strategies reliance into it. Likewise, fourth and fifth
findings also implies it for those “disinformation workers” that incline to be flexible in responses
and interactions at no time in exchange for the money they’re receiving from their clients.
Thereafter, the sixth finding was connected on the fifth concerning to the “two opposing
dynamics” that a disinformation worker must obtain, that talks about the script and creativeness
they should have and follow. Subsequently, the seventh finding was about the clarification of
Drs. Ong and Cabañes that “While nobody really admits to being a troll, everyone in the
disinformation hierarchy seems to be engaged in various degrees of trolling.” and the people’s
tolerance on fake news that clearly proves the usage of it in our society as a whole.
On the other hand, ways to avert fake news were been included in the article which are;
First, don’t instantly believe everything you read; Second, read, listen and watch a wide range of
material on topics of interest; Third, be aware of the different kinds of distortion and deception.
By the means of that, people may forthwith be knowledgeable and prepared on this issue.

Thereby, fake news deprives people on the right path, adds dubiety on one’s intellect, and
ways to refrain it must be obeyed. Fake news in PH: Here’s the real story written by Ricardo
Saludo is beneficial for us, especially because its main purpose was been successfully achieved,
and that is to inform people on how do fake news works and continues. Patently, it's better to be
enlightened than to be oblivious.

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